Enron and 9-11; Connecting the Dots
Last Updated on July 1, 2019 by Hamad Subani
Enron imploded in December 2001. The proximity to 9-11, in terms of timing, was initially dismissed as America’s bad fortune. But a growing body of evidence suggests that the implosion of Enron may have been closely tied to the events of 9-11. The following is an attempt to connect the dots between Enron and 9-11.
In order to better understand Enron, it is important to view Enron not as a typical bad corporation, but as a vehicle of shadowy transnational interests, who used Enron in various ways to create a natural gas pipeline, from Turkmenistan to the Indian Ocean. The intended rewards for such an undertaking were never meant for the shareholders of Enron, and Enron was only meant to function as a cog in a grand scheme. Outwardly, Enron will continue to remain a jigsaw puzzle. To quote Ron Callari,
Enron is a scandal so enormous that it’s hard to wrap your mind around it. Not just a single financial disaster, it’s actually a jigsaw of interlocking scandals, each outrageous in its own right.
Even though Enron touted itself as an energy company, it solely focused on natural gas, not coal, nuclear energy, solar energy or geothermal energy. This is because The Powers That Be have complete control over the few natural gas resources in the world. And by forcing natural gas as a standard for producing energy, they intend to monopolize and throttle energy production. As an energy source, natural gas is comparatively inefficient because its transportation is always a hazard. Unlike energy produced by burning coal, energy produced from natural gas creates a chain of dependencies, such as pipelines, pumping stations, border treaties etc. And The Powers That Be are more interested in controlling people through such arrangements, rather than producing energy. Such arrangements also give The Powers That Be the opportunity to starve local industrial development, and in some cases, even pull the plug on local industry.
The connection between Enron and the Rothschilds is shadowy. It surfaced during a March 4th 2002 radio show interview of British journalist Greg Palast on the Alex Jones Show.
AJ: Where are the assets? See, everybody says there are no assets left since Enron was a dummy corporation – from the experts I’ve had on and they transferred all those assets to other corporations and banks.
GP: Well yea, this stuff has really gone just like a three-card Monty game. I mean remember that there is money at the bottom. You did pay California’s electric bills according to the investigations, they are telling me that they were pumped up unnecessarily by 9 to 12-billion dollars. And I don’t know who they are going to get it back from now.
AJ: Well they actually caught the Governor buying it for $137 per megawatt and selling it back to Enron for $1 per megawatt and doing it over and over and over again.
GP: Yea, the system has gotten completely out of control and these guys knew exactly what was happening. Well, you have to understand that some of the guys who designed the system in California for deregulation then went to work for Enron right after. In fact, here I’m in London right now and we have, the British has some responsibility here. The guy who was on the audit committee of Enron, Lord Wakeham. And this guy is a real piece of work, there isn’t a conflict of interest that he hasn’t been involved in.
AJ: And he is the head of NM Rothschild.
GP: There isn’t anything that he doesn’t have his fingers in. He’s on something like fifty Boards. And one of the problems, he was supposed to be head of the audit committee watching how Enron kept the books. And in fact, they were paying him consulting fees on the side. He was in Margaret Thatcher’s government and he’s the one who authorized Enron to come into Britain and take over power plants here in Britain. And they owned a water system in the middle of England. This is what this guy approved and then they gave him a job on the board. And on top of being on the board, they gave him a huge consulting contract. So you know, this guy was supposed to be in charge of the audit committee to see how they were handling their accounts.
AJ: Well, he is also the head of the board to regulate the media.
GP: Yes, he is, because I have run into real problems, because he regulates me.
Qatar holds 13.39% of the world’s natural gas reserves, making it #3 on the chart. Qatar and its gas reserves have been historically dominated by the Rothschild Shell Oil Corporation. Qatar figures prominently as a forwarding base for American operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, Qatar has also became a major player in the so-called Arab Spring.
Enron enters India
In an effort to extort energy costs from India, Enron began construction of the massive Dabhol power plant near Mumbai, India. Over a period of several years, at least $3 billion were invested. While the Powers That Be also contributed, most of this money came from shareholders of Enron, pension funds of gullible government employees and even the US government (Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the U.S. Export-Import Bank). The idea was to supply Qatar’s gas to Dabhol via an undersea pipeline at extortionate rates. But this project had to be shelved because it was not technically feasible.
When the Soviet Union broke up, the new Russia held 25% of the world’s natural gas reserves. Number four on the global chart was Turkmenistan, with 3.95% of the world’s natural gas reserves. However, the former Soviet bloc had little use for natural gas, and real profits were in exporting it to developing countries in South Asia. The problem was geography. The ocean route was difficult to access, making logistics expensive. And countries such as Turkmenistan have no access to the ocean.
Those in the know may be aware that the breakup of the Soviet Union did not result in freedom for the citizenry of the Soviet Empire. Shortly after the euphoria of the fall of Communism, they found themselves locked in thugocracies owned and operated by the former elite. The Powers That Be had merely transformed an antiquated system of state capitalism to one of corporate capitalism. Turkmenistan is all too typical of such former Soviet bloc countries. The Powers That Be continued to rule over the region through the installation of a dictator, who in turn fostered a cult personality based on nationalism. As with the former Soviet regime, human rights abuses are standard.
The fall of Communism meant that Western corporations could freely operate in the region for the first time. It comes as no surprise that Turkmenistan’s natural gas was quickly earmarked for export by groups such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Revenues from such exports could easily be devoured, with little being shared by the government or citizenry of Turkmenistan. Further, Turkmenistan could serve as an access point for further pipelines going North into Russia. Turkmenistan’s gas reserves have been historically dominated by Russian companies such as Gazprom. Gazprom in turn has intricate relationships with Rothschild heavyweights such as Shell Oil and BP.

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By 2000, Enron, UNOCAL and other companies had completed most sectors of the gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Dabhol. As in the case of Enron, investment for these interlinking pipelines was obtained at the expense of gullible shareholders, with The Powers That Be contributing a minimum. Even a Saudi prince (Badr M. Al-Aiban) was duped into investing into the project through the CentGas Consortium. The only gap was Afghanistan. The United States government, which had earlier done its best to defend Enron’s unethical practices in India, tried to appease the Taliban by giving them $2 million and inviting their senior leaders to Texas for talks. It should be noted that Enron was the single biggest contributor to President Bush’s first election campaign. There are also claims that UNOCAL had a longstanding relationship with the Taliban, and that the Taliban’s 1996 conquest of Kabul was aided by UNOCAL.
But the talks stalled. In his memoir, the Afghan ambassador to Pakistan during 9-11 and ex-Guantanamo detainee Abdul Salam Zaeef recalls American disappointment when the Taliban awarded the pipeline contract to an Argentinian company BRIDAS, instead of Enron cahoot UNOCAL. To quote Zaeef (p.95-96):
As for Afghanistan, we wanted to secure a relationship that addressed the needs and fostered the development of our country. We thought that splitting the contract between both companies would be in our best interest, but Unocal insisted on an exclusive contract. I suspect they didn’t think that the Islamic Emirates would be able to withstand the pressure, but we put the interests of our country first and acted independently. Bridas would take part in the project, and other European companies would work as subcontractors.
A new refinery began to be built in Kandahar while a Greek company that invested $1 million in a satellite imaging survey discovered that there were significant possible reserves of oil in Kandahar and Helmand. Did Unocal begin to regret its intransigence once these survey results were released? I suspect that Unocal eventually came to believe that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan should be given time to complete its projects, which would eventually run into the sand because of our mismanagement. America also later implemented economic sanctions against Afghanistan through the United Nations and companies that expressed an interest in working in Afghanistan were prevented from doing so.
As negotiations between between the United States and the Taliban soured over the pipeline contract, the American government tried to strong-arm the Taliban.To quote a book published in France by two respected Intelligence analysts (Jean Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, Bin Laden:La Verite Interdite),
At one moment during the negotiations, the U.S. representatives told the Taliban, ‘either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs [….]
Even though BRIDAS won the contract, it was unable to continue operations in a feasible way due to economic problems back home (The Argentinian economy was imploded in some kind of retaliation).
While the world was busy watching the television spectacle of 9/11, preparations were being made to use 9/11 as an opportunity to shield Enron. A company that overstated its earnings by the billions would have many skeletons in its closet, and it was time to get rid of them. Accordiing to forensic investment expert Catherine Austin Fitts, The Powers That Be may have never invested in Enron, and instead created bogus financial assets for it. Enron’s biggest trading partners were J.P. Morgan, Chase, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, UBS and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (all Rothschild affiliates). When Mexico was bailed out and when the IMF made loans to Russia, the money left the taxpayer funded US Treasury but may have never left the United States. And instead, it was being laundered at Enron through Enron’s trading partners. After Enron’s fall, the money may have been diverted to offshore Swiss banks. The former Chairman of Enron’s disgraced accounting firm Arthur Anderson became a board member of the Swiss UBS bank. Fitts also suggests that the Department of Justice turned a blind eye to Enron’s sale of its web based marketplace. There is the possibility that this asset was being jettisoned because it contained trails of the transfer of assets abroad. In a similar way, the accounting firm Arthur Anderson was given just enough time to shred documents. Enron’s financial affiliates were also accused of manipulating the gold market by GATA. Enron had become a major distribution channel for gold derivatives such as those sold by Barrick Gold. Questions were being asked about whether or not there were real gold mining operations to back the derivatives. The FBI led an investigation into gold price-fixing, and the records of this investigation were kept in the FBI office on the 23rd floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. 9/11 helped prevent these records from becoming public knowledge. Note that this was the same FBI office where the FBI’s Bin Laden investigator John Patrick O’Neill met his death on 9/11.
The Securities and Exchange Commission held an office in World Trade Center 7, adjacent to the twin towers. Although other neighboring buildings suffered minimal damage from the collapse of the towers, this building was literally vapourized. On September 17th 2001, we came to know that the Securities and Exchange Commission had lost many files in the collapse of World Trade Center 7. To quote,
The SEC has not quantified the number of active cases in which substantial files were destroyed. Reuters news service and the Los Angeles Times published reports estimating them at 3,000 to 4,000. They include the agency’s major inquiry into the manner in which investment banks divvied up hot shares of initial public offerings during the high-tech boom. The EEOC said documents from about 45 active cases were missing and could not be easily retrieved from any backup system.
Speculation was rife that these were Enron’s files, and without these, Enron’s disappearing assets could never be recovered. To this day, the Securities and Exchange Commission has been mum about who these files were about. They responded to a 2009 Freedom of Information request by a 911 Truther, claiming that they could not find a bibliography of investigation records stored at the SEC offices formerly located within floors 11-13, of World Trade Center building 7.
The Fall of the Taliban (and the Fall of Enron)
Immediately after the fall of the Taliban, UNOCAL-friendlies were manoeuvred into position in the new regime, as well as its American liaisons. Zalmay Khalilzad served as a consultant to UNOCAL before the fall of the Taliban. He offered his expertise to the Bush administration in the early stages of the war against the Taliban. After the fall of the Taliban, he was selected as Bush’s Special Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan (December 31, 2001). Khalilzad then held the position of U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan from November 2003 until June 2005. Similarly, Afghan President Hamid Karzai was also alleged to have worked for UNOCAL prior to 9/11.
In Guantanamo Bay, Zaeef was amused to find himself questioned about the location of natural resources in Afghanistan rather than information on Bin Laden. Apparently, UNOCAL was thirsting for such information.To quote (p.204),
At the beginning all questions were related to the current situation in Afghanistan, but later this changed completely. Questions were of a general nature or concerned with the country’s economy. Many questions were asked about natural resources or mines and their location. In particular I was asked many questions about oil, gas, chrome, mercury, gold, jade, ruby, iron and other precious stones. I was asked several times about uranium, even though I had previously not heard that there was any in Afghanistan. Often when I said that I did not know or when I had no information, I was punished and put into an isolation cage.
But such manoeuvring was of little use. The Powers That Be thought they could knock the Taliban’s leadership and inherit the stability of the regime. Instead, Afghanistan devolved into a cesspool of numerous warlords that it had always been, and the pipeline became all the more improbable. Securing the pipeline across the new Afghanistan would be near impossible. Realising the inevitable, the plug was pulled on Enron long before US forces consolidated in Afghanistan. Though it was a pipe dream of The Powers That Be, the investment was mainly that of gullible people. And so, The Powers That Be had little to weep over.
When the United States established military bases in Afghanistan, the bases all seemed to line up along the pipeline route, indicating that even without Enron, the pipe dream was still alive. UNOCAL continued to toy with the idea of an Afghanistan pipeline long after Enron. On 13th May 2002, the BBC reported:
Afghanistan hopes to strike a deal later this month to build a $2bn pipeline through the country to take gas from energy-rich Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India.
Afghan interim ruler Hamid Karzai is to hold talks with his Pakistani and Turkmenistan counterparts later this month on Afghanistan’s biggest foreign investment project, said Mohammad Alim Razim, minister for Mines and Industries told Reuters.
But later, UNOCAL too saw the light. In August 2005, UNOCAL was absorbed by the Rockefeller Chevron corporation, and ceased operations as an independent entity.
Although Enron has long been dead, variations and permutations of the trans-border-gas-pipelines-for-energy scam keep resurfacing. The latest variation involves the proposed Keystone Pipeline, from the Rothschild oil sands of Alberta (Canada) to the United States. Even buffoon Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich went to bat for Alberta.
FACT SHEET: Background on Enron’s Dabhol Power Project, Minority Staff, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, February 22, 2002
The now defunct Albion Monitor offered some of the most painstaking analysis of Enron. You can still search their archives though.
Excellent research. Explains very dark side of Club Gitmo and Key Pipe Line & MidEast Gold Rush.
Enron oil spill cover up Kalamazoo river,paper company’s didn’t want to pay.michigan in deep on this.
i had EEOC case pending at that time,american tissue bankruptcy, owned by 2 Iranian imergrents.my life been hell scence
Thanks !!
It is time that we get the 11 familys removed from our world. we just like to live in peace and harmony!!
Fascinating and very educational.
I have a question!! could ENRON be the victim of some sort of MINDCONTROL!!!