Is Google/Youtube Provoking the Middle East?
Last Updated on July 1, 2019 by Hamad Subani
In a statement on 14th September 2012, YouTube announced that the malevolent imbecilic film, “Innocence of Muslims” would remain on YouTube because it was clearly within their guidelines.
Those who have had lengthy dealings with YouTube may find this surprising. Because YouTube frequently practices secret censorship on any videos it finds undesirable. This of course, is never visible, unlike the case of official censorship of YouTube videos.
I first became aware of this culture of secret censorship at YouTube in 2007. YouTube had blocked a video of some Israeli settlers getting nasty with some Western tourists in Palestine. The reason given was “Content Inappropriate.” Now, the same YouTube is standing behind a malevolent film in the name of free speech. Are we to trust YouTube’s commitment to “free speech,” given its chequered past in this area? Or is Google/YouTube somehow involved in making the film viral? The film graced YouTube’s home page for several days.
Recent research done at The Flower Throwers shows that while the film was extremely amateur, the cast of characters is bigger than expected, and includes all the usual suspects. Add to that the possibility that the producer had snitched for the US government as part of a plea bargain when he was convicted for fraud.
Whose Tube is it anyway?
Whether or not you agree to YouTube’s position, and whether or not you are Muslim, its high time to start avoiding Google’s products and services. Google is an unusual company, and its creep factor is enough to scare most reasonable users. There are hints that Google may be intricately involved in the turmoil engulfing the Middle East. For example, Wael Ghonim, a Head of Marketing at Google Middle East & North Africa, became a leading activist in the revolution that brought down the Mubarak regime. Wael made extensive use of social media. The question is, was he acting alone?
YouTube’s Censorship Hypocrisy
Going back to YouTube’s censorship hypocrisy, the following is a list of cases where YouTube has exercised secret censorship whenever the Powers That Be deemed fit. Apparently, standing up for free speech never occurred to YouTube in the case of these videos.
Bear in mind that YouTube could have just as easily practiced such subtle censorship for the imbecilic movie, “Innocence of Muslims.” But it seems that is not what the Powers That Be wanted. Instead, the aforesaid movie got front page real estate at YouTube.
22nd September 2012: YouTube puts an unnecessary age restriction on a video that satirizes the TSA.
16th February 2012: YouTube deletes thousands of Alex Jones’s subscribers.
26th October 2011: It is reported that YouTube has quietly complied with 63% of the video removal requests made by the US government. Interestingly, the number of video removal requests made by the US government was seven times higher than those made by China.
18th July 2010: YouTube removes the movie “The Obama Deception,” only to revert after they are caught in the act.
29th November 2010: YouTube suspends the Alex Jones channel (Reverted after Alex Jones publicises the situation).

Please remember that 150 years ago Albert Pike, the author of the bible of Freemasonry, said Masons were going to provoke a war between Islam and Western countries. Has this happened? You bet!
Is GOOGLE being used to foment conflicts? Could it be that instead of it being used to provoke peace that its being used thorugh the Internet to provoke conflicts? Is it possilbe that it is responsible for enflaming situations between individuals and groups?
Information warfare is being conducted domestically and internationally. This was admitted to today on CSPAN by a representative of the US government who was asked how the International Community is going to deal with North Korea now that they have developed a ballistic missile capability. Information warfare includes manipulating information to mislead the public, or using information to create a concensus based on false information, or creating false information to discredit, demonize, villainize, or criminalize a person or group not in lock step with the views expressed by the liberal humanist government controlled media, be it coming from talk radio, TV news programs, or Internet news outlets, social networks, blogs, videos, or websites like this one. Just telling it like it is.