The Hole Story is a critical documentary on mining in Canada, from its early beginnings to its present state. Given the little known importance of mining in the history of Canada, it also becomes an informative exploration of the Secret History of Canada. While the documentary points fingers at “corporations” and “greed,” I believe there is a bigger subtext here. This is about workers with no concept of living as free people being pushed into endangering free people in other parts of the world. The following are my own extrapolations based on selective facts culled from the documentary.
Canada originated as a private estate of the Astors
The Hudson Bay Company continues to operate in Canada to this day, as a parent corporation of several department stores. Its crest has remained unchanged. Note references to the notorious fur trade in the crest.
When Europeans found their way to the New World, the territory now designated as Canada was private property of the interests behind the highly lucrative fur trade, specifically the Hudson Bay Company.
This little statement made in the documentary deserves some lengthy extrapolation. Before the Hudson Bay Company, the fur trade was dominated by the Astors (American Fur Company). Researcher Fritz Springmeier identifies the Astors as one of the thirteen major bloodlines that constitute the “Illuminati.” The Astors monopolized the NorthWestern fur trade. In 1784, John Jacob Astor left for England, and along with Thomas Jefferson, conspired to create a nation in the NorthWest, which was meant to be a sovereign nation under Astor rule, while at the same time, bound to the United States by blood, language and friendship. This “sovereign nation” did not emerge immediately as intended, and the region continued to be dominated by the British (with the Astors replaced by another fur trading company, the British Hudson Bay Company). When the “sovereign nation” of Canada did emerge much later, both the Astors and the Hudson Bay Company were out of the scene, replaced by heavyweights like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. But the idea of Canada as “sovereign nation” under the Astors is helpful in understanding why America avoided overtly claiming the territory; the territory was already claimed by the Astors, and even the land of the free and the home of the brave respected that claim. It is important that Canadians understand this, as some of them have developed the theory that they did not become part of America because of their resistance and patriotism. In the war of 1812 with the British, America gave special sailing privileges to the Astors. The Astors imported a large quantity of their furs into America right before the war (foreknowledge?), and since other British furs had been embargoed, they made a killing selling them in America and Europe. The Astors also traded guns, and their guns were used in at least one South American revolution. To quote Springmeier on how the Astors conducted their fur trade, “When employees of John Jacob Astor would trap for or trade furs with the Astor fur houses, they would he paid with letters of credit. Then Astor agents would be sent out to ambush and kill them, so that the Astor Fur Company could save money. The deaths were blamed on Indians.”
This raises some interesting questions about the rest of European Canadians. Were they a serf-like surrogate server-class on this private estate? Or were they a polite and accepting version of indentured slaves? They never seemed to pose much of an opposition to The Powers That Be. Whatever the truth of the matter may be regarding this weird relationship, it is clear that they did not come to Canada to live as free people. Later, the European labour force worked in mines for a pittance, in conditions similar to slavery. Except that unlike real slaves, they were too accepting of their situation. But did that make them any less serf-like? This raises interesting sociological questions…should voluntary “smug” servitude be considered as slavery? The “working class” wouldn’t seem to mind if Canada continued as a private estate of the Hudson Bay Company to this day. And such an arrangement would actually save genuine free people around the world from the troubles that arise from mistaking Canada as anything but a pretendocracy. But the world had changed, and the time had come for some lipstick on the pig.
Canada was involved in Global Conflict as early as 1898
When it was discovered that nickel added to steel made the steel rust retardant (stainless steel), Sudbury (Ontario) was then the only place in the world with huge deposits of nickel. Soon this nickel found its way to American battleships, which were busy pushing Spain out of the game of Global Empire. All American battleships returned home safely, thanks to the extended durability of stainless steel.
Enter the Rothschilds
Rothschild sockpuppet (and inspiration for the moustachioed Mr. Monopoly) J.P. Morgan was quick to realize the importance of Sudbury. In 1902, he absorbed the Canadian Copper Company to form Inco (The nickel was mined in Sudbury as a by-product of copper by the Canadian Copper Company). Note the triangular logo. This could not have been possible without greasing the hands of Canadian politicians. Even prime minister Wilfred Laurier, who cashed a $5000 cheque from Inco as a “personal dividend.” This is the dude that is featured on current $5 Canadian notes.
Sells country’s minerals to outsider robber baron for $5000……gets facetime on $5 currency notes!
At the time of World War I, Inco’s mines controlled 80% of the world’s nickel, which went to the Allied war effort. But Inco’s New Jersey refinery also sold 40% of its production to Germany. This pretty much confirms that the World Wars were indeed staged, as I have detailed in my book, The World War Deception.
And that’s how during the battle at Vimy, soldiers from Sudbury were shot at with bullets plated with nickel from their own mines.
All those Canadians with “Remember Vimy” bumper stickers need to understand that the enemy is still at large.
In August 1916, the public also learned that the German submarine Deutschland left the port of Baltimore loaded with 340 tonnes of nickel from Sudbury.
And what did this “public” do? Quietly return to work in the mines. In World War II, Sudbury supplied 75% of the Allied demand of nickel, extracting more nickel during the war than in the first 55 years of their history. Although the documentary does not mention explicitly as such, it is very likely that Canadian nickel also found its way into Hitler’s war machine, through intermediate countries such as Spain.
Hmmm…lets hope the same nickel didn’t make its way into Nazi tanks.
….For the establishment of the Soviet Union.
…Until it makes the world safe for the Soviet Union.
With nickel entering household appliances after the war, Inco became even more stronger, and still set global nickel prices. Of course, Canadians only got “jobs” and mining infrastructure investment from Inco. Profits were not shared with them, and neither were royalties remitted to the Canadian government. Neither were the environmental/ecological damages reimbursed (Sudbury looked like a European battlefield). To this day, mining companies in Canada only pay municipal taxes on their buildings and infrastructure, NOT on what they mine using them! In Ontario, they have to pay 7 cents for every tonne of gravel they remove from their property. (Never mind the minerals in the gravel). Canada lags far behind Saudi Arabia, when it comes to sharing profits from mineral wealth with the public.
Inco expanded its mining operations into Indonesia, where an authoritarian government proved to be mutually beneficial (This might have been the beginning of the Rothschild’s Canada’s nudge,nudge,wink,wink relationship with the authoritarian regime in Indonesia). Falconbridge, another Sudbury-based nickel company expanded into the Dominican Republic. This is a perfect example of how serf-workers in one part of today’s global world beget more serfdom in other parts of the world.
Today’s mining operations in Canada are in contrast, highly automated and less labour intensive. And with better paycheques, today’s miners don’t see themselves as meek members of a serf class. But they never did. Private mining companies can still forcibly buy homes and private property at market value and demolish them if they sit on a mining prospect.
Canadian Silver for the British conquest of India
Moar Canadian silver…kthanx
200 kilometres from Sudbury, silver was discovered at Cobalt, near the border of Quebec. The serfs miners who languished in the 40 or so silver mines that had popped up in the region had an average life expectancy of 40 years. In 1906, Cobalt exported $2 billion dollars worth of silver bars, while 25 people in the boomtown shared the same toilet.
All of the silver bars were purchased by the British, who used it fund their occupation of India. Silver was accepted as a valid currency in India, and with the new source at Cobalt, the British were able to buy their way into India, while at the same time undermining and inflating Indian silver. This practice of flooding India with imported silver had continued even before the discovery of silver at Cobalt. It helped nail the coffin of the prosperous and bustling Indian economy associated with the Mughal Empire. In other words, the miner-serfs at Cobalt, while being complete strangers to the idea of living as free people and never producing much of a bustling economy of their own, were busy helping their overlords destroy and enslave free people and productive economies in other parts of the world. And therefore their plight should never be sympathised with. Today, Cobalt is a ghost town, and its pools of silver arsenic continue to threaten all neighbouring habitat.
Even the Great Depression was a boom for Mining Companies
Gold was discovered further up north in Timmins, and to this day, three of the same original mines operate (The Hollinger, the MacIntyre and the Dome). Seven times more gold was extracted here than in the entire history of the Klondike. The Great Depression devalued the American dollar, while at the same time, made roaring profits for gold mines. In 1926, Quebec passed a law allowing a mining company to make and administer its own mining township, which became known as Norenda. Those living in the township had to sign a contract waiving their right to claim damages from being exposed to toxic chemicals. Norenda would later invest in mining operations in Chile, and having a dictatorship in Chile proved more than helpful.
The murky origins of Toronto as a financial capital
To quote the documentary,
Our governments hardly claimed any of this spiralling wealth for themselves. Instead, they encouraged the formation of a private parallel universe, whose global capital was Toronto. 60% of the world’s mining companies were listed on its exchange. It’s in this city where predators of natural resources of the world are bought, sold, taken over and merged; the stock exchange.
The rise of a Canadian Mining Conglomerate…..SORRY CANCELLED
Elsewhere on this website, we have documented that The Powers That Be are not particularly enthusiastic with Canada continuing as a nation state in present times, and they instead want to merge Canada with America. Powerful mining companies in Sudbury and elsewhere were expected to ultimately merge in the 60’s. But since this would mean more autonomy and economic clout to Canada, this development was abruptly cancelled. Attempts to merge were blocked by mysterious hostile takeover bids (hello Toronto Stock Exchange). In 2006, a Brazilian Company took over Inco, while a Swiss Company took over Falconbridge and Norenda. While this change in ownership was a big loss to Canada, the Rothschilds did not necessarily lose control as they had links to the foreign companies as well. And operating as foreign companies gave them even more impunity.
The dismantling of the Canadian manufacturing industry
The Powers That Be also seek to dismantle the North American manufacturing industry. And therefore the mining companies are now exporting raw ore for processing elsewhere (mainly China). The volume of raw ore exported from Canada has increased 15 fold in 50 years, while the volume of transformed iron exported has remained constant. This also means that Canadian industries have lesser access to processed iron, and there goes all of the Canadian industries associated with processed iron. Canadian consumers then buy back from America and China, goods that were made of Canadian iron at inflated prices.
Environmental Damage and Health Hazards
After World War II, Sudbury’s unions discovered that half their men died younger than the national average, as did I/3rd of the local population. It is estimated that up to 20,000 had died from occupational hazards across Canadian mines, which nearly parallels those killed in the war. Till 1968, the small towns surrounding Sudbury had no sewer systems, aqueducts or sidewalks!
Up to 160 abandoned mines can be found across Canada. While they produce no output, they still create acidity when the bacteria eats the sulphur left behind, and they leech all sort of toxic chemicals into waterways. But the health effects are difficult to prove without University-based studies. And the Cabal also operates in Universities. So until the dangers become self-evident, communities around mines as well as mine workers continue to be exposed to carcinogens.
While this documentary is highly informative and offers a fresh perspective on an issue otherwise airbrushed by the mainstream media, I would question it’s sympathy for miners, mining unions, mining towns and communities. There is a bigger subtext here, bigger than “greed, corporations, and capitalism.” The Powers That Be in the mining business in Canada derive their power not from their money, but from an even more mysterious, exclusive and historical relationship with a serf-like class. Entry into this banquet is selective, and by invitation only. Although outwardly it may look like capital is all that matters, this is not the case. For example, there are also capitalists around the world who could manage the enterprise profitably as well as sustainably, without creating toxic wastelands, and while remitting royalties to the government. But they are obviously not invited.
There have been cases throughout Canada where innovative start-ups emerged with the intention of creating something of value (as opposed to the dreary business of mining out metals of value), only to find themselves torpedoed by aggressive unions. On the other hand, unions mysteriously go silent in corporations controlled by the historical Powers That Be, such as those involved in mining. In other words, The Powers That Be have exclusive access to the serf-side of Canadians, whereas others seeking to employ them may have to deal with the passive-aggressive side, a phenomenon which is very difficult for outsiders to understand.
While it is clear that the mining communities are angry at the levels of toxic contaminants in the top soil of their community playgrounds, they were historically oblivious to how the metals they extracted were used in wars and conquests of The Powers That Be, and how such wars made the world a worse place. And their obliviousness was also a choice they made. While living like free people may be beyond them, being a tool also has unforeseen consequences.
“I would question it’s sympathy for miners, mining unions, mining towns and communities.”
Hello from Sudbury.
I guess we’ll keep fighting ‘The Power That Be’ with our lives and our bodies. We’ll keep producing documentaries revealing their abuses, we’ll keep fighting them in court and on the picket line. We’ll keep making allies with local First Nations groups, arts groups, university profs and lawyers and everyday workers.
You can keep writing your blog posts about Them…..
David Simmons
this is what is happening to Australia, manufacturers are closing down and offshore business is booming the standard of living in Australia will decline and people will be required to work for the dole CHEERS
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We oppose Conspiracy. We are the counterconspiracy movement. Most of the relevant social, political and historical developments today are unfortunately the workings of a few Cabals. Since their activities are largely undocumented by mainstream media, Cabal Times attempts to better serve a Cabal World by documenting their activities when we can.
“I would question it’s sympathy for miners, mining unions, mining towns and communities.”
Hello from Sudbury.
I guess we’ll keep fighting ‘The Power That Be’ with our lives and our bodies. We’ll keep producing documentaries revealing their abuses, we’ll keep fighting them in court and on the picket line. We’ll keep making allies with local First Nations groups, arts groups, university profs and lawyers and everyday workers.
You can keep writing your blog posts about Them…..
Wow this blows my mind that our Government and our people allow this 2 continue…..!
David Simmons
this is what is happening to Australia, manufacturers are closing down and offshore business is booming the standard of living in Australia will decline and people will be required to work for the dole CHEERS