Aboriginal Student Researching Missing Aboriginal Women at Halifax University Goes Missing!
Last Updated on May 11, 2015 by Hamad Subani
Loretta Saunders, an Inuk woman who had begun researching missing aboriginal women at St. Mary’s University has been missing from Halifax since February 13th 2014. Mainstream media coverage can be found here. While some arrests have been made and some suspects have been dragged into court, there are several unusual things about the case. Universities in Halifax are becoming increasingly dangerous fatal for idealist students. This case is a strong candidate for the completely undocumented phenomenon of Criminal Cabal Activity in Western University.

Attention Halifax, Doing research at University doesn’t have to be this complicated.
It is important to reiterate that the stuff Loretta was researching is an extremely taboo topic. This is because a lot of missing women in Canada can be attributed to the perverted appetites of Canada’s Criminal Elite, people like Colonel Russell Williams (who commanded an airbase in Atlantic Canada, was buddy with the Canadian Defence Minister and even flew Prime Minister Harper around).

Serial Killer cum Serial Rapist Russell Williams (left) with Canada’s then Defence Minister Peter Mackay (center) at an Air Force Base. Business as usual.
Compared to other missing women of Canada, aboriginal women are even more vulnerable because they belong to a mercilessly conquered and subjugated population. To quote.
Killing off ninety percent of a people means, effectively, killing off all of a people. Recovery and continuity is impossible, especially after the children of the remnant populaces endure the massive brainwashing and cultural re-cloning fondly called Christian Education.
What remains today in the wake of this worst massacre in human history are not even pale imitations of those original nations, but something altogether new: namely, “ab-original” societies, manufactured by the conquering powers of church and state. For ab-original means, according to any dictionary, not of the original group.
To quote some stats on missing aboriginal women in Canada,
More than 600 aboriginal women have been killed or gone missing over the past several decades, according to data from the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC). Most of the documented cases occurred between 2000 and 2010, at which point the federal government ceased funding the database. NWAC has called the number “disproportionately high”, noting that in the 2000s, aboriginal women comprised just three percent of the country’s female population but represented 10 percent of all female homicides.
![Many aboriginal women have disappeared along British Columbia's 'Highway of Tears.' And no, there are no UFOs involved.[CC/Flickr/User: Izithombe]](https://i0.wp.com/www.cabaltimes.com/wp-content/Highwayoftears.jpg?resize=300%2C199)
Many aboriginal women have disappeared along British Columbia’s ‘Highway of Tears.’ And no, there are no UFOs involved (The highway connects important centers of the Canadian Criminal Elite) [CC/Flickr/User: Izithombe]
It is also interesting to note that Loretta was planning to become a lawyer later on. The following photo was posted by her to her Facebook account. To quote, “Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.” It is clear whom she intended to fight for.

This image was the background photo for Loretta Saunder’s Facebook Account. It is definitely representative of her (Since then, it has become the slogan of this website!).
In my personal narrative, I had outlined the presence of Criminal Cabals among the faculty of major Universities in Halifax. In August 2013, I had even published a safety manual for idealist students entering Western University. This was largely based upon my experiences at Dalhousie University and St. Mary’s University.
The manual referred to the case of another accomplished student in an American University, Susan Jovin, as well as the well-known case of Aafia Siddiqui. To quote,
Criminal Cabal Activity in Western Universities is a danger every student should be prepared to deal with. The consequences of turning a blind eye or not being informed can have serious repercussions, including death. Take the case Yale political science major Susan Jovin, who was murdered in 1998, on the same day she dropped off a draft of her thesis on Osama Bin Laden. Jovin was an exceptional student researching Osama Bin Laden. Although no longer considered a suspect, her thesis advisor was known to have connections to Intelligence, and his area of research was political strategy and terrorism. Maybe Jovin stumbled onto something in her research that The Cabal wanted to keep covered. Maybe she refused to be recruited for some sinister agenda of The Cabal. No one has been convicted yet and the case reeks of a grand cover-up. Another case of brilliant students being targeted at Western University is that of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani student who enrolled in Brandeis University. Siddiqui completed her PhD in 2001 but shortly after 9/11, left for Pakistan with her three children. It is unclear why she no longer felt safe in America, but something had happened to her at University. In Pakistan, she and her three children were abducted in 2003. She then popped up in an Afghan prison in Ghazni, along with one of her two sons (the other son seems to have been killed during the abduction). She was accused of trekking into Afghanistan to plan and coordinate terrorist attacks against the United States. At Ghazni, she was shot at by American interrogators, but survived after being treated at Bagram (There are also allegations that she was flown to Guantanamo Bay). She was then flown to New York, where all “terrorism” charges were strangely dropped and instead she was sentenced to 86 years for assaulting US officers at Ghazni (we are told that she grabbed their gun and tried to shoot them before being shot at). It is clear that Aafia had some serious enemies in the highest echelons of the American military and intelligence communities. The question is where had she made these enemies? A likely answer would be the University where she studied.
I had also warned students to avoid the Arts and the Social Sciences and the Humanities like the plague. To quote,
I would also advise new students to completely avoid the Arts and Social Sciences and stick to strictly technical disciplines. The problem with strictly technical disciplines is that they attract technocrats and robot types. But again, this is what makes these disciplines safe. On the other hand, the Arts and Social Sciences require expansive thinking and interpretation. Which means that these areas are more extensively patrolled by the Criminal Elite.
Sadly, it looks like the case of Loretta Saunders will have to be added to the next edition of the safety manual.
Given my personal connection to the University where Loretta studied and given my experience with Criminal Groups among University faculty, I decided to post on Websleuths, where I hoped to find some independent research. But the posting vanished without a trace (Just like Loretta Saunders). I posted again, this time demanding the moderators at least provide the courtesy of sending me a private message as to why my opinion was not approved. The posting vanished once again, but this time I got a vague private message from one of the moderators. To quote,
Hi [USERNAME EXCISED] – your post was removed by the Mods. It will stay removed until Admin has a chance to check it out.
That could take a few days as we are very busy right now, but we will get to it just as soon as we can.
In other words, they were too busy to explain why they removed my post but still had the time to remove it??? Lets hope this was just a case of heavy-handed moderation, not Cabal Activity or outside pressure. Later, a person who knew one of the female co-accused started posting on Websleuths that she had spoken ill of Loretta Saunders before murder, and even after it. This posting too, was removed. Those seeking to sleuth should be aware that apart from Websleuths, there are two Facebook groups where the case is being actively discussed (1 & 2; Facebook members need to apply to join). Also check out this forum on unsolved murders and missing people in Canada.
On Facebook, one group that was created for Loretta suddenly shuttered. Another group is run by a person who insists that the group only be used for weeping, and any particulars related to the investigation will not be tolerated! There have been attempts to distance the case from Universities in Halifax (For example, by having Loretta’s car discovered in Ontario). There have also been attempts to portray her as a drug addict. Even mainstream media reporting of the case has gone fairly sloppy. Sadly, the only critical analysis I could find as of yet was from a Websleuths posting by user “otto.” Here it is quoted in its entirety. Note that this is an ongoing investigation, and the concerns raised in this posting may change in validity, in light of new facts
Ten page undergraduate honour’s thesis topic proposal sounds a bit like an optional term paper for humanities courses. If all the other grades are in the right range, it can open doors to a master’s program. Loretta, according to her sister, wanted to apply to Law School. I’m guessing that the prof she selected to review her paper was going to support her application to Law School … and Dalhousie University, NS has one of the best law schools in Canada. Loretta had a promising future.
A question posted upthread: why would Loretta sublet her apartment to people she met on kijiji without at least the first month rent and damage deposit, or is there a high vacancy rate and “one month free” deals in Halifax right now? … Did Loretta check out the subletting couple on the internet or did they have a good reference? Was she in a hurry to sublet, or was she typically cautious? Did the couple con the ambitious sociology, criminology student? That wouldn’t bode well for anyone’s career, but it is also very unlikely that an ambitious sociology: criminology student aiming for honours would be so careless.
I’m speculating, but this doesn’t add up no matter how we look at it. The boyfriend not notifying someone, anyone, that his recently pregnant girlfriend vanished the day before Valentine’s Day … after she left to collect sublet rent … a month after she moved in with him (his parents are flying in from Turkey as soon as visa possible) … it doesn’t sound right. Loretta vanished for 5 days and he said nothing to anyone? … and this was his girlfriend of 2.5 years? … and he’s a 3-4 year student at Dalhousie University? I don’t care if he’s from Pluto, there’s no excuse for that; no possible language and sensibility barriers that should arise because he is a visiting student from Turkey [………]
It doesn’t add up. Loretta leaving the apartment and not being seen again also doesn’t add up. Suppose she drove away. Why didn’t she arrive at home? Where were the car thieves at that time? Who phoned the cab? Who got into the cab, if anyone? Why didn’t the boyfriend worry when she didn’t show up for dinner … they’d been together for 2.5 years. She was pregnant and parents wants a healthy pregnancy. That should have been a red flag. The phone call for mother’s maiden name should have been the second red flag. He’s got two red flags on February 13. Does he look at the methadone treatment pill jars and assumes that his pregnant girlfriend (recent roommate) is getting high and therefore he doesn’t want to notify authorities that she didn’t show up for dinner? Even five days later, it is her father that notified authorities. When did the boyfriend notify the family, or did he?
Or is this a social experiment, meant to demonstrate that when aboriginal women go missing in Canada, no one cares, and therefore the 500+ number of unnamed missing women (that distrust the RCMP) is real (rather than the 64 verified missing women). As a social experiment, it reveals that all of Canada cares when a University student vanishes, and no one cares where that student was born. If a disappearance is not reported, it’s true that RCMP are unable to verify names, that no one will look for the missing person, and still no one cares where that person was born. Of the reported 600 missing aboriginal women, more than 500 have not been reported missing (64 are verified missing, 54 have been reported missing, but not verified).
On behalf of Holly Bartlett, I don’t think there will be any imaginings and fitting the evidence to a theory in this missing persons case. Hopefully her case can be re-opened. Perhaps it was … I didn’t read the entire story yet. Clearly this was a murder. If it is still unsolved, it should be assigned again, especially in light of the number of women that are murdered in NS.
Some have pointed out that Loretta Saunders “research” was just a little proposal, and would not have warranted such swift retaliation. In my case, trouble started at Dalhousie University was because of an undergraduate research essay, and its “insignificance baffled me too, until I began to better understand the proactive search and destroy policy of the local Criminal Elite. As for my later research proposal, the Prof who agreed to mentor it was kicked out of the University, and the rejection letter was later parodied in the Dalhousie Gazette. Simultaneously, people came upon me wave after wave, trying to gain my friendship, love and confidence. And some of them were foreign students (including a pretty German national). But unlike Loretta, I had become completely aloof of Halifax society, and I found it fairly dark and dystopian.
If you consider yourself to be an independent-minded student and if you are enrolled in a Western University, consider this to be the final call to abandon the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Humanities can only be taught by humans. If you are in a Halifax University, you’d better run. Bad things are happening.
UPDATE: Loretta’s body has been found in Salisbury, a little village on the Trans-Canada Highway with nothing much to it except a Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, the 580 A/M Hugh Campbell Squadron. It was left in the median of the road. Two suspects have been arrested, and the RCMP assures us that’s all there is to it. But for the discerning, there are more questions than answers. To quote one Websleuths user Slynns,
Something about this case seems off. I know V and B are the obvious suspects… after all they had her car and bank card… however something just isn’t sitting right with me. Is it possible the couple had ‘permission’ by someone to take the car? Which is why they seemed so careless about being traced?….if they had her car and bank card directly from loretta then wouldnt they have took other things?….and if lorettas life was being threatened im sure she would have given up her pin number in a heartbeat.. If they had ‘permission’ to take the car.. lorettas bankcard could have just been in it.. and they took advantage of that. I leave my card and just my card in my car all the time…. all the theories playing out in my head are driving me crazy!. I just home Law Enforcement is considering all possibilities and is not getting tunnel vision by the 2 suspects.
If Loretta’s “judgement was compromised” when she gave her keys to complete strangers (due to methadone treatment or marijuana abuse), how is it possible that she was simultaneously submitting an undergraduate honour’s thesis topic proposal? Is that something that was possible with “compromised judgement” … so possible that her 28 page submission for a 10 page assignment could be done with compromised judgement due to methodone treatment or drug abuse … and it made sense as an honours topic … about three women or 900 women?Did Loretta have “compromised judgement” between discovering that she was pregnant, completing her University semester, anticipating a misspending complication, moving in with a friend, living in two apartments, having a professor gush about her research topic proposal, and two strangers that had her apartment keys?None of that “compromised judgement” seems to indicate that she would compromise her personal safety and give away the key to her front door … for nothing, no payment in exchange … so foolishly that it resulted in her death. Surely she had more common sense. There must have been a recommendation, or outside influence, for a mature University student with some street smarts to do something so foolish.[……]
The Powers That Be have a thing for symbolism. Loretta Saunders was missing since February 13th, and the number 13 carries some significance for them (There are 13 families I am told). And February 14th was the Women’s Memorial March for Murdered and Missing Women! Even while in handcuffs, one of the female co-accused raised her hands to make some kind of symbol. And she arrived in court carrying a copy of As Seen on TV: Sex, Lies and Reality TV. Was the murder, investigation, arrest and court procedure another “production” similar to Reality TV?Loretta Saunders’ family are fairly angry with the Halifax police. There were signs of a violent struggle in the apartment. But Halifax police deliberately spread the misinformation that Loretta had left the apartment alive, because this was necessary to propagate the myth that she drove out of the province in her beat up car. And the image of Loretta’s sportscar circulated on posters, a Toyota Celica, was different from Loretta’s one, which was fairly beat up. Some have wondered how her perpetrators even made it to Ontario in it without breaking down (hint: flatbed truck).
tragic my heart goes out to her family-is there any retrospective being done on Loretta-this is a political assassination