Indonesia OFFICIALLY unimpressed by Cabal Times’ coverage of MH370
Last Updated on July 1, 2019 by Hamad Subani
When we started this website, our goal was to provide rare and valuable information to a small but discerning community of truth seekers, so as to aid their personal quests. We always avoided the fear-mongering, sensationalism and apocalyptic visions found on typical conspiracy websites. We fully understand that our analyses is not for everybody. Western media, which is completely compromised by The Powers That Be, always avoids us. At times, they even create investigative “spin” documentaries which draw their outlines from our articles. But they never, ever credit us. To give one example, we were the first to outline the theory that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in December 2001 by a Pakistani. Two years later, we see the official narrative being respun closer and closer to our thesis. With that being said about Western media, Malaysian media is a different case. The Powers That Be have failed to completely control it. And when Malaysian Media quotes Cabal Times, the sky falls.
Cabal Times’ theory on the disappearance of MH370 was published on 12th March 2014. On 17th March 2014, nine days after MH370 had disappeared, a major Malaysian newspaper Utusan, ran a story on the possibility of of MH370 being redirected to Diego Garcia. To quote a Google Translated version of the original found here,
ARCHIVES: 17/03/2014
MH370 concealed at the US base in Diego Garcia?
[Photo of Diego garcia with Caption: “File photo of aerial view of the United States naval base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. – AGENCIES]
LONDON, March 16 – Aircraft Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 missing incoming ninth day today is believed to have ‘hidden’ in Diego Garcia, a US military base (AS) in the Indian Ocean.
According to the portal Cabal Times, if speculation aircraft flying to the US military base in Diego Gracia is correct, Indonesia is certainly radar detects the position of the aircraft.
However, the question of Indonesia, which is believed to countries involved in the ‘secret globalization’ or the Western alliance, which has a specific agenda, is undoubtedly remain silent about what they impact on their radar, claimed the portal.
Portal is speculated that based on media reports which stated that even though the plane was tracked by radar lost contact at about 1:22 am Saturday but neither side claimed the plane was still able to be contacted again a few hours later while the engine is on.
Shortly after the aircraft transponder was turned off, MH370 reliable make U-turn and was charged across Malaysia towards Diego Garcia.
According to the portal, if the plane had a technical problem, as far as possible the pilot will try to land safely in the sea and not going back to Malaysia.
The question is, why no one else is revealed about MH370 position was in Diego Garcia?
It may be because the staff at the US military base at Diego Garcia in compliance with standard operating procedures (SOP), including, without asking questions and ‘close eye’ on what they see on the radar.
Meanwhile, Cabal Times report claiming why the US did ‘hijacking’ it is because a large number of people MH370 brings China and the US want to sour relations Kuala Lumpur and Beijing. – AGENCIES
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
At Cabal Times, we are used to having newspapers “borrow” theories from us. But in this case, we were surprised to discover that the Utusan staff had the ethics to credit us.
On the same day (17th March 2014), Indonesian online news portal carried their version of the Utusan story. To quote a Google Translate version of the original found here,
Malaysia Airlines allegedly hidden the US, Indonesia involved, Reporter : Ramadhian Fadillah | Monday, March 17, 2014 11:02 – Speculation about Malaysia Airlines grew wild . There are convinced of this aircraft was flown to the US base on Diego Garcia, an island in the Indian Ocean. Loss of aircraft touted as scenario the United States. World news cite Utusan Malaysia Cabal Times explains that analysis. Cabal Times is a site of mystery and news conspiracy. Well, Indonesia is said to have a role in hiding the MH370 aircraft’s flight number. Radar Indonesia had to catch a plane to fly to the US base. But Indonesia did not dare expose it because they have an agreement with the United States. Some of the best evidence reinforces the notion hidden in the US base of Diego Garcia. Among other cell phone signal surviving passengers. The plane disappeared from radar at all and can not be traced. Of course not all countries have the ability to blind satellites and radar like this. Only countries with US military technology like that can do it. In addition, if there is a problem, certainly will pilot attempted an emergency landing, instead of taking the route that is even further away. For what the United States hide the plane? The site suspected there was an attempt to sour relations Malaysia and China. Of the 227 passengers plus 12 crew, there were 153 Chinese nationals passenger plane flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on Saturday (9/3) early that day. This is really happening. China upset because Malaysia is not transparent in providing information about the loss of the aircraft. They are angry because many citizens became victims but did not get clarity about the plane. China also intends to send an expert from his own country to investigate this matter. “We urge Malaysia to expand and define the search area missing aircraft and increase the intensity of the search,” said Qin, Saturday (5/3) then. The Indonesian side claimed the ministry radar nexus capture the signal in the South China Sea. Navy and Air Force also sent ships and planes to search the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca. But there was never any information about radar captures Malaysia Airlines to Diego Garcia.
The last part (underlined by us) is pretty interesting. Indonesian authorities seemingly insisted on capturing MH370 radar signals in the South China Sea. As we now know, this was clearly untrue as MH370 was never there after it disappeared. It seems this was one of the many futile attempts at diverting attention away from Diego Garcia, in the early stages of the coverup.
An hour later on the same day (17th March 2014), Indonesian online news portal reran the story, but this time they downplayed the conspiracy angle. To quote a Google Translate version of the original found here,
It Diego Garcia, alleged US secret bases hide MH370, Reporter : Ramadhian Fadillah | Monday, March 17, 2014 12:05 – Malaysia Airlines aircraft allegedly landed at the US military base of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Berpenumpang 227 aircraft plus 12 crew allegedly deliberately hidden US to confuse the relationship Malaysia and China. World news cite Utusan Malaysia Cabal Times describes the analysis. Cabal Times is a site of mystery and news conspiracy. Diego Garcia is one of the US military base most secret. The extent of only 44 km2. The layout of the remote coral island in the middle of the ocean. The distance away from everywhere. South India is the closest plateau, about 1,790 km. First discovered by Portuguese sailors around the year 1512. After the Napoleonic Wars in 1814, the island belonged to the British. During World War II in 1942, the British Diego Garcia finished utilize air force base for reconnaissance missions and to hunt submarines and Japanese warships in the Indian Ocean. In 1966, Britain agreed to allow the United States established a military base on the island of Diego Garcia. This place is strategic for US military operations around the Indian Ocean during the era of the cold war. The United States has several warships, strategic bombers and a logistics supply on the island. The headquarters of the US intelligence believed to be the place with all the sophisticated equipment. Some of the military operation, which was held on Diego Garcia is the 1991 Gulf War, the Afghan War in 2001 and the Iraq War in 2003. The region is also believed to be free from satellites and radar sensing any country. This makes Malaysia Airlines plane as if lost without a trace. Utusan Malaysia news site quoted the Cabal Times describes the analysis. Cabal Times is a site of mystery and conspiracy news. Indonesia is said to have a role in hiding the MH370 aircraft’s flight number. Radar Indonesia had to catch a plane to fly to the US base. But Indonesia did not dare expose it because they have an agreement with the United States. Some of the best evidence reinforces the notion hidden in the US base of Diego Garcia. Among other cell phone signal surviving passengers. The plane disappeared from radar at all and can not be traced. Of course not all countries have the ability to blind satellites and radar like this. Only countries with US military technology like that can do. The Malaysia denied this analysis. They claimed to still focus look for the presence MH370. “No, not yet. And that makes it very difficult for us to verify whether it was hijacked or terrorist (acts of terrorism). (We looked into) all possibilities. We do not take (anything) for granted, “said the Malaysian Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.
Why is Cabal Times being repeatedly discredited as a front of the Malaysian Government?
Funny, Indonesia accused of cooperation with the United States remove MH370, Reporter: Muhammad Agil Aliansyah | Monday, March 17, 2014 16:35 – Media Malaysian envoy Cabal Times writes citing the latest conspiracy alleged loss of aircraft Malaysia Airlines. This aircraft was flown to the United States base at Diego Garcia, an island in the Indian Ocean. Loss of aircraft touted as scenario the United States. Indonesia mentioned had a role in hiding the aircraft’s flight number MH370. Radar Indonesia had to catch a plane to fly to the US base. But Indonesia did not dare expose it because they have an agreement with the United States. It is addressed relaxing by the Indonesian government. Special Staff of the Ministry of Defense Foreign Affairs Sumardi Brotodiningrat expressed suspicion about the involvement of Indonesia is very funny, but it was clear the Government actually help the search process 227 passenger plane. “Loh we’re helping them, one of the 25 countries that seek help, until now,” said Sumardi in space Palapa Kemhan, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 13-14, Jakarta Pusat, Monday (17/3). According Sumardi, she even surprised with the accusations of the Malaysian government. The team that helped search plane missing since Saturday (8/3) then, no one has reaped results. Advanced Sumardi, these accusations should be clearly explained Indonesian involvement. “I do not know anything, I observe continues, we do not yet know where the plane, “he said.
The next day, (18th March 2014), the denials grow stronger. The same reporter quotes a statement of denial from the Indonesian Embassy at Kuala Lumpur. For the record, Cabal Times never insisted that the Indonesian government “hid” MH370. But at the same time, they acknowledge the possibility that the plane headed for Diego Garcia. The following is a Google Translate version of the original found here.
Indonesian government denies hide Malaysia Airlines, Reporter: Muhammad Agil Aliansyah | Tuesday, March 18, 2014 20:05 – The Indonesian government denied statements site news Utusan Malaysia Cabal Times quoting from Indonesia plays hide it accused Malaysia Airlines MH370 aircraft Boeing 777-200. Allegations that states if the radar Indonesia had to catch a plane to fly to the US base. But Indonesia did not dare expose it because they have an agreement with the United States. “Indonesian Embassy flatly denied allegations that Indonesia was involved in the movement of” globalization secret “or” western coalition “that has a specific agenda,” a statement from the Indonesian government through electronic mail through Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday (18/3). GOI assess accusations baseless because there is proof. In fact, Indonesia is one country that helped search for the missing plane on Saturday (8/3) then. So speculation about the involvement of Indonesia in the loss of 229 aircraft berpenumpang immediately clarified in the light of the International public. “Indonesia requested irresponsible speculation discontinued because it actually will not help find the plane MH370, “he said. Earlier, speculation about Malaysia Airlines grew wild. There are convinced of this aircraft was flown to the US base on Diego Garcia, an island in the Indian Ocean. Loss of aircraft touted as scenario the United States. World news cite Utusan Malaysia Cabal Times describes the analysis. Cabal Times is a site of mystery and conspiracy news. Well, Indonesia is said to have a role in hiding the MH370 aircraft’s flight number. Radar Indonesia had to catch a plane to fly to the US base. But Indonesia did not dare expose it because they have an agreement with the United States. Some of the best evidence reinforces the notion hidden in the US base of Diego Garcia. Among other cell phone signal surviving passengers. The plane disappeared from radar at all and can not be traced. Of course not all countries have the ability to blind satellites and radar like this. Only countries with US military technology like that can do.
On 18th March 2014, Malaysian English language news website Malaysiakini writes on Indonesia’s rebuttal of Utusan. But they don’t just relay what beef the Indonesians had. They go a step further and add their own rebuttal of Utusan. It is understandeable why Indonesia would want to slam Utusan. But why would Malaysiakini? Interestingly, Malaysiakini is considered anti-establishment, and according to Wikipedia, they once recieved a grant from the National Endowment for Democracy, an American NGO. To quote,
12:39PM Mar 18, 2014 Malaysiakini
Indonesia slams Utusan for MH370 conspiracy
The Indonesian media has taken aim at Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia for its report accusing the republic of being in cahoots with the US to hide the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
Indonesian online news portal quoted the senior officer for foreign affairs at Indonesia’s Defence Ministry, Sumardi Brotodiningrat, as saying the allegation was “funny”.
Sumardi said Indonesia was already doing what it could to assist Malaysia to find the missing aircraft, with which radar communication was lost over the Gulf of Thailand at 1.30am on March 8.
“Aren’t we one of the 25 countries that have been helping them out up until now?” he is quoted by as asking.
Sumardi stressed that the republic has no knowledge about the plane’s whereabouts and that the allegation by the Malaysian newspaper had to be explained.
The headline, “Funny, Indonesia blamed for working with US to hide MH370” was subsequently picked up by Yahoo Indonesia.
Utusan last Sunday quoted Cabal Times as claiming that Flight MH370 was hidden by the US at its base in Diego Garcia.
The report added that if this were true, Indonesian radar would have picked up the plane.
“But the question is, Indonesia is believed to be part of the ‘secret globalisation’ movement or Western alliance with certain agenda and would certainly remain silent about whatever they detected on their radar,” Utusan quoted Cabal Times as saying.
Cabal Times is a conspiracy portal, with the Eye of Providence that sits on a pyramid as its logo, which is often associated with Freemasonry and is similarly found on the US one dollar bill.
More bizzarely, a brown cow is superimposed on the symbol to complete the logo.
This, however, did not raise a red flag with the Umno-owned newspaper for citing the story.
Most major news outlets also have esoteric symbols. Does Malaysiakini dismiss them? We don’t think so. Cabal Times has poached a well-known esoteric symbol because it immediately identifiable to its target audience. Cabal Times also has a rather perplexed cow standing next to it because it represents most of the weary, hustled masses, and their indifferent reaction to conspiracy. Despite the slam-job, we are still grateful to Malaysiakini for including a direct link to us. That would be unheard of in the West.
Like clockwork, on March 19th 2014, another Malaysian News Agency repeated Indonesia’s displeasure at Cabal Times and Utusan. To quote,
MH370: Indonesian Embassy regrets Utusan Malaysia report
Astro Awani | Updated: March 19, 2014 (First published on: March 19, 2014 14:03 MYT)
KUALA LUMPUR: The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has expressed disappointed over an article published by the Utusan Malaysia newspaper titled “Is MH370 being hidden at US base in Diego Garcia?”.
The article highlighted speculation earlier published by US-based portal Cabal Times suggesting that the republic was part of a ‘secret globalisation’ movement or Western coalition with a particular agenda.
In a statement released on Wednesday, the embassy stressed that since flight MH370 went missing on March 8, Indonesia was among that have helped in the search for the aircraft.
“The Indonesian Embassy strongly denies allegations that the country is involved in a secret movement or a western coalition that has certain political motives.
“The speculative report was published with no data back-up. It only created confusion on the public’s mind, especially the family of the passenger on board flight MH370,” the statement said.
The embassy also stressed Indonesia’s commitment to the spirit of ASEAN and its close diplomatic ties with Malaysia.
“Indonesia will continue to provide its support and cooperation in the search for the missing MH370 aircraft,” it added.
The statement said Indonesia had also called on the public not to speculate irresponsibly as it does not help in the search process for the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 involving 26 countries.
Indonesia has also denied rumours that it had concealed radar data that recorded the movement of flight MH370 over Indonesian territory.
On 7th April 2014, the story is repeated in Merdeka. This time we are told that an unnamed Malaysian official had reason to believe that MH370 may have crossed Indonesian radar zones while heading towards Diego Garcia, and that the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur got involved in rebuffing them. The following is a Google Translate version of the original version found here.
Twice Malaysia Indonesia accusations related to the missing MH370, Reporter: Ramadhian Fadillah | Monday, April 7, 2014 14:32 – MH370 aircraft already lost almost one month. Various search efforts continue to be made by dozens of countries, including Indonesia. MH370 aircraft disappearance led to speculation and mystery. A senior official in the government of Malaysia to call if Malaysia Airlines MH370 aircraft flying in northern Indonesia. Official who declined to be named, said, MH370 allegedly flew around the air zone Indonesia on his way to the south side of the Indian Ocean, as reported by CNN, Sunday (6/4). Conclusion officials obtained after search teams look at the track record of the radar of state -neighboring countries. The official said the plane flew across Peninsular Malaysia MH370. Air Force (AU) Indonesia has denied the statement, they assert contains 290 passenger plane was never detected radar cross in Indonesia. “fairly long MH370 discussed. According to the observations have not been found. In principle, we TNI did not catch (signal MH370), “said Marshal TNI Wakasau Sunaryo on the sidelines of a ceremony rehearsal Anniversary Air Force in the air base Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta Timur, Monday (7/4). However, Sunaryo insists his side still help the search plane missing since March 8, 2014 and accepted other countries who want to pass in the air zone Indonesia to conduct a search. Not just this once accused Indonesia Malaysia related to the loss of the aircraft. World news cite Utusan Malaysia Cabal Times describes analysis MH370 loss at US Military Base on Diego Garcia. Cabal Times is a site of mystery and news conspiracy. Indonesia is said to have a role in hiding the MH370 aircraft’s flight number. Radar Indonesia had to catch a plane to fly to the US base. But Indonesia did not dare expose it because they have an agreement with the United States. It is addressed relaxing by the Indonesian government. Special Staff of the Ministry of Defense Foreign Affairs Sumardi Brotodiningrat expressed suspicion about the involvement of Indonesia is very funny, but it was clear the Government actually help the search process 227 passenger plane. “Loh we’re helping them, one of the 25 countries that seek help, until now,” said Sumardi in space Palapa Kemhan, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 13-14, Central Jakarta, Monday (17/3). According Sumardi, she even surprised with the accusations of the Malaysian government. The team that helped search plane missing since Saturday (8/3) then, no one has reaped results. Maze about this MH370 made a number of parties disappointed in Malaysia. The Chinese people are most angry at the actions of Malaysia which is considered to cover information and shifting the responsibility. The Chinese artist Zhang Ziyi pretty openly expressed his anger in Malaysia. He condemned the attitude of Malaysia in dealing with the issue of losing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. Several times the families of passengers from China was upset over the attitude of Malaysia. “The government of Malaysia, you are hurting the world! We are looking for the best but you are a political priority.” “The government of Malaysia, you are wrong. You are wrong because not bear the responsibility should as a responsible party. You one priority because of political effort versus respect for life. “You are wrong because they do not respect the efforts around the world, including China’s efforts to seek the truth,” wrote Zhang Ziyi in Weibo.
On 18th May 2014, Mahathir Mohammed expressed concern that the CIA or Boeing may have been involved in the disappearance of MH370.
18 May 2014 | Uncategorized
1. What goes up must come down. Airplanes can go up and stay up for long periods of time. But even they must come down eventually. They can land safely or they may crash. But airplanes don’t just disappear. Certainly not these days with all the powerful communication systems, radio and satellite tracking and filmless cameras which operate almost indefinitely and possess huge storage capacities.
2. I wrote about the disabling of MH370’s communication system as well as the signals for GPS. The system must have been disabled or else the ground station could have called the plane. The GPS too must have been disabled or else the flight of MH370 would have been tracked by satellites which normally provide data on all commercial flights, inclusive of data on location, kind of aircraft, flight number, departure airport and destination. But the data seems unavailable. The plane just disappeared seemingly from all screens.
3. MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft. It was built and equipped by Boeing. All the communications and GPS equipment must have been installed by Boeing. If they failed or have been disabled Boeing must know how it can be done. Surely Boeing would ensure that they cannot be easily disabled as they are vital to the safety and operation of the plane.
4. A search on the Internet reveals that Boeing in 2006 received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a pre-determined landing location.
5. The article by John Croft, datelined Washington DC (1st December, 2006) further mentioned “The ‘uninterruptible’ autopilot would be activated – either by pilot, by on board sensors, or even remotely by radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of the flight deck”.
6. Clearly Boeing and certain agencies have the capacity to take over “uninterruptible control” of commercial airliners of which MH370 B777 is one.
7. Can it not be that the pilot of MH370 lost control of their aircraft after someone directly or remotely activated the equipment for seizure of control of the aircraft.
8. It is a waste of time and money to look for debris or oil slick or to listen for “pings” from the black box. This is most likely not an ordinary crash after fuel was exhausted. The plane is somewhere, maybe without MAS markings.
9. Boeing should explain about this so-called anti-terrorism auto-land system. I cannot imagine the pilots made a soft-landing in rough seas and then quietly drown with the aircraft.
10. Someone is hiding something. It is not fair that MAS and Malaysia should take the blame.
11. For some reason the media will not print anything that involves Boeing or the CIA. I hope my readers will read this.
They are not angry at Cabal Times raising the possibility of Indonesian involvement in the MH370 coverup. They are angry at a major Malaysian newspaper picking up the theory raised by Cabal Times.
- Is it true that ever since it colonized by the Dutch, Indonesia ceased being a sovereign state to this day? What followed the Dutch was a Soviet proxy state. What followed that was a Western proxy state that is jointly operated by interests in Australia, America, Canada and China.
- Is it true that the penultimate ruling elite of Indonesia are the Canadian Criminal Elite, and predatory business interests connected to Canada (in particular, the city of Calgary)?
- What was Barack Obama doing in Indonesia during his youth? We know he was pretending to pass off as Muslim (though he isn’t). We know he worked for the CIA back then. Was the CIA involved in the suspicious deaths of many Indonesian Muslim leaders?
What was Barack Obama doing in Indonesia during his youth?
- What happened to Silk Air Flight 185 in 1997? The pilot was an accomplished member of Singapore’s air force. As the fable goes, He left his seat and pulled the circuit breakers so that the Cockpit Voice Recorder and Flight Data Recorders stopped functioning, and the transponder was turned off. He then deliberately crashed the plane into a river in Indonesia. And why a narrow river of all places? Because that would help explaining why no bodies were ever found (The Captain had more likely landed the plane at an Indonesian or Singaporean Air Force Base, and the passengers are now prisoners, inclusing the famous model Bonnie Hicks). Some “wreckage” was deposited into the river to placate the press, but it was a fairly miniscule amount. The Flight Data Recorders were never found (how convenient). This case and that of Swissair Flight 111 bear many frightening parallels with MH370.
- Didn’t AirAsia Flight 8501 secretly land at the Indonesian island of Belitung?
- Why is it that Indonesia being a Muslim country, does not take a stand on the treatment of Rohingya Muslims in Burma?
- Why is it that Indonesia has refused the entry of impoverished and persecuted Rohingya Muslims? Yet continues to accomodate Chinese businessmen, Australian drug pushers and Western Intelligence operatives, even though Indonesian citizens have no reciprocal rights in the countries of these people.

Mainstream media in Western countries traps us into a highly restrictive “fish-tank” of views and opinions. You cannot go beyond the glass walls.
To end on a positive note, the mainstream media in Western countries is a fine-tuned machine dedicated to total disinformation. Living with it often compared to living in a highly controlled environment, like a fish tank where the water is never changed, which keeps getting more and more toxic. Nothing reaches the fish except that which is reviewed and approved for consumption. The media in some non-Western countries such as Malaysia however, while still being subject to control, still has not created a controlled “fish tank” for its followers. Occassionaly, as in the case of Utusan, the water gets changed, and fresh insights flow in from the ocean.