The Strange Case of the Jihadi with a Satanic Tattoo
Last Updated on June 13, 2021 by Hamad Subani
On 15th December 2012, a team of nine “terrorists” attacked Peshawar International Airport. Armed to the teeth, the attackers hit the airport with rockets, killing four civilians and injuring many more. There would have been huge casualties if they had managed to enter the Airport, and maybe even damage to civilian aircraft. But thanks to the alertness of security personnel, they failed to do so. Five of the attackers were killed in the ensuing gun battle. But two of them appeared to be Caucasian, and one of these two had a Satanic tattoo and a gold tooth, both of which are prohibited in Islam. And both of which are alien to the culture of that region.

Note: Video has been “removed.”
Pakistani press coverage in Urdu language. The half-built home in which they were holed up in. Pakistani security forces look at the dead body an attacker. The airport runway. Fighting near the airport. Another dead body. Another dead body.
Not Suicide Bombers
These two, along with another attacker, seemed to have no intention of dying, as they were not wearing suicide vests like the others. But it seems they got killed when a car bomb they were setting up to break through the Airport security perimeter exploded prematurely. To quote,
However, Zahid Khan, a police explosives expert, said it appeared that three of the militants were accidentally killed when the car bomb they used to try to break through the airport wall exploded.
Unclear Motives
While the Pakistani Airforce has a presence at this airport, it was still largely a civilian airport. It is unclear why the militants (if they were genuine militants) would target the airport even though drone strikes were being organized from elsewhere, such as the PAF Base in Quetta.
Identities remains a Mystery
In the immmediate aftermath of the attack, no group came forward to take credit. But later, the attack was attributed to the Pakistani Taliban by some sources. The BBC also peddled this claim.
In the latest development, the Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack. “We carried out this suicide attack, we will carry more such attacks on this airport,” banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.
A contradictory claim emerged later on, pinning the responsibility on Al-Qaida.
An al-Qaeda group was involved in one of the most deadly attacks on Peshawar airport, which killed at least 19 people including 10 militants and injured several others, security sources said on Friday. According to the sources, Badar Mansoor group, an al-Qaeda group of Punjabi-origin people, sent 10 fighters to attacks the airport. Qari Hammad of the group planned the attack. Hammad also threatened more attacks on the airport just after the attack concluded. Speaking from the unidentified location, Hammad threatened to send 10 more suicide bombers to launch an assault on the airport again within weeks.
In 2014, the BBC claimed that Uzbek Jihadis were behind the attacks. Maybe the BBC wanted to assuage doubts about the non-native complexion of the two dead attackers.
A militant group based in Pakistan’s tribal areas, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), says its fighters carried out the audacious attack on Karachi’s international airport.
Lame attempts to explain the Tattoos
The International Mainstream Media deliberately avoided any mention of the tattoo. The only photo of the tattoo in Western media surfaced in a Yahoo News Story. The photo was credited to KHURAM PARVEZ/REUTERS. A description of the photo was given as follows:
A tattoo is seen on the back of a Taliban militant who was killed during a gun battle in Peshawar December 16, 2012. Militants holed up in a half-built house in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar traded gunfire with police on Sunday after taking part in an attack on a nearby airport the previous night, officials said. REUTERS/Khuram Parvez.
The news story is no longer online. You can find it on
But back in Pakistan, images of the tattoo went viral, and several Pakistani news outlets lamely attempted to assuage doubts that the attacker could still be Muslim. To quote,
Some of these fighters bear tattoos. Some with Jihadist themes but also some that they had from before they became radicalised and decided to wage holy war. For example there was the very well publicised (at least in the UK) case of British soldiers being surprised to find a Taliban fighter they killed a couple of years ago had a tattoo of English Premeier League Football team Aston Villa.
And the famous Australian Taliban David Hicks who fought against the American invasion and was captured and spent several years in Guantanamo Bay before being released had satanic tattoos from the days he dabbled in Satanism before he embraced Islam. He also used to drink heavily and do drugs before he started attending a mosque and changed his ways. Obviously tattoos are ingrained for life and can’t be removed without extensive plastic surgery which one is unlikely to find in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
But in this case, the tattoo was not that of a football team. It was an unusual Satanist tattoo. And what about the gold tooth? David Hicks was not a genuine Taliban fighter. He was some kind of Intelligence operative. This is confirmed by the fact that he now lives as a free man in Sydney, publishing an autobiography, while his counterparts either ended up dead or will be detained indefinitely. Hicks is usually an elitist surname. Even the Taliban had grown suspicious of him because of his laziness in observing Muslim prayer. Also note that the Western tattoo industry as we know it, with its specialized inks and artists, is alien to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ladies do have their hands tattood there, but with a non-permanent, reddish dye made of henna.
We now see a pattern of Western Taliban fighters connected to Intelligence Agencies also being Satanists, and proudly sporting Satanist tattoos.
The Satanist Tattoo
The Satanic tattoo in question, on the back of the dead Caucasian attacker. He also had a gold tooth. A USMC Recon Force Tattoo A USMC Recon Tattoo A USMC Tattoo A USMC decal on a car A USMC Tattoo A USMC tattoo 5th Group Emblem etched on a weapon.
Some alternative news websites found resemblance between the tattoo on the attackers back and those used by personnel of the United States Marine Corps. While it is true that some USMC operatives do have similar tattoos, we are of the opinion that the tattoo is exclusively Satanic, just like the one(s) David Hicks had.
Look closely at the tattoo again, and compare it with the following Satanic tattoos.
The Satanic tattoo in question, on the back of the dead Caucasian attacker. He also had a gold tooth. Tattoo of Baphomet-human skull hybrid Tattoo of Baphomet inlaid in a circle. Tattoo of Baphomet with a human skull Tattoo of Baphomet. Tattoo of Baphomet.

When the goat head is inlaid in a Pentagram, it forms a Satanic symbol known as the Sigil of Satan. The Sigil of Baphomet is trademarked to the Church of Satan. To quote the Church of Satan,
The Church of Satan did file for (1981) and then received (1983) a trademark which protects the use of the Sigil of Baphomet with the words “Church of Satan.” The Church of Satan therefore has the legal right to place the ® symbol meaning “registered trademark” next to this combination of symbol and words. This trademark also prohibits anyone from using something similar in combination of name and symbol, which could constitute an illegal dilution or blurring of the trademark.
Note the goat horns, goat ears, and smaller lower horns on the tattoo of the Taliban attacker.
Now take a look at this image found on an official website of Freemasonry (Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon). Credit goes to a Pakistani commenter.

Another Pakistani commenter managed to find the original source image used in creating the tattoo on the Taliban fighter’s back. It seems the tattoo artist omitted the left hand of Satan as well as Adam and Eve (whom Satan is seen tempting) because it would make the tattoo too complex.

The original image was drawn by Peruvian artist Boris Vallejo and is offered for tattooing by several tattoo shops in USA. The artist currently lives in USA and for $30, you can get a signed copy of this drawing (Item Code: B-477) entitled “Demon Hands” from his website. We have to agree that the name is apt. For surely, the attacker was clearly in demon hands.

It would be interesting to know what happened to the bodies of these three attackers. If they were high ranking Intelligence operatives like David Hicks, the bodies would be secretly whisked out of Pakistan, and they would get state funerals. But if they were contractors or other low-life scum, nobody would claim them. And their families would probably care less (if they had families), although their families would still gleefully pocket any available compensation.

If Satan is punishing sinners, then he must be on the side of christ. What I like about satanism is it doesn’t preach Oh you should feel guilty because you enjoy sex. And if you get a little kinky, you have to go tell some pervert in a dark box (priest) all about it,then pray for an hour. That you will never enjoy kinky sex again, knowing once you leave the house of pervs (catholic church) your going to your MISTRESS house praying to her Godess. I just left the house of perv and I’m horny as The Devil