Burnt Book Review: Tom Juby’s Full Disclosure of the Swissair 111 Crash Investigation Yields a Surprising Connection to 9/11
Last Updated on June 30, 2019 by Hamad Subani
A lot of what we know about anomalies in the Swissair 111 Crash and contradictions in the official story would probably never come to light were it not for the efforts conscience of RCMP Forensic Investigator Tom Juby (Thomas C. Juby). When Cabal Times investigated the Swissair 111 Crash, we noted the importance of Juby’s claims. But at the same time, we also noticed that Juby had gone off the radar. We assumed he had been muzzled for good and we would not be hearing from him again. But Juby is back! And with a book that will probably remain the most thorough non-classified account of the investigation cover-up available to us plebs. This book is of monumental importance for those looking for answers, because probably no one got as close to the investigation as Juby did, while maintaining the integrity to tell their story.
In my in-depth review of his new material, I have found a rather interesting connection to 9/11, or to claims of the 9/11 Truth Movement to be precise. Perhaps even Tom Juby did not foresee this connection.

RCMP Investigator Tom Juby was the first to bring public attention towards the residue of an explosive device in the wreckage of SWR111.
Tom Juby happened to be in charge of the Halifax Identification Section when the crash took place. He had experience with more than a hundred murder scenes and a thousand sudden death scenes (p. 48). He also had an extensive background in aircraft, and had more than a thousand hours flying in all kinds of small aircraft (p. 40). He had investigated more than a dozen light aircraft crashes (p. 48). He also had a background in fire investigations (p. 41) and had investigated several hundred fire scenes (p. 48). This is an account of a professional optimistically starting at his best, then slowly waking up to the dismal realisation of the scale of the cover-up, and then being subjected to cringe-inducing intimidation and indirect threats. But he keeps going at his professional best, while at the same time avoiding being drawn into attempts to bait him into showing violent reaction (p. 230). This book is not centered on the issues he had with his superiors. Some Amazon reviewers are already blackwashing the book by insisting that it is an account of his personal issues, and nothing more than a bad episode of The Office. It is much more than that.
Tom Juby’s disclosure consists of two parts. The first part is publicly available on his new websites, swissair111.ca and its mirror, twiceasfar.ca. The statements, documents, and photos made available on these sites can be considered the Wikileaks of SWR111. The book is a 286 page account of how of Juby’s investigation unfolded. None of the documents and photos made available on the website have been reproduced in the book, barring a few exceptions. But as the website states, the book and the website are not mutually exclusive. You need one to understand the other.
The most interesting photo I have found on the website was this one:

To quote Tom Juby, “Shown here is part of the metal frame that held the undercarriage. It is made of steel alloys with sufficient strength to carry a 250-ton aircraft during a hard landing. This metal was sheared and torn apart like a piece of kindling.” © Thomas Juby, Fair Dealing.
Rather than calling this a Book Review, lets call it a Burnt Book Review.
Rather than calling this a Book Review, lets call it a Burnt Book Review. In the West, they don’t publicly ban books and burn them in a bonfire at the city square. Rather, they accomplish the same through more subtle and sneaky means. Despite the recent explosion in self-publishing, no books by new authors go mainstream unless TV talk show hosts promote them and the establishment media talks about them. The books that do make it big are usually mundane and babyish, such as erotic fanfiction. At the same time, old books which are deemed as too revealing are quietly purged from libraries and forgotten as if they never existed. It is not uncommon to find rare gems in the “Discard” section of libraries. For example, I have picked up William Manchester’s The Arms of Krupp (on a German Illuminati family connected to rise of the Third Reich) and Seven Days in May (a novel which is probably the blueprint for a secret coup that instituted a shadow government in America following JFK) from the “Discard” section of Western libraries. At Cabal Times, we happily review and spotlight such books, be they new or old. This is a review of one such “Burnt Book.”
Quoting from a book review rather than the actual book is considered sloppy. But should you choose to do so, I am adding a citation reference and a bibliographic reference to the book below. The review is peppered with page numbers whenever Juby is quoted on something I deem important. This is for all you tired, hustled and weary readers whose attention span is already maxed out for checking the actual book. This is of course, no substitute to getting the actual book, which any serious reader should. I would recommend anyone who benefited from my review to do so, just to show their support for Juby.
It is important to understand that this two-part disclosure does not rush towards any dramatic conclusion. Rather, it is a methodical organisation of facts, statements, laboratory tests, personal observations, photos and forensic evidence that Juby accumulated over the course of several years. It is intended to serve as reference material for all those still seeking answers, and maybe as evidence in future court cases. Juby has meticulously built his case to withstand a public inquiry. But does Juby have the answer? He does point us towards some scientifically backed conclusions which clearly infer that SWR111 was downed by a bomb but he prefers leaving the big picture (who? what? why?) open. Maybe because additional facts and evidence will emerge later. And again, he is a forensic investigator by profession, not a conspiracy theorist.
Juby’s disclosure differs from my theory in several ways. First and foremost, Juby does not explore the possibility that SWR111 landed at an airbase and was then destroyed by an incendiary device(s) and the debris was then dumped at sea.
For those of you still doubting my theory, silently ask yourself the following two questions:
What are the odds of SWR111 “crashing at sea” minutes away from two fully operational airports?
According to the official timeline, the whole crash sequence took approximately 15 minutes after the smoke was reported. But why does the wreckage show excessive fire damage, as if it had been smouldering for hours? It couldn’t have continued to burn at the bottom of the sea?
Secondly, Juby does not attach much importance to the Saudi prince on board. He does however give limited consideration to the MI-6 agent who almost boarded the plane on his website. To quote the website,
I have doubts about any theory that comes from undisclosed experts. However, regardless of the validity of these articles, and his possible connection to the crash, a criminal investigation would have pointed fingers in the direction of the British MI6. That perhaps was sufficient grounds for pressure to be applied to ensure the outcome indicated a wiring accident. Had we known the backgrounds of the other passengers, there might have been other directions in which to look and from which pressure was secretly applied. That is why passenger profiling is so important, yet it was not done in this investigation. Why not?
This man, whom I have discussed as well, was a real-life Jason Bourne, who was going around leaking details of the possible role of British Intelligence in the (supposed) death of Princess Diana. Juby adds two more previously unknown facts which stress the importance of this passenger.
In mid-May 2000, Juby was approached (p. 235) by an “Inspector from Ottawa” with links to the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, a shadowy organization that manages important affairs in Britain and countries like Canada and Australia. He seemed to have intimate knowledge of Juby, his background and his family. Maybe he was trying to buy Juby. After this episode, hostility towards Juby increased.
Before SWR111 flew from New York, one maintenance crew who boarded the plane later disappeared (p. 78-79). This was his first day of work, and he had supplied false ID’s to get the job. He was in a position to place an incendiary device on board. It is still not known who he was (he had provided fake identification).
Juby does hint at the implications. To quote,
[…….] this should have been a major international murder investigation that could have influenced world events had the truth been revealed, had the culprit been identified and linked to a foreign country or terrorist group. One might even think the underlying reason for these dishonest dealings was the foreign country was instead a friend and ally (p. 239).
Despite Juby pretty much omitting any reference to the Saudi prince on board, we do find a strange blacked out redaction of a passenger name in an internal RCMP report from Cpl. B.G. London to Insp. A.S. Lathem dated 10th April 2000. To quote,
Operation Homage Investigators did conduct substantial investigation into the background of [REDACTED] and in the process of the same, identified a number of interesting anomalies i.e., duplicate SSN, duplicate driver’s licences, arrests, intelligence files, and odd, possible cultural oddities. Conference participants generally dispelled those anomalies “normal,” however, investigators are of the opinion additional enquiries are warranted with respect to that individual – given his nationality and ongoing global events i.e., Middle East Peace process and terrorist activities.
This is the only passenger ever referenced in the documents available on Juby’s website. Assuming that he was Middle Eastern, he is a good candidate for the Saudi Prince (“cultural oddities” refers to a non-Western person). Given the fact that there were only three other Middle Eastern passengers on board (One Israeli and two Iranians).
Other than these two individuals, there are no other passenger profiles on Juby’s website. In his book, there are none (except a passing reference to Tomlinson on p. 120 and p. 264), and Juby states in the book that during the investigation, there was very limited passenger profiling, and no cargo identification or verification (p. 79).
Other Anomalies in the Investigation
Note that I have cherry-picked these anomalies from Juby’s book based on my own personal criteria and my own theory of the event, as well as things that my niche audience may find interesting. Please read the book in its entirety for Juby’s full perspective.
Compromised Agencies = Compromised Investigation
Juby has listed all the important people involved in the investigation (p. 10-11) representing the RCMP, the TSB and other agencies. After reading the book, it appears that at least 30% of them did actively sabotage the investigation.
Further, a rather unusual move was undertaken so that the investigation was never classified as a criminal investigation. Instead of the RCMP investigating until they determined that the incident was an accident, the investigation was shared with the Transportation Safety Bureau, a government agency better known for regulating the use of baby seats in cars. To quote Juby,
It was two mongrel dogs running in a circle chasing each other’s tails (p. 156).
The TSB was invited early on because it had already been decided that a criminal investigation would never take place. And therefore the RCMP was expected to back out early on. It seems this was decided long before the incident actually took place. This arrangement also allowed both these agencies to dicker around with and compartmentalize any emerging evidence of a criminal scenario. The TSB and its personnel would avoid any claims of criminal involvement when they came cross such evidence, while the RCMP would look the other way. Unlike the RCMP, TSB members could not give evidence in a Court of Law (p. 50). It only took two weeks after the investigation was opened for the agencies to informally rule the crash as an accident (p. 48).
Juby’s RCMP Supervisor and administrator of the makeshift morgue worked in the RCMP blood spatter interpretation unit in Halifax (p.62). It would be interesting to analyze how these cases were handled, given his role in the cover-up.
The RCMP had a system in place by which individual investigators were to submit their notes electronically to a database. It seems that this system was also being used to watch the investigators, the biggest controversy in the investigation revolves around Juby and another investigator being asked to change their notes after they had been submitted.
This would be the final nail in the coffin cover-up, The Powers That Be could not let Juby’s notes be part of the official record. And it seems they did not expect resistance in having them revised. If Juby conceded and had altered his notes as requested, they would be inadmissible in court and his credibility would also be destroyed (p. 132). Two birds would be killed with one arrow.
The Powers That Be could not let Juby’s notes be part of the official record.
It seems Juby was asked the edit his notes for the sake of posterity. One of the RCMP superiors involved in the cover-up later inadvertently admitted that Juby’s notes were too good (p. 175). The Powers That Be were not concerned with his observations as much as they were concerned with the prospect that somewhere in the future when the investigation would be opened to public, a nosy investigator or a diehard truth-seeker would get to read them. Currently, there are 250 boxes of file material pertaining to the investigation, all sitting in a disorganized mess (p. 186). An Access to Information Request for each box costs $2200 (p. 186). Juby makes it clear that there may be much more in those boxes that even he may be unaware about (p. 255).
Three of the main RCMP officials who perpetuated the Change-the-Notes saga quickly retired, all within a few months of each other (p. 157), which meant they could only be investigated in court, and not internally by the RCMP. While Juby never succumbed to altering his notes, it is possible that the notes of Juby and Karl Christiansen were altered before they were archived. The RCMP database containing the notes no longer functions (p. 268).
Maybe that’s exactly why the Powers That Be chose Halifax for the SWR111 incident. Anything can be covered up here.
On the 3rd of April 2007, Juby submitted a complaint of what he had gone through to the RCMP Deputy Commissioner Busson. Juby is not from Halifax. Neither does he have any ties to the Maritimes. Reflecting on what can only be described as a culture of corruption in Halifax, Juby stated
My one stipulation was that this matter would no longer be investigated in Halifax. I did not trust anyone in a position of influence in the RCMP’s Halifax Headquarters (p. 159).
Maybe that’s exactly why the Powers That Be chose Halifax for the SWR111 incident. Anything can be covered up here.
DNA Identification of the victims
Juby was initially expecting he would be dealing with a lot of bodies. To quote,
My experiences with plane crashes was that the victims would be mangled after receiving massive injuries, but most would be intact. I thought our biggest problem would be handling the sudden influx of dozens of corpses all at once (p. 20).
But then came the surprise
He [Dr. Butt] told us the debris field was extensive, deep and extremely dangerous to divers. The wreckage with everything else at the site was in small pieces. They had found only one intact body, and the divers now believed there would be no more (p.22).
Only one complete body was ever brought in, and of the rest, perhaps the largest piece of material weighed about twenty-five pounds (p. 23).
Fingerprints were obtained from digits of the victims when possible. For identification, they were compared to books of known fingerprints that had been received from the FBI and other agencies (p. 27). Juby was closely involved in the fingerprinting process. There was an attempt to install two gentlemen from FBI’s National Fingerprint Bureau in Washington, D.C. to oversee the Identification process. But they left after being satisfied by Juby’s oversight (26). After 30 days, Juby was later asked to leave the Identification unit to assist in the recovery of debris from the ocean, but he refused (p. 30).
There has been a great deal of controversy over whether or not all the victims remains (or some piece thereof) were obtained for DNA identification. Juby sheds some light. Juby states that all the victims were identified through DNA (p.16) which means some tiny piece of each victim’s tissue was obtained. In addition to DNA identification, Juby claims that 40 victims were also identified by fingerprints, 102 were also identified by dental records and some were also identified by X-Ray records (p. 31). 2499 body parts were identified through DNA, and these remains were put into a mass grave after the tissue degraded (p. 31). Along with them went two five pound bags of teeth, which remained unidentified (p. 32).
Any seasoned conspiracy theorist would question whether the remains really represented the victims, and whether the DNA, fingerprint, bone and dental records supplied by Government and Intelligence Agencies (which matched up) were not tampered, and were indeed those of the victims. It is important to note that even if the identification process was conducted professionally, the professionals involved only worked on the material supplied to them by Government and Intelligence Agencies, which we assume represented the victims. It is also important to note that this was a time the DNA identification process was fairly new in crime scene analysis, and even the RCMP had limited resources (p. 31-32).
The Mystery Fire
To quote,
During the initial investigation, engineers from various agencies and companies including Swissair, Boeing, as well as members of the TSB and other agencies offered their experienced opinions. They said the extensive melting of the frame was unusual, never seen before, and possibly it could not have been caused solely by flammable material in the area of the fire (p. 53).
Also, two pieces of tile from two small sections of the ceiling at the forward doors were found to have burnt for ten minutes at a temperature of 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. the first finding was they had burnt for five minutes at 1700 degrees Fahrenheit, an extremely high temperature unacceptable to the TSB. The two pieces were identified due to their thickness. Yet neither area had anything above it that would have burnt at that temperature. The same area on the plane’s right side showed massive heat damage to the forward lift-door track. It was twisted and molten metal was present on it. However, during its handling by TSB members, this molten material was somehow destroyed before it could be properly recorded and analysed (p. 54).
A piece of a badly burnt smoke curtain also was found, even though it was designed to withstand temperatures of 1700 degrees Fahrenheit (p. 169).
More than thirty short-circuited wires were obtained (p. 57). The question was whether the short circuit(s) started the fire or whether the fire caused the short circuits.
A University Professor named Dr. R. N. Anderson had adapted a longstanding rule of physics known as Sieverts’ Law to fire investigations. Anderson’s theory built upon Sievert’s Law in an attempt to determine which short circuit caused the fire. While it was controversial, Sievert’s Law is solid physics. According to Sievert’s Law, when a wire short-circuits due to fire, for a fraction of a second, the outer layer of molten copper absorbs the smoke surrounding it. But if the short circuit caused the fire, the outer layer of molten copper only absorbs clean air, because the fire is yet to start and there is no smoke. To determine the difference, Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is used on the short-circuited wires. AES tests were carried out by Dr. Brown from CANMET. The test results were to be passed to the TSB in total confidentiality (p. 216). To quote Juby,
After extensive testing, Dr. Brown determined with confidence that the magnesium and aluminium in the short-circuited beads could not have come from the aircraft skin and frame or any other legitimate onboard source (p.60).
There were also traces of iron and zinc, which were not in the fire zone (p.60).
A thermite device along with many criminal incendiary devices utilized these ingredients. They burnt hot enough to melt aluminium, and considerable amounts of molten aluminium were found in the debris (p. 61).
Once these results were internally revealed, both the RCMP and the TSB tried to shut down further AES testing. It seems that AES testing was being conducted with the intention to find an initiating short circuit (p. 71) using Anderson’s controversial theory, which would be used as evidence of an electrical fire. But Dr. Brown ended up finding unusual elements in accordance with Sievert’s Law. In addition to the unusual elements, Dr. Brown found eight simultaneous melts in one wire, indicative of arson (p. 214). The RCMP and the TSB then had a change of heart. Dr. Brown was instructed by his CANMET supervisor to revise his conclusions (p. 90). His final report would be fairly watered down. The TSB also tried to supply him with contaminated wires for further tests (p. 93). Since Juby was being targeted by then, the RCMP did their best to keep him the dark about the AES test results (p. 102-103, 119) but he had found out much earlier. And it seems Dr. Brown had hinted him about the pressures he was facing. Juby was supplying material to Dr. Brown for the tests, and there were efforts to bypass him by having another TSB investigator supply material to Dr. Brown instead (p. 238).
In the final report, AES is mentioned as having failed to provide consistent results (p. 156). And a wire of the inflight entertainment network is treated as the main suspect in causing the fire, although none of this would stand scrutiny in a Court of Law. Such an electrical fire has never been documented in contemporary commercial aviation (p. 170). The suspect wire was isolated to the inflight entertainment network with good reason. The inflight entertainment network was installed by a third party, and thus Boeing would be absolved of any future liability.
As a side note, traces of other explosives were also reported, which may have been used in conjunction. To quote,
The [Crime Lab] Chemist though, found traces of military type explosives, but it was written off as coming from the ordnance previously housed both onsite and on the ships. What is interesting is that Dr. Brown, during one of the AES test sessions, stated that he had found elements indicative of plastic explosives (p. 205).
Possible Connection to the Demolition of the World Trade Center (9/11)

Thermite at work on 9/11? Note the clean, angled cut in the girder, to ensure that the tower collapsed inwards.
9/11 Truthers often cite the perplexing demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11 as the primary evidence of conspiracy. They have more or less settled on thermite as the most likely explosive used. The explosive used in SWR111 is also a mystery. Juby suggests thermite, without I assume, any cognizance of its significance to the 9/11 Truth Movement.
For any 9/11 Truther, the mere mention of thermite brings back mental images of 9/11, the metal beams sliced like butter, the car wreckages with melted engine blocks, the pools of molten steel etc.
But Juby goes on further to suggest a mystery accelerant, dubbed rocket fuel by arson investigators (later classified as HTA, or High Temperature Accelerant). He points us to a 1995 Internet article (Highlights mine):
HOWARD SIMON | May 22, 1995 8:00PM EDT
The monstrous car-bomb explosion at the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Okla., last month was the worst assault on a building in U.S. history, but a different kind of destruction across the country, involving arson, has baffled the FBI and insurance companies for the past 10 years.
While the Oklahoma City bombing was the single most destructive act of terrorism the United States has experienced, a series of arson fires from the Pacific Northwest to the Atlantic states, accelerated by high-tech chemicals, is burning entire buildings to the ground in a matter of minutes. The fires are so intense that they twist and melt steel and crumble concrete, say arson investigators, who still have not identified the substances used to fuel the blazes.
“The accelerant or accelerants, which have not been clearly identified, can be likened to solid rocket fuel that might be used to launch a space shuttle,” said Joseph Tuscano, a spokesman for American Re Corp., a reinsurance company in Princeton, N.J.
For the moment, fire experts can only classify these suspicious blazes as ”hot fires,” meaning they burn at temperatures over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
The scariest aspect of many of these fires is that a motive for arson remains unclear. Most of the fires have been started in uninsured properties.
And it is not known why the Seattle area has had a disproportionate number of these fires, Mr. Tuscano said.
Just about everything that is known so far about the blazes comes from research conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and the Seattle Fire Department.
Most arson specialists who have studied the Seattle fires concluded that they are out of the ordinary for this type of blaze.
Investigations by the Seattle Fire Department have shown that, in most cases, neither the buildings’ contents nor construction materials could have produced the intense heat – about 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, compared with about 1,000 degrees in conventional building fires.
Tests by the department also showed how destructive accelerants can be to concrete and steel structures. Firefighters recently stripped an abandoned mall to its concrete walls and floors, set it ablaze with buckets of accelerants similar to those involved in the real arsons, and watched it burn. The results astounded the department. In under 10 minutes, the mall was reduced to ashes.
Forensic experts from Seattle and the ATF said that the accelerants involved in the arson fires probably consist of an oxidizer, a combustible metal like magnesium and aluminum, and a petroleum-based fuel like diesel or kerosene, said Richard L. Gehlhausen, an investigator with the Seattle Fire Department.
In any case, the department said a high-temperature fire burns so hot that it breaks water down into elemental hydrogen and oxygen, which fuel the blaze further. And the fire only intensifies when chemical extinguishers are used.
Speculation as to why arsonists would use high-tech chemicals currently goes little beyond profit and revenge, said Les Stanford, a spokesman for the ATF in Washington. The insurance industry also has looked at possible motives. Some have even speculated that the fires were set to test the burn properties of materials to be used for nefarious activities – and some people are not counting out terrorism, either.
Fire officials say they can confirm such arson was committed in seven fires in the past 10 years.
Were these mysterious arsons a testing phase of for the thermite-like mystery accelerant that took down the World Trade Center?
Were these mysterious arsons a testing phase of for the thermite-like mystery accelerant that took down the World Trade Center? Remember, traces of thermite-like material were discovered in the rubble of the World Trade Center by Professor Steven Jones. Note that in the above article, they targeted uninsured properties, to minimize investigation. Was the same thermite-like mystery accelerant used to destroy SWR111 once it had landed at CFB Shearwater (my theory)? Maybe they chose this accelerant because it’s heat would never leave any remains of the device or residue behind. If that was the case, this could be accomplished while the plane was parked in a hidden area or a massive hangar (with its engines running to simulate flight for wreckage analysers) because doing this in flight would create all sorts of complications. Or maybe what took place was a variation of my theory, and passengers who were deemed expendable were left in the plane.
Juby goes even further. He has done his own research into the mystery accelerant, and the number of such strange fires in the USA is around 28 (p. 78). He also later found that the possibility of a mystery accelerant was being discussed by investigators. To quote,
I later received a copy of an email between Dr. Quintiere [A U.S. University Professor and Ph.D who was one of the two world renown authorities on aircraft fires] and Donn Enns [a TSB investigator] in which the Doctor wrote that the fire load in the aircraft by itself could never have produced the damage that was done (p. 76).
It was important that Dr. Quintiere got to view the debris in person, but the TSB never let it happen (p. 76). They also disallowed BATF investigators from visiting Halifax, who had knowledge of the mystery accelerant (p. 76). The head of the FAA Burn Unit, Dr. Lyon, considered to be the other most renown expert on aircraft fires also suggested the possibility of a thermite device (p. 85) in front of Juby and TSB members who had visited the FAA Burn Unit in Atlantic City for consultation.
It seems there was great pressure to whittle down the investigation and close the file before 9/11, because 9/11 would renew public interest in the possibility of terrorism.
The TSB was suddenly given a deadline for closing the investigation by September 30th 2000 (p. 80). Prime Minister Jean Chretien was in power then, and the decision could have emanated from him. The investigation was later extended to February 28th 2001 (p. 116). The RCMP had backed out of the investigation by December 15th 2000 (p. 100) citing a lack of criminal cause. The final report was released to the public on 27th March 2003. It seems there was great pressure to whittle down the investigation and close the file before 9/11, because 9/11 would renew public interest in the possibility of terrorism.

According to some Conspiracy Theorists, this pre-9/11 Swissair poster for their Zurich to New York Flight is a subtle wink at 9/11, which was probably being planned back then. Note the placement of the plane (The Swissair logo) on the World Trade Center. In the case of SWR111, there is indication that Swissair was also playing its part in the coverup.
Other Oddities
One RCMP investigator Karl Christiansen took note of the fact that Swissair 111 went down on the anniversary date of the destruction of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie (p. 68). He was soon obstructed by RCMP superiors. Like Juby, he too was asked to change his notes (p. 75). He was in discussion with the BATF and had arranged for them to visit Halifax, but the meeting was blocked by RCMP superiors (p. 268). It is clear that BATF experts would immediately draw the link to the suspicious arsons in the United States.
Since the CVR and FDR mysteriously failed minutes before the supposed impact, the exact moment of impact was determined using local seismic recorders (p. 51). How reliable this could be is anyone’s guess.
Injury analysis of body parts showed that the First Class passengers had been moved to the rear of the plane (p. 51).
Juby is of the opinion that a fuel dump over St. Margaret’s Bay did take place (p. 52). This required certain valves to be found open in a particular position. This means that the plane had an even less fire load than I had supposed.
Remains of explosive material possibly used by fishermen were found at a beach. These exhibits were kept top secret (p. 122) to keep the idea of a terrorist bomb under wraps.
The FBI, the BATF and the FAA were kept out of the investigation to prevent information from leaking to their personnel. They were consulted, but only for very compartmentalized tasks.
Five days after 9/11, Juby was heading back to Halifax in a ferry. He was in a rental van loaded with exhibits from an FAA burn test in Atlantic City (p. 139). At that time, ridiculous radio news reports were circulating that aircraft debris from the 9/11 attacks had been stolen (p. 140). At the ferry terminal, it seems US Customs and Security were expecting Juby, maybe expecting him to make a wrong move. Or maybe they wanted to confiscate his material. But he had all the necessary documentation and made it through.
Both the TSB and the RCMP refused to be interviewed on camera for the CBC documentary (p. 200).
There were unexplainable burn artifacts in sufficient number in the wreckage that was recovered (p. 272).
Swissair Flight 111 crash was also part of the longterm subordination and domination of Switzerland. Swissair Airline destruction. The greatest gold theft in the history of the world 3200 ton. At this time Switzerland has not a single ounce of gold and is dependent on the good will of the planetary cabal Israel and the USA empire.