Halifax as a Company Town

29/08/2017: Just like the founder of Dalhousie University, the “founder” of Halifax Edward Cornwallis was neither an entrepreneur, nor a scientist, nor a thinker or an intellectual. He was British military officer with ties to the East India Company, a notorious corporation that while producing nothing of value, sold commodities cheaply obtained from the East for several times their value, and usually under monopolistic conditions. The East India Company oversaw the destruction of entire nations, and even continents. The brother of Edward Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis became the Governor General of India in 1786, and and oversaw operations of the East India Company till 1792. He is remembered for notorious taxation measures, such as granting oppressive landowners permanent rights to extract revenue from hapless peasants, in exchange for providing the East India Company fixed returns which the Company decided on the value of the land. Whereas indigenous rulers would establish the tax rate based on the value of the commodities produced for that year. Implementation of these measures immediately produced famines. He also implemented the racist Cornwallis code, which placed the British at the top of of the administrative hierarchy. He also played an important role in the elimination of the indigenous Kingdom of Mysore. Cabal operative Edward Cornwallis seemed to have restricted his activity to North America. In Nova Scotia, he was busy with war against the indigenous Mikmaq tribe, and the Acadians. He issued proclamations for the scalps of Mikmaq fighters. The Criminal Elite erected a statue of him in Halifax in 1931, “For an assertion and a resounding expression of imperial triumph.” The square in downtown Halifax was named Cornwallis Square. Now the Mikmaq are demanding removal of the statue and are frequenting the square with peaceful protests. Nobody seemed to care, but the Criminal Elite who erected the statue were perturbed. They couldn’t just climb down from their offices at Purdy’s Wharf and other glass towers to defend Mr. Cornwallis. If they did, they would end up outing themselves. So they have delegated the task to the military so called “white supremacists,” who are available for as little as $200 a gig. Why would they defend him if Cornwallis wasn’t even goy? (His gun fodder soldiers and minions were). Update: The Cabal has succumbed, and the statue has been “relocated.”