Alexander Graham Bell…talented inventor or patent pilferer?

Nova Scotia celebrity resident and so-called inventor of the Telephone, the late Alexander Graham Bell was a Cabal operative. The name Bell is derived from Baal, a pagan calf-god Jews Phoenicians once worshiped. The thing actually neighed mooed when wind would pass around, and the cult members would swoon in euphoria. The name Bell occurs in elite circles, and during my persecution at Dal, even I encountered a Bell. But that’s not all. Did you know that Bell may have stolen the idea of the telephone from an American inventor/entrepreneur named Elisha Gray? Now of course, old Bell definitely did not accomplish this all on his own. We are talking of the possibility that the Cabal had put entire teams on the ground to engage in surveillance of Elisha Gray, and Bell was merely acting as a scientific-looking frontman for these interests (because someone directly connected to the Morgan, Rothschild or Rockefeller families stealing Elisha Gray’s patent would look very suspicious). On 14th February 1876, Elisha Gray filed a caveat with the US Patent Office in Washington, announcing his intention to patent what would become known as the telephone. This caveat was intended to be confidential. Ten years later, the patent examiner Zenas Wilbur claimed in an affidavit that Bell had bribed him to show the caveat for $100 (which he did). Later the same day, Bell’s lawyers filed their patent application at the same Washington office (Bell was in Boston, which further supports the theory that while he would later be credited with the patent, a bigger, undocumented force was countering Elisha Gray’s patent). While Bell’s application had been written down on 20th January 1876, seven sentences would be inserted on 14th February 1876, which included the variable resistance feature found in Gray’s caveat. Under mysterious circumstances, Bell was awarded the patent on 7th March 1876. While Bell claimed to be unaware of Gray’s caveat, an entry in Bell’s lab notebook dated 8th March 1876 shows a diagram which bears eerie similarity to the drawing in Gray’s caveat. Further, Gray specifically mentioned making use of a water transmitter, and on 10th March 1876, Bell would conduct his famous proof of concept using an identical water transmitter. Later Bell would distance himself from the water transmitter and it would be never used in public demonstrations or commercial use of the telephone. Sadly, Gray fell for his lawyer’s erroneous advice and did not counter Bell immediately, thereby losing his patent. Having Bell patent the telephone instead of Gray allowed The Powers That Be to exercise complete commercial monopoly over telephone technology for decades to come. Neither did they have to give hefty commissions to Gray. This would delay the spread of telephone technology considerably. It is likely that had Gray been awarded the patent, telephone technology may have proliferated faster, as Gray would likely allow several different interests to use his patent. (As opposed to the monolithic AT&T and the interests behind it, who made the most of Bell’s patent). It is possible that Bell’s aviation experiments were also attempts to steal patents for the Cabal. While stealing a patent does indeed require talent, it is surely not a sign of genius.