Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Our Hidden Rulers are Phoenician
Last Updated on April 20, 2022 by Hamad Subani

Part Six (By Miles Mathis): Where did the Phoenicians Go?
At the end of Part Four, Miles Mathis commented on some of the unanswered questions that had arisen out of Gerry’s research. It seems that Gerry, out of caution, decided not to venture into this area, or even drop any tentative theories. To quote Miles,
The first millennium AD, after Gerry’s research leaves off and before mine begins, is left, and it is the most difficult to research—for reasons that aren’t immediately clear. Why were the Dark Ages so dark? Probably because they were hidden the best, which implies some great secret lies there. Fomenko has told us the secret is that they never existed, but that could just be a better hiding. If they can hide all the Phoenician records in their vaults, they can hide large parts of the Dark Ages as well. Regardless, we have unwound a lot of big mysteries in a fairly short time, so I don’t see the Dark Ages mystery as insoluble. I can tell you that I plan to take a crack at it myself before I believe anything Fomenko tells me. My instincts tell me there is a big prize waiting to be found there by someone.
[….]I was disappointed Gerry didn’t pursue the Sea Peoples, responsible for the Late Bronze Age Collapse. The mainstream misdirection on them is mindblowing, since what other Sea Peoples existed at the time who could have done such damage? To keep us from realizing the Sea Peoples were Phoenicians requires mainstream historians to tie themselves in knots of Byzantine proportion. But of course Gerry couldn’t cover everything here. As I well know, no matter how much ground you cover, someone always complains you didn’t hit their pet topic. For myself, I would say it looks like the Jews don’t wish to admit they were the Sea Peoples for pretty obvious reasons: it doesn’t fit their historical pose as eternal victims. And, it must be said in their defense, they did avoid major mayhem of this sort in most cases. They normally preferred to work behind the scenes, threatening and cajoling and bluffing. Or, if they needed a war, they mostly faked it. But in this case of the Sea Peoples, that apparently didn’t work. I see some Phoenician ruler with a bad temper, crossed by one or more trading partners who refused tax or tribute. So he hired a big army to put on the ships he already had and went crazy, destroying a large part of the Mediterranean. But the Phoenicians that followed learned the hard way that wasn’t a good response. You can’t trade with city-states you have just burned to the ground, can you? You can’t tax dead people. The faking and bluffing works a lot better, because it creates the fear without destroying the trade. I would say the Phoenicians learned their lesson there and have never forgotten it.
Or did they? The Dark Ages may be hiding a similar lesson learned by the same people. But since it is more recent and can’t be blamed on some nebulous Sea Peoples, they had to cover it up even better. A little misdirection by historians wouldn’t work in this case; rather, it required a massive conspiracy to rewrite history, one that could be achieved in many instances only with a hole. In other words, a grand “the dog ate it” excuse. We are told there was a “lack of writers” from the 7th to the 11th centuries especially, but there is no real evidence for that. What we have is a lack of volumes in Migne’s Patrologia Latina and other sources, but of course that could either be a lack of writers, or a lack of extant works. In other words, less data could imply less data created, or more data destroyed or hidden.
A little misdirection by historians wouldn’t work in this case; rather, it required a massive conspiracy to rewrite history, one that could be achieved in many instances only with a hole. In other words, a grand “the dog ate it” excuse.
In this paper, Miles attempts to address these gaps. In 1200BC, a mysterious group known as “Sea People” destroyed the powerful Hittites of Anatolia, who had already entered the Iron Age, while the Phoenicians and the rest of the world were still in the Bronze Age. Until then, they had coexisted with the Phoenicians, who had their port of Byblos on the Southern Border of the Hittites.

In some inscriptions, the Egyptians referred to the “Sea People” as Sher-dan, which links them to the Phoenician outpost of Sardinia (Is the name Sherridan derived from that?). It seems Phoenicians mined silver ore in Sardinia, and therefore had a huge presence there. And it seems Sardinian “warriors” of that time sported helmets with two horns, which are associated with the Phoenician Bull (or Baal) as well as the later Minotaur from Crete. The helmet with two horns was later associated with the Vikings, and so, we can assume that these rapey “Sea People” were also Phoenicians. Despite these obvious links to Phoenicia, mainstream historians pretend to be confused about the identity of the “Sea People.” To quote Miles,
The mainstream historians pretend not to be able to place the Sea Peoples, but just coincidentally the history of Phoenicia matches the history of the Sea Peoples. It is admitted Phoenicia’s high point was 1200-800BC, right after the Sea Peoples sacked the entire world.
Phoenicians and the Persian Empire
But where did Phoenicians go after their “high point”? It seems they were “conquered” by the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great. To quote,
At the end of the section on “Lydian Empire and Asia Minor”, we get one sentence informing us that Cyrus’ general Harpagus captured Lycia, Cilicia and Phoenicia, by using earthworks.
Miles does not agree.
The Roman Empire took centuries to create, so seeing Persia pop up and take over the world just as Phoenicia is supposedly dying is a huge red flag.
I on the other hand, believe the Roman Empire took centuries to create because it was a Phoenician creation, geared towards getting people and territory under exclusive Phoenician control. On the other hand, the Empire of Cyrus the Great sprung up so fast and organically because he was a genuine king/conqueror, who focused on justice, and on fighting oppressive people. He had a certain kind of appeal which the Phoenicians could not even come close to replicating, with their later fake conqueror, Alexander the Great.
As for the territory of the Hittites, Lydia sprung up in their territories. Lydia has a strong link to Greek Phoenicians. Miles has come to believe that the Dark Ages were created by later historians to hide a resurgent Phoenicia. To quote,
As I was studying the history of Lydia and these other places, I noticed no real evidence of a dark age after 1200BC. It now appears to me that this period was called a dark age only because it was the period when Phoenicia most obviously took over the entire Mediterranean. The famous historians, who are, almost to a man, Jewish, don’t want to tell us anything about that period, so it is dark for that reason, not because people were any more starving or ignorant than before. The period isn’t dark, it is blacked out to hide the Phoenicians.
Phoenician takeover of the Empire of Cyrus the Great
Miles comments on how quickly the royal household of Cyrus succumbed to intrigue. To quote,
So, just notice that whatever story you choose to believe, we have a complete break in the royal succession right after Cyrus. Cyrus founds one of the greatest empires the world has ever known, and eight years after his death his line is already broken. His son Cambyses ruled eight years and then died in mysterious circumstances in route to Syria, without issue. Cambyses brother Bardiya was then supposed to become King, but he disappeared from the face of the earth, either replaced by an impostor or not. At any rate, Darius deposed whoever was on the throne after a few months and became King.
Another thing to notice is Bardiya’s wife, Phaidyme, who was supposed to be able to tell the real people from the impostors. She had also been the wife of the previous king, Cambyses. So she had been Queen for many years, and allegedly married both brothers. That is unlikely; and again, that doesn’t sound like a Persian name. Like Cassandane, it sounds Greek. Her daughter Parmys also married Darius. In fact, Darius married the two daughters of Cyrus and his granddaughter—all, we suppose, to lend legitimacy to his position. . . or. . . to continue those female lines.
Another clue is that Darius later supposedly became paranoid, believing that everyone around him was an impostor, including his cousin by marriage Nebuchadnezzar III. Look at what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Darius often accused rebels and opponents of being impostors (such as Nebuchadnezzar III) and it could be straining credulity to say that they all were.
Would it really? At this point, would anything be hard for you to believe? Not me. I suggest almost the entire “Persian” court was composed of impostors. Or, to say it another way, the entire royal house had been taken over in a coup.
In my book The Secret History of Iran, I also reached similar conclusions. But I had no idea the perpetrators could be Phoenicians. It is documented by mainstream sources that later successors of Cyrus the Great openly took Jewish wives. But I still overlooked the trail to Phoenicia.
As we are aware, the Empire of Cyrus the Great was already pressing against the boundaries of the crypto-Phoenician Greeks. And it was likely that all of the Mediterranean would fall to them had the momentum continued. Assuming that Phoenicians managed to take over the royal line of Cyrus the Great, they would still require several decades before all genuine Iranian generals were replaced by phoney-Phoenicians. Until then, the conflict would have to be carefully “managed,” so that Phoenicians would not get displaced from their strongholds, and Miles has found evidence of just that. To quote,
Well, not only do we have no real evidence the Persians ever conquered Phoenicia, we have the fact that the Phoenicians supplied most of the ships and knowhow for the attack on Greece. This attack began in 492, just 47 years after Phoenicia allegedly fell. So why would Phoenicia suddenly pop up as Persia’s greatest ally and facilitator? When Persia wanted Phoenicia to attack Carthage, the Phoenicians said no, so we can’t assume Phoenicia was prostrate before Persia. Plus, if Persia had really conquered Phoenicia in 539, Persia would have simply taken their ships. Phoenicia would have ended, or at least been crippled. But here less than 50 years later, Phoenician ships were the centerpiece of the attack on Greece. Which means . . . Phoenicia and Persia were either allies all along, or were in some sense two names for the same people.
I would however suggest that even if the royal house of Cyrus had been infiltrated by the Phoenicians, replacing all genuine Iranian Generals with phoney-Phoenicians ones, this would still require time. The Phoenicians managed to slow the momentum of the Persian advance by offering a deal, in which they would offer their fleets for the conquest of Greece. In the end, the Persians got neither Phoenician fleets, nor the conquest of Greece. They got cheated. Miles goes on to suggest that Cyrus the Great and his entire Empire was a Phoenician creation. I disagree with that though.
Further proof of Greek crypto-Phoenicians taking over the empire of Cyrus has been found.
And Themistocles was not the only one of the Greek leaders to find asylum in Persia. Hippias, Alcibiades, Demaratos, and Gongylos also found rich exile in Persia. [And don’t forget Alexander, who is coming up]. Let’s look at them each in turn.
In fact, so complete was the Greek crypto-Phoenician takeover of the Empire of Cyrus the Great, that this empire later gets a Greek name for the history textbooks! Miles believes that’s what they were from the beginning, but I believe the Greek name was attached to them after they were taken over. The Greek name Achaemenes first began to be associated with the Empire of Cyrus the Great by Darius, who was clearly a later imposter.
This might be a good time to point out the similarity between the words Achaemenid and Alcmaeonid. The Achaemenids were Persians, since Cyrus, first King of the Persian Empire, was an Achaemenid. We have seen above that many of the Greeks involved in these stories were Alcmaeonids, since they descended from Nestor, and thereby from Phoenicians. That should remind you that Achaemenid is a strange word for a Persian family line. The Achaeans were another name for the Greeks in general. That is what Homer called the Greeks in the Iliad.
Miles Finds a Convincing Candidate for the Real City of Troy!
Remember Gerry’s map showing his discovery of key Phoenician trading posts and cities across the Mediterranean?

Notice that there doesn’t seem to be many towards North-West Turkey, as well as the Black Sea. Of course, many “Greek” colonies would later emerge, but why didn’t the Phoenicians get started early on? There are some on islands on the Turkish coast, but not the mainland. The few that have come up appear to be trading posts rather than cities. Imagine the magnitude of tolls they could collect from ships passing to and from the Black Sea. The only reason you don’t find them there is because another power was dominant in that region, successfully opposing the Phoenicians.
But later down the road (and not covered by Gerry) when the Hittites are eviscerated, a Phoenician stronghold called Phrygia pops up in the center of the Anatolian Peninsula, commanding influence over North-West Turkey. Phrygia been associated with the mysterious “Sea People,” whom we will examine later.
Now onto Miles Mathis. Let’s figure out where the real Troy might be.
[…..]Before we move on, I want to pause on Odysseus for a moment, since he allows me to pull in the Trojan War. Since the Trojan War is dated to the exact time of the Sea Peoples’ destruction of the Mediterranean and the rise of Phoenicia, best guess is Troy was attacked by Phoenicians to take over some large mining operation there, with the Helen story used as cover. Remember, I have shown you this was the beginning of the Iron Age, and the Hittites had been ruling Anatolia (Turkey) up to that time. They were the only ones in Europe creating iron weapons, and they fell at precisely the same time as Troy. So there is no chance that is a coincidence. With that in mind, I checked current mines in Turkey. The big iron mines are currently in the east, but I found the world’s 7th largest silver mine on the west coast of Turkey, at Gumuskoy. It still has 640 million ounces of silver, and of course back then it would have had even more. It is south of the ruins of Troy, but is near enough that it could have been controlled by Troy. Or, the real Troy may not be where we are told it is. Despite what we have been told by the media, Troy VI/VII has never been connected in any real way with the Troy of the Iliad. All we know is that this was a very old city, rebuilt many times: we do not know it was Troy.
[……]I have told you above that the real denizens of Troy were Hittites, not Phoenicians, but it looks to me like Homer peopled his fictional Troy with cousins instead, to make the story more cosy for his audience. These fictional people were related to real people, and may have been based on real people.

Did you know that Homer also dropped a reference to Phoenicians as Phaeacians? While Homer may have used stories to disguise actual history, later Phoenician historians such as Herodotus, Plutarch, Thucydides did their best to obscure Phoenicia for new generations.
Miles then proposes an alternate location for Troy. In fact, Miles may have just discovered the proximity of the real Troy which the Phoenicians have hidden all these years!
If this theory is correct, then the silver we saw above from Tarshish [referring to a Biblical attestation of Soloman being supplied silver from “Tarshish” via Phoenicia] would actually be Trojan silver. Tarshish would be Troy. That would explain a lot of things, since the time periods match. We also have the right consonants to make this work, since if we drop vowels we get Trshsh. But sh and j are very similar sounds, so it would only take a very small transcription error to turn Trj into Trsh. It would also explain why silver is still measured in Troy ounces. A search on that yields the usual runaround, but this would explain it immediately. In confirmation, we can go to a list of the largest silver mines in the world, since the silver in the ground has not moved since Trojan times. The silver is where it has always been. That list is dominated by Mexico and Poland, and we know Tarshish was not there. Also Australia and Peru. Tarshish was not there. Then we find Turkey, and the mine just happens to be on the west coast, south of old Troy. Bingo! [And what about a connection of silver and iron? This was the beginning of the Iron Age, but silver keeps coming up in our research here. Could they have been using an iron/silver alloy? Yes, since adding silver to iron lowers its corrosion and raises its conduction [……].
[……]Anyway, the Hittites and Ugarit were targeted early by the Phoenicians because 1) they weren’t Semitic, 2) they had iron and probably silver, 3) they had pissed off the Phoenicians by winning the first naval battles in history in 1210 BC against Cyprus—which was just a Phoenician outpost. The Hittites used Ugaritic ships in these battles. On the page for King Suppiluliuma the Hittite, we find something else strange: according to Chamber 2 reliefs, he sacked his own prior capital at Tarhuntassa. Which means the Phoenicians had probably already infiltrated that city, and he discovered it. We also find that when the Sea Peoples destroyed the Hittite Empire, they actually came from the west. Meaning, from the direction of Troy. This confirms what I told you above. The Trojan War was real, but it had nothing to with rescuing damsels in distress. It had to do with Phoenicians sacking the Hittite Empire for their metals, and coming in from the west—where the metals were—to do it. They seized the cities on the west coast to start with, taking over control of the mines. The mines kept them in iron armor, which guaranteed their continued success.
The mine Miles is referring to is in Aydin province of Turkey, which is on the West Coast of Turkey. And Troy VII /Tarshish happens to be up north on the West Coast, not far from Istanbul. Neither locations should be confused with another Tarsus on Southern coast of Turkey, just north of Phoenicia.
Alexander the Great as a Phoney-Phoenician
Following reversals in the staged wars with the Greeks, the Greeks (read: Phoenicians) would ultimately overrun the entire Empire of Cyrus the Great, of course with minimal military confrontation. This would not have been possible without the rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great. To quote Miles,
As more proof of my thesis, let’s take a look at the Macedonian wars that arrived soon after the period we just studied—since they confirm my analysis once again. Like Persia, Macedon came out of nowhere and took over the world immediately. Before the 4th century BC, Macedon was a small kingdom to the north of Greece that had never done much of anything. Philip’s father Amyntas had actually lost his kingdom and had to be restored by outside influence. What outside influence? We are only told “Thessalians”. Yes, but what Thessalians? We have two big clues here, though no one ever ties them in. One, Thessaly was originally the Kingdom of Aeolus, who was visited by Odysseus in the Odyssey. Although a mortal king, he was called the keeper of the winds, and he provided Odysseus with a west wind. Now, who would be concerned with winds? Sailors, right? Phoenicians. Odysseus was also a Phoenician, like the rest of his “Greek” pals in the Iliad.
To further quote Miles,
We are up to 359 and Macedon is still a minor empire, relying on Thebes to right its spills. But suddenly Philip II takes over and all hell breaks loose. Why? Well, look to the women, as I keep telling you. Philip’s mother was Eurydice, a name we should now connect to the Phoenicians every time we see it. We also saw it in Persia in the royal court, which is yet another clue. Eurydice was also the wife of Nestor and the wife of Creon of Thebes. Eurydice, mother of Philip, was a Lyncestian, and they were a Molossian tribe from. . . Epirus. That is a huge clue for this reason:
Epirus has been occupied since at least Neolithic times by seafarers along the coast […..]
More to the point is that Philip married Audata, daughter of the King of Illyria, Bardyllis. The Illyrian kings were also Lyncestians, and I just told you what that means. Up to that time the Illyrians had been beating Macedon regularly, though—and this is important—the Illyrians had not been able to touch Epirus. Also curious is that Audata took the name Eurydice after marrying Philip. That was the name of his mother, remember, so this just gets weirder. Despite having an Illyrian wife, Philip nonetheless crushed Illyria in the same year he married her. If you are keeping score, that means Philip the boy wonder has already crushed both Athens and Illyria in about two years on the throne (359-57). He isn’t even 25 yet. Since Audata didn’t immediately give him a son, he ditched her and married princess of Epirus, Olympias, who was the mother of Alexander the Great.
Philip also married a woman named Cleopatra. Isn’t that an Egyptian name? Philip was succeeded by Alexander, who then goes on his unbelievable conquest of the Persian Empire by moving South, always blessed by luck and meeting little resistance. Even when he moves far away from Macedonia, none of his rivals bother snatching his kingdom. Not even Spartaaaa Sparta. Miles covers his conquests, which resemble the unbelievable Punic wars in detail. Of course, Alexander stops at Phrygia, and you know why. It seems Darius III of Persia, clearly arranged for his empire to fall into the hands of Alexander. To quote,
Next we come to the Battle of Issus, in which Darius III of Persia allegedly marched out to near Antioch to meet Alexander. Alexander had only about 40,000 troops, so we aren’t sure where the other 52,000 were hiding. Maybe they were on the ships, fishing for dolphin. According to ancient sources, Darius had 250,000-600,000, but modern historians have dropped that by a factor of 10 to make this slightly more believable. They put Darius’ total at about 60,000. But in a real battle, we would indeed have expected Darius to have far more footsoldiers, since he was on his home turf. It was much easier for him to recruit locals. At any rate, we are supposed to believe that facing an army of 60,000 men, Alexander only lost. . . 452. You have to laugh. Darius is said to have lost up to 40,000 in a one-day battle, and modern historians have not shaved that down to a believable number.
[……]More reasons to return this all to sender is that we are supposed to believe that Darius marched hundred of miles out from Persepolis, but brought his wife and children with him, as well as his mother. Alexander captured the wife, mother, and daughters, and married the daughter. That’s not suspicious, is it? Darius also allegedly left a fabulous treasure sitting on the battlefield when he fled, which is of course convenient […..].
They also admit that part of Darius’ forces included 8,000 Greek mercenary special troops, all of whom survived and later fought for Spartan King Agis. So they fought the Macedonians again just a year and half later, appearing twice in the same play.
The Fake Siege of Tyre Revisited
Miles draws our attention to this map. It was prepared by Frank Martini. Cartographer, Department of History, United States Military Academy, and uploaded onto Wikipedia. To quote Miles,

Notice the positions of the Cyprian Fleet and the Phoenician Fleet. Tyre was Phoenician, so why would the Phoenician Fleet be attacking Tyre as an ally of Alexander?
And remember, Cyprus was an outpost of Phoenicia! Wikipedia tries to misdirect by saying that since Alexander had conquered (read: fake conquered) Byblos, Arwad and Sidon (which were under fake-conquest of the Persians), he also got control of their fleets! Miles has noted another discrepancy:
Strange that Wiki gives us long fictional accounts of Issus and Tyre, but not one word on these wins at Byblos, Arwad and Sidon. I guess we are supposed to believe that Phoenicia caved without a fight and turned over all their precious ships to Alexander just to be nice.
Alexander’s Fake-Conquest of Egypt
To quote Miles,
We are told Egypt considered Alexander a liberator. A liberator from what and to what? He founded Alexandria, as you know, but why would he be allowed to do that? What exactly was his prior connection to Egypt? None, that we know of. But if he were a Phoenician, it would be explained immediately, wouldn’t it? In that case, Alexander’s gay cruise was just an excuse by the Phoenicians to solidify their control of Egypt. On the way back, Alexander’s general and half-brother Ptolemy took Egypt with no battle and made himself Pharaoh. What? So Egypt was just sitting there unmanned, waiting for a foreign savior? If so, why hadn’t Darius come in and taken it? Or one of the other nearby rulers? Why wait for this Ptolemy? I have already told you: because these “Macedonians” were really Phoenicians, and Phoenicia already ran Egypt, just like they ran Persia and Thebes and everywhere else.
Next, Alexander would conquer Babylon in equally unbelievable circumstances. With the project of passing over the Persian Empire to Greek-Phoenicians complete, Alexander would fake his death. To quote,
Also notice that he was said to have died at age 32. But since that was only about 40 days short of 33 years, and since his birth date is unknown, he may have been 33. In fact, he may have been exactly 33, with that later changed by a few days because it was thought to be too obvious.
Misdirection about Proto-Indo-European languages
It is accepted that Greek alphabet (from which Latin alphabet is derived) is derived from the Phoenician alphabet. But the same is never said about the Greek language. To quote Miles
Just go to the Wikipedia page for PIE, or Proto-Indo-European languages. What is missing there? No mention of Aramaic, Phoenician, or even Hebrew. That’s sort of an obvious omission, isn’t it? They even publish a large graph of all PIE languages, but I couldn’t find Hebrew, Phoenician, or Canaanite on it. Since the Semitic languages are the oldest known, and since they obviously come from the same region as the PIE languages, it has to look pretty odd that they are left out of the discussion altogether. Not only is no effort taken to include them in PIE, no effort is taken to derive PIE from the earlier Semitic language. In that graph, the Hellenic languages have no precursors, except the word “Indo- European”. And we are told the Semitic languages are not Indo-European. So what are they, Martian?
In fact, any least study of the question shows that PIE is complete misdirection, with millions of man hours devoted to keeping you from seeing the obvious, as usual. The mainstream admits Semitic languages go back to almost 4000BC, while Greek goes back to only around 1400BC, making it fairly new. So the natural thing to do would be to try to connect the later language to the earlier, right? A search on that question finds nothing. That never occurred to anyone, apparently. A huge amount of work has been done trying to tie PIE languages like Greek and Sanskrit to one another, but no work has been done trying to tie PIE to earlier languages. I wonder why not? I suggest it is because they don’t want you realizing that all languages are offshoots of proto-Phoenician, and that we are all speaking dialects of it.
You will say it is because there are no similarities or point of obvious connection between PIE and Semitic languages, but I would think the alphabet might be the first clue. We saw another obvious clue just a few months ago in a paper of mine, where we found Welsh was mistaken for Hebrew. Welsh is currently categorized as a Celtic language, part of PIE, not Semitic.
The Phoenician-Ancient Egyptian Connection
While Egyptian accounts mention the Sea Peoples attacking them, there are also strange accounts of the Pharaoh using “captured” Sherdan warriors as his bodyguards. This does not make sense. To further quote Miles on how Phoenicia and Ancient Egypt were linked by language,
Returning to the language question, we find that the Phoenician alphabet came from Egyptian hieroglyphics, which fact the mainstream uses to separate the Egyptians from the Phoenicians. But it makes more sense to flip that, realizing that the Egyptians were just earlier Phoenicians. Proto-Phoenicians.
As a further confirmation, Egypt never threatened Phoenician Carthage, despite being at marching distance from it.

A coin from Tyre Phoenicia, 440-425 BC, showing an owl and the Crook & Flail in the background. The owl is a Phoenician symbol.

To further quote Miles,
I will be told this Phoenician=Egyptian theory won’t fly, since we know the Egyptians were capturing pirates at that time. We see them in carvings. But these Shasu don’t look like the Sherdan, so why are Jewish historians going out of their way to conflate them? There is no reason to think these Shasu were Israelites, Phoenicians, or Sea Peoples. Studying these Steles actually provides more confirmation the Egyptians and Sea Peoples/Phoenicians were not enemies, because it is admitted both were enemies of the Hittites. The famous battle of Kadesh in those years was not a battle of Egypt against the Sea Peoples, it was a battle against Hattusa. Although the Hittites won the battle at Kadesh, they soon lost the greater war to the Sea Peoples. What does that tell you? That the Egyptians/Phoenicians were the Sea Peoples.
We have confirmation of that straight from Wikipedia, in the section on the Poem of Pentaur:
The poem relates that the previously captured Sherdan were not only working for the Pharaoh, but were also formulating a plan of battle for him; i.e. it was their idea to divide Egyptian forces into four columns. There is no evidence of any collaboration with the Hittites or malicious intent on their part, and if Ramesses considered it, he never left any record of that consideration.
Egyptian inscriptions depict the Pharaoh battling an alliance known as “The Nine Bows,” and the Sea People were supposedly part of this alliance. To quote Wikipedia,
The Nine Bows were acting under the leadership of the king of Libya and an associated near-concurrent revolt in Canaan involving Gaza, Ashkelon, Yenoam and the people of Israel. Exactly which peoples were consistently in the Nine Bows is not clear, but present at the battle were the Libyans, some neighboring Meshwesh, and possibly a separate revolt in the following year involving peoples from the eastern Mediterranean, including the Kheta (or Hittites), or Syrians, and (in the Israel Stele) for the first time in history, the Israelites. In addition to them, the first lines of the Karnak inscription include some sea peoples, which must have arrived in the Western Delta or from Cyrene by ship.
Miles refuses to entertain the idea that Israelites were part of this anti-Pharaoh alliance, as he believes they are interchangeable with the Sea People. If the Sea People were Phoenician, then as we have seen earlier, they would be on good terms with Egypt, not against it. I will address this gap later.
Miles has successfully proved that the Phoenicians had infiltrated the Persians, via the Greeks. And later consolidated the entire empire of Cyrus II (and maybe beyond). So was this the end of the story? Did they simply pack up and depart to this newly acquired territory? Maybe. What about their Sea People brethren, who still had all their ports and fleets intact? What could explain their sudden desperation to destroy the Hittites, with whom they had co-existed for centuries? Remember that their destruction of the Hittites was on the scale of a genocide, not the regular wars of the Bronze Age. I do have some answers in the next sections.
An Additional Note on Modern Phoenicia or Lebanon
When I first came to read this series, I was taken aback by having to make the consideration that the silly people of Lebanon were host to Spooks. I always expected the historical epicentre of Spookians to have permanently moved to European capitals. But as we shall learn, present-day Lebanon and its citizenry are merely placeholders for the Spookians. They are the background scenery which keeps you distracted from the Spookians. And they do play that role well.
Phoenicians would gradually (and “almost” permanently) lose their ports in the Levant (and their accompanying fleets) to the Muslims. And since Muslims were not into colonization, they retired the fleets. Tyre lingered on as in independent port throughout early Islamic history, because it was built to withstand conquest. Seeing inevitable Muslim conquest, it was quietly passed on (without siege or battle) to the Ismaili Fatimids, who are again, Phoenicians. The Fatimids used it as a base for their numerous conspiracies in the Muslim world. Around this time, many Phoenicians settled in Tyre pretend-converted to the Ismaili sect of Islam (associated with the Fatimids) and even erected a mosque there, right above the temple of Melkart. When the Crusades started, Tyre again shapeshifted into a Crusader stronghold. The Crusades were nothing other than an exercise by the Phoenicians to regain their lost strongholds in the Levant by duping European Christians into believing they were fighting to free the Christian-Israelite Holy Land. Do read Miles’ paper on the Crusades. Saladin attempted a Siege of Tyre but had to give up because he did not have a good navy. Nevertheless, Saladin did succeed in destroying Phoenician power in the Levant. So now you know why they hate Saladin so much. Tyre would finally be taken by the Mamluks in 1291, who are still an object of hate for the Phoenicians.
When the Illuminati Safavids imposed Twelver Shiism on Iran, they imported Shiite clerics from Lebanon. Around 1512, the Ottomans got infiltrated by the Phoenicians. And by the 17th century, Tyre was being resettled by Christians, Shiites and the mysterious Druzes. In an earlier book, I have connected the Druzes to Banu Al-Harith, a sub-group of the Banu Hamdan tribal confederation which migrated from Yemen during early Islamic conquests. The Banu Hamdan tribal confederation was host to Sabaean crypto-Jews. It is clear that the Phoenicians did not want mainstream Sunni Muslims settling in the vicinity, since they would be difficult to control, whereas they have tentacles in every Shiite community. And their efforts paid off. According to the 1921 census, 83% of Tyre’s population were Shiites, 4% Sunni, and some 13% Christians. The Phoenicians were clearly attempting to re-establish themselves, thanks to their friends within the Ottoman administration. To quote Wikipedia,
Emir Fakhreddin [a Druze leader] aspired to establish an independent state – which has been widely viewed in the public discourse as the earliest vision of Lebanon as a country:
“In 1608, Fakhr al-Din signed a treaty with Ferdinand, the Medici grand duke of Tuscany, which included a secret article clearly directed against the Porte.
At the core of this alliance with Florence was the plan to rebuild the harbour for naval support. In this context, he converted the remains of Tyre’s former Crusader’s Cathedral in 1610 into a military fortress. Notwithstanding, he was chased out by the Turkish army and went into exile in Tuscany.
Before he was chased out, he was hiding in caves in (hold your breath)…….Jezzine/Zion.
So there we have it. The Medicis from the Phoenician stronghold of Firenze trying to re-establish a Phoenicia centered around Tyre, all under the nose of the Ottomans! Egypt would be quietly passed to direct Phoenician control by the Ottomans, and the Spook Muhammad Ali would be allowed to establish himself. In 1831, he captured Tyre, and the Ottomans showed no resistance. In 1839, Tyre was passed over to an Allied expedition, but fell back to the Ottomans, thanks to the resilience of a local Turkish commander.

In World War I, the British put special emphasis on capturing Tyre, Beirut and Tripoli. Despite the fact that with advancements in modern warfare, the abandoned rock of Tyre had little strategic value. Later we see great effort to settle and develop Tyre. This can only be explained in terms of a nostalgic attachment.
On the first of September 1920, the French colonial rulers proclaimed the new State of Greater Lebanon under the guardianship of the League of Nations. Interestingly, the French military governor of South Lebanon and resident of Tyre, Zinovi Pechkoff, was a protege of writer Maxim Gorky, an important figure in the then Phoenician project of Communism.

Zinovi Pechkoff, the French military governor of South Lebanon and resident of Tyre. How did a Russian born person become a French diplomat?

Maxim Gorky. His Phoenician ancestors sold substandard pottery, while he sold bogus ideas.

Leon Trotsky spent the years 1929-1933 in this villa on an island off the coast of Istanbul. Buyukada island was an important Phoenician outpost in earlier times, confirming Trotsky’s Phoenician credentials.

Traitor-Communist Pakistani/Urdu poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz was a crypto-Phoenician. One of his poems is a tribute to the city of Beirut (which is quite far away from Pakistan). To quote from it,
This city stands at time’s creation.
This city will stand at time’s end.
Beirut, the heart of Lebanon.
Beirut, ornament of our world.
Beirut, exquisite as Paradise’s Garden.
Faiz fled Pakistan when the anti-Soviet General Zia came to power in Pakistan. He lived in Beirut for four years, where he edited a Soviet-funded magazine. He accepted the Lenin Prize from the Soviets at a time when Soviet tanks were rolling into Afghanistan.
Unlike Israel, which came into existence in 1948, amid war and mass displacement of local populations, Lebanon quietly became a nation in 1943, in comparatively peaceful circumstances. This was because unlike the creation of Israel, the creation of Lebanon did not entail huge arrivals of foreign people and the displacement of the locals. But just like Israel, its creation has little historical basis because it was also a Phoenician project. Some have assumed that Lebanon is meant to be a backup state for the Phoenicians, when they fold over their Israel project, amid a massive staged war involving Muslims and Western Christians. The Phoenicians managing Israel number in thousands, and they need a safe haven nearby (when the going gets tough).
When Lebanon was created in 1948, there were high hopes that it would become a European style oasis of culture, literacy and peace, with cities boasting infrastructure comparable to Western cities. But since the Phoenicians also manage the opposition to Israel (the PLO and other groups), they needed a place outside Israel to operate these groups, and Lebanon became a default choice. This brought war and destruction to Lebanon. Then the Phoenicians managed to pull off the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran Project in 1979. Soon enough, Lebanon with its large Shiite population was transformed into a proxy of Iran. The incredulity of the situation can best be described by the fact that Lebanon shares no borders with Iran (Syria is in between) but it does share borders with Israel. Both Israel and Syria have been in a position to annex Lebanon but never do so. They just venture into Lebanon occasionally, and retreat.
The crypto-Phoenicians running Lebanon are extremely corrupt, and mercilessly loot public treasuries on a routine basis, resulting in the failure of basic public infrastructure. Yet this joke of a country never seems to fold over. The citizenry of Lebanon generally tend to be apathetic, and in the Arab world, tend to be associated with a negative stereotype of practioners of stoney-hearted corruption. To escape this stereotype, some of the Muslim citizenry Lebanon often pretend to be Palestinian (so you have been warned). Don’t ask me why but countries completely and openly dominated by Spookians seem to desensitize their citizenry towards corruption in everyday life. The same can be said about some East European countries. Most Lebanese share a common dream of migrating, preferably to a Western country. The non-Muslim citizenry seem to have developed some kind of false pride and identity with the nation that was never created for them or by them, even when they have relocated to Western countries. While they love doing business with Arabs, they also happen to be some of the most demanding customers of “White Privilege.” Except that to their frustration, neither their Christianity nor their comparative fairness seems to get rewarded. Some of the more confused and delusional types thus want to shred their Arab identity and yet maintain some territorial connection to Lebanon by identifying with Phoenicia, while being completely clueless about what it was all about.

Fake 9/11 Hijacker Ziad Jarrah who was fake killed in the fake crash of UAL93, is a Lebanese-born Lebanese national. There are 131 entries for Lebanon in an indepenedent 9/11 investigation project.

Lebanon currently operates as a Spook state, serving neither its citizenry nor a particular ideology. Its main purpose is spooking the Arab world. For example, Arabs tend to be very suspicious of anything coming out of Israel or associated with the Mossad. But they tend to be less skeptical about books, intellectuals, and Intel ops originating from Lebanon, because they are not seen as “Jewish.” And so, when we examine the notable people produced by cities such as Tyre and Sidon in recent time, the list screams “Spook nest,” despite the fact that the city and its administration may be in complete shambles. Following the end of the Ottoman Empire, many sketchy “Arab intellectuals” who peddled Nationalism and Communism (as a substitute to Islam) in the newly created countries of Iraq and Syria trace their origin to Lebanon.
Interesting, all of this corroborates my own research and conclusions. This is my website: Esoteric Awakening. Stop by anytime if you like and feel free to use any of my work however you want, it may offer you more insights to use for your own work. I will read more of your work soon and will likely ask to republish a piece or two at my website at some point if you are interested, to introduce my readers to your work and website. Cheers mate
Just to mention the vandals/ gaiseric were in 400s AD, as part of the decline of the Roman Empire, not before. Keep up the good work.
Thanks. Gerry is aware of that. Yet he brings it up to highlight their strange affinity to Carthage.
[Samson…”when she discovers her[sic: his] motives.”
Corrected. Thanks.
And fake snow in texas :
lot of things happening in space too which NASA is hiding :
Phoenician Navy = Tribe of Dan
Almost. Tribe of Dan blew outa dere per Stephen Pidgeon after embracing the “Sons of Belial” perversion that got the Tribe of Benjamin slaughtered as blamed for their raping to death a Levite’s wife/concubine. Dan is cut out of the list of tribes in Revelation/Apocalypse, true, but Dan buddied up to the Amorites, Satanista Semites who reverse everything God is and wishes, so very heavy into Genesis 3:15 Woman & Seed persecuting as the foes of Satan, so anti-marriage, pro-gay, pro-slavery, promoting “gods made people as slaves” creation story everything opposite, Allah is crazy vicious slaver god everything opposite. Dan PLUS Amorite imposters pretending to be Neo-Sumerians, Neo-Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians, Neo-Cons! Rinse and repeat. DAN PLUS AMORITES ERASED JEWS AND NEW JEWS, CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS bringing divorce, usury, perpetual debt with “Protestant Reformation.” GREAT DECEPTION punked by Woman of Rev 12 at Fatima, Portugal, 1917 “Miracle of the Sun” with SIster Lucia replaced by Lucy2