How many Students in Halifax have gone missing or ended up murdered?
Did you know that some who come to Dal Halifax never graduate……..and no, I don’t mean they drop out. Take the case of Andrea King. To quote,

On January 1, 1992, a 22-year-old Vancouver woman named Andrea King had arrived at the Halifax International Airport with dreams of enrolling at Dalhousie Law School… and disappeared. Her body was found nearly a year later.
There have been attempts to link this murder to a known offender, but suddenly his DNA has disappeared. There is more going on here than what meets the eye. Why is this murder still unsolved? To quote
There are any number of reasons, of course, why homicides don’t get solved. But, given the stunning number still on the books in Halifax, we need to ask if incompetence is one of those reasons.
Or maybe deliberate incompetence.