A Vaccine-Peddling Lobby affiliated with Dal?
Come lookey over here. “Canadian researchers” (many affiliated to DAL) are suddenly concerned about vaccine adverse reactions and have come together to create a group to study these adverse reactions. And the Government is going to shower them with $800,000 of taxpayer funds (while at the same time showering millions at Moderna to set up a plant in Canada). Except that nothing is what it seems to be. And these groups might be vaccine pushers disguised as research organizations.

There is an overwhelming presence of Dalhousie University in all of this. For example, at the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN), we have Scott Halperin from DAL as the Principal Investigator. We have Joanne Langley from DAL in charge of the Clinical Trials Network. We have DAL affiliated members Jeannette Comeau, Jennifer Isenor, Shelly McNeil, Kathryn Slayter as Investigators at the Clinical Trials Network at CIRN. We have DAL affiliated Karina Top and Shelly McNeil as Co-Investigators at the Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network at CIRN. We have DAL affiliated Paula Brnafrom, Shelly McNeil and Bruce Smith as Co-Investigators at the Provincial Collaborative Network at CIRN. We have DAL affiliated Shelly McNeil and Melissa Andrew running the Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network at CIRN. With DAL affiliated May ElSherif, Joanne Langley, Scott Halperin, Jason Leblanc as Co-Investigators at the Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network at CIRN. We have DAL affiliated Karina Top in charge of the Special Immunization Clinics Network at CIRN. With DAL affiliated Scott Halperin and Shelly McNeil as co-investigators Special Immunization Clinics Network at CIRN. We have DAL affiliated May ElSherif, Scott Halperin, Todd Hatchette, Jason Leblanc as Co-Investigators at the Reference laboratory Network at CIRN.
Then CIRN being a Science based organization has a strange Marketing Department “Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN).” To quote them,
SSHN projects focus on vaccine acceptance and vaccine hesitancy with the goal of generating evidence and approaches that will enable vaccination programs, healthcare providers, and policy decision-makers to address vaccine hesitancy and achieve greater vaccination acceptance.
In other words, they are Vaccine Lobby, just like the lobbies for Big Tobacco and Big Sugar. And they can’t even be discreet that they are simply pushing vaccines. Here too, we find DAL affiliated Co-Investigators, such as Jeannette Comeau, Janice Graham, Scott Halperin, Noni MacDonald and of course, the indispensable Karina Top.
Again, we have DAL’s Scott Halperin as Co-Chair of the Vaccine surveillance Reference group (VSRG). And again, DAL’s Karina Top as an ex-officio member.
Then there is another Government funded organization called Canvax, which describes itself as follows:
CANVax makes it easier for public health professionals to find and collect resources to inform the work being done to improve vaccine acceptance and uptake.

In other words, another Vaccine Lobby. We also learn that Canvax is part of the Vaccine Safety Net, which is affiliated with the WHO, which in turn is the main organization behind the Covid-19 mess. They even have a Q&A page where they goad people into accepting vaccines. Here too, we find DAL and the IWK Hospital in Halifax as official partners. Here too, we find the DAL affiliated Karina Top, as well a whole cast of characters seen in similar organizations.
So it seems that many of these folks are less of researchers and more of vaccine pushers. That could explain why Ottawa is showering them with money and all sorts of grants and trinkets. On the other hand, real Canadian scientists and doctors who are raising the alarm (such as Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Charles Hoffe) are being mobbed and being put out of practice.
Can you even mentally picture DAL raising alarm about vaccine safety? Earlier, they got all sorts of grants to develop vaccines and fight “vaccine hesitancy.” Isn’t that a conflict of interest? Again, having these people/organizations around means that they may get to monopolize the data surrounding Adverse Vaccine Reactions, keeping out people with real concern. Anything that DAL is involved in needs to be investigated.