As expected, three stooges have already been lined up. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, the Pandemic-Lockdown-Vaccine “Program” will continue as it was planned many years ago. It is clear beyond doubt that only Cabal families are allowed to play musical chairs in the three major parties. Everyone else who exhibits the slightest independent mindedness gets the boot. Take the case of NDP’s Rana Zaman. Or a more recent example, Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin, who is now running as in independent after being booted from the Progressive Conservative Party. She successfully put an end to a jingoistic lockdown-blockade of legitimate border traffic on a Nova Scotia border, which was adversely affecting her constituents. You can’t even be a
Mayor in Cape Breton if you are not tied to the Cabal.
Some have doubted if real elections actually take place anymore. Maybe in small counties. But elsewhere, opinion polls are conducted in advance, and results are created to reflect them to keep up the illusion of free and fair elections. Some are even confused as to how the Liberals won in Nova Scotia in the first place. Even if the Liberals are now “ousted,” (maybe to bury the Stay the Blazes Home Shootings) the Pandemic-Lockdown-Vaccine “Program” will continue. The Liberals are even touting a daycare program that will bring more Government into the lives of toddlers. I thus have a strong feeling the Liberals won’t be gone (atleast for good). In Halifax, we have three “Muslim” candidates popped up among the PC Party, which is strange because the Conservatives have in the past, promoted war in Muslim countries, and most rational Muslims never go near that party. One of them has a reputation of a Loonie counter who can’t move a muscle unless money is involved, and many were surprised why the candidate entered politics in the first place. Some have wondered if these candidates are just there to create confusion and enable the Liberals. While some have opined that the Liberals are in their way out, and therefore the PC is getting a Liberal face.
While the so-called Liberals were tasked with the Pandemic-Lockdown-Vaccine “Program” and are expected to oversee it for some time on the national level, the NDP, the Conservative and Progressive Conservative parties are pretend adversaries. Take the case of current premier of Ontario and leader of the Progressive Conservative (PC) Party, Doug Ford. He’s probably worth 22 battalions to the Communist Party of China, considering how he has irreparably damaged industry in Ontario.
If you want more insight into this, I would suggest reading this article by Miles Mathis. It’s about American politics but applies to Canada as well. Historically, the Conservatives represented the Cabal families, and they wanted nothing to change. They were the fascists. The Liberals were the reformers. The Fascists struck back by inverting the meaning of what Liberal means, associating them with Communism, gender confusion etc. This makes reasonable people go back into the Conservative camp, where the fascists get to promote all the wars they want.
Historically, the biggest accomplishment of the so-called Liberal Party of Canada was destroying Quebec’s claim for sovereignty. After the wildly successful Expo 67 event, Quebec began pushing for much deserved sovereignty (They later burnt down the iconic Geodesic dome from that event and made a disaster out of the later Mirabel Airport project just to keep their pride in check). The Powers That Be responded by setting up a fake, scary, Al-Qaida-like organization called the FLQ which only served to de-legitimize the cause of Quebec sovereignty. The biggest hint that the FLQ was compromised is that towards the end of the October crisis of 1970, five of their major operatives were flown to safety to Uncle Castro’s Cuba by the Canadian Air Force. Cuba is another obvious Cabal outpost. Present day Quebec parties are just as compromised. The biggest hint is that they take more issue with niqabs rather than mandatory masks. And rather than opposing the lockdowns, they decapitated their own economy, Doug Ford style. Despite the fact that the Pandemic, with all the border restrictions, presented a ripe opportunity to push for sovereignty.