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- Elon Musk: Made in Apartheid South Africa February 26, 2025
A twitter user has an interesting synopsis of Elon Musk:
News Flash: Elon Musk’s entire bloodline reads like a Satanic fever dream.
His grandfather? Arrested in Canada for being part of a cult hell-bent on installing a technocracy—literally the same dystopian system Elon is now building before our eyes.
His father? Had two children with his own fucking stepdaughter after raising her for a few years.
His mother? A demonic vessel of a woman who looks like she bathes in adrenochrome and whispers incantations over synthetic embryos.
And Elon himself? At least 12 kids, all conceived through IVF or surrogacy—except for one, allegedly.
Even his reproduction is manufactured. His latest? With Ashley St. Claire, because apparently, bloodlines and breeding programs are still a thing in whatever elite eugenics experiment these people are running.The more you look into it, the more it stops feeling like a real-life story and more like some Luciferian sci-fi horror script.
Rosemary’s Baby meets the Hollywood Casting Couch.
And yet, half the world still thinks Captain Brain-Chip is some kind of genius savior.And there’s more. The connection to Emerald mines in Apartheid South Africa. When Apartheid was instituted in South Africa, it was not as if all whites suddenly decided to go ahead with it. It was imposed by their Phoenician elite, because they were the ones who needed massive armies of laborers, permanently locked up in a strata of poverty and backwardification. That’s how they could be used for the plantations and mines of the elite. Common whites had little use for Apartheid, but were duped into supporting it. For example, even their Church officials even convinced them blacks and whites would have separate Heavens in afterlife! The system was unsustainable. But by the time it came to an end, the likes of Musk had already cashed out, and common whites ended up becoming the scapegoats (Play stupid games, win stupid prizes).
Now there is a theory that the Phoenicians want to re-institute Apartheid, or maybe some form of technocracy, at least in some limited parts of South Africa. To their advantage, they also have control over the present-day South African government, which is basically them cosplaying as black leaders. The idea is to reduce and backwardify present-day South Africa, to the point where the locals will be forced to accept their failure, and wish for the “good old times.” And Western forces will be called in to “protect” white locals. Supporting this theory is the additional fact that South Africa faced an alarmingly disproportionate death rate from Covid19/Covid19 vaccines. There is anecdotal evidence that they were being sprayed with aerosolized versions of toxins using aircraft (which made strange patterns on flight radars), and even their drinking water was contaminated. This is further proof that South Africa “black leaders” are fully on board with the said agenda.
How does Elon Musk really do all the things he does? How many committees manage his activities? Is he really in charge or a mascot? Legit smart and and innovative people faced a quick downfall after entering the American automotive business. Yet for some mysterious reason which baffled many Wall Street speculators (and which enriched the pockets of many), people discovered that Tesla stock always remains buoyant (atleast in last few years).
- Its Time November 12, 2024
- It doesn’t get worse October 31, 2024
USA is a nation of 335 million adults. Many have graduate degrees. There are 31 million entrepreneurs. 4.5 million have Doctorate Degrees. And this is the best they can come up with?
It all started incrementally. There used to be genuine, independent candidates once upon a time. Around the 70s, they started getting assassinated (or facing assassination attempts). And no, it was not like a bullet grazing the ear.
- The real reason why Telegram Executive Pavel Durov has been arrested August 28, 2024
On 24th August 2024, Pavel Durov was arrested in France on alleged criminal charges relating to an alleged lack of content moderation on Telegram and refusal to work with police. There was a subsequent media blitz to portray him as some some kind of criminal.
The real reason he is under arrest is that unlike other instant messaging platforms, Telegram is not completely backdoored by Western Intelligence Agencies. They have a feature called Secret Chats, which never leave the two devices they are on.
Is Patrushev running Russia? Add to that, one popular Telegram group with more than 11,000 followers called General SVR is leaking some highly embarrassing information from the Kremlin. Whoever is running the group seems connected to the highest levels in the Kremlin, and have access to top level classified information. Durov is Russian, but because he has multiple other nationalities, the Russians cannot exactly put their hands on him. In addition, he has structured Telegram such that such channels could continue operating even if he is arrested or killed. In fact, Russian authorities did their best to censor Telegram just because of this group, but failed to completely censor it, because it can be downloaded even without an App Store.
The General SVR group claims that Putin died a long time ago, and the current Putin is an actor. And that an FSB executive named Nikolai Patrushev is the one pulling the strings! This confirms my earlier conclusions about Russia being operated as a suicide-state for the Phoenicians, and NATO is all in on the hoax.
Going back to Durov, France has been selected to detain him, because Russia doing so (while Western countries watched on) would hint at collusion with the Russians. Another interesting detail is that Durov resides in the UAE (A Gulf Monarchy), and even they didn’t bother censoring him. Yet France has regressed to the point of no return, doing the dirty work of the Russians.
- France headed for Depopulation May 10, 2024
France, a nation which aggressively pushed the Covid-19 vaccine, is now headed for depopulation. Apparently, birth rates are more difficult to hide than sudden deaths. Their crypto-Phoenician President is now offering fertility checks to his citizenry, in an effort to be pretend-concerned. Some of their brainwashed citizenry are still concerned about sharia law.
- South Korea heading for Rapid Depopulation (And Communist Invasion) May 10, 2024
South Korea, a small, technologically advanced country, also has a strong culture of conformity. So the entire population lined up for their Covid19 vaccine shots. And now there are grim predictions that their birth rate has fallen so low, that they are headed for extinction. Of course,the data on deaths following the vaccine is being suppressed and attributed to other causes, but hiding birth rates is of course, more difficult. When Chinese backed Communists from North Korea once invaded, they were pushed back. Looks like this time, the North Koreans wont even have to send in the tanks. Unsurprisingly, the Covid19 vaccine shots were not pushed in North Korea, because the brain-washed citizenry is already living under lock-down. To quote,
The country declined several international offers of COVID-19 vaccines, making it one of the few countries not to begin a vaccination programme.
- Strange shooting in Seattle April 25, 2024
An alleged pedophile who got killed (on camera) in a police shootout in Seattle on 17th April 2024 turns out to be a Navy doctor who served at Guantanamo Bay, and was also the commander of the NATO Role 3 multinational medical unit in Afghanistan. Google seems to be censoring his name. But do check out some research by Instagram user @photogsteve81.
- UberⓇ India is Hiring January 30, 2024
Back in the days of the Pandemic, UberⓇ India distinguished itself as a notorious promoter of the Covid-19 vaccines. Customers using the UberⓇ app were even notified in advance that their driver was indeed vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. But as we now know, the vaccine may have made the driver more sick, by inducing Covid-19 and many other dangerous maladies. In other words, a vaccinated driver was more dangerous to the passengers than an unvaccinated one. And given the fact that the vaccine could induce a stroke, a vaccinated driver was also a risk to others on the road.
There are rumors that many such poor drivers who were forced to take the vaccine ended up getting incapacitated or even worse. Nobody wants to talk about it anymore. Not even their unions, who allowed this game of questionable legality.
Anyway, UberⓇ India seems to be desperately hiring/rehiring…….replacements? On the right is a photograph taken in Hyderabad, India, a few days ago. Expect a replay of this lunacy in the next Plandemic.
- Trotsky’s Granddaughter works for the NIH! January 15, 2024
Did you know that Trotsky’s granddaughter works for an agency under the US National Institute of Health?
- Beware these Eight Israeli brands/products November 25, 2023
The BDS Movement has compiled a list of eight Israeli brands/products that shouldn’t be in your shopping cart (unless, of course, you support war and occupation). Of course, there are many more. But these are the most notorious.
- Gaza conflict planned 11 years ago? October 28, 2023
This is the cover of the Economist magazine, 22nd December 2012- 4th January 2013. Note the “Hamas Glider” shooting an Israeli one, resulting in “Wrath.” The “Hamas Glider” clearly has the word Hamas written on the headband of the pilot. Also, did you know that according to the Midrash (ancient rabbinic commentary on the Talmud), hamas in Hebrew means violence, murder and complete moral destruction (Breishit Rabba 31:6). Funny choice of a name the “Palestinians” made.
- Gazans are being tricked into leaving October 28, 2023
Someone on Reddit is claiming that four years ago, a British-Israeli billionaire family which also happens to have investments in Israeli hotel chains was seeking investments for a “New Dubai” where Gaza currently is. They were proposing hotel complexes where Western tourists would arrive by the thousands. What is most interesting is that this was posted on the Palestine Subreddit but was immediately deleted. But screenshots were saved, which made it to Tiktok, and are currently being reposted on Reddit. If you look at the way the “war” is unfolding, there is a huge hype and scare theater underway to frighten the Palestinians into moving out of Gaza on their own accord. This of course, will save the Israeli Army from the casualties of close combat. What is most interesting is that even Western countries have joined in on the scare theater, and are doing their best to make sure Gazans “leave peacefully,” even promising them “safety corridors.” Remember the eerie similarity to real estate in Lahaina (Hawaii) after the “wildfires.”
- JPGs supporting Hamas? October 28, 2023
Why are “Jews Pretending to be Goys” (JPGs) getting the spotlight for publicly supporting Hamas? Check out Lebanese JPG Mia Khalifa (The link is porn-free and is safe for work).
- PSA on the Israel-Palestine Conflict October 14, 2023
- Too many Anomalies in the Israel-HAMAS war October 11, 2023
There are too many anomalies emerging in the media coverage, and its clear that both sides of the narrative are being managed by the same people! Twitter user @LezLuthor has picked up a number of them.
- Fooling the Goyim again… October 9, 2023
To quote some interesting commentary by Miles Mathis,
You do realize this makes absolutely no sense, right? A dozen bozos hang-glided over the border into
a kibbutz peace party and kidnapped 40 of the most beautiful women in Israel? So how did Hamas get those girls out of there and back across the border? The border was tight on the way in, requiring they come in silently by air, but then they could noisily drive their pickups full of dead girls back over the border? Where did the pickups come from? Did they bring those in on kites, too? Anyone buying this story is braindead.And is the Hamas brutalizing/raping sex dolls? Remember that they are in on it. And so was the PLO before them.
- How Online Discussions are Controlled August 25, 2023
Some textbook COINTELPRO techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum. Read more here.
- Riots (and Fake Counter-Riots) in France July 3, 2023
Like all European countries, France has been a Phoenician colony for ages. In fact Napoleon, a major figure in their history was a crypto. The global French “empire” brought little prosperity to France but helped the Phoenicians steal and extort while flying the zombie French flag. The so-called French “Revolution” saw heads of the old aristocracy lopped off, but the same procedure was never repeated because the new elite since then has been Phoenician. But unlike other European (and European-origin) countries, French people have usually been a tough pill to swallow, and the Phoenicians have had to appeal to their pride, their language, their culture,
Catholicism(no longer applicable) to rule over them. Note that things are worse in UK, Netherlands, Austria and Australia but their citizenry don’t have the balls to do anything.As the Phoenicians are converting the French middle class into serfs, there was an unexpected push-back, in the form of wildly successful anti-Government riots, despite the French authorities responding “Algeria-style” to their own citizenry! Here’s how the Phoenicians have responded.
They have added migrants to the riots, to repurpose the riots as “race wars” and “Islamic” religious wars. In fact, Phoenician media is reporting the riots using these labels, as anything but anti-Government riots. Anyone with an inch of commonsense would know that people as weak and vulnerable as poor migrants could be easily propped up as actors with a couple of hundreds of dollars and/or promises of citizenship. They could be made to make fabulous statements which would be looped infinitely on television sets.
Since some literate people are waking up, it has become increasingly necessary to destroy historical records of the ancient Phoenician conquest of France. It seems there were several such manuscripts at the Alcazar Library in Marseilles. And rather conveniently, an “African” mob burnt down a section of the library housing the manuscripts. (Remember “ISIL” destroying Phoenician archaeology in Palmyra?).
Here’s how this event was recycled to fit in with the “race-war”/’religious war” narrative:
My extreme reaction to this is they’re destroying a lot of utterly irreplaceable white cultural artifacts. The library in Marseilles has been burned, with some of the rarest-of-the-rare medieval manuscripts, now lost forever because the importation of a bunch of sub-50 IQ’d [REDACTED RACIST SLUR] who can’t stop eating one another, who have no worth in any meaningful way, and are, by and large a disease inflicted on Europe by folks who, from what I can tell are a parasitical group they damned selves.
The “migrants” are destroying our culture…..Phoenicians? Never heard of them.
The Phoenician rulers of France are experts at these tricks. Anyone pointing fingers at them? Wag the Africans/Muslims.
- Will the real Putin Please Stand Up? June 24, 2023
If Prigozhin does indeed reach Moscow (and if he is legit), he would be in for some funny surprises. From the beginning of this war, it is unclear who is/was calling the shots on the Russian side. Putin? the FSB? the Generals? Those who saw the rise of the earlier Putin will recall that he was a slender, oily man who exuded a sinister-creepy air. The Putin currently in the Kremlin is slightly heavyset, and has a likeable, farmer-like persona (plastic surgery can’t do that). Of course, NATO knows the truth but won’t go there because the war is a collaborative project involving Phoenicians on both sides. It seems too much had been invested into the persona of the earlier Putin that when he died unexpectedly, it was decided to continue things with an actor. The problem is that an actor would have no will or intention to fight Prigozhin and would take the first flight out (That’s not part of the contract).
Even funnier is the fact that the folks at NATO have no intention for Putin’s rule to come to an abrupt end. Too much is at stake.
- Fake Deaths, Fake Submersibles and the fake wreck of the Titanic June 23, 2023
Miles Mathis has updated his Titanic paper, in which he had earlier claimed that the sinking of the Titanic probably never happened, and that there was probably no wreck at the bottom of the sea. The recent Titan submersible incident/hoax also seems to be intended to draw attention to the assumption that there is indeed a wreck there, and that its not a good idea to explore it.
I would like to draw attention to one of the victims, a rich Pakistani (who also happens to be a Maltese double citizen). He heads two of the biggest fertilizer companies in Pakistan (which seem to be gifted to his family by American corporations). Here is his bio on the WEF website:
In other words, a certified spook. It is important to note that the Hussain Dawood Pledge served as an enabler for the Covid-19 hoax (and later, the dangerous mRNA vaccinations) in Pakistan.
Who exactly are the Dawoods? We are told they are Arab-Memons from Gujarat, who migrated to Pakistan at the time of the Partition. But again, that is usually the cover story used by crypto-Jews of Iraqi origin, who also initially settled in Gujarat.
So why would he and his son fake their deaths? Things are changing in Pakistan, and there is growing resentment against dual citizens siphoning off the country’s wealth to overseas havens.
Time to say goodbye?
- Why They Need the Neanderthals… June 22, 2023
No, this silly creature was not your ancestor. The Phoenicians want you to believe that as opposed to man’s perfect creation in the heavens, and his descent from the heavens to earth, man “evolved” from apes that were already roaming on earth. The problem is that apes are not continuing to evolve into humans (and neither are humans devolving into apes). To smooth this anomaly, Phoenicians suggest that there used to be human-ape hybrids, at some point in time, but “nature” is not producing them anymore for mysterious reasons. But strangely, the “bones” of these ancient “Neanderthals” are only to be found in European countries. One of the earliest discoveries was in Britain, in 1908. But 41 years later, someone noticed that it was merely an ape’s jaw with a small human skull, and carefully filed teeth of a chimpanzee!
The Phoenicians have gotten better with their frauds. Now we have the books of a WEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari (Harari is an ancient Phoenician-Lebanese surname) being aggressively promoted everywhere. In one of them, he tries to fill in the gaps in the Neanderthal story-line, trying to explain how our animal-like ancestors “evolved” religions, civilizations, economies etc. He does drop some insider information, such as how humans can be controlled by manipulating myths, which exist only in imagination. Surely, the WEF would know more about that. But just because they see the rest of us as animals does not mean we actually are (With the probable exception of those who mentally choose to be).