The Secret History of USA, ft. Donn Fletcher
Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by Hamad Subani
How a 1991 Lecture Unlocks the Secret History of USA
On very rare occasions I come across overlooked items (books, articles or videos) which contain such brilliant analysis and such dense levels of information, that I have no option but to stop everything I am doing and take note. One such item I recently came across was a 1991 lecture by Donn Wallace Fletcher. The insights contained in this amazing lecture on the Secret Economic History of USA, combined with recent research by Miles Mathis on the (fake) assassination of President Kennedy (which led to the creation of a formal American Deep State for the very first time) are together, in my opinion, the fundamentals of understanding the Secret History of USA.
Needless to say, I do not completely agree with everything Donn says. And some of his observations have been proven incorrect by later conspiracy theorists. Miles Mathis has done some groundbreaking research on America’s Founding Fathers, and I will be quoting extensively from those works as well so that the reader can have a more coherent and accurate picture of American history. Those quotes will be in this brown color.
In other words, the stellar rubric provided by Donn Fletcher, combined with new game changing research by Miles Mathis can be combined to create a very coherent picture of the Secret History of USA.
My own commentary is in this green color [or in block quotes like these ones in the transcript]. Additional notes of mine can be found in footnotes. Links have also been added to books, topics and cultural references he mentions. Attempts have been made to reproduce some of the diagrams and tables he draws on the whiteboard. The lecture was originally transcribed by AI but since AI is stupid, I had to go over the transcript with a fine tooth comb for several days.
I have a degree in History from what turned out be a notorious Spook University. I also have a degree in Business from another Spook University. I can vouch for the contents of this lecture. You will not come across anything as deep and informative even if you complete a Ph.D in American History, or in Economics. Of course, you may use the University library to obtain and consult original sources, but unless you know where to look and what to look for, you will end up getting lost and tired.
An Introduction to Donn Fletcher’s 1991 Lecture at the University of Southern California
In 1991, a little-known man named Donn Wallace Fletcher delivered a three-hour lecture at the University of Southern California, aided with a whiteboard and some intermittently working markers. Despite the length of the lecture, the audience listened on with rapt attention to the very end. This engrossing lecture has been transcribed here, for the very first time, because it contains important insights into Western and in particular, American history, which you normally would not be aware of even if you have a formal degree in history. Donn also seems to have a great grasp of Christian scripture, and while many people still read it, few know how to apply it to events and situations. He is also well versed even in Conspiracy Literature of that time, which prior to 9/11, had registered little attention. We thus got for ourselves, some very incisive and sound commentary on little known facets of America’s Secret History.
His thesis is that the strongest middle class in human history, along with great inventions and technological progress, came only out of 18th 19th and to some extent 20th Century USA because this was the only time in human history that property rights were sanctified and there was no predatory taxation and deliberate inflation back then. And everything started regressing after 1913.
Towards the end of the lecture, Don Fletcher offers ordinary American plebs some tax advice, which seems to have worked for United Airlines®, Lockheed® and Bethlehem Steel.® But unless you are United Airlines®, Lockheed® or Bethlehem Steel®, the IRS may come after you with a big stick if they found out. Also note that his audience is the American taxpayer, and America is currently the only Western country in the world with a Tax Protest Movement and a Sovereign Citizen Movement. India once had a Tax Protest Movement, but it died with Gandhi. Then there are many Muslim countries which never had Income Taxes, and may never will.
In March 2003, a US court seems to have convicted Don Fletcher for assisting people in tax evasion. Donn appealed the conviction and fought back. What is interesting about the case is that everyone else involved quickly pleaded guilty, leaving Mr. Fletcher to fend for himself. This usually happens in framings. It is unclear what happened to him later on. It seems he was publishing books as late as 2018. There is little on the web about Mr. Fletcher, other than he once served in the US military (He was a 2nd Lieutenant) and later (sadly) supported Trump. Another organization which Donn was affiliated with was the United Sovereigns Inc. a Stock Corporation based in San Mateo, California. It seems this organization was suspended by authorities just one year after this talk! It is unlikely that this corporation had any link (although there does seem to be some ideological overlap) to “We the People/United Sovereigns of America,” a Colorado-based Sovereign Citizen Movement, which ended with the arrest of their founders in 1997. To quote a US Government website,
The defendants conducted seminars in several states claiming that the District Court in Colorado, in a class action lawsuit, had declared the national banking system and all lending institutions fraudulent, and that authority had been conferred by Presidential Executive Order for the filing of damage claims.
Some viewers take issue with his salesman-like laughs, but this is a mechanism to release stress. When talking about such dark topics, humor and sarcasm is sometimes the only way to lighten the air. The audience laughs more than him, which indicates that they were thoroughly entertained.
Donn was way, way, ahead of his time. The Phoenician strategy in dealing with such outliers is to completely ignore them publicly, so that they get buried in ignominy. But behind the scenes they move heaven and earth to counter such individuals and their ideas from spreading.
Full Transcript of the Lecture
I want to show you something that’s been going on in the country for a while, ah, from 1913 on and we’re going to start with 1913 for a very interesting reason. In 1913, okay, ah, if you had a house in 1913 let’s say you had a house here, this is the year,
Writes on whiteboard.
Alright I’m gonna even try another marker here see if we can get a darker marker………ah the house, the average house in the United States sold for about ah, about a thousand dollars ok? So ah, about a thousand dollars….yeah it’s a little better isn’t it? [referring to his new marker]. OK and if you had a loaf of bread……if you bought a bought a loaf of bread in back in 1913, it cost a penny. And ah…. if you’re into Mother Goose and all the rhymes, One a Penny, two a penny, Hot Cross Buns, all that stuff ok. You have to excuse me, I’m a grandfather, so I get into this. All right but it’s…… it’s fun to see how… how things change here because we’re going to show you that there’s a pattern.
If we go to school we get…. we get in history, what’s called existentialism and I don’t know if you know what existentialism means but it means that there isn’t any reason for anything. It just exists…..[laughs] if you get….. if you really believe that you……… you can become a teacher!
Audience laughs.
Alright we’re going to show you the things that….. things don’t just exist…… that they are caused, and uh as the saying goes, “Yes Virginia there is a plan.” [laughs].
OK and ah…… you’re going to be amazed at this plan, I think, when you see it, because it’s affecting all of us and yet we don’t realize what it is. It’s sort of like we’re in a riptide we swim in, and then every Friday we swim back out, you know, the paycheck comes in, we lose it all again, and we just live paycheck to paycheck, and the other six days a week we’re trying to swim in and payday week, swim back out, OK?
Alright now what we have here is a dollar then, in back in 1913, was worth a dollar. And uh Income Tax in 1913……. does anybody happen to know right off hand what the Income Tax was in 1913?
Audience member: Zero.
Zero! Right. Isn’t that interesting? There was no Income Tax was there?
Alright. Now we’re starting with 1913 because we’re gonna again and again and again, come back to this because we’re going to demonstrate, I think, before the… the meeting is over here, is that the United States was a different country after 1913. It’s had different management. It had different goals. It had a different operation. We are actually witnessing the advent of two Americas, if you will. Alright? ah…. and there are two Americas existing right now side by side. Now these….. you may sound like well…. which way is out [laughs] OK? Uh, I’m sure you haven’t heard anything like this, OK? But this is actually happening. Give us…. give us….give me just a moment to demonstrate this….. but there’s two things going on here, that we don’t understand. And when we understand it then, it makes sense and you can cope……. and you can make all the money you want to make, and you don’t have to lose any in taxes and stuff like that, if you don’t want to. Now, if you want to pay tax….. but you know that’s fine Alright?
The United States was a different country after 1913. It’s had different management. It had different goals. It had a different operation. We are actually witnessing the advent of two Americas, and there are two Americas existing right now side by side.
Ah in 1913 we had a…. an organization started in our country called a Central Bank. We’re going to be….. going into Central Bank of West….. Central Bank is…… because this is not taught in history. We’re taught in history the existentialism. The banks just come and go. There’s no reason well [laughs].
Audience laughs.
Nothing that you….. nothing that I’ve……. that we’re going to be learning today did I learn in school [laughs]. OK, ah…..this is interesting stuff. It’s all in the School of Hard Knocks afterwards…. that we learned this. Alright? They…..the boys in the bank, the…. the com…. the Central Bank, started printing money at a rate of 7.12% OK?
7.12% is what normally is known as the Rule of Seven because if you print money at a rate of 7.12% and it’s compound interest rings, every 10 years the money supply doubles alright? Now the problem with that is….is that the base of the wealth doesn’t double. So we’re talking about the money supply doubles in relationship to the amounts of goods and services available if you will. Alright, in other words there’s twice as much money to buy the same commodity. Alright? This is referred to as M1-M2, M1-M2 so forth and so on. We want the M numbers up here OK? Because we’re going to talk about this, because these guys all baffle you with all these M numbers Alright? Now money is printed here OK?
So that means that here’s the year over here OK? And every 10 years, this money doubles OK? Now you may say, “Well so what?” Well we have just described inflation! OK…..because by 1923 the money supply in the United States had doubled. There was twice as much money in 1923 as there was in 1913 but there wasn’t any…. any more base to it. In other words, it was like just adding water to the soup. Pretty soon the soup doesn’t taste quite the same does it? Alright. So now uh, what do you suppose having… never maybe been to Stanford or anything like this…. Ok…. what do you suppose happened to prices? OK,but you’re familiar with Stanford. It’s the school up the coast [Laughs]….. they used to call the football team the Big Red Machine….. of course…. now that’s what we call the faculty! [Referring to its Communist leanings].
Audience laughs.
[Adding more money to the existing money supply is] like just adding water to the soup. Pretty soon the soup doesn’t taste quite the same does it? […….] What causes inflation is an increase in the supply of money…. and you can extend that to credit.
OK now so what happens here, you see, is that having….. if you had gone to a Business School up there ah… ok, they would teach you what inflation is. By the time you get out, it takes you about two hours to describe inflation. OK when you get through you realize the guy doesn’t really know what it is. OK alright what causes inflation is an increase in the supply of money…. and you can extend that to credit if you will. OK, to a certain extent credit could be money but it’s….. and I’m getting this right out of Webster’s 9th Collegiate Dictionary, this is not like some esoteric tome that I’m reading, this is the English definition of inflation: It’s an increase in the supply of money, OK.
Alright so if money is… if there’s twice as much money in existence, what do you suppose would happen to the price of the house? Anybody want to take a wild guess?
Audience: It increases.
Yeah….it doubles. Well you guys aren’t very sophisticated. That’s right. It doubled you see. It doubles OK. It would take four years of higher education to confuse that. OK?
Audience laughs
Alright. It’s not easy to confuse this. It takes quite some time…OK, and uh you get degrees in it.
Alright now, what do you suppose to happen to the loaf of bread?
Audience: 2 cents
Two cents? OK. You were moving on here…. this is great sharp crowd OK. I take back everything I heard about LA. Ok now…. right now….[laughs] Alright dollars OK? What was the dollar worth?
Audience: [inaudible]
Right. See isn’t this fine… see…. oh boy [Referring to his marker].
Now, there was an Income Tax because the law said in in the 16th Amendment…. we’re going to get into the 16th Amendment because the 16th Amendment never passed….. the 16th Amendment was only ratified by four states. It wasn’t ratified by two-thirds of the states which is required for an amendment. OK? there are some books on this which we’ll get to later on. We’re going to talk about books later on because you’re pretty…… you’re gonna hear some pretty bizarre stuff from me, and I would just want to be able to document it, OK?
We were going to now steal from the rich and give to the poor. Is this a good deal or what?
Audience laughs.
That means for you to collect something, you didn’t have to do anything. Is this great? You see how that works? See…. and somebody who does produce something now is now stolen from. I mean….hey this is a great system isn’t it? [Sarcasm] and ah…. they called it I think there was a fellow by the name of Karl Marx, he was a show business guy that they put on the name of a book years ago, and after the 20 years after the book was written, his name was added to it, to distract from who really wrote the book, we’ll get into that in history. He said that he…. uh this…. uh garbage, or whatever we’re going to call it… uh yeah…. is that this is called, “from each according to his ability to reach according to his need.” Isn’t that interesting? So if you have an ability to pay you pay, and if you have a need you receive. Isn’t this great? [Sarcasm].
This has built the tremendous system that we see in Russia Today [Russia was still Communist in 1991].
Audience laughs.
After 80 years they cannot produce a paperclip.
Audience laughs.
OK why….. because let’s just take for an example…. OK? You you get a plot of land over there and you go out and you say well this is exciting, and they give you a tractor and all this because it’s a State Farm isn’t it? Yeah. No pun on the insurance company OK? What happens here is that ah… that ah…. so you go out every morning at 5 o’clock and you…. and you farm this land OK? And boy you have a great harvest…. well meanwhile, this dodo that lives next to you sleeps till noon every day. Well you know he’s not too excited about it. Now what happens at Harvest Time ah….he… you take your wheat into the government town and the, and the government gives you back equal amounts. I mean because you’re equal now, right? Isn’t that interesting? So you… you make an interesting observation that on the day of harvest, he gets as much as you get! Get it? This is equality right? Isn’t this nice?
OK, the only question I have is what time do you get up next year?
Audience laughs.
Yeah see…. who produces the wheat?
Nobody. Isn’t that interesting? We have now described Socialism [laughs], that takes about three years in the government school. OK now, so what are we learning here? OK we’re learning that the information we have is pretty much Bunko isn’t it? We don’t know why we’re broke. We don’t know what’s wrong with the country. We don’t know why we can’t keep what we earned. We don’t know all these things, you see. And after I submit, after the seminar today, we will [laughs]… you may be mad…. but you’ll know it, OK?
Audience laughs.
The information we have is pretty much Bunko isn’t it? We don’t know why we’re broke. We don’t know what’s wrong with the country. We don’t know why we can’t keep what we earned. We don’t know all these things.
OK. Now and this is called, by the way……this is called M1, because that was the original supply of money…….. OK. That’s our first problem is that the board doesn’t erase [laughs] OK so we’ll just use different colors as we go over it again and again OK [laughs]. Alright now. Alright, this is known as M2. Why is this known as M2? Because there’s twice as much money. It’s Money Two I guess, you know I took years of this Economic stuff and if you ever rated intelligent on a test, of course you’d want this…. the test….so you didn’t put anything down that made any sense, OK. That’s economics OK.
Now alright, we’re in for another big surprise. What did you suppose happened in 1933 moving right along, ah… we now find that the boys keep printing the money here, and there may be some girls involved. I’m not sure. Alright and we have $4000 for a house. We have 4 cents for a loaf of bread. We have 25 cents for a dot worth of a dollar, we have 1% Income Tax.
Now isn’t that interesting? If you worked and worked and worked, and you finally doubled your income so you could stay even where you were the last 10 years. Your taxes doubled! [Laughs]
This is called….
Audience laughs.
Get it? [laughs]. It’s called You have arrived… CHOP!… OK.
Now OK. This is called M3. Because the money supply doubled again. It’s not called M4. It’s called M3. It takes many years to get this, remember? OK. Well that’s interesting isn’t it? [Looking at the board].
Now let’s take a look at 1943. In 1943 we have an $8000 house. We’ve got an 8 Cent loaf of bread. We’ve got a 12 cent dollar we’ve got a 2% income tax. We’ve got M4.
Alright let’s try another one. OK. 1953 rolls along. You won’t guess what happens in 1950s or maybe you will [laughs]. A $16,000 house, a 16 Cent loaf of bread, a 6 cent dollar, 4% income tax…M5. Moving right along we now come to 1963. It takes a little while to understand history. Alright $32,000 for a house, 32 cents for a loaf of bread, 3 cents for a dollar, 8% income tax…. M6.
I’m going to show you what happens at M10. OK, at M10 something magical happens, and I’ll explain that in just a minute. OK. 1973, we have a $64,000 house, a 64 cent loaf of bread, a dollar worth two cents, and a 16% income tax, we have M7. Moving right along we come to 1983. we have a $128,000 house, we’ve got a $1.28 loaf of bread, we’ve got a dollar worth 1 cent, it takes a hundred times more today to buy something than your grandfather paid in 1913, plus you’re going to lose 32% in the taxes which he didn’t. You understand that’s why your grandpa had the farm and you don’t. Right?
I mean this is understandable? OK he was much better off OK? M8. Ok moving right along we come to 1993 and since this is going to be on a videotape we won’t tell you what year this is we’ll just keep going [laughs] because it really doesn’t matter. This thing will be just as correct 20 years from now as it was today. OK we’ve got… uh golly 128, what do we got there, $256,000 for a house, a $2.56 loaf of bread, a dollar worth one half of one cent, and a 64% income tax and we have M9! Isn’t this exciting? Alright moving along to M10 we have the year 2003. $512,000 for a house, $5.12 for a loaf of bread, a dollar worth one tenth of one cent and a 128% income tax and M10. We have arrived!

How would you pay a 128% income tax? I’ll give you the answer. if you’d have to sell everything you own and borrow money and you would say well who would do that? And I would tell you right now American farmers all do that! Isn’t that interesting? Anybody who has property does that because the property… the ownership of the property is a burden. OK. Alright, the ownership of anything is a burden OK? What happened here?…… why….. what happened?
Let’s take a look…. let’s go back to 1776. We go back to 1776 and the average house was a thousand dollars and again we’re going to give you some books and documentation. The loaf of bread was a Penny, OK. The dollar was a dollar. The Income Tax is zero OK, and can we still hit M1 Ok. Now, 137 years go by, OK, all these years go by, and what do we have? Why, we have no inflation do we? Now what do we hear when we go to school? “Inflation has always been with us… inflation is a perennial problem,” Whoops not for America! Not for the first 137 years was it? And we’ve always had taxes…. well not for the first 130 years, we didn’t have these taxes, by the way you know what [Will] Rogers says, there is a difference between death and taxes. Did you know that he said that “Death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”
Audience laughs.
OK anyway so what we have what we have here you see is that….Ok, Ok as you see, so basically we have 137 years here where there wasn’t any income tax or any inflation. Isn’t that interesting?
So basically we have 137 years here where there wasn’t any income tax or any inflation.

We didn’t hear this in school did we? We didn’t. We didn’t hear that there was a big difference between 1776 to 1913 and 1930. We didn’t hear this in Economics. We didn’t get this in history did we? A few things kind of left out of the School System isn’t it? [Laughs] See well suppose I went to school I taught this, what…. how long do you think I’d be on the faculty? See…not very long. Suppose the college President heard I was teaching something like this because this is not to be taught on a College Campus. Because this does not produce adjustment, you see, and that’s what they’re after with the kiddies is adjustment. Isn’t this interesting? It’s not necessary that Johnny learns to read, write or spell, it’s necessary that he is adjusted. [Laughs].
We have now just discussed Higher Learning.
Audience laughs.
See, actually Higher Learning is dangerous so you don’t get any of it. [Laughs]. You just get more years in school [Laughs]. It’s devoid of Higher Learning isn’t it?
Alright, because you’d be all upset if you learned something happened in 1913 that wasn’t going on before wouldn’t you? And that wouldn’t produce adjustment you see, so therefore the government must run all the schools to make sure that this adjustment is induced.
Alright let’s take a look at this [whiteboard]……hmm okay. Well, you know, you say well things are different now. You know it’s not as simple. You know so forth and so on. You don’t want any of these simplistic answers and you know all this garbage that explains why people can’t explain what they learned when they went to school [laughs]. It’s complicated, Ok. All right let’s take a look at this.
What happened in the country from 1776 to 1913? Was this good for the country or was it bad for the country? So let’s just analyze this for a minute. Ok what was the impact of no taxes…. no income taxes and no property taxes…… well a little bit of property taxes but certainly no inheritance taxes on the country where people could actually acquire property and keep it. Was this good or was it bad? Was this a positive incentive or was it a negative incentive so forth so on.
So let’s just take a quick look back through history and we’ll take a look and say, well history started I think about the year…. uh what was it 3000 BC or something is the first time, so Moses wrote the first five books of the of the Bible or Pentateuch like they call it. And from the Garden of Eden which is about 3000 years BC something like that….ok……until America was started, 1776 A.D. Here, okay uh what do we have? Approximately 5000 years something like that. And then we have a little period of time after this, ok…. From…. to 1913, ok, a little period ok, now from this period of time to this period of time, what happened? Yep Adam and Eve wanted to go somewhere they’d probably ride a horse, don’t you imagine? Now if if George Washington wanted to go up to…. to Philadelphia to the Continental Convention, and he left Mount Vernon down in Virginia, how do you suppose he would travel? You’d ride a horse. Wouldn’t he? So notice what we have. 5000 years goes by. People still riding horses. That’s interesting. Not a whole lot of progress is there. Ok let’s go back and we’ll look at the Bible here, we’ll go back into Gideon and the valley of the Midianites. Remember he was up there and he had all these Midianites down the valley, and they signaled to him and they wave a Lantern. This was like about 3…. this was about 2000 Years BC. This was back in the Book of Judges.
Ok now notice if you wanted to send a message at night, 4000 years ago [laughs], you waved a lantern didn’t you? Isn’t that interesting? Now question… (here’s the biggie) when Paul Revere wanted to notify us that the British were coming just 150-200 years ago, how was he able to signal that? He put a lantern in the belfry. Isn’t that interesting? 4000 years later guys are waving lanterns.
Hi George! Hi Sam! How are you? (See), good. Well time to go (see, waving lanterns).
Audience laughs.
Not a whole lot of progress was there. Why? Because if anybody invented something it would be taken away from him, and used against him. That is called Socialism. That’s called from each according to his ability to each according to his need, so no, everybody make sure he doesn’t have any ability. We’ve now described America’s welfare program. If you work, you lose. If you produce anything, out! Only if you are a non-productive, unmarried person with varying children are you eligible for these rewards. Now what’s happening to the homes in America as a result is this? Is this good for America or bad for America? What are we getting? We get what we pay for. Have you ever noticed that?
If we want to pay for licentiousness, we want to pay for no production, you simply buy it and it happens. And what is our money going for? Something that’s good for the country or bad for the country? You see…. isn’t that interesting? They didn’t get the words yet, we’ll get to that.
Wars are even more interesting because that kills the people quicker. Sometimes you can’t wait for a generation, you have to do it right away [laughs]. The money buys that.

The Vietnam War wasn’t exactly on Vietnam……
I have to elaborate on this. Several key events happened in Donn’s life. He does seem cognizant that the Vietnam war was unnecessary, but it is only now that we can look back and analyze.
- 1956: COINTELPRO begins, with American Intelligence organizations exclusively targeting Americans on a massive, previously unheard-of scale.
- 1960: The antiwar and antiwork hippie movement begins to take shape among American Baby boomers.
- 1961-1963: President Kennedy escalates American involvement in the Vietnam War.
- 1961: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi arrives in USA to peddle “Transcendental Meditation.” He is later clubbed with the Beatles project.
- 1962: President Kennedy televises the fake Cuban missile crisis. Think of it as a massive advertisement for the military-industrial complex.
- 1963: The fake assassination of President Kennedy and the establishment of a formal American Deep State.
- 1964: The US military begins forcibly drafting American Baby boomers. We are told that 2.2 million American men were drafted out of an eligible pool of 27 million, and that several times more volunteered so that they would have some degree of choice in their placement.
- 1964: The British Intelligence project known as the Beatles arrives on American soil, amid overblown media hype. Their purpose is to distract from the antiwar movement and instead confuse American youth, redirecting them to drugs and cults based on Eastern religions.
- 1965: The antiwar and antiwork hippie movement becomes highly noticeable among America Baby boomers.
- 1965: ISKCON/Hare Krishna movement established in USA. They soon get promotion and financial support from the Beatles Project.
- 1963-1969:
President JohnsonKennedy’ Deep State further escalates American involvement in the Vietnam War. A total of 2,709,918 Americans served in Vietnam, of which 58,281 were killed (or went missing) and 303, 644 were wounded. - 1969: The fake moon landings, which were done to instill some faith back into the Military-Industrial Complex.
- 1970: The Beatles project is wrapped up.
- 1972: COINTELPRO ends.
- 1972: The hippie movement dies out.
- 1973: The draft ends.
Too much is happening here, and too fast, almost at breakneck speed. I have already touched upon the Vietnam War in another book. It was designed to deliver the entire region to the Soviets by having America play the bad guy. Even if we take the “Communist threat” at face value, was it necessary to start drafting all American men? Especially considering the fact that this was a rather small place on the other side of the ocean. Cuba had gone Communist long before and there was never such a response.
Take a closer look at the timeline above. The Phoenicians are dealing with a major emergency. Almost an entire generation of Americans have rejected both the military and the corporate culture. If left on their own, they would go on to define the future of the country. The Phoenicians could never lose America to them. Therefore, a Deep State is rushed in by President Kennedy, which goes on to have this generation liquidated. It was easy for Intelligence to draft all those identified as threats. It was easier for the military to arrange for them to walk into enemy traps. In some documented cases, many with technical knowhow would end up missing, only to end up in Soviet gulags. For those that didn’t get killed or injured, many more would be deliberately exposed to dangerous chemicals like Agent Orange, which would act on them years later. Many would end up with PTSD. For those who didn’t participate, a huge COINTELPRO program had been initiated against them to tear their lives apart. Gurus were imported all the way from India to distract what remained of this generation from the antiwar movement.
Vietnam was also chosen as a war theatre for another specific reason. It provided the opportunity to expose this entire generation to drugs, which back then, were taboo in USA. Pretty soon, drugs were following this generation from Vietnam to the streets of USA, sometimes packaged (by the military) into the very coffins of the deceased soldiers arriving at American ports. Pretty soon, advocates for all sorts of drugs were planted within the Hippie movement, turning many into zombies.
All this tells us that the Hippies were not the caricatures later TV series and films sold them as, and the Phoenicians had temporarily (and maybe for the first time ever), lost control of an entire generation of Americans. Also note that a similar phenomenon never took place in any other Western country.
Ok now notice what we have here….. during this period of time what happened in the United States? Well let’s see uh, we had Robert Fulton come along. He invented the Steamboat. The newspapers didn’t like it. The newspapers don’t like much, they’re still run by the English Bank. We’ll get to that later. And they called it Fulton’s Folly and so forth. But he made equivalent of today, millions of dollars and he kept it, no taxes. Well this… this got to be exciting wasn’t it? Because it turns out that if you could build something that someone else benefited from, and they would buy it, you would make a…..(shhhhh quiet) PROFIT! [laughs]We don’t say those words around USC do we? Profit oh very bad, greedy, filthy….. you see, all these things are attached to profit. Profit is what caused the progress. Guys could keep what they earned. Isn’t that exciting? Hey, the first time in history has ever happened and no Nation on Earth had ever developed where the people got to keep what they earned. You always had this problem of having sharecropping and so forth that’s where a lot of your wages go, to the lord of the man. You recognize it. Today it’s called withholding….. ok you see, and see we have these new names for old slavery……….. you see, and the result is we produce nothing.
Correction. This wasn’t exactly the first time in history that this happened.

See that little spurt around 1000 AD? That’s the Islamic Golden Age (Think Abbasid Baghdad and Moorish Spain). What is most remarkable about it is that this increase in Standard of Living took place in the absence of the development of well-articulated Constitutional Rights (as in the case of USA). Rather this took place under the structure of classical monarchies, which predate Islam since ages. But this time, both the ruling class and the common people were well-articulated in Islamic religious concepts, creating securities and guarantees essential for development, or what is today dreaded as sharia law. In other words, the right people can sometimes foster an environment of development even without Constitutions. And sometimes the wrong people (read:Phoenicians) end up creating a regressive environment despite well-articulated systems and Constitutions.

Today all that remains of the Islamic Golden Age are video-game references. The Phoenicians responded to this new civilizational challenge by bringing in the Mongols.
How many guys you know don’t want to work actually on overtime or don’t want to get any more money? It’s just it’s a big burden because now they lose it. Why work for something that they can’t keep? You see the negative impact here of this stuff. Ok now alright, so we find here some interesting stuff…. uh we have Eli Whitney come along. He invents the cotton gin. All the cotton Mills in the presses in Europe collapse. You know what England did? They passed the law that the cotton gin was illegal in England….. boy that would stop it wouldn’t it? The whole garment industry in England totally collapsed [laughs]. Nobody produced anything anymore. It was dead or dormant. It was all produced from New York. Isn’t that interesting? It still is.
That you can’t make a law that outdoes economic….. I mean Economics is the ultimate law. We’re going to talk about this today. Economics is the law of why people of motivation….. why people do things. Alright, uh once someone said that the pen is mightier than the sword but the purse always buys the pen [laughs]……stay with the purse! [laughs]. This happened in the case of Karl Marx where the bank of England actually bought his pen. He’s buried in England… London, of course where his employers were. He never went to Russia. Isn’t that interesting?
Ok. Alright. The purse…. purse buys the pen. Let’s remember that. Alright the most important thing is who pays for it, because who pays for it gets what he pays for. Well we find that uh Cyrus McCormick comes along, again that’s a Reaper [a Harvester], it makes what’s equivalent [to] million dollars today, keeps it and other guys are noticing this. Matter of fact people are coming from Europe now because this is now called the New World, the Land of the Free, the home of the Brave, the Melting Pot if you will. People are saving up their money in Scandinavia and every place else to their big dream is to come to America. You see why because they keep what they earn…. well uh, a little while later Samuel Morris invents a telegraph, keeps all the money….. matter of fact, he…. he bought all…much of the land up around Monterey up the coast in there, all the canneries and so forth and his posterity still owns that…… he passed it on down to his grandchildren his children’s children and so forth and they still own that. They still have it in the family. You see, because he invented a telegraph isn’t that. A few other things too, well we find that a guy came along by the name of Alexander Bell and he invents the telephone.[1]Bell was a crypto who actually stole the invention from an American named Elisha Grey. Isn’t this interesting…. he keeps the money. Well another fellow comes along by the name of Marconi. Now Marconi actually invented the radio in Italy. He didn’t dare introduce it there because the government would take it away from him…… government radio. So he went to England and he tried to introduce it in England and they put him in… in a mental institution…. they put him in a…. they put him in….. and meanwhile the boys in the bank got his invention and 20 years before he was able to get to America and release the invention, they were talking back and forth between London and New York. Isn’t that interesting? With his radio! But nevertheless he was able to get out of the funny farm and come over to America, where he introduced it and made millions of dollars as a result of inventing the radio. He never… he didn’t dare introduce this….this invention any other country….. it would be taken away from him…. it would be stolen. That’s why in the first 5000 years nobody invented a radio. It’s really not hard to figure that out is it? If you’ve been in the Army you understand how that works.
Audience laughs.
Anybody who…. who produces anything in the Army is taken in and given what they call a GI shower [laughs]….. the other guys don’t like it when you do things that make them look bad. You stand in the middle of the third row. You never volunteer for anything. You wear the same suit. You don’t look any different. You don’t do anything differently. You got that? Because the next shower is with lye, you see, and you can take care of guys that produce things. Because the peer pressure not to produce is extremely high, you see, if that information is used against the other people. In other words if you peel potatoes twice as fast as the norm [laughs] the next guy has to peel potatoes faster, that is a threat to him and they’ll take care of you. There’s ways to do that, sometimes it’s called missing in action [laughs].
Audience laughs.
But you will not peel twice as fast, got it? Under no condition will that ever happen. You see, any progress is penalized and as a result nobody produces anything. It’s pretty simple to figure out isn’t it? All right uh, fellow comes along by the name of uh, Thomas Edison you’ve invented some electric lights recorded sounds and so forth and so it makes millions of dollars he keeps it all. Can you imagine this? These guys kept it. Wasn’t that greedy? It’s hard to believe all these inventions are made by these greedy people isn’t it?[Laughs] Alright uh and then now you got the Wright Brothers come along, they invent some airplanes…. they fly around and keep the money…. this is interesting. Henry Ford comes along, introduces the mass production of automobiles…… people are driving. there aren’t even any roads. Henry’s driving all over on cow trails, Model-T’s high off the ground so you go through the mud…. only in America…..notice these things didn’t come from any other place. Oh there was a spin-off, and France could copy us after we had the airplane, then they could copy the airplane, and after we even…. after we had the mass production on building the things they could copy that, you see. Notice that we are most advanced technological uh, country today and I come from up in Silicon Valley at the San Jose area and it’s really interesting because we hear about the all the Japanese and the Germans and all the Koreans and all these guys that are…. that are you know, passing us in the production and stuff, but you see they’re not productions in the development of things, the only thing that they can produce is a copy of what we invented last Friday.
Notice these things didn’t come from any other place [than America].
You notice that it’s really fascinating but because there’s still enough private Enterprise available here that it rewards innovation and it doesn’t exist in the other countries. All… the only thing that exists there is the copycat thing where they can actually, maybe take apart something that’s already been made and then they can figure it out maybe how to do it a little better. But they can’t come up with something new to make [Laughs]. Oh boy, you see this only happened in America because only in America could you keep it if you made it. Over there it would be taken away from them. Now this thing changes them. If a Japanese person comes over here it all changes. Now he can invent things too. You see it’s not his race, it’s his economy. See, because you can’t say Italians are stupid because Marconi invented the radio. It’s just in Italy they don’t do anything, ok? And neither would you if you lived in Italy and neither would I because it’s just taken away. It’s a better option to just go down to the beach and go swimming and forget, which they’ve been doing for 5000 years.
Audience laughs.
Alright we went literally from horse and buggies to the Age of Flight in about…. oh just a little over 100 years after the Constitution was written. Isn’t that interesting? Now what marked that period of time? What was the distinguishing characteristic? The distinguishing characteristic was no income tax and no inflation. Are we having fun? That’s what produced the greatest progress the world has ever seen. So our thesis today is the greatest, the most patriotic, the most red blooded All-American thing you could possibly do is make all the money you can make, and pay no tax. It’s….. it’s America One. Now what we’re going to show you is that there were two countries, ok? We have here America One and we have here America Two. Let me explain the primary difference between the two of them. This was what we call a Constitutional Republic [Referring to America One]. All Laws were based upon the Constitution of the United States. In 1913, the United….. the Constitution was flawed to such an extreme extent that it made it a completely different country. You could no longer keep all the money you made and you could no longer pass property onto your children and so forth, ok. It was an entirely different country and it became what we call a Legislative Democracy. The Legislative Democracy today runs side by side with the Constitutional Republic and you can choose….. they’re both incidentally just out of pure coincidence, called America……they’re both called the United States you see, because the idea is to fool us. But they are different countries. And they exist side by side today ok. Now you….. you can still live in America One but you have to know how and that’s what the rest of our seminar is about…. is this One[America One] or what ok?
Audience Laughs.
Alright we went literally from horse and buggies to the Age of Flight in just a little over 100 years after the Constitution was written. Now what marked that period of time? The distinguishing characteristic was no income tax and no inflation. That’s what produced the greatest progress the world has ever seen. So our thesis today is the greatest, the most patriotic, the most red blooded All-American thing you could possibly do is make all the money you can make, and pay no tax.
This is like, our return to our roots [Laughs]. Ok, now you see, because this is going to strip everything away. The primary book up here was the Constitution of the United States, actually based with the Declaration of Independence, where God… we are created and, of course the endowed by our creator with these unalienable rights. Notice it wasn’t inalienable rights? The inalienable has a different…. these were unalienable! Nobody could put a lien on it. The government says…. governments were instituted on…. meant to secure these rights. Now notice what’s happening down here. The government is putting the liens on [Laughs].Up here [Referring to America One] their job is to keep the liens off so nobody can lien your property. You can still live here [Referring to America One]. There’s ways to do it. OK? I mean this is a great step. The people that you read about…. well actually people you don’t read about…. the super issue…. you know we get this garbage in the newspaper you know, but every year the richest guy in the world is some guy owns a drugstore or some guy owns a department store, I mean come on yeah…. where’s the guys with the banks and the oils? Ok they’re up here. How come, how come they aren’t listed as the richest men in the world? Well because we’re going to show you, they have been able to uh, to own this property or control this property without owning it!
See Rockefeller really doesn’t own Standard Oil. He just controls it. The Rothschild Bank of England really doesn’t own our Federal Reserve System. It just controls it. Hey is that great or what? See if you control it there’s no tax on control. There’s only a tax on ownership, got it? [Laughs]. But the guys at the drug stores and so forth, well they are really making a lot of money according to the Wall Street Journal. But all the guys, the really heavy bucks are always missing from these charts [Laughs]. Ok, amazing what we learned when we get out of school. Let’s go back into some history now and figure out what happened. What caused all this, because if we don’t understand the past we don’t understand the present. Isn’t this interesting?
Alright. So I want to go back to uh, oh our Garden of Eden scene. Again of course, then we had a flood and the flood went away and people started a thing called the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel is where some guy made a record and called it I’ll do it my way [Laughs]. And so they had him speak different languages, go different parts of the country. Ok yeah, been parts of the world ok, now we go around the Mediterranean, what we call the Western world, spring up some World Governments of sorts. The first major World Government that we hear about is Egypt, and this is all of course in the Old Testament of the Bible. They were your Pharaohs. Egypt was a very interesting country because the guy at the top considered himself to be God. This may surprise you.
Audience Laughs.
See people…. people in government always like that title [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
It comes with the job it seems [Laughs]. Uh yes they really enjoyed that. Alright so you see, and so, to do anything against this guy was considered a blasphemy. Well you can’t beat that. Any kind of Revolution was a real great rebellion against God you see, and uh they had….. they worshiped the Sun and they had temples that they met in and they had Temple priestesses and Temple prostitutes and Temple this, and Temple Latin and they had all this uh, you know these strange things that they worship like the uh, you know different phenomenon ok, like frogs and…. and so forth that they worshiped in Egypt. Well Egypt was eventually conquered by a country called Assyria, so Assyria was oh, sort of up where Iran-Iraq or today in that area and uh, they conquered Egypt. Now the guy who ran Assyria this this may come as a shock, considered himself to be God!
Audience Laughs.
See, notice the name and the location changes but the title Remains the Same! Ok, and they had a temple thing…. and they had Sun worship and uh they you see it’s kind of like the same thing. Well this goes on for a few years and then there were some guys from Babylon which was down further south from Assyria. Babylon and uh…. they conquered Assyria. Isn’t that interesting. Now in Babylon, uh the guy who the king up there, uh well, for some reason thought he was God! You see, same deal. They had temples and they had these rituals they worshiped the sun. Ok, ready?
Ok another world Empire comes along, conquers this Babylon. This is the Media. The Median tribes up in the north were basically….. you’re up around the Baltic Sea up in there and then you had the Persians, Medo-Persian ok, which is where Iran is today ok? Now the thing that characterized this guy was that he thought he was God.
Audience Laughs.
See how this changes from time to time? Ok. So we have God-God-God. Got it? See. History isn’t that hard to remember ok. Now ok, and things went along pretty well until he was conquered by Greece. Alexander the Great conquered this. Alexander the Great was an interesting guy uh….one item of note about him was that he thought he was God!
Ok and they had a little….. he worshiped the sun and a few things, and they had little Temple prostitutes Temple priests and so forth. Into pretty much the same thing. And then he was conquered by Rome. Isn’t that interesting [Laughs]? And the Roman Caesars had this little trait that they like to have people call them, you know [Laughs], it went something like God!
Audience Laughs.
All of these cast of characters, from Babylon to Rome, were Phoenicians, the same people running the same scam, over and over again.
See so the guy who runs government always thinks he’s God [Laughs]. This is not something that IRS just created recently.
Audience Laughs.
This has been going on for some time. See if we don’t understand history we don’t understand the National Enquirer, ok, as we go through Safeway [a US Convenience store chain] our trip is meaningless ok.
Audience Laughs.
Now so what happens ok, so we find here is that in order to be able to understand this, we have to have a grasp on what’s been going on before we got here ok [Laughs]. Now we’re ready to understand ourselves. Alright now let’s erase this again. This is going to be fun. This is getting easier…. oh that lubricated I guess there was no lubrication under something ok [Referring to the White Board]. There we go. Alright now. So if we took this another way, we say from 3000 years BC, ok, for the first 3000 years until the time of Christ, we have a government that was primarily involved with External Control, don’t we?
External Control. Even the old Hebrew religion if they…. if you want to know what to do…. well some guy went up to the mountain and he got some tablets and he brought these tablets back [Laughs] and said, guys here’s what we’re going to do. Notice it was not a democratic meeting because they had to come up with the Golden Calf if they did it, wouldn’t they? Ok but he came up with these tablets, you see, and said thou shall not steal, thou shall not come with thy neighbor’s wife and all these things. Well hey, that’s not what we want to do, is it? [Laughs]
See that was external, that was external stuff. See he says if you do this stuff you’re going to die ok?
So? Guys have been trying to do it ever since [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
I disagree that Moses failed because he tried to implement external control. His people failed him.
Ok now so what happens, ok and uh so what causes a lot of death [Laughs]? Ok you see, this doesn’t come from what the guy wants to do, it comes from an external source. The guy at the top had this little attribute, he was always right because he was God [Laughs]. Now you can’t beat that for authority. That’s As Good As It Gets.
Audience Laughs.
Ok now ok. Along Comes our friend Christ, now interesting guy. And his name was Emmanuel. Does anybody know what Emmanuel meant in Hebrew? God With Us….. God is with us…… see God isn’t a far God, isn’t out there, God is with us! See, and he comes along now, he preaches the Gospel of the Kingdom. This is really interesting [Laughs]. And where did he say this kingdom was? Anybody have any idea? Well he said his kingdom is within us, didn’t he? And right, it wasn’t of this Earth it was within us! See, and so John explains that he comes along and he says, well greater is he who’s within you than he who’s in the world.
Can anybody see a conflict arising here?
Audience Laughs.
you know what they did with this guy [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Ohhh [Laughs]. Not good [Laughs]. Kemosabe not good [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
You notice what he did? He introduced the concept of internal control didn’t he? Oh boy problems…..problems. Isn’t that interesting [Laughs]? Now what we’re going to show you for the next half an hour, and how much time do we have till the break here guy?
[Inaudible] Well what time did we start? [Inaudible]Ok so it’s…. we’ve been going….
Ok so let’s go for about an hour and take a break. and then we’ll come back for another hour and take another break, and then we’ll come back and then there will be no break after that [Laughs]. Ok now…. ok so all right…..nobody will come back after that [Laughs]. Now see, because I submit to you that if we understand this, we’ll understand like what’s going on with our paychecks. Ok, so for the next uh, 15 minutes and then we’ll have a break. I want to talk about what was the effect of Internal Control on the world. Because there was some effect. If you look at a map, and I’m…. I’m not a good cardiologist here… but, cartologist, but anyway what you have is the Mediterranean Ocean something like this, and you got Africa and you have Arabia Peninsula you got India over here and you’ve got uh Europe and Scandinavia coming over here like this and you’ve got England over here alright.
Now, there you’ve got What’s called the Caucasus Mountains. Now out of this Melting Pot if you will, or the beginning of civilization, we find there were two flows. One flow went this way and one flow went this way. Both of them ended up in England. England is our Pivot Point here in history. It’s interesting Ok. Now what you’re going to find is that these people had internal motivation, ok. These people became what we know as your Caucasians. They became known as the Anglo-Saxons. There’s all kinds of names for them. They went into Germany where they became the Teutons. They went into Scandinavia where they became the Vandals and eventually the Vikings. They had one….. one characteristic that was impeccable. They were never conquered by anybody. Nobody messed with them [Laughs]. They were not very civilized but nobody, nobody had any truck with them ok. Because they just didn’t kill you is look at you [Laughs] yeah, yeah that’s you that’s roots [Laughs]. Ok you see but the internal thing was like on and they they would have raids on England they’d have raids on all these they come out of the forage you know. They had this God called Odin you know well it’s interesting we’ll get into all that but he, uh he ran the bank and a few things ok now.
Donn is contradicting himself by playing favorites. If “Internal Control” came from Christ, how could these groups, which predated Christ somehow be representative of it? Further we now know that the Phoenicians had long conquered them. In fact Vikings are a stand-in for Phoenicians.
Along here we have basically our… our Latin type people ok which is Greece, Italy uh France, Spain and so forth. Now the characteristic of this group of people was External control. Matter of fact they went into France and, and today we find Ireland is populated by… by your people from France whereas Scotland is populated by people from Scandinavia. Basically ok, so you find a big difference in the people. You’ll find a big difference in their governments. You’ll find a big difference in how they relate to things as a culture. Now if a person believes and goes to another culture then he will change. It’s not a racial characteristic, it is a cultural characteristic. But this seems to be inherent in the culture for some reason.
Mediterranean cultures tend to be more hardhearted because ages of Phoenician rule literally imprinted Phoenician characteristics on their culture. Culture flows from the ruling class to the rest, and so common people innocuously absorb the characteristics of their rulers. While Islam did mellow the hardness of Mediterranean cultures that became part of the Islamic World, it has still failed to make these cultures truly free of Phoenician characteristics of deception and hardheartedness.
Alright along here was the Roman Catholic Church for example, they would burn you if you… if you read the Bible…. you didn’t read the Bible [you lived]. As a matter of fact we’re going to find here’s some interesting things. Tyndale actually read the Bible in English in 1377 he was burned at the stake [Laughs] because he stole the church property. Yeah I mean see, what did that do to the Church? Well if you could read the Bible you wouldn’t need their external control would you? See the difference? Ok so we’re going to see it all the way down, this is conflicted with Government, whether it’s Church Government or Civil Government. There’s been this tremendous conflict now between internal and external control. America One was internal control. America Two from 1913 is external control imposed on us. Did anybody voluntarily pay his Income Tax last year? No. It was stolen from you wasn’t it [Laughs]?
Audience Laughs.
Was stolen you couldn’t even get a bag. See it was external, you didn’t decide that. Somebody else decided it. But see, that was…. that wasn’t existing in America One. When we understand this, we’ll come out of here with a Great Power that we didn’t have when we walked in here. He quit work yeah…[referring to people who took his advice].
Audience Laughs.
But the secret is you quit working for someone else [Laughs]. Now you want to work for yourself because you have to keep it if you work for yourself. See the difference? Yeah ok. So what happens over here is that this culminates in what we call the Feudal System. We had over in England we had a King…. now King means Sovereign in Latin, the terms of Caesar, Ok it means the guy who owns the place, the guy who owns the land, the guy who owns the land usually has all the power and all the wealth. Not very simple. The power is in the land as far as economics are concerned. Ok in… in German it’s called Kaiser. In Russian it’s called Tsar. In English it’s called King. It’s the same word. It comes from the Latin word Sovereign or Caesar. Ok the king had his Nobles the Knights, the Dukes, the Duchess,’ the Earls, the Barons, and so forth. And that was about 5% of his population. And then the people who actually did the work were the serfs, the 95%. Ok now how this shook down was that your people from this area down here came, and became your serfs and the people from this area came down and became the Nobles and so you had this…. this noble… noble class here, people. Now I wouldn’t say class…. this Noble category of people wasn’t a class. It was sort of like they were just the guys. The King had a system of rents. He would rent the land of the Nobles who in turn would sub-rent it to the serfs. Everybody had to do their fair share and all this kind of stuff, whatever. That meant as those you could get by with. Because nobody could keep what he earned. Even the nobles were being changed. And a matter of fact uh, Prince…. this guy John was really a nut. This King John and uh he….. his… his favorite entertainment after a meal was to have the curtains part and… and watch nobles being hanged. They did hanging nobles over after dinner as a treat. And guys would go……blaaargh.
Well and so the Nobles got together and they said, “You know this is not good for our health.”
Audience Laughs.
And so what they did was that they…. they got….. they got a big army together. The Barons got a big army together and they uh…. they uh, asked John to come down for a little seminar they were having south….. south of the Thames River there in Runnymede.
Audience Laughs.
And uh, and so they surrounded John with their army and they said “John, we would like you to sign (in the year 1215)…. we would like you to sign a document uh, called the Magna Carta.” And the King says “What does that mean?” They said that means Magnificent Contract. He says, “Yes I know. But what does it do?” And they said, “Oh, it gives us the ownership of England [Laughs].”
“You see after today you won’t own England anymore, it will own England.” I mean is this a deal or what?
Audience Laughs.
Never in the history of time did anybody ever come up with that idea. It came right out of these guys. It was Viking stuff see [Laughs].
So John says, “well well,” you know, he goes after a little break, he looks at his army. He says, “why would I say anything like that?” And they said “well if you’ll sign it then we won’t cut your head off this afternoon as scheduled.”
Audience Laughs.
So we [referring to the Barons]… “We do a lot of seminars across and we do a lot of motivational training with our agents and so forth, and basically we found that you can’t beat that [the Magna Carta] for a good close.”
Audience Laughs.
And so the King bought a Magna Carta. He signed on the line which was dotted, and now the Magna Carta was in effect. The King was no longer the Sovereign in England. Isn’t that interesting? The king didn’t own the place. The Nobles own the place. Did this have an effect on England? You bet…. you bet. Because it wasn’t very long later until about 1295 here, some interesting things happen because this is our Magna Carta, ok. They said well look this is really kind of crazy. We own the land and the King is still taxing us. The King’s putting the tax on the land. They’re still collecting the tax. And so these guys got together and said, “Well this doesn’t make any sense.” So they went to the King in 1215 and they said, “King we want to start a parliament.” And he said “What’s that?” And they said, “Well that’s where we make the Law instead of you [Laughs].” The King looks at the Army. They’re out the window. he sees their army and he says something like, “okie dokie.”
Audience Laughs.
Donn is simplifying things. The British Parliament was created by the Phoenicians to deceive both the nobles (most of whom were crypto-Phoenician by then but there were also some non-Phoenician ones) and the general citizenry.
Reminds me of the story about Jimmy Carter. Supposedly David Rockefeller called up Jimmy Carter back in the late 60s and said Jimmy if we make you a President of United States would you do everything I tell you? And Jimmy thought and he said “Peanut butter.”
Audience Laughs.
Okay so anyway, so what we have you see is basically the same thing. Okay so the King now no longer made….. okay really hard to do serious seminars…..
Audience breaks out in Laughter.
Okay now so what happens…. so the King no longer made the Law. The Law was made by The nobles and what do you suppose they decided? Well they wouldn’t pay tax! What a shock [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Just like that! I mean just passed the law. The Nobles from now on would not be taxed [Laughed]. Are we having fun? So now what did they do? Well they went all to the world. They went into Africa. They went to India. They went to China. They went to Austria…. Australia. They went to the New…. the New World in North America. In every place they went, the Nobles could make everything they wanted to make and they were never taxed. Now occasionally the indigenous citizens wanted to tax them like Mahatma Gandhi or something like this, and they would….. they would decide ok, since these guys from England are getting all the natural resources out of our country, we want to tax them. Now the nobles hit a solution to that, okay. What he would do then is that he would bring in the British Army [Laughs] and the government now would no longer be an indigenous government. It would be called a Colony.
The word Colony is a cynical Phoenician pun on the word colon. In other words, colonies were the colon of London.
See a Colony is where the laws are made from London. Is this interesting? Where now the Nobles make the law, and they decided that they wouldn’t even be taxed in any part of the world [Laughs]. If they had a problem with that, the British army would go. Now what happened you see with the British army, was protecting the business of the Nobles. The British army went all over the world. It came to the point where the Sun never set on the British Empire. The British Empire was simply the Nobles making all the money they wanted to make and keeping it. We now understand British Empire. That’s all it was. And to make sure that there weren’t any problems, they had an army [Laughs]. And it was a good army. This Army uh, before 1700, went 300 years undefeated. All the powers of the world put together could not defeat the British army. It was incredible. It was powerful. Nobody fussed with the British army.
The “nobles” were Phoenician implants, barring a few exceptions. Ordinary British while being opportunist as can be, were never invited to the party. A good case study in this regard is that of Robert Clive, an ordinary British man who played a key role in establishing British control over India. Later when he retired to Britain, the Phoenicians got jealous of his newfound wealth and influence, and conspired against him. He ended up dying in suspicious circumstances!
Well that was a parliament, 1295 ok. Then as we pointed out some interesting things happen here. See notice what we’re learning. A little bit of internal control….. a little more internal control. You see why history cannot be taught in the Government Schools? Because it’s going contrary to the Government Philosophy. And so it’s just not taught. It’s called “it’s not there”…. Existentialism [Laughs], ok? Now ok. Ok, so then along about 17 or 1379 we have Tyndale translate the Bible. He was burned. Ok? Tyndale ok.
Along about 1420 we have, uh…….I’m sorry that was Wycliffe, excuse me….. that was Wycliffe….. we get these guys all mixed. That was John Wycliffe. He was burnt at the stake, ok. John Tyndale had the same thing happen to him ok. That was… that was a hundred years
Later ok, that was many, many years [Writing on whiteboard]. Later okay, we have uh Tyndale, and then Wycliffe’s up here. All right, and…. and Henry VIII cut his head off because Henry VIII was a Roman Catholic at the time that was against their…. their Law. Well Henry VIII now had some interesting problems because he didn’t have a son after he had been married to this, uh Catherine of Aragon, for eight years. He had a couple girls but no… no male children and so he went to his Archbishop Sir Thomas More, and he said Tom he said, I’m paraphrasing this “I… I want a divorce.” And Tom says, “Good grief but Henry you can’t have a divorce. You’ve been married eight years.” He said that’s okay, “I wanna…. I want an annulment.” “Yeah no, wait you’re married.” And so he checks with the Pope and says, “Can’t be done,” so Henry has a very novel and imaginative, creative solution to this problem. He cuts off Tom’s head.
Ok, and then he starts a Church called the Catholic Church of England, and he is the Pope. Is this interesting? And of course, then he went ahead and introduced the concept of disposable wives, right now……
Audience Laughs.
And so what happens you see is that now there was a new Church… the Holy Roman Empire had just….. the class…. now the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy Roman or an Empire. All it was…. was the Pope blessed the Kings. So it made the King have the benefit from the… from the…. uh from the so-called God-man, or whatever you have. Okay now so you’ll see [Laughs]… see the system really is still….. they’re still trying to push it ok? It’s interesting ok, that the guy on top is God [Laughs], ok. Interesting stuff. All right now. To shield it within the framework of our country, now, you don’t know who the guy is. Like who is the guy that owns the Federal Reserve System? Well let’s see we know the Federal Reserve System is not an American Corporation. We know it’s not a Government Agency. We know that the President can have…. can appoint Governors. But Governors don’t own the place. Who owns it? Well obviously it must be God [Laughs]!
Audience Laughs.
Donn overlooks one important fact. The then Catholic Church outlawed usury. More on that later.
Isn’t that interesting? You see. Hmmm. Ok the internal control is wrecking the external control. There’s a conflict going on, don’t kid yourself. And you can choose which side you want to be on. One is like a wave coming in, one’s a wave going out, you know. The rest of the reason Russia collapsed is because it was going the wrong way, If you go the wrong way, you collapse. If you buy into America Two, you’re going this way [External Control]. You will collapse. You won’t own anything on Friday. You’ll work 40 years and be broke. You’ll die spending your kid’s inheritance, the kids don’t have any inheritance. You got to live off them because the thing is going this way. Now it doesn’t have to go this way. This is what our meeting is all about.
Ok, interesting stuff. So we have…. 1420 comes along… Tyndale, all right. Henry VIII now in… in 14… 14 uh…. I’m sorry 1440, excuse me. In 1442 Henry VIII now has written in the British Constitution that the King of England is the head of the Church. That’s still in the British Constitution by the way. Did you know that a few years back, and it says in the British Constitution by…. The…. if a commoner marries a member of Royalty, it requires the permission of the Church. I mean the Church! The Government over England still runs the Anglican Church. Now did you know that a few years back when Prince Charles wanted to marry Princess Diana, what her name was, that that required the permission of the Church. You see and his mom said okay.
Audience Laughs.
Princess Diana was a royal pretending to be commoner, and no, she did not “die” in a car crash. She voluntarily exited her marriage, with permission of the House because….lets just say the palace is a dark and complicated place, which even makes some Phoenicians queasy.
All right no. Again, again not knowing history makes a….makes the National Enquirer undecipherable okay. Now you see once we get history we have an interesting shot at it, don’t we? We have an interesting shot at it okay, now we have Henry VIII….. come on [referring to his marker], well Henry VIII uh, began what was called the England Church and he took Tyndale’s Bibles, you know it was really interesting that Tyndale’s prayer, just before his head was cut off was that God May Open the Eyes of the Church of England, or the King of England. And in uh in, about 1445, Henry VIII decided that Tyndale’s Bible was pretty good after all. He had manuscripts printed or written, and put in all the churches in England. Isn’t that interesting. So he changed his mind [Laughs]. So for Tyndale it was a little bit late.
Audience Laughs.
Ok but the interesting thing is see, even the guy dies physically, his works live on. This is kind of an interesting concept. Because even though these guys were martyred, they were very effective. They were…. they were…. they were really instituting internal control, even though their body was taken away. This is heavy stuff. Ok now this goes along now uh, until about uh, 15 or until about uh 1599. And again I’m just jumping through this. You can get back into history and you can find all kinds of stuff, I mean I’m just… just skipping through the….. through the rocks here. I mean there’s a lot of stuff here. Okay 1599 we had Gutenberg. Okay what happened to Gutenberg well, he invented the Movable Type press. Up until this time there weren’t any libraries because nobody had any books. The only books were in monasteries or somewhere. They were laboriously hand-copied. Now all of a sudden Gutenberg uh, invented the supreme press, Biblical Type. Okay. What happens in 1601, the King of Scotland James comes down. The Stuart Kings because they, uh Mary Queen of Scots was back as Henry VIII’s daughter, running England and converting, putting all the Protestant or so-called Anglican people [in jail]….. and this is why John Bunyan who wrote the Pilgrim’s Progress. He wrote it in prison because all the preachers were put in prison and the… the Roman government was brought back. The Roman Church was brought back. And so uh, Henry or so James comes down from Scotland and he completely takes over England. And he introduces the.. uh actually what was called the Scottish Presbyterian Church at that time. He didn’t even introduce the Church of England okay, and but…. he had all the Bibles printed in English. Isn’t this interesting? So this King James Bible now was produced about 1611. So here we have the King James version of the Bible, and it was written in English. And it was printed on a press, and everybody was given a copy so the Government sanctioned everybody in England now having a copy of this Bible. Well you’d think that’d be the end of the problems for England. That was the start of their problems [Laughs]. Because guys would start reading this Bible now, and this was amazing because they never had a book before. So they wanted to learn to read. They read from the Bible. They want to teach somebody. They read from the Bible. They want to have a book at home. They had the…. Bible’s only book there was [Laughs]. Well it had a tremendous effect in England. It’s the basis of all English language okay. It also changed England radically because it said in the Bible that Jesus Christ was the head of the Church. Oh-oh [Laughs]! Does anyone see a conflict?
Audience: Mmm hmm.
There is more going on here. The Protestants (and later, the Puritans) are actually being propped up by the Phoenician Royalty. But Why? For one simple reason. The then Catholic Church outlawed usury on which banking is based. And no loopholes were provided for the Phoenicians to circumvent the restriction.
Mmm Hmmm. And so they decided well we want to start teaching our children that Jesus Christ is Sovereign. He [the King] says no… no the Government will teach the Church…. the kids…. because we want to teach them that the King is Sovereign. We’ve now understood Public Education haven’t we? Who’s the Sovereign? You’re going to get different stories depending on the source of the education, aren’t you? Now for the Government to be Sovereign, it must run the schools. That’s the 10th platform of the Communist Manifesto. By the way this…. that can’t happen until Governments run the School, so boy I’m getting ahead of myself. Okay now so it doesn’t take these guys very long. It takes like nine years now [Laughs]. These guys just blow…. I mean they blow…. they said this isn’t right. They said let us get thee out of here. They get some boats and they sail….. they sail over to America. Nobody even went there before. I mean that was it. You see they wanted to worship the Sovereign. Well okay so now we have the Mayflower.Isn’t that interesting? Now we often hear that these were called the Colonies. Notice that’s just recent history. They did not call themselves Colonies or Colonists. Isn’t that interesting? They said that they would state in the charter of the Mayflower Compact, they said, well we really owe a debt of gratitude to King James and we really think that was great, and now we’re going to start a Body Politic. What’s a Body Politic? A separate nation isn’t it? They just started a separate nation. Because out of this Bible, the Puritans got the concept that the self was governed by itself, not by somebody else. And that the self gave way to the family. And the family was run from within. That the family was best run inside than outside, which gave way to the Church. And the Church was better run inside than from outside yeah, which gave way also to Business, and or…. their business should be run by them and not by the State. And they had their civil Government, which should be run by them and not by somebody else. Totally internal! It was like thanks King James, but we’d rather do it ourselves. Well Europe left these guys to scorn. Nobody had ever had a Government run from inside, you know always they had to have a King. And all those Puritans said that’d be nobody. How could you have everybody run a government? Everybody own all of them, and oh this wasn’t gonna last very long. They [referring to British royals] sat back and these guys thought they could own the land, you see. Interesting isn’t it? What’s so fascinating is it’s still going. okay.
Donn insists on the central role of the Puritans in establishing independent USA, and that they were not “colonists.” I agree that they may not have been formal colonists. But it could be possible that they were sent in to indirectly establish a British presence in a newly emerging nation. We see a similar phenomenon in Australia, where convicts and other misfits were dumped in to do the grunt work of establishing a future British colony. Notice that there were 13 of these “colonies,” which is a favorite Spook marker.
Miles Mathis sees the Puritans as a project aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. To quote a 2016 paper of his,
Besides, Puritanism wasn’t an “ethos”. It wasn’t even a real movement. Like Marxism later, it was nothing more than an Intelligence project. But that is another paper. For now it is enough to say that Cromwell was a Puritan in one sense: all top Puritans were Intel assets, and Cromwell was an Intel asset. Puritanism was both his project and his cover. Puritanism was simply an extension of Calvinism, taken several steps further to cause more dissension and to allow more splintering of Christianity. Mainly it was used as a further tool against Rome, since job one was blocking the southern Phoenicians like the Medicis, Bourbons, etc, from regaining any foothold in Britain.
To further quote a 2015 paper of Miles Mathis,
Puritans were Reformed Protestants, not Radicals. It is also worth noting that Puritans were Millenarians, which we studied in my recent paper on the Kabbalah. What this means in this context is that the Puritans in this century were influenced by 17th century Jewish prophecy, by which this specific end-time belief had been promoted by those such as Menasseh ben Israel. In that paper, I showed you how Millenarianism was tied to British and Jewish Intelligence and the various schemes of the day. In that context, the words “radical Protestant” are already potential red flags. That is to say, they may be indication of Intelligence.
But in the same 2015 paper, Miles also found evidence of a serious attempt to undermine/control certain Puritan factions, which can only mean that certain Puritan factions had broken free from the original Phoenician project. It seems the so-called Salem Witch trials were another op to malign such factions. To quote,
If the Salem trials are indeed the rock on which theocracy shattered, we should ask if the Salem trials were designed for that purpose. We have found more recent events that at first appeared to be accidents or natural outcomes were not. They were manufactured by those who had interests in the outcomes. So our first and most logical assumption would be that the Salem trials were also manufactured to cause a desired outcome. It looks like that desired outcome was the removal of Puritans from the top government positions in Boston and New England. To achieve that, they were blackwashed by a manufactured event, just as it would be done today.
To further quote him from the same paper,
What this means is that in the Salem event we are seeing an alliance of several factions, all of them working against Mather and mainstream Boston Puritanism for their own reasons. We have the wealthy merchants, whom I suspect as the primary conspirators. Then we have the governors like Phips and Andros, Phips trying to weaken the power of Mather to increase his own, and Andros also out for vengeance. Behind them we find King William, opposed to the Puritan theocracy for the same reason he was opposed to the theocracy in Rome. And then we have the “grace” faction of Puritanism, also holding a grudge like Andros for their expulsion from the Colony. This may have been the least powerful faction in terms of money or obvious power, but at the local level these antinomians or grace-Puritans could be formidable. Although some of their leaders had been expelled, their beliefs remained strong and were still widespread. They could be found everywhere and could be trusted to propel any local event with fervor. Say what you like about the Puritans, they never lacked fervor.
In another 2016 paper, Miles Mathis outs the founder of the Quakers as a crypto-Jew. The Quakers were another religious group similar to the Puritans who would play an important role in the American Revolution.
Due to historical reasons, Phoenicians in North America have controlled the continent from the North East, and they continue to operate from these regions. Remember that. This has to do with the fact that ships first landed there before air travel. In fact they would first land in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, which are now sleepy (but very spooky) provinces of Canada. Now we have the Deep State being run out of the Kennedy family turf at Martha’s Vineyard, and Mount Weather, Virginia. Foreigners visiting USA in earlier times often commented that American culture seemed to be created and directed out of New York. Nothing has changed. As an experiment, go to any mainstream bookstore, and grab a random piece of American fiction. Read the author bio. There is a majority chance that the author lives in the North East. Many of these budding authors are actually crypto-Phoenicians. They are encouraged to write fiction, which gets pushed into bookstores regardless of quality. The fiction they generally write about is subtle propaganda (fear porn, split the sexes etc.), predictive programming for future ops, or gloatery about what they got away with (such as stealing from plebs or playing tricks on them).
Now all right so you say well why didn’t this idea catch on? Why didn’t this just spread like wildfire? And we all be born in the 30s 40s 50s…. when we were born into countries that are all…. all over the world have these constitutions, that have these self-governments. What happened? But we’re going to find out that there’s a crowd of people that’s as they say, we’re going to find out in the game there’s another team on the field! And there’s a team on the field that doesn’t like internal control because that way, they don’t have control over you. Now in order to win this game, we have to know what this other team is [Laughs]. And we’re going to come back from our break and it’s called Central Banking. The boys live in the Central Bank and the Central Bank gets to control the country. And I won’t tell you how, because it’s a big secret and I don’t want to spoil your next hour okay, but there’s a word that explains it. Anybody know what that word is? Okay. we’ll get into it next hour. We’re going to explain….. well I’ll give you a clue….. the word is Debt.
[Garbled]… one of the best, probably the best thing in Economics comes out of…. out of Proverbs written by Solomon. Proverbs is a book that Solomon wrote for his son Rehoboam who was probably a teenager when he wrote the book……when Solomon wrote the book. But what it does is it explains Economics. And Economics is explained in one sentence. Matter of fact, it’s not just explained once in one sentence. It’s explained twice in one sentence. This is how complete the Bible is. All right let’s take a look at this. Proverbs, Chapter 22 Verse 7. It doesn’t work does it…. let’s try another one [referring to the White Board marker]. Okay, Proverbs Chapter 22 Verse 7. Okay that’s not really great. Try another one okay. Says that the Rich rules over the Poor and the Borrower is the servant to the Lender. Now I think that probably the reason that it was written in the old Hebrew language is it was such a precise language at that time. You could actually…… you could actually put it into formulas or make equations out of it if you will. So let’s make a formula out of language because it says it twice. Once the rich rules over the poor secondly the borrower is servant to the lender, see it says the same thing twice okay. To formulate it, it says the rich okay, rule okay, rule. Actually the rich rule, okay over the poor. That’s the first thing it says. Then you can make a little plus over here, and it says the borrower is the servant or the slave, in some versions, slave to the lender. Isn’t that interesting? So now I have this….. Not only had… had the the fun of raising some…. some kids but I know I’ve got grandkids to raise. Okay and they ask you all these questions. It’s kind of you know, kids will ought to know the answer. They don’t want to fool around, with all that college okay. So all right if…. if a kid were to ask you now uh, what uh a ruler is? How would you explain what a ruler is? What would you say? See because if you say it’s a King that’s not always true. If you say it’s a President because these guys aren’t always ruling are they, see, the answer comes right out of Solomon. Now we’ve had four thousand years to know whether Solomon knew what he was talking about or not. See he was the richest man who ever lived, and the wisest man who ever lived. In some respects…. some respects he wasn’t too smart but on money he was pretty smart okay. Okay a ruler…. got it?….. ready?……we’re ready for some real economics… a rich lender. [Laughs].Jewish and Christian Scripture has long been corrupted by Phoenicians. While this concept is indeed true for the world we live in now, it appears to be a Phoenician pun, intended to enforce and legitimize their own worldview. I wouldn’t attribute it to Solomon.
There hasn’t been any deviation in that in that definition for four thousand years. That is definitely the ruler. The servant or the slave is the poor borrower. Now when we go to Business School at People’s Republic of Berkeley or Harvard or something like this, what do we learn?
Audience Laughs.

We learn how to get out and borrow money so we can start a business don’t we? See? Notice?…. Wrong. That’s not what we should be learning. So they teach us it’s really Slave School. We got a catalog from Harvard and we thought maybe they would teach different. We learned how to get to Washington it seems…. it seems that you go to Harvard and turn left. Okay so what happens you see, is that the whole Education System is to put you under External Control, isn’t that interesting. Do we understand why the [Communist] Manifesto says that the Government must run all schools? Because that’s what’s going to be taught. This is the…. this is the Progressive Education of John Dewey. This was started by Horace Mann back 150-140 years ago, and it’s been culminated now into our present Economic or Education System which has no education in it at all. All it is is external indoctrination. Any learning is purely coincidental. Okay now this is Economics. Some people understand it and some people don’t. One guy who understood it… very smart guy was the name…. guy born in Italy by the name of Cosimo Medici. Cosimo Medici started a bank in the year 1300. Okay it was the Medici Bank. He was the governor of Florence. And Italy at that time was a loose confederation of principalities, Genoa, Venice, Milan all these different things. Medici wanted to unify or control Italy. So what he did was he loaned money to Italy…. to the prince in the principality. He had a bank up here and he would loan money to the prince. Isn’t this exciting?
Now we all know how that works. If the prince can’t pay the loan back then he gets the prince’s country. See how that works. Is this fun? You know you ever see anybody that couldn’t make their car payment they have this little tow truck, comes out and tows it away. See isn’t that fun? See this is called Kingdom Towing okay?

Audience Laughs.
And what they do is they tow your country away! [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
We Now understand Poli-Sci [Laughs]. That’s all there is to Political Science. That’s it [Laughs]. Okay the process is called War. Every war that I know of that’s been fought in the last 1400 years has been over a money issue. It was never fought by Governments or by People. It was fought for the benefit of banks. All we have to know is who the bank is and we can understand where…. sometimes they own oil….. Okay now so what happens here is that the bank comes on so about 1400 now, uh about 100 years of this, Medici is conquering this and conquering that. Every time he owes money he has to have a big battle. So he conquered an area called the Pisa in in Italy. And it had a Finance Minister by the name of Nicolo Machiavelli. Machiavelli was a young man. He was put in exile on his property back in… in Pisa and if he left his property he was subject to the executed. All right Machiavelli wrote a proposal to the Medici Bank. And he said “You guys have got this thing pretty good but it could be better.” This is a pretty brash thing for this guy to say, because he could have been executed at whim. And he said “Every time you loan money and get one of these principalities from the prince, you have to have a war. And every time you’re at risk. Every time it costs you a lot of money. Every time uh it’s a lot of work.” He said “If you made me the number two man in the Medici Empire….” now this guy’s in exile you know. Okay he said “If you made me number two man I will show you how you can confiscate every country in the world and you’ll never have a war.” Well do you think this got Medici’s attention? So they brought him in and they said….. and he said “Now look, he said you make me number two man. He says if this doesn’t work you can cut off my head.” This guy was a real gambler.
Audience Laughs.
Not exactly. Both are Phoenicians who already knew each other. They collaborated against the non-Phoenician local princes.
He says if it works, I am number two. And they said okay. And they said “What’s your plan?” He says “Well it’s not just the plan, you got to do it.” He said okay “What we’re going to do, we’re going to introduce a concept of balance of power.” They said “Balance of power?” He said “Yeah balance of power.” You’ve heard this phrase. We hear it all the time. Henry Kissinger uses it. George Bush [Senior] uses it. I guess he uses New World Order doesn’t he? Or something [Laughs]. Okay same thing. All right yeah, so….[Laughs] George read my lips Bush okay?
Audience Laughs.
You know you can always tell when George is lying [Laughs]. His lips move.
Okay now. So we don’t call him George Bush, we call him George Shrub [Laughs]. We don’t feel he’s mature enough to be a bush.
Audience Laughs.
Okay so anyway what happens here is that okay, because they say all he’s doing is he’s fronting for somebody else, isn’t he? And we haven’t noticed it [Laughs]? Alright George is not his own man. Alright we’ll explain that sir.
Audience Laughs.
We haven’t got to the funny part yet. Okay…. okay that’s next hour. Alright here we go….. okay so he [Machiavelli] said “What you’re gonna do now is you’re gonna loan money to two princes.” And they said “Are you crazy?” And he says “Gotta do it….. gotta do it. If it doesn’t work then [gestures neck being cut].” He [Medici] said “Well alright.” So they loan money to two princes. Isn’t this exciting? They loan money to prince A and to prince B both, and the condition was that prince…. that the princes had to repay the loan. They couldn’t pay back, with money that they printed. So the bank would run the money in the country here, so they would print the money. You see they controlled the money, uh the….. all the speeches by the prince now had to be approved by the bank. Because it was imperative that the people, the rabble down here didn’t catch on that the prince was no longer running the country for their benefit, but for the benefit of a bank. This must never be disclosed you see, and so this…. the speeches are written up here and they’re read down here, get it? Okay? It’s not always easy to find good speech readers. Sometimes they have to go to Hollywood [referring to President Reagan, who came out of Hollywood].
Audience Laughs.
Okay now, and so then we have…. we have uh…. we have war. Okay so now we have a war. This guy has to go to war whenever he’s told to go to war. So he reads a speech and oh what do you know, we got a war. Let’s see…..I guess we’ll give him an ultimatum. You’ve got till Saturday well then Saturday comes now you’ve got till Wednesday [Laughs]. Okay now we just discussed the war in Iraq. Alright now what happens here is that uh, I’ve just described to you the four identifying characteristics of the Federal Reserve System in the United States for the last 82 years. It’s precisely what the Federal Reserve System has been doing with our Government. It owns our Government. Our Government does whatever the Bank wants because you see when the Bank started printing money without any backing it was called a debt and we pick up the interest on it. It’s called the National Debt. Why would we have a debt if we print our own money? It doesn’t make any sense does it? If you had a printing press in your basement would you be in debt?
Audience Laughs.
See it’s not…. it’s not our press anymore. It belongs to the Bank of England because now we’re in debt. We can’t print our money. They print it. It’s been going on since 1913. You may have heard about it it’s called Inflation. See notice if you do it, it’s called counterfeiting.
Audience Laughs.
They have a little school up to stay here, it’s called San Quentin [prison]…..or and they give the first…. that’s offense, like was 17 years of remedial printing. See they’ll teach you not to print. You can print menus and newspapers but not money. Only they can print the money. We’ll talk about who they are in our third hour too though it’s not as mysterious. It’s actually six families. Okay it’s Financial families right. Interesting stuff. Okay so notice what’s been going on here. We now have uh, a Central Bank. This differs from a National Bank because until the year 1400 all that was on the planet was National Banks. That was the Bank was run by the Government. Well the Government is going to have a debt to itself so National Debt was [un]known…. virtually unknown of. They’re unheard of. Nobody ever heard of it. Now, now you see the bank is no longer run by anybody in the Government. Matter of fact it’s probably not even run by anybody in the country here. And we have a debt and it keeps getting bigger all the time doesn’t it?
Now I have a lot of fun when I go out to a restaurant. I…. I uh….. I get finished and I go up to the to the waitress and I say “Listen may I talk to the manager because all I have with me are ‘notes.’” And she says what? I said “Yeah, I ate this dinner and all I got are some ‘notes’. Would your manager take a note?” [The waitress says] “Here’s why not…he would get mad at you.” [The manager says] “What do you mean?” I said “Well I came here and I… I had this dinner and it was very nice and I appreciate it, and I certainly don’t want to steal from you but all I have with me are some notes. Could you possibly take a note?” And…. and he says “Well what do you mean?” I said “Well let me show you.” And I pull this out here [pulls out pieces of paper] and I show him these “notes” that I have, see because now if I bought a car from you….[points to audience] Your name is John? If I bought a car from John and I gave him a note, could John uh, buy anything with that “note?” Well he might be able to get it to the bank and maybe, if my reputation is good, he could…… he could borrow it right, but notice…. the “note” is not money is it? Notice carefully the “note” is not money because the “note” is in place of money! The “note” is something that you give somebody when you don’t have any money. You’ll notice carefully the Federal Reserve System has printed a dollar here, and it says Federal Reserve Note [Laughs]. Notice carefully it doesn’t say Federal Reserve money because there isn’t any. Now when it might, when a dollar is printed it is a debt. The debt is what you pay and it’s called the National Debt. Are we having fun now?
The “note” is not money because the “note” is in place of money!



Do you understand why anybody who writes anything that makes any sense in an economics exam in any Government School in the country would flunk? Because Economics in School is designed to cover all this up, so you don’t know what’s going on. Now this sounds radical. And it is. The question is, is it true? if it’s not true let me know and hey I’ll stop all this and go get a job okay.
Audience Laughs.
Now but if it’s true then we have trouble in River City, don’t we? Okay so your… your job today is to find out, okay…. is this really true. Okay and uh, we’re not asking for any immediate response. Pretty wild, I’m sure for many people. Alright we have just described Central Banking. A Central Bank is where a foreign bank or a private bank can put a nation in debt. When the nation is in debt, the nation is the poor borrower. Isn’t that interesting? And the lender is the ruler. Got the picture?
The President reads what he writes. Well this goes along….. that runs pretty well. Medici became very wealthy, became very powerful. They went into all of Europe with Catherine de Medici. Ran France. One of the Ministries went up into the Scandinavian countries. But the family died out in the 1650s because they got a little bit too hung up on money. It seems that they decided no one else could marry in the family except Medicis and this caused a little genetic problem.
Audience Laughs.
And pretty soon their eyes wouldn’t go in the same direction. They foamed at the mouth and a few little things like that. And as far as I know there aren’t any Medicis around anymore. I think they… they all went to bananas.
Yes they still are out there. They just went underground. They still participate in present-day Spook ops.
Okay now so they just kind of died out. But the…. the history is is impeccable. They were the most powerful family that had ever lived on the face of the Earth. As a result of control through debt. By the way if you are into the Bible, you’ll read the first five books of the Bible. One thing is to be avoided at all costs and that’s debt. Never get involved in usury… paying of Interest. Okay matter of fact the old Jewish people…. they had the the Old Testament. They had the Year of Jubilee where all debts were removed every 50 years, no matter how much was owed and everybody started over, so that…. so the land would never be moved from one family to another. Because the land was to be held in perpetuity. That was exactly what our founding fathers gave us in America One. That’s why they called it unalienable right. That means you own that property in perpetuity. Nobody…. Banks, Governments, Armies…… nobody can take this away from you. Isn’t this exciting? Did you know that in Southern California last year, more homes were repossessed than were purchased? See this is America Two. It’s the reverse of America One isn’t it? Everything in America One gave you, Government Two is taking away, got it? And it’s your choice…. which one you want to belong to?
We’re gonna…. we’re gonna explain that, because this gets to be interesting. Alright, so along comes a fellow (it’s 1740) by the name of Meyer Bauer. Very brilliant man. I don’t think history is an accident. I think it’s made by brilliant men….. and he, by the time he was 16, had graduated from school….. from college. By the time he was 20 he was the Finance Minister for the king of Austria. And he thought in his mind……”Well the reason the guy is the King of Austria is because he’s the one with the gold.” This is sometimes referred to as the Golden Rule. Alright and he said now all he’d have to do to be a ruler himself is to get that gold. And so he made some surreptitious loans, some secret loans to Germany. Through a couple families in Germany named the Cassel and the Hess households up there. Because the non-German could not loan money to the King, but through these brokers…… these “German” brokers up there, he was able to loan money to King Frederick. And pretty soon King Frederick was in debt to our friend Meyer Bauer. At this point Meyer Bauer…… a couple things happened. First of all the king of Austria realizes there’s no more gold in the Treasury, so he goes into self-proclaimed exile in Denmark (where Shakespeare writes in Hamlet [in earlier times] by the way, be sure to see the movie it’s a good one, that There’s now something rotten in Denmark). Okay now also the King Frederick, King Frederick would read these speeches and every time he’d read these speeches, well he’d be deeper in debt and have more Wars. Isn’t that interesting? He became a very excellent reader. I should point out probably one of the best readers in history. He was such a good reader that he is now called Frederick the Great. Okay because he was a great reader all right, and whatever Meyer… whatever Meyer wrote Fred spoke. And Germany was involved in war after war. After endless war and all the young blooded Germans had died all over collecting debts for Meyer….. is this exciting? The only thing that’s necessary is that the German people must never catch on what Freddy is doing. Oh Freddy got all this money I mean, after all he had this little carriage…. a little bumper car you know, shop till you drop, he liked to buy things you know, and Meyer was always there… “how much do you want?” Isn’t this great? And all he had to do was read speeches. Hey was this a good deal or what? See it was only imperative that the people not catch on what was going on. And so for 200 years the German people were military people, going to war after war. All the young people die into the battlefields and put up with a bunch of nonsense….. got the picture?
These are fables that imply that the Rothschilds took advantage of imbecilic rulers. The rulers were not fools. They were crypto-Phoenicians and willingly collaborated with the Rothschilds. In a 2020 paper, Miles Mathis discovers that the German-Austrian origins of the Rothschilds are also a fable. And so is the supposed meaning of their name, Red Shield. They are actually the Leslies, Earls and Dukes of Rothes in Scotland, who in turn are part of the Stuart line. The 7th Earl of Rothes was a banker, who was appointed Lord High Treasurer of Scotland in 1663 and was later elevated to Duke. We are told he had no son, but it more likely that a secret son was planted in Germany, and all the family wealth was transferred to Germany. In other words the Rothschilds were planted in Germany as a secret colonization operation of the British! But since it was not possible to link them with preexisting German noble families (read: Crypto-Phoenician families), another fable was created that they were Jewish financial wizards, who rose out of obscurity from the ghettoes of Frankfurt. Miles has further discovered that when the “Germanized” Rothschilds later returned back to England as wealthy bankers, some married into the same Stuart line! To quote him,
Almost the first thing the Rothschilds did when they came to England is marry the Stuarts, which I am telling you means they were Stuarts to start with. No matter how rich you are, you don’t arrive in a country and within one generation marry into the royal line. Unless you are already of the royal line.
The question that remains is why was this necessary, given that German royalty was already crypto-Phoenician? The only answer is that Germany, its citizenry and its growing economy, was not as thoroughly colonized and controlled as that of other countries. And therefore backup was requested from traditional Phoenician strongholds. This implies that modern Germany was, and still is, run out of London. And that also includes the so-called Nazis. In an earlier book, I did note that Hitler had some inexplicable connection to Liverpool.
Notice that’s been happening in America for eight years too. We go to all these interesting places in the planet like Vietnam, and Iraq you know isn’t this great to protect ourselves from all these bad guys [Laughs]? Okay we’ll get into that next hour. It gets worse. Okay, now so then he [Meyer Bauer] looks across the channel over here and lo and behold here’s Prince George over here [in England]. Well George was actually from the house of Hanover. Strangely enough he wasn’t really pure German or pure English. Isn’t that interesting?
This is what I mean when I say Donn was ahead of his time. He picked up an anomaly which suggests that the royals were not locals.
And uh he goes…. Meyer [Bauer] goes over there, who of course, he had the Merchant Bank of Hamburg over here. And um interesting stuff, you see here’s the world’s richest country, the most powerful army in the world, hadn’t been defeated for 300 years, and Meyer goes over and uh wants to know if he needs any help? Well you know how kings are….. they’ve always needed more money, don’t they? It wasn’t very long until George got in debt to Moby. I should point out that Meyer by the way, when he took over Germany, to make sure that the name Bauer, which is a…… which is a Hungarian name, because they didn’t want anybody in Germany to know that he was a foreigner, he changed his name to Red Star. Isn’t that interesting? Now you’ve heard of Meyer Red Star haven’t you? oh I’m sorry the translation is Rothschild [Laughs]! Ok Meyer Rothschild, Red Shield…. Red Star. Okay you’ll notice in all the Communist countries they have little red stars? See well another existential event [Laughs]. There is no reason it just happened [Laughs]. Sure. Okay. See if we understand history it gets to be pretty interesting because it’s all Economics isn’t it? Who’s got the Bucks?
Okay so George goes over here and he gets in debt. He can’t repay the loan….. uh oh repo time. So Meyer goes over and says “Repo Depot, George,” and he says “I’m going to have to run the bank of Germany [should be England].” By the way he’s still running the bank of England. By the way he’s still running the bank of England…..when Meyer went over to run the bank of England, he never left. He’s still there. Isn’t this interesting? It’s the 13 square blocks of downtown London. England does not run from London but as far as the Government’s concerned, the Government’s out of Westminster. The Queen lives in Westminster. She’s crowned in Westminster and so forth and so on. The Government of England is in Westminster. What’s in London is the bank. If the Queen wants to go to London downtown, she can’t go in unless she has prior appointment because that’s where her employer lives. And she must bow and curtsy you see, if she wants to get some more money, because that’s how it works.
Well George couldn’t pay all the money back to our friend Meyer. Okay so Meyer goes over and he says “well George,” he says, “What seems to be the problem here? Why is the world’s richest country having a problem paying my debt?” And so he says, “Let’s take a look at the books.” “He goes back and he takes a look at the books.” And after a few months, he says “George, I noticed some interesting things…. back here in 1620 a bunch of guys took off in the Mayflower.” And he says “George I haven’t seen any entries for their rent” He says “Where is the rent George, for the colonies?” And George says “Well sir,” he says “They don’t really think they’re colonists. They don’t think it is a colony and so they were actually…… they’re a bunch of religious nuts….. a bunch of malcontents and we just said good riddance, and matter of fact, we let everybody out of prison. And they went over and started this thing over there called Georgia.” And uh, and uh…. and so the interesting stuff which is true and uh, and so they ….”we just let all these guys out, so then we eased our expenses. We didn’t have so many expenses see, but uh they would never send us any rent.” And he [Meyer] says “Well George,” he says “There you have your…. your problem.” He says “The solution is that you want them to pay rent. After all…… just stop and think George, if they paid the rent you could pay your debt.” And George says “God’s smartest guy in the world, why didn’t I think of that…. see sure enough…. see.” And he said, “I’ll send the Army over right away.” Meyer says “George please sit down.” He says “Good grief, no wonder you’re just a King.” He says “Let me explain…… let me let me explain how you repossess the country, because armies are…. are not the way you repossess the countries. Those armies only are good for collecting debts.” He says, “Because to repossess a country they’re…. they’re too expensive. They’re hard to control. They’re too visible and they cause a lot of resistance.” He says” George, armies are not good.” And George said, “Oh.” And so he said “George, let me explain how you repossess this country.” George said “Oh goody sir please… please explain.” Okay and so….. and so Meyer explained it. And George of course, was a very good student and it wasn’t very long. Matter of fact, in the next five years, uh George levied 120 taxes on the colony. He had taxes….stamp taxes, fair taxes, shoe taxes, leather taxes everything was taxed. Isn’t that interesting.
It is true that the Rothschilds are usually at the pinnacle of modern usury banking, and Central Banks. But they never depended on the favor of British royals. As we have seen earlier, they are British royals.
The way you repossess countries…..the way you repossess property, is through tax. You want to get somebody’s property, you don’t beat him over the head because they’ll come back and beat you over that. That’s very messy. You tax them and they say oh here’s my property and they give it to you [Laughs]. We Now understand Government alright. So they…. they sent the uh, they…. and so meanwhile the George Washington and…. and the Thomas Jefferson these guys are here. Everytime they’d wake up they’d read the morning paper and it’d be another tax. And they said “Good grief this game’s up, we’re going to have to lose our land.” So they went to Philadelphia. They had a couple little meetings called Continental Congresses.[2]Miles Mathis has raised some valid doubts about the election/selection process of the Continental Congress. And they decided that they wouldn’t pay these taxes [Laughs]. How’s that funny?
See they got some little bumper stickers on their chariots that said “Just Say No.” And so as a matter of fact when they…. when they….. when the British wanted to tax the tea up in Boston they went up and they dumped all the tea into the ocean. Well this was a very significant event okay. Because now that meant that there was a debt. So over comes the debt collectors. Isn’t that interesting? The debt collector has now come over from England. You can always spot debt collectors in those days very easily, because they wore red suits. And the Americans had a very novel imaginative and creative solution to this problem: They shot them!
Audience Laughs.
Well this is considered sort of the joke, because here was an Army that hadn’t been defeated for 300 years, coming over in total from Europe, and a bunch of ragtag farmers….. because there’s only 4% of the people that didn’t want to pay their taxes, 96% of them said let’s pay them. It’s not a whole lot different from today. And the 4% [say] “No we’re gonna…. we’re gonna get our guns and we’re gonna fight them.” And they fought them. Well this wasn’t going to take too long you see, but there are some surprises in this little thing okay uh…..Cold War. Because the Americans uh, were basically private Enterprise oriented and the British weren’t, and so uh, what the British would do if they won this war….. he would go back to England. And he would be a serf for the Lord in the manor again. He was fighting literally for his own slavery. And so the guys over here in America like Nathan Green….. Nathaniel Green and the Green Mountain Boys and so forth oh, they were real estate guys okay. And uh so what they did is they offered a package. They got a little presentation package for these guys and they said listen, “Any British soldier that comes into town on weekends or evenings and produces evidence that he is a deserter will get an immediate title to 160 Acres of prime farmland in the Shenandoah and Appalachian Valley.” Ever noticed that? The whole East Coast remained down to Florida, this section, into 160 acre Parcels…. it was given to the British army. And every time General Cornwallis said Revery there would be another company missing.
Audience Laughs.
You’ve heard the old phrase, Suppose they gave a war and nobody came? That happened. It was called Yorktown, 1781. The British did not have enough men show up. Here is the British now faced with an enemy that had never won a major battle and that was freezing to death in the winters, and it was half naked and barefoot. And now listen for the first time in 300 years, the British surrendered to this enemy. That’s a strange thing isn’t it? Why would Cornwallis surrender his sword to Washington? He had no troops did he? Isn’t this fun [Laughs]? Notice this was not a military victory. It was a real estate transaction. We refer to it as Century 18 [A reference to present-day real estate company Century 21].
Audience Laughs.
Notice how carefully censored this is from any Government school course on history. Because this would totally upset Johnny and make him maladjusted. This would not be good. So to protect Johnny, he’s not taught this. You do understand that… that’s for his benefit. See because what it showed was external,….. internal control was more powerful than external control, and whenever that’s shown in history, it’s not taught. We now know how history textbooks are written. History textbooks are written so that when you go to school for 12 years, you are so mind numbed with external control that you don’t know anything else. And you’ve now been adjusted. Well this is interesting you see, because now these guys went on and they designed a Declaration of Independence now, and all this stuff….. this is pretty wild because they said let’s we don’t want to have any of these problems like they had over in Europe. We don’t want to have this external control stuff. Is this fun or what? Thomas Jefferson, I believe, is the father of our government. Washington’s [the] father of our country but the government pretty much was designed by Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was a student of John Locke. John Locke was an old Presbyterian over in England and he did a lot of writing on this business of internal control stuff. This is not my idea [Laughs] okay. Okay and what he said was that uh, a lot of this stuff but he went into Isaiah…. Isaiah chapter 22 verse 11 and it said that God is my lawmaker, my judge, and my king and he says aha! What Oliver Cromwell had done back in 1640, remember when he took over and cut off the king’s head, Charles I, who was James’s son because he wouldn’t give up this Divine right of King’s thing? There wasn’t any divine right after he cut his head off. His blood was red. It wasn’t blue and it flowed like everybody’s and nobody came up with this idea, Divine right of kings again. That was strictly hogwash that the Stuart kings came up with. You see, but he was executed. The first king in history was actually ever executed for violating the law. He had violated the Magna Carta. He’d confiscated the Noble’s property without a jury trial. He started what was called a Star Chamber court and he had regions and chancellors that he named and so forth. It was sort of like a tax court today. No jury.
Audience Laughs.
If you accept that you’ve accepted America Two. Guys are accepting it every day. See we’re talking about where the cheese really binds here in our next hour, how all this comes together you see, because there’s this big dichotomy going on. Two countries running simultaneously in the same place at the same time. Oh boy [Laughs], and the boys have a problem because they can’t implement the external control as long as you know that there’s internal control [Laughs]. Oh you can really make them upset. Okay now……you can spoil their day. Okay. Now okay say where were we? Oh yeah Thomas Jefferson. Okay so along comes, uh Locke and he reads in Isaiah that God is my…. my judge, my law Giver, my king. Now he says aha! Because what…. what Oliver Cromwell had done is he said what you need now are, to run along with the King, are two houses of Parliament, see, and uh and so, he was close but it collapsed, see. And so Along come these guys 100 years later now they’ve got Cromwell to look at….. their….. George Washington’s idea of beating the Government army or beating the British army was not new because Oliver Cromwell had done it in 1640! You’ll see Oliver Cromwell had been the leader of [British] Parliament, and the King dismantled Parliament. He says we don’t want Parliament we don’t want all this Magna Carta. He disbanded Parliament you see, and so Parliament went to war with the King. Isn’t this interesting? 1640 it was a British Civil War and Parliament won after all these years after. It was about seven years after Oliver Cromwell got involved, the British army never won another battle. He’d never been in the military. He was 40 years old when he started and he never lost the battle. He never retreated a foot. To read all of this Cromwell’s history is absolutely staggering. He did the totally impossible thing. He beat the king and cut his head off. So Washington these guys says well hey, that’s been done before you know, this is no big deal. He said we’re three thousand miles away see, but what Cromwell did is they set up the two houses of Parliament with the King. Okay now, and uh he didn’t have a king. He is what was called a Protector. He started a title change to Protector. We’ll come back to that in English law because there’s a Protector involved in a Trust, so we’re going to be talking about Trust in our third hour and you want your…. your Trust under English law. To have a…. and English law is the basis by the way, for United States law because it’s based upon the Magna Carta, which the Constitution is also. Okay anyway, uh so Along Comes Thomas Jefferson and reading John Locke, he says what we need are three houses. No King and three houses you see, the Executive, Legislature and even Judicial. Isn’t that interesting? Because this all comes out of the Bible. This is, see all this stuff…. that’s why he couldn’t read the Bible. All this power right in one book, it’s incredible right? And so uh, uh and so they said okay what we’ll do is we’ll come up with a Declaration of Independence. And the Declaration of Independence says we’re endowed by our Creator with these unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and Property. And they’re given to us okay, the people, and then the Government is the Institute of…. among men… to secure these rights. Isn’t that interesting [Laughs]?
I wont get into British history. Miles Mathis has done a good expose of these events in a 2020 paper. In short, Charles I was never beheaded, and there was nothing “parliamentary” or “enlightening” going on in England. To quote Miles,
If Charles was gone, why have a war from 1642 to 1649? Why have a war at any time?—because it was profitable in a multitude ways. It gave the Stanleys the pretext for pillaging the country freely for almost seven years. Need I say more? It gave them the pretext for raising taxes. It gave them the pretext for pillaging Ireland. And it kept the Spanish and French armies and navies away, since they were scared away by reports of the ferocious Parliamentarian forces, capable of defeating a king.
Strangely enough, the neighboring countries did not take advantage of the situation. To further quote Miles,
We have proof it was Charles and not the Crown that was the problem for the Stanleys and Parliament, since a king was back on the throne very soon with Charles II. The Stanleys were perfectly satisfied to have a king front them, as long as that king did what he was told. So the idea this was all about replacing a monarchy with a fairer from of government obviously doesn’t fly. Neither Cromwell nor anyone else ever cared about making the government more representative of the people, and Cromwell soon became a dictator anyway. So Parliament apparently never had any problem with the monarchy as such. The problem was always that Charles, under the tutelage of Buckingham, had chosen his Plantagenet side over his “Tudor” side, refusing direct orders from the Stanleys. That couldn’t be allowed, because the Stanleys knew it would end up with the country backsliding into Catholicism, which would allow Rome back into the country.
Miles Mathis has also done extensive papers on Spook heritage of George Washington,Thomas Jefferson (1,2) and Benjamin Franklin. It seems they keep showing up as the ancestors of Phoenicians involved in present-day spookery in USA! He even links George Washington to British Royalty and hints that like many other crypto leaders of that time, he was likely gay! But then, what was the point of the American Revolution? To quote him,
Fortunately, the cause of independence from England had strong support from certain powerful parties in England, as we have seen—which is why it succeeded. It didn’t succeed due to the heroism of Washington or anyone else, you can be sure. It is because the East India Company and other powerful entities supported it. Despite the Boston Tea Party, which was mostly another fake, the East India Company was on the side of the colonists. Not because of any solidarity or fellow feeling, but because the EIC felt it would be easier to negotiate with and dominate a fledgling country like the US than an old powerhouse like England. In fact, the EIC had already infiltrated the colonies thoroughly, and mostly owned them, so the American Revolution was more a war over ownership between England and the EIC, or two arms of the aristocracy, than between England and the colonies.
This is also why France came in on the side of the colonies: again not due to solidarity or fellow feeling, but due to prior alliances. The French contingency that was backing the revolution in the US was the same contingency backing the revolution in France: the rich merchants and bankers. They are the ones that had allied themselves to the Protestants in both France and England, in order to overthrow Rome and steal all its assets in both countries. They had long since accomplished that in England, but were just then getting it done in France. Which is why we are seeing the American founding fathers with hidden links to the same alliance, especially the Protestants/Huguenots.
This is a nicety not often commented on, but you should always have found it strange that these early Americans had so many alliances to France, but none to the Catholic faction. France had been Catholic since the beginning, so it should look odd that Jefferson and other ambassadors had no allies in that quarter. We are seeing why that is. The US was founded by the Komnene/Vasa/Jagiellon faction of the Phoenician Navy, not the Habsburg/Medici/Bourbon/Guise faction. Which explains why the US was Protestant from the start, despite being an ally of France.
To further quote Miles from the same paper,
And if you dig a little deeper, it is not just the EIC hidden here, it is two competing arms of the EIC, which are usually called the Dutch and the English EIC. The Dutch had gotten here first, as you can see from the fact that New York was originally New Amsterdam. The Dutch had allied with the French and Spanish, as we see from the split in the American Revolution. So the Federalists were fronts for the English EIC and the anti-Federalists were fronts for the Dutch/French. The Dutch/French wanted a weak central government, because they were already in place as local bankers and didn’t want to be displaced. The English wanted a strong central government, because that was the only way they were going to be able to continue displacing the bankers already here. They wanted to set up new central institutions, you see, which would eventually drive out the decentralized ones. So it was all to do with trade and shipping and banking, and nothing to do with personal freedoms. All the talk about freedoms was just the usual cover.
A reader baffled by these discoveries investigated on his own, and came to similar conclusions in another 2022 paper. He discovered that many of America’s Founding Fathers had deep, personal connections to the British East India Company. Did you know that the flag of the British East India Company and America’s first flag (The Grand Union flag flown from 1775-1776) are identical? And again, the current flag only displaces the British Union Jack. We are told the 13 stripes have always represented the 13 colonies. But why was that same flag used in other continents? In reality, it represents the 13 families which constitute what is known as the Illuminati.


But I disagree that the American Revolution was just another phoney-Phoenician production as the French, English and Russian Revolutions, manufactured and staged from the ground up. There are some major differences:
- The French, English and Russian[3]In the case of the Russian revolution, the citizenry was turned into literal slaves, who when not starving, had to line up to collect their vegetables from a conveyor belt! There are videos of this on the Internet. Revolutions left the citizenry more impoverished, more vulnerable and more enslaved to the new rulers. That is not so for the American Revolution, at least not till 1913.
- The French, English and Russian Revolutions were never ordered by their citizenry, which had grown despondent and apathetic to the politics of their static ruling class. On the other hand, the American Revolution did attract a degree of popular support. Despite the Quackers and the Puritans having their roots in British Intelligence, significant factions had broken free. In addition, there were a large number of Europeans from countries not involved in colonial empires, such as Germany and Scandinavia. People from there abhorred participation in the British colonial enterprise. The Phoenicians hated them. Benjamin Franklin referred to one such group in Pennsylvania as Palatine Boors. In other words (and contrary to Donn’s opinion), American independence was largely a result of the accumulation of non-British settlers in the melting pot, who never were part of colonial enterprise and were uncomfortable with taking part in it. This explains why Australia, another isolated continent, could never achieve something similar (They had exclusively British-origin settlers). Donn exaggerates 18th and 19th century USA as a Shangri-la where anybody could pursue Business and Innovation. This is not true either. Opportunities were exclusive to European origin settlers. Both natives and blacks had to go through agonizing and excruciating struggles for basic human rights (on paper). Even after the Declaration of Independence was penned in the name of We the People, atrocious wars were instigated against the natives. In fact, the natives were only granted US citizenship and access to passports in 1924!, and that was because they were being drafted for the upcoming World War II[4]Canada shamelessly followed USA in giving natives Canadian citizenship, but three decades later in 1960!. In contrast, slaves had more rights, dignity and upward mobility in the Islamic Golden Age.[5]Take the case of the Turkic and Circassian slaves captured from the frontlines, who later emerged as the Mamluk rulers of the Middle East. Or take the case of Imam Abu Hanifa, one of the most influential Muslim jurists. His grandfather was a captured slave from Afghanistan, who ended up being sold in Kufa (Iraq). What makes the creation of independent USA unique is that it is an anomaly in the European/Western context. Nations such as Britain, France and Spain, Portugal and the Dutch created huge overseas empires, and many their citizenry settled in these outposts. Yet these citizens always remained (with a few exceptions) an extension of their crypto-Phoenician ruling class. They could never break free and create something new. And so, they usually ended leaving in ignominy when the colonial projects were wrapped up. In some cases they stayed behind (Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the many Spanish colonies in South America) but again, nothing spectacular or new emerged.
So what is going on here? Let me try to explain….
When the Phoenicians realize that a new movement opposed to them (in this case, the British) is emerging, and standing up against it is futile, they shapeshift and reinvent themselves the leaders of the movement. If the movement is not strong enough, they can run it into the ground by openly betraying it. That is what Benedict Arnold later tried. He fled to England, narrowly escaping an execution. But his British contact ended up getting the noose. In other words, the people who supported the movement were not stupid. Neither were they forgiving (they burnt down your house if they couldn’t get their hands on you).
Therefore there was a change of plans. Instead of openly betraying the movement to the British, they would as its leaders, “manage” the transition to a new nation. This would ensure many things went in the favor of the Phoenicians.
- They would secretly coordinate and ensure the British were beaten, but not badly routed. And most important, British crypto-Phoenician commanders would rarely fall into enemy hands, or get wounded or killed.
- They would secretly coordinate to ensure that important British assets, treasures and arsenals never fell into enemy hands.
- Most important of all, they would ensure the continuation of the institution of Freemasonry, which operates as a shadow government. This was despite the fact that there was serious opposition to it on the American side, as it was seen as an instrument of British elites. The founding fathers gave ear to the concerns of their followers about Freemasonry, but did nothing. They were all Freemasons, but this was revealed a century later, when Freemasonry started being made fashionable in USA.
Notice that you can learn more by reading in between the lines of official histories of the founders….by focusing on what they didn’t do, rather than what they did.
There is evidence that the Founders were hoping that the Declaration of Independence would never actually materialize, and the Revolution would fail. To quote Miles Mathis,

With more research, we find out why Jefferson was chosen to write the Declaration. It was precisely because he was young and unknown [referring to his connections to wealthy Phoenician families]. Adams was at first chosen by Congress, but he passed to Jefferson, admitting that he himself was “obnoxious, suspected, and unpopular”. True. And true of everyone else in Congress, then as now. Beyond that, most of them were unmitigated cowards, and were probably fearful to have their names on the document at all, lest the revolution fail. You can be sure this is why Livingston and Sherman didn’t sign it. In other words, it went to Jefferson by default. It was somewhat of a hot potato, and he got stuck with it.
After 1776, Phoenicians cosplaying as American leaders had new priorities.
1. Ensuring that relations with the British were normalized as soon as possible.
Miles Mathis has touched upon this:
In 1794 Washington, Hamilton, and Jay negotiated the Jay Treaty, pretty much proving the whole Revolution was a hoax. After only a decade, the US was already crawling back in bed with England.

Why was this done? The British-Phoenicians had too much to lose. All their efforts in the New World spanning a few centuries could be lost in a few swoops. The British were allowed to retain control over what is now Canada. We are told that the Americans tried to annex it in 1812 but failed due to the “bravery” of the Canadians. Why did they never try again despite the strong possibility of native support? Well, because American conquest would mean extending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to Canadians. Nope nope nope. Soon enough, USA is fighting World Wars alongside the British.
2. Ensuring that Freemasonry continued to operate
Freemasonry is literally the elephant in the living room no one talks about. It’s an invitation-only club that operates like a secret parallel government. Throughout early American history, there were numerous movements aimed at making Freemasonry illegal, and banning Freemasons, at the very least, from public office. Phoenicians cosplaying as American leaders ensured that none of this ever happened. Pretty soon, Freemasonry was Americanized and made fashionable. The planning of the city of Washington DC was embedded with Masonic Spookery at every juncture, complete with Egyptian obelisks.
Below: View from the 9th floor of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial, Washington DC.

3. Attempting to Subvert the Revolution
Miles Mathis has noted that Thomas Jefferson had a strange link to France. To quote,
Surprisingly, Jefferson also had very little to do with setting up the new government after the War, instead being sent with Franklin and Adams to France to negotiate trade treaties. Franklin soon got bored and fled to England to play with his pals, so Jefferson became Minister to France. He was away for five years at this crucial juncture in American history, apparently finding French history more diverting. In fact, Jefferson was one of three authors (a consulting author, we are told) of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, along with Abbe Sieyes and Lafayette. I have hit Lafayette in the paper on the French Revolution [……….]
It seems there were plans to have the American Revolution run amock, as the French Revolution did. And that would require an attack on the Church, and on Christianity. There is indication that Jefferson had been forwarded for this role. But thankfully, he lost the 1796 election when commoners became wary of his atheism.
4. Federalism and Central Banks
Allowing Central Banks to operate required centralization of politics to the Spookopolis of Washington DC, or Federalism. Donn gets into the emergence of Central Banking later.
5. Establishing a new crypto-Phoenician Americanized ruling elite
In places like the Indian Subcontinent, the British Phoenicians faced the arduous task of grooming a new generation of localized “brown” Phoenicians. Because having the British Phoenicians stay behind would raise too many eyebrows. In USA they faced no such challenges. The same old East India Company families only had to change their accents, costumes and locations (sometimes). With the success of the American Revolution, it seems that the Founding fathers and their families were elevated to a much higher status, as overlords of the country. Miles Mathis has found numerous people linked to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson participating in present-day Spook ops. He also found indication of an exodus of a large number of British crypto-royals into Texas, later on when the area became immensely prosperous.
Below: In the style of Ancient Egyptian God-kings, the new crypto-Phoenician American ruling elite went on carve their faces on rock cliffs.

6. Continuing the Phoenician Tradition of Overseas Maritime Empire
From the 19th century onwards, America builds a formidable Navy and begins its own quest of an overseas Maritime Empire. Sometimes they fill in the shoes of the crumbling British Empire, and in the case of the Philippines, the Spanish Empire. After World War II, the CIA begins to overthrow governments, from Africa to South America, and installs puppet banana-republics in their place. Following the advance into the Pacific in World War II, America also directly captured a number of island-nations in that region.
What is most interesting about this chapter of American neo-colonialism is that it was mostly covert. For example, in the case of the Pacific islands, America could have easily turned them into official American states and territories (like Puerto Rico and Hawaii) instead of creating quasi-independent nations. There are two reasons why the Phoenicians prevented this from happening.
- Making them an extension of Continental USA meant that America now had an obligation to these new citizens, their rights and their civilian infrastructure. Phoenicians prefer to keep colonies undeveloped, so that people never muster the time or energy to seek their rights.
- Making them an extension of Continental USA would mean that their inhabitants too would be extended the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, citizenship et all. Even if these things exist only on paper, people become reluctant to give them up. This would mean there would be difficulties and outrage when the Phoenicians swapped these territories to other powers, such as the so-called People’s Republic of China.
Note that Overseas Maritime Empires are a very Phoenician characteristic.
Donn continues….
The Constitution simply put the Declaration of Independence into a legal form. It was not a popular document because it didn’t limit Government, so in 1791 we had the Bill of Rights which limited Government. The first…. the first amendment……..the first 10 amendments….. the first one says that Governments will make no law establishing religion or regulating…. uh anything thereof…. Okay. It can’t even regulate a Church. Okay and the Second Amendment says the Government can’t take away our, uh our Goods. Because when we protect ourselves against Government [Laughs]….. smoke the gas in the front porch…. he doesn’t take your property.
Now what made this so interesting…… it was exactly upside down from what it….. all previous history [Laughs]…… just turn this thing around and you’ve got everything that happened before. You see, you’ve got the Government telling the people what to do. The rights are somewhere down below they don’t even have any. And the Creator will have something they could pick or choose from but didn’t have any effect on Government you see. The difference now it says there’s a Natural Law. Jefferson and the Declaration talks about a Natural Law of Man, which by birth he has rights to life liberty and property. And…. and the Governments don’t have anything to do with it. Matter of fact Governments are there just simply to secure…. nothing happens to this guy in his property. Well that’s a pretty good purpose for Government isn’t it? Too bad it changed in 1913 isn’t it? Look at the progress that that concept created? It was incredible. You see, so in 1775 we had a war. Okay in 1776 we have a Declaration of Independence okay. In 1787 we have a Constitution.
Audience Laughs.

It’s very simple. If they can’t get the property they’ll get the guns. A lot of Truth for that. That’s why the big…. big emphasis to register guns, so because that’s the next step to getting the property. Alright then you’ve got uh, this comes along and in 1791…. unfortunately they also started a Bank. Two-thirds of it were the Rothschild Bank of England loaning money to its Colonies, because they were so happy with these Colonies, having defeated the British Army and everything [Being sarcastic]. But you see there’s only two dangers that you have to your property. One is an army and one is a bank. The only way you can lose your property is war or debt. Isn’t that interesting? Otherwise you’re secure in your property aren’t you? Okay the Government was to make sure that the war and the bank both couldn’t take our property. That was the function of Government. Oh boy. About 1781 they went ahead with the bank. But Jefferson didn’t like this bank and he introduced a clause where it had to be renewed in 20 years. So in 1811 the Charter for the bank was renewed….. or it was up for Renewal and his disciple James Madison said “No we don’t want this bank,” and they canceled the bank! They actually canceled the Central Bank. Nobody ever done that before. Just said, “No we don’t want it.” Isn’t that interesting? Let’s see now what happened in 1812. Oh yes the Army came back. What a surprise!
Audience Laughs.
A contributor to the Miles Mathis website elaborated on this mysterious bank, which was the first Central Bank of USA in a 2022 paper. It is necessary to reproduce some of his observations in full:
In 1791 Congress approved Hamilton’s proposal and created the First Bank of the United States, which functioned until its charter expired in 1811. The Bank was
capitalized with $10 million, most of which came from foreign investors. Researchers at the Wharton School of Business admit, “the English held $6 million of the First Bank Stock and the Dutch Held $2 million.” So, this ‘American’ bank was in fact 80% owned by European bankers.
I tried to dig up who these foreign shareholders were specifically, but all record of them was lost in a mysterious fire. A professor at Penn State writes, “At the Treasury Department itself, no reports [on the First Bank] apparently survive. They were probably destroyed in the great Treasury fire of March, 1833.” The exact date of this fire was 3/30/1833, note the numerology. This was the third Treasury fire, as the building had suffered another arson attack in 1801 and was burned to the ground by the British during the War of 1812. Not suspicious at all.
[…….]The First Bank remains shrouded in mystery. The few independent researchers who look into it are left scratching their heads about why a newly independent America so readily turned itself over to a private bank largely owned by England, when it had just finished fighting that country on the battlefield. It makes no sense until you comprehend the thesis I advanced throughout the paper, that the English bankers and British East India Company were on the American side (and in all likelihood formed the majority of the First Bank’s shareholders).
The Army came back, yes. Okay what do you know….. what do you know. The Army came back and we had a war. The war was over in 1815 because in 1816 they started another Bank! Is that clear? I’m skipping a lot of history. There’s a lot of details that are interesting here but we just don’t have time to dwindle them. See if I can get another blue pen or are we out of them…. Here….maybe I’ll just write with a black one [Laughs]. I don’t like black but the blue is kind of going on. Well Jefferson, or Jackson is so angry….. General Jackson who defeated the British in New Orleans he is so angry about this. In 1830…. 1828 he runs for the Presidency in 18…. good grief [Referring to the white board markers]. Well let’s see. I’ll take a bunch of them…. here maybe one of these works [Laughs]. I got one that works. I’ll put the pile down. Okay…. okay he was so so angry that in 1832, he cancels the bank. No bank! Is that interesting? Well it takes care of that one….. those two….[referring to the markers]. Okay stay tuned. The suspense is incredible okay…. no thanks. Hmmm… okay. Alright [Laughs]. Is there a drugstore in the area?
Okay now…. Okay. So but then we had another war in 1860. Isn’t this interesting? The 1860 War….. you say well what does that mean? Well notice that there is a history we’re taught that there’s no…. there’s no pattern to history. It’s just random events. Well let’s take a look at these random events. What did they lead up to? Well it says that there was a Bank. No Bank = War. Bank = No War. All the banks were British. All the armies are British. Got the picture? What a coincidence. What a shock! We go to school, we get all confused thinking England and France or something are our enemies and Britain’s always coming to our aid tadada and all this nonsense. See history is to cover this up. Adjustment is when you don’t know what happened. In the Civil War, that was an interesting picture….. because you had basically the Bank which is the city…. the 13 banks of downtown London which is called the City. It’s still called the city. It’s a code name. Any bank with the name City in it is a Rothschild bank. Is that interesting? So Citibank, City Corp, City Land…. all these things….. it’s a little code name. So you can understand it. Okay what they did in the Civil War, was they controlled five different countries. They controlled Germany. Okay they controlled England. They controlled France through Napoleon. And we don’t have time to explain….. all that the Napoleonic Wars are really interesting. In Italy and Austria okay, the banks were in all of these places. Matter of fact if you… you see Germany is here, England’s over here Paris is down here, Italy’s over here, Austria’s over here. If you draw a lines to all of the Central banks of Europe, it forms a red star [Laughs]! Go home on your European map and draw. It’s really interesting, okay. All right, just a little coincidence I’m sure.
Audience Laughs.
The 1860 war began with a Southern state seceding, and President Lincoln taking up the issue of the abolition of slavery, which was prevalent in the South. This was a legitimate issue, and its time had come anyway, Lincoln or no Lincoln. But Lincoln was no friend of colored people, as we see in his atrocious wars with the natives. Since the Confederates did not have a chance on their own, their war machine was literally propped up by the British. On the Confederate side, we see crypto-Phoenicians like Albert Pike, a beast-like human being. This is the man who became infamous for letting slip the plan for the two future World Wars!
There is reason to believe that Lincoln was brought out as President specifically for this war. His Presidency coincides with the beginning of the war, and his fake assassination coincides with the end of the war.[6]According to Miles Mathis, he was related to his assassin! Interestingly enough, his VP was Hannibal Hamlin, a very Phoenician name. Fritz Springmeier suggests that Lincoln was a crypto-Rothschild, which if true, further advances Donn’s thesis that this war was to once again establish a Central bank in USA. And maybe after the Union forces got badly beaten, they would have no option but to do so. To quote Springmeier,

One of the most powerful Rothschild bloodline families in America are the Springs. The Springs were originally the Springsteins when they came to America in the mid-I 1700s and settled in NY and NJ. They later changed their name from Springstein to Springs to hide their identity. Leroy Springs was hired by LC. Payseur. Now most American’s have to ask, who is L.C. Payseur? One of the most secret and most powerful families in North America has been the Payseurs. They have been so powerful that they could hide their wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies.
The Payseurs are part of the 13 top Illuminati family. The first Payseur to come to America was the former crown prince of France Daniel Payseur (1785-1860). He came over about 1805 to the U.S. and married Susannah Kiser c. 1814. They had two boys Adam and Jonas (1819-1 884). Jonas married Harrietta Smith and they had Lewis Cass Payseur (1850-1939). It was this Lewis Cass Payseur who hired the Rothschild bloodline of the Springs to run a number of the Payseur’s companies. The Payseurs were one of the original big railroad families along with Issac Croom and William H. Beatty. Isaac Croom’s wife was a sister of William Beatty’s, so the reader can see how all these elite bloodlines intertwine. Remember that LC. Payseur hired Leroy Springs to operate a host of his companies. Leroy Springs father was A.A. Springs and A.A. Springs was the secret father of Abraham Lincoln.

But again, following the war, no Central Bank was established in USA,* and prosperity abounded like never before. In fact, this was the age of prosperity and inventions Donn glorifies. So what went wrong? Did the Confederates fold too fast? It is beyond the scope of this article to find out.
*What was established was the National Bank Act, which was a precursor to the Federal Reserve.
George Catlett Marshall was a big hero in 1940 because he designed our headquarters for our Armed Services. And it’s a place East of Washington DC. And it’s called a Pentagon. And we have a star in this country don’t we?[7]He is referring to the fact that a Pentagon is the center of a Pentagram. Is this fun? George was really a great guy….we’ll get into George maybe a little bit later if we have time. Okay notice there are two countries missing award. The United States and Russia. These two countries got together and defeated the bank in… in 1860. Well we’ll come to that later. We’ll get into that right now. We’re going to go back a little bit and talk…. talk some more. Here okay, about this…. the bank did not have the control over the country that it wanted because there was no Central Bank here. Matter of fact, that’s why the war was fought. We wouldn’t accept the Central Bank. We now understand history. The rest is details. Okay, it’s like flying over the Grand Canyon. You’ve now seen it. If you want to go back with a pack meal and a little hammer and some you know, whatever you can, because there’s a lot more to it [Laughs]. But you’ve seen it. You now know what Grand Canyon looks like okay.
Now so that’s that’s…. history okay. History is simply the…. the money okay? Now unfortunately this is not all that took place during this period of time because over in Bavaria in 1776, the boys in the Bank realized that they could not conquer countries through military control. This just would not work. So in 1776…. actually back in 1462, Ignacius Loyola had begun an organization called the Illuminati. The Illuminati was a part……. and he also was the creator of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit Order has been in and out of favor with the Pope for generations… for centuries. And it’s called…. the they have what’s called the Black Mass and a few things like this. They do some things the Pope doesn’t, like…. including run the Vatican Bank. And if you really want to see a very very good motion picture on the subject it’s Godfather 3. Because it talks about when the Vatican Bank needs money, that goes to the Mob…. now what happens with the mob? Well it has a guy that has a chair now on the bank? Doesn’t it? See and what happens you know, and so forth and so on. Because it’s an interesting intermixture of Bank and or Church and non-Church play [Laughs]. Okay and by the way uh, there was a fellow came over by the name of Giannini. A. P. Giannini back around the turn of the century…. and he started a bank over…. does anybody know what the name of the bank was? Bank of Italy. Became the Bank of Illinois and in the 20s they had a name change. What’s it called today? Bank of America. Is this fun? Got it? See the boys are still playing aren’t they?
Okay it is not a strong as the bank as it used to be. Because a couple years ago, until Klassen came back from his…. his meeting with the Trilateral…. his chair on the Trilateral Commission…. so where, the bank was going into the debt. Remember that they were almost broke here, about four years ago. And now they’re back on the track okay. It seems that that the Federal Reserve Bank can get…. can get guarantees from the Government on its loan to foreign governments and the Bank of America couldn’t. Uh there was something going on….. Klassen comes back, and now Bank of America and our government will guarantee their loans. Thank you… see it’s under new management. Okay, so now we understand banking. we understand words so hey, we’re making some progress, serious progress.

All right we had an organization here. It was infiltrated the infiltrated this Illuminati in… uh 11….. this was your bank guys and they created uh….. a fellow named Adam Weishaupt here and uh they put it under, basically the control of the bank. Uh it went ahead and infiltrated the Masonic order in Paris the grand Orient Lodge and so forth. They tried to infiltrate the uh the Scottish Rite movement in England and there was a fellow by name of John Robison who was so upset with this, he wrote a book called Proofs of a Conspiracy and blew the Illuminati away. He was the top Scottish Rite Master in… in England at the time and he wrote a book. A very….. just an excellent book and he had time for all these books that’s fine, you know It took me 10 years to read them all, but I’m sure glad I did. Alright uh, but uh…. at any rate they tried to infiltrate England and that didn’t happen right away as far as that was concerned. But what they did was they created what was called the League of the Just Men. They also started the French Revolution. In 1791 you had the French Revolution. The French Revolution was the Prototype. If you understand the French Revolution you understand all these so-called Socialist or Communist revolutions that have taken place ever since this. The King was not even involved in it. It was…. or the French people weren’t even involved in it……was a foreign…… it was a foreign group of people who were brought in from the southern Mediterranean.
Corsicans? Sardinians? Greeks? Maltese? Cypriots?……All of these areas are what was once Phoenicia. Clearly Donn was ahead of his time. Also see Miles’ 2016 paper on the French Revolution, in which he argues that French royals were also enabling the Revolution, and were not guillotined.
They were dressed up like French people, and they were all laughing because men were dressed up like women and then they went and they stormed the Bastille, and they cut the King’s head off. A few miles away guys were farming. The French people didn’t even know what was going on. We’re taught in history this was the French people rising up against their King. The King simply would not have a bank. After the French Revolution France had a bank. And they put their Revolutionary Functionaries in their Robespierre, Danton, Marat and they kept guillotining these guys until they ended up with Napoleon in 1801, and he was a 24 year old General It seems that 24 year old Generals don’t ask many questions. They just do what they’re told don’t they? He went ahead and conquered Italy and Austria, put them under the Rothschild influence of course. Then he came back, wanted to be King of France, and he was exiled in England because he….they didn’t want him King of France [Laughs]. And he came back to take over France, and he was going to work with Wellington out of England. Of course Wellington attacked him! Surprise. And that was called Waterloo. When Nixon tried to do it they called it Watergate.
Audience Laughs.
Donn is right about Napoleon advancing Rothschild interests. His foray into Egypt, and his obsession with Ancient Egyptian relics also betray his crypto-Phoenician background. What is most interesting about him as that he inadvertently began emerging as a Catholic icon, and this was unintended. Towards the end he guts his own French armies by having them trudge towards Moscow in the winter. Miles has a 2016 paper on him which is worth a read.

Okay, so anyway… you see….. you don’t go back on the boys, when you start playing their game. You just….. you just don’t do it. It’s considered bad. They own you if you play ball with them, and the Revolution always eats its own. As we can see with our Senator Cranston who now has some serious problems and can’t run for re-election again [Laughs]. He’s out of favor with the Bank. Okay and of course we go to the Savings and Loans and all it is….. is putting them under the…. under the Federal Reserve System, because they weren’t. You see anytime there’s a problem, our taxes take care of it and the boys go under the control of the Red Star. Is this fun or what? Okay now we understand Savings and Loans…. hey we’re moving. Okay now 1791…. okay in 1812, they created an organization called the League of the Just Men after Saint Just….one of the…. the conspirators up here. And their plan was to come up with a program that would have people all over the world voluntarily give up their property to the Bank, and this of course took some serious thinking. This took many, many years of talking and…. and planning and so forth. And finally by 1832 there was a fellow in the United States of New York by the name of Clinton Roosevelt. Clinton Roosevelt came up with a plan that he thought would enable this Bank to control all the property in the world. And he put it in a little booklet and he mailed it over to the Bank of England. And his plan called for Number One, the Abolition of all Private Property. Isn’t that interesting? The Abolition of Private Property…… he said this would be done in the next nine platforms. The first one would be a Heavy Progressive Graduated Income Tax, and he said the next one would be…… so that if a guy made any money he couldn’t keep it. Next would be Inheritance Tax so, if he had any property he couldn’t give it to the next generation. It would have to be given back to the bank which is controlled by the Government, which is controlled by the Bank. The fourth platform was a Confiscation of all Property of Rebels. A rebel was identified as anyone who doesn’t pay the first two taxes. You’ve heard of Tax Rebel. It’s not a new term is it you see. Okay this is the platform. Was that there would be a Central Bank. In other words, the… the boys would have to go in and print the money. It wouldn’t be printed from inside the country and to spare the agony, I’ll just go down to the same platform that the Government would run all schools. Isn’t that interesting? That was the platform okay. It was sent over there and there was a fellow named uh, Engel, who was the head of the…. the Rothschild Bank in Vienna, in Austria. And he had a son by the name of Frederick and so they said “Well, look we’ll have this guy write this up, introduce it in England and we’ll call it the Communist Manifesto!” Isn’t that interesting? So the Bank produced their document to confiscate all land, and they said “First of all, it has to look like it’s not a Bank.” So they said okay, “We want to make it look like it’s a Popular Movement.” Okay but they said “Well it still doesn’t look like a Popular Movement because this guy’s a Banker’s kid,” and they said “Aha what we need is some guy that can flip this over. So in 1867 the first manuscript that ever came along with Karl Marx’s name on it. Isn’t that interesting? And now Karl Marx’s credit was having written the document. He wrote that document about as much as he wrote the LA Phonebook. Okay he just simply put his name on because they needed a diversion. They needed a distraction to show that this was not a bank repossessing property. This was actually a hippie movement if you will. So people just wanted to own everything in common. Oh really? [Laughs] interesting.
Donn is claiming that Clinton Roosevelt is the real author of the Communist Manifesto! What a revelation. In other words, Communism came out of New York and London, not Russia. He was a member of the prominent Roosevelt family. Interestingly, the site of the house he was born in was later occupied by the Standard Oil building in New York! I cannot find a single photo of him online.
Alright from 1867 until 1913, every year, the Income Tax was introduced in the United States. And every year it failed. 66 years go by. Every year Income Tax Bill… Income Tax failed…. Income Tax Bill…. finally the Supreme Court in 1895 said, look even if the Income Tax passed in the United States, it can’t pass because it’s a Direct Tax. See what happened? Here was, back in the days of our founding times, here our…. our fathers is…. in their wisdom, did some interesting things. And they said that they…. realized that they had oh, 13 separate countries over here. They had Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Virginia, Delaware, New York [inaudible] and so historically these countries would have problems if they didn’t have some type of a Central Government here to stop the smuggling to make sure there were no trade embargoes and so forth. So they realized that there had to be some regulation from inside. Now the problem is they did not want this Government to be the Sovereign. They said we want the Sovereign up here. Okay, we want the Sovereign or the ruler, as Solomon says, to be the citizens in the states. Now how could you make it so that the Government now, in other words, that this was the citizens…..[drawing on whiteboard] How could you make it so that the Government was the Servant, and this is the kind of Government they gave us. And they said okay, but what we have to do is make sure that the Servant cannot tax a Master. So that’s one of the conditions, that the Servant cannot tax the Master. And they said, well how are we going to fund this government? They said aha! It’s going to be an indirect tax or a transactional tax. And you can tax transactions such as business and sales, but you can’t tax a Master in his income or his property. Isn’t that interesting?
And so they had written in the Constitution that they could tax on excise, imports, tariffs, duties and these things they’re enumerated, what… what is the legal tax you see. Notice Income Tax is not there. We’re up to 1913 or up to 1912. Income Tax doesn’t show up okay. And so when the Supreme Court comes along and said look, you guys are trying to pass a tax from the Master on from the Servant…. on the Master, and even if you did it the Supreme Court’s going to throw it out. So back to the drawing board. These guys were busy-busy-busy because, hey there’s nothing more profitable than running a country like the United States. So they had plenty of time. Plenty of money to put this together so they said, “What we need to do then is change the Constitution. We have to change that aspect so it’s okay for the Servant to tax his Master.” They introduced it in 1913 as the 16th Amendment. They couldn’t get anybody hardly to do it. They finally passed it through four State Legislatures but they had control by that time of the School System. And they had control of the news media, so nobody knew it.
They had written in the Constitution that they could tax on excise, imports, tariffs, duties and these things they’re enumerated is the legal tax. Notice Income Tax is not there. We’re up to 1913 or up to 1912. Income Tax doesn’t show up.

There’s a book out called The Law That Never Was by William Benson. William Benson has been imprisoned. He’s been given drugs. He’s been brutally tortured in an Illinois prison, probably I don’t know if he’s still alive or not [he died in 2021] but his….. the publishing of this book cost him his life in 1990. We’re not talking 1763, we’re talking 1990. The boys don’t like it when you publish this information. They get mad. See.
Alright. And he showed that the law was never ratified by more than four state legislatures. And it was supposed to have been ratified by I know, 18 or 19. Didn’t quite make it did it? But we don’t know it because we get the news that they want us to get and we go to the schools that they want us to go to. And that’s where we get our information. Is this fun or what?
And they got Waltons and Daltons all tied up. You can’t get anything in the bookstores okay. Okay interesting stuff. Okay this was a con job right from the start, con job. Now once we understand that that’s what Income Tax is. Now we’re ready to cope with it, okay. It’s an illegal thing. It didn’t even…. it doesn’t even exist. What are you…. misspelled sovereign [on whiteboard] okay. Alright. So they tried to get the Income Tax in. They couldn’t get it in for 66 years now. Every year, now the problem was that they had these Senators that didn’t want to pass this. The Senate wouldn’t pass it. See now we have to first of all take a look at the 17th Amendment okay. Because the 17th amendment is the election of Senators. In the original Constitution which accounts for America One, it said that okay if you wanted to have a….. the Senator was the….. was the….. Control that a State Legislature had on the Federal Government okay. And for 66 years the State Governments kept sending their guy to Washington and say, no we don’t want a Federal Income Tax. Why would…. why would uh, Louisiana or why would Ohio want a Federal Income Tax? So they kept blowing this thing out of the water you see, and so they said “Okay, what we have to do is change the representation of the Senate.”
Now they call it the direct Election of the Senate. I mean direct Election of Senators. Certainly sounds good doesn’t it? But let’s take a look at what it really is. Okay, my dad [garbled] when… when I was in high school and I got my first job he says, “I’d like to explain something to you.” So this is a paycheck [drawing on whiteboard], and he says “The employee receives the paycheck,” okay, and this is the amount [writing on whiteboard]. And he says “It’s signed by the boss.” This is really a very simple system. He says “If you want another paycheck, you just make this guy happy. But his job is not to make you happy!” He says, “You have any problems….” he says…..Remember that…. he says “Because you’re there for his benefit he’s not there for yours.” Got the picture? That’s the relationship between a boss and an employee. Now before 1917 okay, the employee was the U.S Senator and the boss was the State Legislature. So if the State had something going on in the Federal it didn’t like, it would have the Senator cancel it. Isn’t that interesting? In 1917 they changed bosses. From 19….. from 1913 on, I’m sorry from 1913 on, it’s no longer the State Legislature, it’s the Federal Government. The Senator no longer represents the State Government. He represents the Federal Government. That’s why when you write to your State Senator like Red Cranston, we call him Red Cranston because that’s not his color of his hair, but that’s the color of his voting record. Okay so what happens here is that he always explains to you why he votes the way you don’t want him to vote. He never really says oh yes that’s the way I should do it. He has not voted for the benefit of California. He has voted for the benefit of the of the Central Bank. Ever since he’s been there, he knows what… he knows where the… where the bread’s buttered. And the State for the last eight years has had no representation at all. It’s totally powerless! Isn’t that interesting. You see this had to happen before they could get an Income Tax. The second thing they did was they had to change the 16th Amendment, which said okay now…. now you can have a direct tax. Now it’s okay for the for the servant to tax the master….. you’ve just had a role reversal haven’t you. You’ve just had a change of Master that’s all. That’s interesting isn’t it? Yeah it’s like the old Aesop fable about the donkey that the guy was going on. And he’s leaving the donkey….. he’s selling the farm and left the donkey. He says well….. he says “I suppose you’re glad to get rid of me? huh” and the donkey says “Well it doesn’t make any difference.” Change of ownership doesn’t mean freedom. So isn’t that interesting? We’ve just had a change of ownership didn’t we?
Now before 1913, the employee was the U.S Senator and the boss was the State Legislature. So if the State had something going on in the Federal it didn’t like, it would have the Senator cancel it. From 1913 on, it’s no longer the State Legislature, it’s the Federal Government. The Senator no longer represents the State Government. He represents the Federal Government. And the State for the last eight years has had no representation at all. It’s totally powerless!

Alright so these two things happened along with a third thing in 1913…. very bad year….. very bad year. They introduced the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System is simply a Central Bank. And now the United States Government will go into debt to private individuals, unnamed and unknown. Well there was a book written…. called the Secrets of the Federal Reserve back in the 50s by a fellow named Eustace Mullins. Probably the finest book on the on the market on the Federal Reserve System. Uh Mullins went in and he found out who owned the Federal Reserve System. I won’t go into the big long story on…. it was interesting. But the Federal Reserve System is 52… 52% owned by the Rothschild bank! Isn’t that interesting….. out of London.
Eustace Mullins’ books are very informative, however some have noted that he doesn’t cite his sources, which allows people to doubt his information. Was this deliberate? Miles Mathis believes he was false opposition who came out of the US Air Force. He also believes that Ezra Pound was false opposition. I personally believe that he was creating noise to misdirect from Antony Sutton, who was a very revealing writer.
This will start again….. I want to think about other colors. What do we got here? We’ll try a couple more see we got, we got green and red let’s try that okay [Referring to the streaking of his whiteboard markers].
Okay that’s 50. Now meanwhile you have some other things. So here’s 52% that’s owned by….. or sorry 24…. excuse me 24% that’s more…. more red ones here too [Referring to whiteboard markers] okay 24% owned by the, uh by… by people in the United States and it’s 24% owned by people in Europe okay. According to Mullins, okay, there are four [banking] families that own money….and property in parts of the United States. This is the uh, this is the Goldman Sachs Bank. These are banking families. They’re not……they’re not physical families but they’re,,,,, they call themselves banking families. The Goldman Sachs Bank, you’ve got the uh, the Lehman Brothers Bank, you’ve got uh, the Kuhn Loeb Bank and you’ve got the uh Rockefeller Brothers. Now over in Europe you’ve got uh three families okay. You have the Freres the uh, I forget whether its E-r-e-r-e or R-e-r-e [referring to Lazard Freres Paris] anyway you’ve got the Moses Israel Seif out of Rome… this is…….this is France, this is Italy [drawing on whiteboard] and then out of Hamburg in Germany you have the Warburg Brothers. Isn’t that interesting? Germany okay, and the Netherlands okay, this is the stock ownership of the Federal Reserve System.
Updated ownership tables can be found here.
That’s who the owners are. Now we often get some information that for example, the Rockefellers are are… dirty guys and bad guys, and that they really are causing problems in this country. And uh let’s take a look at that. See the Rockefellers own approximately I would say six percent. All these guys own about six percent….something like this, these guys own about eight percent, according to my calculations and this guy owns 52% okay ready? Here’s the biggie question okay…. Ready? Question of the day. Who makes the decision?
Audience Laughs.
Interesting isn’t it? Who’s the errand boy? Who’s the messenger boy that carries it out? And we are… we are the fed that this guy [pointing sarcastically towards the Rockefeller Brothers] is the real problem. It takes the heat off all the others doesn’t it? Notice…. notice you kill the the messenger boy, you really don’t kill the message do you [Laughs]? Okay interesting stuff. Okay here is the ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank. These are the boys who make all the money. The interest on the national debt is paid to them. Is this fun? How would you like to receive the interest on National Debt? Is this I think that’d be a good business. Notice that this organization has never been audited and it never produces an annual report [Laughs]. They don’t got to show you no stinking projects.
Audience Laughs.

Isn’t this fun? If you don’t pay them they come and get your house. It’s called IRS because that’s the name of their Collection Agency. We now understand taxes… does that make sense?… okay. Now uh, I don’t have time. Let’s see, what are we doing here? I guess can we what…. how much time we got in this hour?…. this is close to an hour?… Let’s take a break. We’re going to come back. We’re going to show you a little bit of history from the Civil War, from the 1913 on to the present as far as you know, the Economics are concerned. And then we’re going to show you how to really solve this problem, by going into…. showing you how they set it up. There’s two ways….. there’s two things just like I gave you a tip last time for the next hour. Okay the tip to the next hour…. now two words…. there’s two ways you will never ever have any problem with IRS. And that is, never have an income and never have any assets. Now what we’re going to show you is that all these [banking] families here in the United States have no income and they have no assets. It’s called Trust. So come back next … next hour. Trust me, you’ll enjoy this [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Below: Check out the gigantic IRS complex in New Carrollton, Maryland. It was built in 1997 and is still growing today. Note Phoenician pun on “We The People,” who are now trapped in a pyramid! This could also be a pun on Donn, as a Colorado movement named “We The People” closely echoed his ideas back then. Also notice that they are openly questioning the Constitution. Read more about this sinister site here.



Alright so what…..
Audience Laughs.
I gotta read the script from the bank [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Okay so what we had…… you guys are going to get tired of hearing this [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Okay we had Paul Warburg running the Federal Reserve System United States, his brother Sydney running the Citibank in England, and his brother Max getting ready to run the city…. the bank over in Germany, the Reichsbank. But at that time before World War I, he was just simply the head of the British Secret Service, which is the position George Bush [Senior] had before he was President over here [Laughs]. Well moving right along okay we find that there’s a connection between the… the Intelligence Services and the Banks uh, because it’s imperative that the Bank be able to run the Government. It runs it through these Intelligence Services. If you want to read Spycatcher an excellent book by Peter…. uh gosh what’s his name now I can’t think of his name…. Peter Wright, ok, who was the Number Two man in British Intelligence MI5 for 14 years, wrote a book and said that his key contact during that period of time was a fellow named Victor Rothschild and that…. that the… all the… all of the, uh, the knowledge that… that MI5 would develop instantly went to the KGB in Russia. He couldn’t figure out how that happened because all he told was Victor Rothschild [Laughs]. And he was banned. He can’t even come back to England. His pension was stolen. The Queen has a warrant for his arrest, and he’s in Australia or something now. Another book called uh, A man called Intrepid by William Stevenson is about how Roosevelt was entirely run by British intelligence. Before and during World War II, every speech was cleared, every…. everything he said was…. was cleared through British intelligence and….and this…the scripts were written by them before Roosevelt said anything. So we find that through the banks, the uh the… by the Banks and through the intelligence Services, the…. the Banks run the Governments. It’s extremely interesting to understand that. And of course, our friend George Bush [Senior] has had some experience of that. Alright now and so I don’t want to overlook that point [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
It’s imperative that the Bank be able to run the Government. It runs it through these Intelligence Services.
George [Bush] is one of the boys okay. Now so what they had to do is they had to get into Russia. So they had a fellow over here named Trotsky okay, Leon Trotsky…Trotsky uh, uh had some…..uh that was not his real name…. his real name is something else I forgot what it was [It was Lev Davidovich Bronstein]. Anyway…he had…. it was some New York name [Laughs]. Okay, it was not Russian okay. What he had was a bunch of hoodlums that he… that he’d recruited out of the East side over in New York, and he and they all changed their names to Russian and then they went over in a boat with 20 millions of dollars from Jacob Schiff, who was the senior partner of Kuhn Loeb bank, and they started the….. they met in what was called Petrograd, which is today called Leningrad and I guess they’re going to change that again. But anyway uh, with the fellow named uh, uh…. Lenin okay. Now Lenin had come up uh…. had come from Germany, of course….initially. And he was… he was given six million dollars by Sydney Warburg from the British Bank Alfred Milner but anyway. So I want to point out these Banks entirely set up the conflict that led to Communism in Russia, and uh so they went over and they started the Communist party and then they decided they’d have a little meeting with the Czar. So the Czar got together with his family and they went in and they machine gunned the entire Romanov family and that’s how you end a blood feud [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
In an earlier book, I have built a case that the Romanovs were never murdered, and were allowed to escape. In a 2023 update to an earlier paper, Miles Mathis claimed that Lenin was closely related to the Romanovs!
No problem. From then on they had a Red Star in Russia and the Rothschild flew from the mast, and it’s been there ever since. Alright and the United States completely supported that with our tax money because the [Income] taxes started in 1913. And they couldn’t start World Communism until four years later. Somebody had to pay for it you see, because Communism is the defunct form of Government. It can’t produce anything. It is a parasite and it’s an interesting thing. If you’re into Parasitology, a parasite has two things that he has to do. He has to make the hosts think that he’s necessary you see, and then also he has to make the host ill. He has to make the host sick so the host is unable to dislodge him. And in next hour we’ll talk about AMA [American Medical Association], okay and things like that okay. Because we see that the food industry and this country and the water industry is not here to make us well is it? A sick host is always easier to control for the parasite requires his host to be ill. And so we run around with all these things… Anacin constantly being advertised on TV and all this garbage and uh we’re just uh you know, health is something we’re really not into, until….some guys think it’s [important] in LA are……… but that’s…..that’s about it. The rest of the world isn’t too interested. It’s back to the meat and potatoes and fluoridation. Alright I mean it [Flouride] does kill germs it also kills rats [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Okay, so you’ll have good teeth on your skeleton [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Okay nothing wrong with that.
Audience Laughs.
The Income Taxes started in 1913. And they couldn’t start World Communism until four years later.
I have touched upon the Federal Reserve’s involvement in the World Wars in an earlier article. Both World Wars served the Soviet Union:
They needed to print more dollars in order to finance American intervention in World War I. To quote Maybury, “these newly created dollars caused the “Roaring Twenties” to roar and caused stock prices to skyrocket when people invested these new dollars into the stock market.”[8] Richard J. Maybury, Whatever Happened Penny Candy (Placerville: Bluestocking Press, 1993), 56. The inflation that followed set the stage for the Great Depression, which was heralded by the stock market crash of 1929.
Okay who wants to die with bad teeth? Okay so we have Trotsky went over and started this whole nonsense over there. The answer we find that of course it was…. it was…. set up….. the entire uh, thing in Russia and so forth. I just wanted to show you how the banking sets all this up. I think we can go into lots of details. There’s at the end of the….of the program here, I think guy is going to go into some of the books that are available…. the best books that I know, the three best books I’d recommend reading are Number One, The Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson. It gives you a great panoramas. It’s necessary before you get into the specifics to see the whole panorama, so to know what part of this canyon are you in now, you know, when you read some little specific item. Okay then the next… the next book I would recommend reading would be uh, Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins and then there’s a little pamphlet back there, called the Billions for the Bankers. It only takes a few minutes to read it. Kind of gives you a quick picture um, you know, if you just have a little bit of time that the uh, The Unseen Hand will take you a long time to read but it’s it’s uh, it’s very uh profitable reading. You’ll understand a lot more after you finish it. There then there’s about 200 other books that we have in a book list that once you….once you read those, then you kind of have the overview, you can see what area you’re interested in [Unfortunately, this list was not included in the video]. Go for it…. different…. different people that you’re interested in different areas you know, and uh so those are the….. that’s kind of what I would say for an overview. Okay uh, then of course we had World War I and then we had World War II. World War I of course got Russia into the Communist fold and put all the Eastern Banks which were not too subservient to the Rothschilds. That was the result. World War II was…. we went in and we made….. we gave all the Eastern European countries to the Rothschild Bank after World War II. And the United States comes back. The United States now has a function, uh if you go back to….. it’s interesting if you really go back into the roots of this thing, you go back into the Talmud which was a…… which was written in in Babylon strangely enough in the year 1040. Uh I don’t know if there’s a coincidence there or if that’s just another plan.
He’s referring to the fact that the IRS Income Tax Form is called a 1040!
Audience Laughs.
Okay so anyway uh, and it… it says that of course, the Gentiles which are your non, uh Jewish people were just dogs. They’re just…. they’re just the slaves and so forth. And they’re to… to work for their master. And now I have dogs. I have a German shepherd very nice dog and he goes with me everywhere. And his job is to protect his master. And he does a good job. The job of the United States now is to protect its master. So whoever its master has problem with, whether it’s Iran, Vietnam or Korea wherever, we go there and protect our Master. Isn’t that interesting? Our Master is the Federal Reserve System. The United States is… is the Colonial Army for the Bank of London, and we’ve been the Colonial Army for the Bank of London since 1913. if you don’t understand our Foreign Policy that’s because you don’t understand banking, you see. The policy isn’t really all that Foreign. It’s actually Bank policy. It’s not Foreign Policy and we go wherever the bank wants us to go, so wherever the boys with the bank have a little need uh, well then our boys go. And we die and we bleed for that need. Is this interesting? Now we understand the Military yeah. It’s… it’s too bad the reason that we’re talking about it is because maybe if more people know something about it, we can solve the problem.
The job of the United States now is to protect its master. So whoever its master has problem with, whether it’s Iran, Vietnam or Korea wherever, we go there and protect our Master. Isn’t that interesting? Our Master is the Federal Reserve System. The United States is the Colonial Army for the Bank of London, and we’ve been the Colonial Army for the Bank of London since 1913.

His Master’s Voice (HMV) is the name of a major British record label created in 1901, and now a music chain store. This is a pun on common people who listen to mainstream music and pop. Their unseen master speaks to them through these mediums.
Okay now, so that’s …so now that we discussed the military, we discussed World War I, we discussed World War II, Korea, Vietnam so forth. Somebody is making some money or it simply doesn’t happen. Okay now so what we see was that in 1913, a switch was made. We switched from the Constitution to the [Communist] Manifesto, uh your Senators here, your Congressman (some of them are exceptions of course) have generally voted entirely for the [Communist] Manifesto. They will not make any decision accidentally in favor of the Constitution at any time. Okay and so it’s important that we understand this, because we want to know which country our representative is representing. Yes, you see, because if he is representing America Two, well there isn’t much point and if he’s not representing us to America One, he doesn’t know anything about it. Then we should either tell him, or get somebody, and [somebody] who does know something about it, because that’s where the solution comes also. But it comes from within us. The solution doesn’t come from out there and it doesn’t come from them. It comes from you, and it comes from me, and it’s tremendous….this power, you see…tremendous power…. this is the the power which enables David to kill Goliath. This is the….. the ultimate solution to all problems. As soon as you can do it, then you’ll take care of it. Reminds me of the Aesop Fable[9]Aesop’s Fables are a collection of witty Phoenician puns, indicating their deep understanding of human nature. of the…. the Sparrows that were in the field and the mother came back one day and the bird said, oh, they’re all excited that that the farmer was out with all of his neighbors and they were gonna mow the field, and [the birds] they’d have to go. And the mother bird says “No, don’t worry we….we’re safe.” And so about a week later the birds came back and they said, “Well you know it’s really the farmer was out here with his sons and they said that they were going to come back tomorrow and… and mow the field.” And the mother said “No, we’re not going to worry about that….. don’t worry.” And so the next week the farmer came out and the birds…. the little birds said “Mother the farmer came out and he said… and he was all alone. He says well tomorrow he’s going to come out and cut the field.” And she says… now she says “Children we have to move.” You see as long as the farmer was relying on someone else to do it, it would never get done. That’s probably a 3000 year old story. Okay it’s just as true then as it is today. Okay if you’re waiting for somebody else to do it, it ain’t going to happen. You’re just kidding yourself. Okay if you decide you’re going to do it aha, then something will get done. Okay and that’s the story of human nature. Alright so what we’re going to be talking about here is some information hopefully that can be given to you, that will enable something for you to do. Okay and something for me to do. This is what I do. You may do something else [Laughs]. Okay, oh we got markers! Doug, that’s right… eraseable markers, bullet point. Okay all right well let’s take a look at this. Now when the Communist Manifesto came in, it was the exact opposite of the Constitution because it abolished private property and it, of course did this through taxes and inflation. Okay and we drew the chart showing the taxes and inflation when we started. That’s exactly what’s happening. So it’s kind of irrefutable that this is happening. Okay now what do we do to protect ourselves against this? Okay the taxes and the inflation basically hit anybody who owned private property. Okay so anybody who owns private property…… oh this is great…… anybody who owns private….. let’s start over. Okay so anybody who owns private property, okay….. will have a problem [Laughs]. Alright now here’s how the boys in the bank, when they introduced the Income Tax in 1913. By 1908…. from 1905 to 1908, they solved all of their [tax] problems.
Because by the time their program was implemented in 1913, they didn’t….. listen to this, write this down….. they didn’t have any income! And they didn’t have any assets! How can you do that? Well and I was careful. I remember my daughter when she was in school. And she came home in the second grade she was all excited. She said she learned some magic and I said really? And she said yeah. She’s what 34 now I guess, and she’s got her Master’s Degree. She works as a pretty important job but in….uh, and when she was in the second grade she came home, she learned this… this magic thing. She goes “Look at this…tadadadada tadadadada dadadata [Gesticulating with hands].” I am like “That’s really good see.” And so she says not only that but “Watch this….. tadadadada tadadadada dadadata [Gesticulating with hands].” Okay now, okay we have just we have just described Central Banking. That’s all you need to know about Central Banking. Okay how do you make ownership so it’s not ownership? It’s Magic….. watch…. it’s called Trust. What does a Trust do? A Trust makes it so you don’t own the property. Now let me ask you, would you rather own your car or drive your car? Which would you rather do? Because drive means you’re in control. See if somebody once said the definition of a pedestrian is someone who has a teenage child. Well alright so notice what happened. See owning the car doesn’t do you any good if the car is never home [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
So ownership really isn’t where it’s at. It’s…. you want to control the car right? So watch the dichotomy. There is a dichotomy between ownership and control. You want ownership? Nah it’s just a problem, liabilities and a lot of work. See, so the ownership of your property now is called your…. whatever property you have goes into what the Latin term used for Corpus means…. body…. so you have a body. And you grant or create, you are the creator or the grantor here, and you grant this Corpus into a Trust. Now that means that you’re going to have two Trustees…… of a minimum of two Trustees….. so you’re gonna have Trustee One….. you got to have Trustee Two. Okay and you’ve got to have some type of a Beneficiary. Now we won’t get into all what can be who, or anything here. Because that’s another….. another story. Okay now what you’ve done here is that you have just divested yourself of ownership. You don’t own anything anymore. You say well that’s fine but I didn’t work for myself just so I could give it away right? Okay so what we want to do now is have the Creator come over here…..remember we talked about Oliver Cromwell. He said “We don’t want a king in England, We want to Protector.” Well under English law you have what’s called a Protector. The Protector now of a Trust…. all he does is hire and fire trustees. That’s all he does. Now the Protector also has you as the manager possibly here. and you in turn have other agents and so forth. And all you do is you write the checks and decide where the money’s spent. Okay that’s all. Okay notice what we have over here is control. Isn’t that interesting? Over here we have ownership. Okay so what you do by setting up a Trust is, you’d divest yourself with the ownership, but you retain control. Are we having fun? You now drive the thing… just don’t have to pay the bills [Laughs].
It’s like being a kid all over again, remember [Laughs]? Okay all right what you do is you divest yourself of the control [should be ownership]. Now the…. the Income Tax doesn’t apply to control. Nobody has to pay an Inheritance Tax when he controlled something. It’s only when he owns something. Now who owns the Trust? And the answer is nobody. It’s in “Trust.” Now listen, just take tadadadada tadadadada dadadata… ready? This takes some real, deep understanding [Laughs sarcastically]. When this thing is in “Trust,” nobody owns it. Because it’s being held for somebody. Now when the trust buys a piece of property for a thousand and it sells it for a hundred thousand, it doesn’t have any capital gains tax because it didn’t own the property! Are we having fun?
[Laughs] Get it? No tax… no tax! Look Mom, no tax! Okay, this is hot….. this is hot! There is no tax because there is no ownership! This is what the boys did in 1980 before they took in their [Communist] Manifestos to replace the Constitution in 1913. This is the antidote. If you’re ever out in the woods, you get poisoned or something, there’s always an oak tree…. if you take off the bark of the oak tree and there’s sap on the inside. That’s the antidote to the to the to the stuff that burns your skin, and it will it will neutralize the burn that the leaf gives you. Is this fun? See because the leaf really isn’t an oak, the leaf is a little plant. What the oak is next to it, that’s what cures it. Are we having fun? See there’s always in nature, an antidote for every problem. Okay the antidote to Taxes is Trust. Okay, now they did something else too. Okay, that’s the first thing. We won’t go into it anymore here uh….. except towards the end, I’ll explain what our program is, and how it works and I think guys got another program that runs along, and hey you know, free country… free world here okay. But uh, and you can…. you can do kind of whatever you want to on that score, but, or you can see somebody else you know. You don’t have to deal with us. All we want to do is give you the information to put you in control, that’s all. Okay this is not too good, come on….[referring to his efforts to erase the whiteboard]. Okay there we go. I like the color though that’s neat color. Okay now the other thing he did was he said okay, if you have a job….Okay what they did here they said if you’ve got a job for example, okay. You have what’s called a Gross Income and that’s where the term comes from because it’s usually pretty gross [Audience Laughs] and then you have your tax withheld on, and then you have your net.
So if you make $50,000 in a job, or your family makes $60,000, you have about $32,000 of it missing. Because that’s your money withheld…. excuse me, excuse me, $18,000 is missing…. excuse me, you have about $18,000 of this missing. Okay which represents about 40% your paycheck missing, and you end up with $32,000. This is… I’ve just described to you the average guy in LA, in the year 1991. Okay now that’s….. that’s what Income Tax does and Social Security does to this guy. Okay he’s… he’s pretty soon going to be up in the 60% missing… in the 70%….. I think Sweden’s already in 80% or you know, hear all these stories. This guy’s locked in. He doesn’t know that he’s in control. If he doesn’t know he’s in control then he’s not. Okay what they did was they set up another thing over here called Business. This is important because this is what…. this is what got Business to back the Income Tax in 1913. After it wouldn’t back it for 66 years. Why would Business back it? Why would Business be in favor of Income Tax? Doesn’t make any sense. Aha unless we know more. Okay what they did is, they said okay, you’ve got a Gross Income here, and now you deduct your expenses, and then you end up with your Net and then you pay your tax.
Okay in the flow goes something like that.

Okay notice there is one big difference between a Business and a Job, isn’t there? And that is an extra box. One has four boxes and one has three boxes. This is a test… okay now if the businessman…….what’s the value of the [red] Box? Well if the businessman makes $50,000 on paper, he will spend 50,000 won’t he? It’s not hard. You don’t have to lose the money. You just trade it from cash to some property, or some, some type of an asset. And the trans…. the transfer of property from one form to another is a deduction isn’t it? You don’t have to lose it, just transfer it [Laughs]. Donald Trump got this idea…. he’s got this divorce coming, so he’s transferring. The poor guy is broke you see, all of a sudden.
Audience Laughs.
Note that this also works the other way round in the case of divorce settlements of some hyper-wealthy CEOs. If you are on good terms with the tranny woman you are paying to act in public as your wife, you can later together fake a divorce, and offload large sums of money as a settlement, and they give it back to you under the table.
Okay so you didn’t lose this property. He’s transferring it isn’t he? He’s not stupid [Laughs]. He’s just having a divorce.
Audience Laughs.
Okay now…. okay now his Net…. so the Net here is zero and the tax is zero isn’t it? Now which group would you rather be in? take your time….
Audience breaks out Laughing.
Okay see, notice what we’re doing here. Okay this guy not only can keep all his money he gets to spend it and he pays no tax. This guy only gets 60% of it and he’s taxed on 100% of it. He’s taxed….look at it….he’s taxed on the money he doesn’t even get! But he thinks this is a great deal because he’s been to school and he’s adjusted.
Audience Laughs.
What does that mean? That means that his employer takes out $20,000 you see, and when he files his taxes he only got $18,000 to pay, and Joe Lunchbucket gets a $2000 refund. Is he happy? Oh ecstatic….. that is a week in Hawaii with his wife. And he’s happy. He can hardly wait till next year.
Audience Laughs.
So if you go….. if you go to the mall with your little clipboard and you ask people if they’ve got tax problems, you’re going to find out they’re going to say “Oh no last year we got some back.[Laughs]”
Audience Laughs.
That is adjustment. That’s totally adjusted. Okay now what…. What, what it takes to…. to illustrate this was a story I think I read in the paper one time about a fellow back in Tennessee, who had gone hunting. He had been hunting and he couldn’t…. he’d got lost. It was in the fall. The year is beginning to snow and he couldn’t find his way home. He couldn’t find him [something] to eat, he couldn’t find water. He was in terrible shape. So at the end of the fourth day he…..this account went in the newspaper…… he cut off his dog’s tail and he made soup. And…. and while he was eating the soup, the dog came over and looked rather mournful. So he gave the dog some of the soup and he said that out of gratitude, the dog licked his hand. And I thought that’s it that’s the closest thing I think of to actually have any tax refund.
Audience breaks out Laughing.
Okay so well….. we did….. so what we did….. so what we did is, we thought well we’d have a…… so we thought we’d put a seminar together to show people how to retain their entire anatomy every payday. Okay now and so you see if a guy, if a guy is happy with this system it means one thing, he doesn’t understand it. Either that or he’s got a degree [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Okay now so…. so what we found here was that uh, that the average guy gets up and okay leaves his house here. He leaves his home at Point A in the morning, Okay and he drives the Point B you know, which is his work. And then at 4:30 he comes back again. Ever notice this? Murphy has some new laws out. He says if you’re a commuter for example, he said the lane you’re in will be the slowest lane and his corollary to that is unless you should change lanes. Okay now so what happens here is that this guy does this every day now. 40…. 40 hours a week and after 40 hours every week he’s broke. So what does he do? What’s his response? Next week he does the same thing. I mean like this guy really doesn’t catch on that this is not the solution to this problem. 40 years later this guy’s still doing this. Okay so we call it the 40/40 plan because he’s broke after 40 hours every week and after 40 years he gets to be broke permanently. It’s never a dawned on him this isn’t the solution to his problem [Laughs] because he’s adjusted you see.
Now and there are some fringe benefits like two weeks out of every year, this guy can go about 150 miles from home because that’s where his nearest relative is, and that’s all the money he has.
Audience Laughs.
Okay then he comes back and he repeats this process for another 50 weeks. Is this guy happy? Um hmmm very happy. You see, so we thought well how could we explain it? So… so we got some people call this the rat race you know, so we…. we thought we’ll…. we’ll get some hamsters, put them in there see what happens. So we did some surveys and we found…. it’s an interesting thing that if we put a hamster in a cage he does exactly the same thing! He runs around in his little wheel. So the only difference we discovered by the way was, we found if we ever left this little guy for two weeks, he never came back.
Audience breaks out Laughing.
And so so we thought….. but yeah [Laughs]…. but…. but we were able to learn from our experiments is that apparently, one of the species is more intelligent [Laughs].
Audience breaks out Laughing.
And we… and we thought well…. now what really….. really what is the difference? What is the difference between this guy [the hamster] and this guy and it came up this guy’s been to school [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
He’s adjusted. This guy’s not adjusted [the hamster]. You see the problem [Laughs]? See so… so we have to….. we have to trample over our adjustment here okay. Now so what we’re talking about is that this guy never really realizes this is available over here okay. So if we look at it more closely now (see if we can get this erased… not easy, working on it, okay) is that about 95% of the people in the country this guy was talking about is over here and only 5% are over here. Is that interesting? See because only 5% of the people know about this. I have a lot of fun with Trust. See because every time you present a Trust to somebody, this guy’s talking about “If you can do this, how come everybody doesn’t do it?” and I’ll say “You know that’s a very good….. you know being a Salesman….. that’s an excellent question sir, that’s excellent question sir…. tell me why didn’t you do this last week? [Laughs]” And he says, “I didn’t know about it.” You just answered your own question. You just answered your question. Nobody knows about it. See and that’s the answer. Because in all the schooling and all of the news media, and all of the publications, this is never mentioned because the Federal Reserve System doesn’t like it. Got it? And if it doesn’t like it you don’t see it. But aren’t you glad we don’t have censorship in this country [whistles] oh boy….. you see.
Audience Laughs.
This thing is run entirely for the benefit of our lender. This [information] is not good for the lender and that’s why you don’t learn it. Okay now how we get out of this thing is we learn some things. Is this fun? We learn some things okay? Now remember Paul Warburg back there. He said we’re going to set up two kinds of people guys, the business [and] the guys with jobs. Okay what he did was they design two kinds of [Income Tax] forms okay. So we’re learning that there’s two kinds of people. There’s a Business and there is a Job, okay. Now what is the difference? Basically well let’s take a look at this. First of all we’re going to define what a Business is and I like to be very basic in my definitions. It reminds me of the football coach. Every Spring practice he’d hold….. the first thing he would do every spring practice, out in the field he’d hold up the football, and he’d say “Gentlemen, this is a football.” And finally one guy showed up in the last row and he said “Hold it coach.” He said “Not so fast.”
Audience Laughs.
Okay so we’re gonna…. we’re gonna try not to go too fast this morning okay…. Okay, what is a business okay? Okay now I’m going to spare you the agony of my opinions I’m not even going to read what Webster says because we don’t care. Here’s what the Congress tells us a Business is, because it writes the IRS, the Internal Revenue Code, the IRC. If you notice this Internal Revenue Code equals law okay, it’s written by Congress. It’s important to understand these things. IRS represents an interpretation okay. And it’s called Regulation. Get the difference? That’s what they think the law says but it’s…. they’re not sure because it hasn’t been to court yet [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
They don’t want their definitions to go to court because it may change. Because they make most of their money down here [In the IRS Regulations] they don’t make it up here [In the IRC]. Now the reason they have Tax Attorneys that….. okay you’ve heard of Tax Attorneys? You can’t even find a Yellow Pages. What are Tax Attorneys? Tax Attorneys work for corporations. And they tell the president how to operate up here [in the IRC]. You don’t want to work by the IRS’s opinion. You’re going to come out on this right end of the stick aren’t you [the IRC]? But yet all we ever see in HR Block classes……we call it Preparation H R.
Audience Laughs.
Okay and all these things….. what all you hear is that they teach this [The IRS Regulations]. They’re really not teaching this [the IRC]. You see, now in order to be free you’ve got to know what the truth is. That’s what Jesus said. Channel Truth, to make you free, okay. You didn’t know he was talking about IRS did you? Okay, now so what happens here is……he [Jesus] was way ahead of his time okay. So what happens here is that yes, we have to go back to the source. We have to see what in the world are these definitions. Because we know what Orwell[10]While George Orwell was a revealing author, his works are designed to instill despair rather than hope. Miles Mathis believes he faked his death. says. That you know, definiton benefits the… The Powers That Be, remember. If you print the money it’s called counterfeiting and if… if the Bank prints it, it’s called inflation. See the definition is not what’s being done, it’s who’s doing it [Laughs]. Oh boy….. he [Orwell] calls this doublespeak or doublethink see, and…. and he was a diehard World Communist or a Socialist okay, and he said…… now listen, it’s important where George Orwell was coming from, because he’s not a very positive type of guy. He said on his deathbed that the history of man, or the future of man…. because he didn’t believe there’s any solution to this….. the history of man under Socialism is a man’s face with a boot on it. And that’s the history….. that’s what we have to look forward. That’s what he’d look forward to.
Well thankfully he didn’t know anything okay, because I don’t think he ever read the Bible. Okay but you see that’s what you look at when you just look at what IRS says because that’s exactly what they’re talking about. Okay we’re going to go to the Law and we’re going to talk about the difference here between the two later on here. Okay remember the Regulation is just simply their Interpretation. Well I can have my regulation….. I could actually print a regulation and say look here’s what my regulation says. It’d be just as good as theirs wouldn’t it? Because neither one of them went through Congress [Laughs]. Get it? Now the World is living under this interpretation and it’s wrong. And many men….. most the time it’s wrong. Okay, so in going under the Law…… now going under the Law, the Law says that a Business is any activity that has a profit motive, and economic activity. What does that mean? Well that means that you….. that you’re trying to make money and you either spend some money or you make some money, or both. Well that’s not too hard. Now the Regulation comes along. Now what they’re saying now in the Regulation for are things like, ‘You have to make a profit three out of five years.’ Well notice the Law doesn’t say that. And as a result we see some interesting things. Lockheed® for example hasn’t made a net profit since 1938. IRS has not declared it a hobby.
Audience Laughs.
You say, ‘How can that be?’ Well they [Lockheed®] have a Tax Department. And they know what…. they operate under the America One which is the Law. America Two is the Regulation. Get the picture? Which country do you want to belong to? It’s up to you. The control comes from within you, but the Education System is designed to make it so you don’t have the option, because if you don’t ever hear of anything, you don’t have the option. A guy named Perry once said ‘It’s impossible to be ignorant and free at the same time.’ Because….. because if you don’t know what…. what the options are, you can’t be free [Laughs]. The public education in this country makes sure you have no options. Okay, if I taught this class over here at USC, well I’d be thrown out, because the function of that college president is to make sure no education occurs on the premises, isn’t it? That’s his job. What college president’s ever been fired because the education was poor? I mean it’s only if it’s too much right [Laughs]? If he’s radical….. you see that’s too much information. Shows up as radical…. rad, rad okay. Okay so they operate on these Regulations. Well okay we don’t want our….. United Airlines® for example, this is incredible…… United Airlines® okay, since 1947, has not made a profit. Yeah we’re talking what 40… what 44 years, these guys have been operating an airline in the red! How can you operate for 44 years an airline that doesn’t make any money? The answer is that Joe Lunchbucket gives them his taxes. It’s called a subsidy. Well you’d think this guy’s very friendly wouldn’t you?
Audience Laughs.
Okay so notice what we’re doing here. See these guys have been running this airline on other people’s money….. well hey it’s called Taxes, you see. Now here’s the thing. I flew down yesterday on PanAm®. PanAm® is an interesting Airline….. PanAm® now listen, is being bought by United [Airlines] [Laughs]. Now how can a company that hasn’t made any money for 40 years….44 years, buy another airline [Laughs]?
Audience Laughs.
Some things they didn’t teach us at Harvard huh. Get the picture? These boys don’t ever operate at profit. That’s the last thing you ever want to do. Isn’t that fine? Got it? Okay because if they got a profit they simply buy another airline….. whoops in the red again [Laughs]!
Audience Laughs.
Well more subsidies [Laughs]. See and this is where our money goes. This is incredible. Okay now the Profit Model of Economic Activity alright, let’s take a look at this. Now because there’s two [Income Tax] forms, one for the guy with the Business and one for the guy with the Job. Because these forms are invented by Paul Warburg. If you take a look at the first form in 1913, it’s it’s totally intelligent. You can recognize it instantly because it looks so much like the form in 1990s and also the [future] form in the 2000s and the [future] form in 2003, when all private property will be confiscated except for the 5%. Because that’s what it’s coming down to. You got your choice, which boat you want to ride on. You want the Titanic[11]Looks like the sinking of the Titanic was not what we are told. or you want the life raft [Laughs]? Okay the Titanic was a lot more popular. It had more people on it.
Audience Laughs.
Okay do not be in the band because they played “Nearer, My God, to Thee” and the ship sank. Okay….. okay now what happens here, okay you had a [Income Tax] form call 1040. Okay use the 1040 form. You’ve probably seen one before. That was the year the Talmud was written….I won’t get into that… what happens here…… you dirty dog [Laughs]. Now so we have here is Wages okay, $50,000 okay. If you don’t have any adjustments, then the adjusted Gross is going to be $50,000. not too hard to figure out is it? The reverse side over here goes something like this…. You have this $50,000 carried forward and now you have your deductions. You’ve got your uh, your….. your uh Exemptions. Your, let’s say you’re married. You got your standard deductions….. $5200. You’ve got your exemptions. let’s say there’s four in the family and there’s 2050 times 4, this changes every year but you’re looking at what, about $9000 or something like this. Okay now you’ve got $13200 here that you deduct from your $50,000 which gives you something like uh 30 what is it? $36,800 and your tax on that, but now for Federal and State is going to be about $10,000. Not bad is it? See that’s what the average guy’s Tax Return looks like, something in that area. Okay….. Now if you have a Job….
Now if on the other hand you have any Business then you have a….. remember that had an extra box? Well the extra box comes with an extra form. So like Cracker Jacks, you open this box up….. boom, another form! And we have here what’s called a Schedule C …Schedule A…. Schedule B….Schedule K….. all these different schedules called Schedule C. Name and address of your Business. It doesn’t take long for this to enter. Run out…. I think what these pens need to do is sit upright that would be better….. I think there’s ink in it….. it’s just at the other end [referring to his markers]. Now um, so we have here uh Income okay. Here’s the Income that this Business makes. And it has Expenses doesn’t it. You have Expenses. And we have Net [Income]. So let’s assume you start a Business and you actually make $3000. How much money could you spend? Well you had the $3000 from your Business you could spend and theoretically, you had the $50,000 from your job you could spend right, because they work together. Now let’s suppose you didn’t really spend all of your money. Well let’s just assume here that you spent uh well, let’s pick a number at random, uh let’s say you spent uh, $39,800 and you subtract your three from that, and it’s $36,800 isn’t it? You had a loss is that right….. something like that….. is that right…. you have something like that. Okay I never was good at math. I could never figure it out. I could only figure out Taxes. Okay now so what we have here is your Business. Now we have your Business…… now what does it have? It has a loss of $36,800. Now I got to ask you a quick question. If you made $50,000 is it conceivable you could have spent 36 of it?
See we’re not asking you do anything you didn’t do last year are we? Only we’re asking you to account for it differently. Instead of having personal expense because if you remember your Schedule A says Personal Itemized Expenses, oh bad……. have Schedule C; Business Expense [Laughs]. The power’s in the sea. Okay don’t go to Schedule A. Okay now what happens…… okay. This changes. So now what have you got? You got something like $13,200 don’t you? Can you see what’s coming? Okay you got $13,200. Now you subtract from that…. your $13,200 and that comes out something like zero, and your tax on that is zero [Laughs]. Got it? It’s no more complicated than second grade Magic [Laughs] tadadadada tadadadada dadadata……
Audience Laughs.
It’s about as complicated as that, and some people won’t believe me. We went to a meeting last night, the mortgage meeting. Now I loved his approach. He says some people aren’t going to believe you can get an interest-free mortgage. He says for those of you who don’t believe it, we have we have a plan for you. It’s to go out the rest of your life and pay interest [Laughs]. See if you don’t believe this that’s fine, because all that means is that you’re going to pay tax the rest of your life [Laughs]. That really doesn’t do me any harm. But it does my grandkids a lot of harm because you’re…. you’re funding the system that puts them in the funny farm.
Okay so to make sure my grandchildren don’t have any problem, I’m out here talking to you. Because the only way my grandchildren would be free is if you’re free.
I got that one figured out. See it’s like a torch. You have to pass it on. See if I pass this on enough, I can look my grandkids in the eye and say hey kid did it for you. Okay now, okay my grandkids are….. they’re eight and ten. They’re not quite sure what I’m doing yet [Laughs] but they will figure it out someday. I hope….. okay because this is how you pass freedom on. As the Bible says “To your children and your children’s children, you’re supposed to give an inheritance.” What type of inheritance are we giving them with all this debt? It’s a negative. You know one of the most gross uh, anti-family things I’ve ever seen and I know, it’s done in jest, is this bumper sticker, “I’m spending my children’s inheritance.” This is anti-Biblical as you can be, because that’s exactly the opposite of God’s plan for his creatures. It’s exactly the opposite you see, because this is what happened in Israel in the old days That there’s an alienation between the children and their parents, and the whole nation collapsed. And one of the marks of the Messiah the Malachi talks about is he’s going to restore the fathers to the children. This restoration takes place you see, because right now we are not only not giving our children anything, we’re piling debt on them. I mean what a horrible thing to do to our children. The worst thing imaginable. I mean we wouldn’t think about going down and getting some poisonous toy for him. We’re giving him something worse, you see. And then they make a joke out of it, “We’re spending their inheritance ha ha.” It’s nauseating. It’s just the opposite of what should be going on, on the planet. Exactly the opposite. You see this thing is exactly the opposite of God’s plan. There’s no matter where that comes from, hey this comes right out of the pits of hell. I’m totally convinced of it. See now the way that you fight it is you expose it. Two requirements of a conspiracy… must be secret, it must be illegal. It was against the Constitution and it was a secret. Qualifies my book [arguments] as a conspiracy. Okay the way that you get rid of it is you illuminate it. You, you… you… you expose it. Because it can’t exist if it’s not secret. Is this fun?
It can only exist as long as you don’t understand it, and your neighbor doesn’t understand. Then he’ll pay it. See we call it an ignorance tax. It’s really an Income Tax. You make a lot of Income and I pay it. If you know something. Okay so here we have this Form now, the Schedule C. Let’s take a look at it. What kind of expenses could you reasonably expect to take? Okay well we ever get this board erased we’ll get into that subject. Okay we’re going to take a look at certain expenses now. There’s something like over 200 expenses that you’re entitled to if you have a Business, that you’re not entitled to if you don’t have a Business. You can find these and you go down to the uh, to the stationary store and get a Dome book for example. Dome puts out a book on Business Expenses and Business support. I mean this is not secret esoteric data. You can find it right down at the store. Okay there are all kinds of things. Let’s just go through a half a dozen. For example you and your spouse probably have a car. Let’s assume that your car…. you drive your car 15,000 miles, and your spouse drove the car 15,000 miles. So both of you drove the car 30,000 miles. Now one of the things important is…. is in 1967, the Supreme Court came down with the decision that said that they could not determine what a part-time Business was, because if you’re in a Business, you’re in a Business, all the time because the Business is an entity. It’s a legal entity. For example does anyone here go to a part-time Church? Do we have any part-time Christians here? See even if there’s a guy here you wouldn’t say anything would you? Okay see notice what the assumption is….. that he’s in this all the time, isn’t it? Isn’t that fun? Because it’s illegal. Now marriage….. anybody here in a part….. well I won’t get into that.
Audience Laughs.
Okay no. Okay so the assumption is that if you’re married, you’re married all the time. That’s the legal assumption. Okay the assumption is of the Supreme Court that if you’re in a Business, you’re in it all the time. And so since 1967, no Government publication, no IRS publication has mentioned the word part-time Business because there is no such thing in the eyes of the Law. You’re either in a Business or you’re not in a Business. Is this fun? You’re in a Business all the time. You’re in a Business while you’re asleep. Henry Ford goes to Europe. He goes skiing. Does he still write it off to his plant at Dearborn? Yes because his presence isn’t required. He’s not taking that deduction because of where he is. It’s who he is. He’s not even taking it because of what he’s doing. He goes down to Cabo San Lucas for the weekend. Does he write it off? Yeah. He may be doing some business down there someday.
Audience Laughs.
But because he is a Business he writes it off. Now naturally the trip has to do some of the business, so he has to have receipts. He has to have records and we’ll get into that just in a minute. He has to identify that this is in fact a business. I tell you a question…. oh you’re stretching? Okay long day. Okay alright. So what we have here are some interesting things. Okay that so now, there’s 30,000 miles that he and his spouse are….. she and his spouse….. her spouse drive, and the gas…. what is a dollar and a half a gallon now [As of September 2023, its $4/gallon], so there’s $45,000 at 10 miles a gallon that this guy can write off. Because he’s got a car, oh yeah car. Last year he puts eight miles on gas. Maybe a little more expensive but now not only that, he can depreciate his car can he? That portion is used for business… can depreciate….. we’re just going to go 100% actually we don’t recommend going 90% but it’s too long to go through all the calculations, so we’ll just throw you quickies here. This is just a real fast one. Depreciation okay, let’s say his….. okay same thing. let’s say his uh, his wife has a $12,000 car and he has a $12,000 car. So we got $24,000 in cars. You can take about 20% of that uh, the first year roughly speaking. Okay so you’re talking about what we’re looking at $1400 right? Look at this guy. He’s got almost….. he’s got $10,000 he can write off because he’s got a car [Laughs]. Are we having fun? See if he doesn’t have the Business box he can’t deduct any of this.
Now this is what’s never taught. When you go even to the HR Block schools, they don’t spend a lot of time on the Schedules. See they spend even less time on a 1040-X where you go back and amend the returns, because they’re… you get paid for just filling the forms out, filling the forms out, filling the forms out. All you get 40 bucks a form or something… pop,pop,pop. If you spend any time to explain it, you lose money. The other guys in the room make more money. So the system is set up so anybody who explains this to you is severely penalized. Besides that, he doesn’t want to do the audit. Well what else do we got? We’ve got your uh, meals outside the house, breakfast, lunch, dinner, theaters, entertainment. Okay you wouldn’t leave the house anymore if it wasn’t for business would you? [inaudible] See you couldn’t……. matter of fact you couldn’t. You’re in business all the time aren’t you? So your meals outside the house, breakfast, lunch, dinners theaters, entertainment, golfing, bowling, recreation all this stuff is………is somehow related to your business. You have to keep records. Next module we will show records. But the expense here is very interesting because let’s assume that you and your spouse each spend uh $15 a day outside the house. Pretty minimal right? Okay so that’s $30 a day times 365, is about $10,000. Now you can take 80% of this because they cut back to 20%. I’ll show you…… they gave it actually on things like depreciation and what they call the…. the item 74 where we can expense certain things….. they so…. where they….. where they take it away from business but they also give it back. What they do is they take away from the individual see okay, so entertainment uh would be up $8000 because you ate food outside. Well you could also write off your food inside the house, where you use for your business. That would be written off. Well everything you’re doing, everybody’s over there seeing you. You have people over for dinner. Okay would it be reasonable to assume that 25% of your groceries are consumed by others while they’re over at your house? Do this. Okay now what are you doing while others are over at your house? Well you’re eating with them aren’t you? So another 25% of your groceries are consumed by you While others are over there. Well this brings us to the result that 50% of your groceries are used in the conduct of business. You have to keep records. We’ll go through that.
Okay now let’s assume your grocery bill is $150 a week. Okay times 52. We’re looking at about $7500. Half of that okay, about $3700 or so is the deduction. We’ll call it demonstrations and training, or sales promotion. Whatever you want to call it is deductible because you ate food at home. Now come on…. fess up. Some of you have been doing this all along haven’t you?
Audience Laughs.
Okay now… now what you haven’t been doing is deducting it. See never am I suggesting that you spend more money. Well you can’t. You spend it all. Right [Laughs]? So you can’t spend more money. You just reclassify what you are spending. Is this fun? See people often ask me ‘What does it cost to go to your seminar?’ I say ‘Well it’s usually free or you know a few bucks but it costs you like you know $10,000 a year to miss it [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
Okay all right then. What do you got? Well travel. Okay anything more than 50 miles from homes is business travel. That reminds me of one of our clients last fall. He and his wife uh, they ran an ad in the Honolulu Inquirer and one note and, to see if anyone wanted to be in their business. And then they flew over and they…. he said they waited for two weeks to see if anyone would answer the ad. Okay and he came back. And he was he was very disappointed. He said it didn’t go too well and so they had to also go again in the spring.
Audience Laughs.
Okay now that’s $3000 here. Okay…well the guy was trying, just trying you know, profit motive. Yeah I’m just reading the book. Private Money. Okay all right that’s what it says. Okay now we had one fellow also wrote off a uh a mobile security unit one year we found out, because it barked and ate dog food. Okay and so if you…. if you want to…. if you have cats you may want to have them apply to your Business as sort of a, you know, rodent control devices. Or if you’re into birds, you may want to go for aerial surveillance.
Audience Laughs.
Okay and so so okay. So we add these things up here, and you’re seeing with just a half a dozen things we got…. what 4, we got 16, we’ve got 24….. you know about 25,000 things right here. Do you think with another 190 items we could get to Thirty….. 39,000. If you’ve got any problems, you got money left over… can’t… you can’t figure out what to do it, call us. We’ll help.
Audience Laughs.
Okay now see. So what we’re talking about is that like this isn’t really difficult. You’re already doing it. If you…. You… it’s just that now you have to have a business and deduct the items. Okay now we talked about record keeping. Yes you have to show that you actually spent these things for the process claimed. Okay let’s go through record keeping real quickly here. It doesn’t have to be too complete. Just to give you an idea where we’re going okay. This is not for any specific use. This is a general application of these expenses. Each person will have his own, you know….. specialties.
Okay this is getting harder [referring to erasing the whiteboard]. Anyway okay, all right. Now let’s take a look at some things. Okay your profit motive. Okay you want to…. remember we showed profit motive and we had economic activity right? Okay now these are the ways in which you spend your money. Is that correct? Now profit motive….. economic activity is going to show up as how you spend….. what how you spend your money. Right so this is your money. Is that right? And profit motive means that everything you do all the time is for business. So this is going to be your time isn’t it? So here’s how you spend your time. So you’re going to keep track of two things now, money and time. Now you will not have to spend more than three or four minutes a day on this. This is a….. four minutes a day will be max if after a month or so you work on this, you find that you’re spending more than four minutes a day, give us a call and we’ll give you therapy.
Audience Laughs.
Okay because it won’t be a bookkeeping problem, it’ll be a mental problem. Okay now so what…. what we want to show here is that anybody really, if he wants to, can do this. It’s not it’s really…. not that hard. Okay now we have here uh, okay….. what kinds of type…..what do we got? some card… what’s that? what is it?
Audience member: Inaudible
Oh yeah. Once you pass them out, anybody that would like to know how to do this…. we’ll give you a call. If you don’t like to….. if you…… if you don’t want us to call you, don’t give us a card. It’s real simple okay. Then that way nobody’s called or bothered because if you want to pay tax [Laughs] we don’t want to bother you okay. Now but seriously if you give us a card we’ll give you a call and I’ll come down here from time to time. And guy will probably be working with us in some things here, and we’ll…. we’ll take care of your needs if you like. Okay as far as showing you how you do this, our first….. our first visit is free. It will just give you a free estimate, what we can say for you, and what it would cost, and you can either do it or not do it. Okay it’s up to you. No obligation, no commitment. Okay what kinds now…… what kinds of time would you have? Well let’s take a look. We know that there’s personal time and we know that there’s business time, isn’t that right? Now based on our discussion here today, how much of your time in the future do you think would be related to personal use? None! Okay so notice carefully. You will have no personal time. Notice how this clears this whole story up for us now. Not complicated. You only have one kind of time. It’s business isn’t it? Okay what kinds of money are there? Well there’s only three ways I know of, you can spend money. Okay one is with… with checks, one is with credit cards and one is with cash. That’s the only way you can spend money. Isn’t that interesting? So there’s the kinds of time and money we have. And you can spend years studying this. It’s called bookkeeping. Now save your time. Okay what do we have here? Okay the next thing would be the records. What kind of Records do you have to have? Well to show your time, you want to have what’s called a daily diary. Okay now the daily diary is going to show the things that you….. the people you see during the day, the people you talk to on the day, on the every day, and the things you do every day. So your daily diary is gonna show [people you] see and phone, and [what you ] do because that’s the only three things I already do every day. And this isn’t like infinite. It’s not a big problem. We just have to categorize these things and put something down. Okay alright now for records what do we need? Well for records okay, we’ve got our canceled checks. We need our….. got our canceled credit cards, okay. What else do we do….well we need to have over here? Uh we need to have really sort of a cash log don’t we? We have a cash log and the cash log is going to keep track of all your cash because you’re already keeping track of everything else. So you’re already doing a lot of it. It’s just not maybe complete. Okay now the next question here is what kinds of entries do we need to make? Okay the entry is that we need today, by the way the cash log, I can show you what that looks like we can peruse this. Here’s my daily diary, like this daily diary yesterday….. daily diary day before…… see I’m in a business all the time. No problem. Okay now here’s our cash log and here’s the categories and here’s all the sessions put down, put the receipts in here, we’ll explain how to do all this. If you have a Trust you may not even have to file a personal Tax Return because the Trust will file a return and you may just work for expense reimbursements. In other words the Trust history inverses your expenses. See in other words if you….. if you go out and you spend money on behalf of this Trust for food, shelter, clothing, travel and so forth, the Trust reimburses you the expenses. That’s not income. Expense reimbursement is not income. Isn’t that interesting? So you may only work for a dollar a year. You just have your expenses reimbursed.
Audience Laughs.
What do you want? money? For us it’s a problem see, now the Trust will have to file the return but that takes the problem off you because now, you don’t…. you don’t have to make any money if you don’t make more than you know, a few dollars, you don’t have to file a return do you? Is this fine? You just disappeared! See you know… know, Sun Tzu….. another interesting book….. two interesting books is you got to read. One is The Prince by Machiavelli, okay and the other is The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Marvelous book. He talks about how you win. It’s a 2500 year old book, written and what is it, sometime before Christ. Okay and and he says that when the enemy is more powerful than you are, your best strategy is to be not seen [Laughs].
Audience Laughs.
You can’t…. you can’t beat his logic [Laughs]! I remember one time when I was drafted back in the early, middle 50s and we ended up at Fort Ord and we had a big old black drill sergeant that came out, four o’clock in the morning standing out there in the misty rain under the flight, and he says ‘I’ve been in this Army 27 years.’ He says “Every one of my buddies is dead. Been shot by the enemy.” And he says “There’s only one reason I’m standing here.” I remember this… remember every word of it, four o’clock in the morning, don’t forget it, he says “It’s because in 27 years of fighting,” he says “The enemy never saw me [Laughs].” He says “Young Troopers we have 16 short weeks to learn this, because that’s the only thing that’s going to keep you alive.” And I thought wow that is really interesting. The way you stay alive is that the enemy doesn’t see you. Well if you don’t have a Tax Return what’s he gonna see [Laughs]? Are we having fun yet? Okay why fight over a Tax Return when you don’t have to have one? Let the Trust do it.
It makes you not seen. It’s invisibility. It’s your cover. Yes sir? [Taking Question from Audience].
Audience member: Who wrote The Prince?
Machiavelli. Nicolo Machiavelli, 1412. Art of War, Sun Tzu, What is it? 500 years BC. Best military strategy ever. Written marvelously. Everybody that is goes into the CIA has to read that book before they take their first class. It’s a primer because he’s the father of Military Intelligence. He says if you know your strengths and you know your troops, you’ll win 50% of your battles. He says if you know your strengths and your troops and you know the enemy strengths and his troops, you’ll win a 100% of your battles. Fascinating stuff. I mean really you can’t beat it. When the enemy is bigger and more powerful than you are, the best strategy is invisibility. Don’t be seen. It’s not as hard as it sounds. Don’t file a return [Laughs]. Now if you’ve got a job….Okay and guys got another program, this untaxed thing. That’s not what we’re doing. We got a sort of a moderate or moderation of that, or I should say a modification of that. Okay and uh, you know there’s a lot of ways to skin the cat. If you don’t like one program you like the other. You know it’s a free country. We don’t have any monopoly or anything. Okay you may even like somebody else’s plan. You know just all we’re doing is giving you the necessary information so that my grandkids don’t live in slavery. That’s why I’m here. Okay and the only thing that’s going to protect them is you [Laughs].
Okay because if you live in slavery then it’s gonna be harder for them to get out of it. Okay and we don’t want to pass the system onto them do we? Okay Henry is…. okay as far as your time is concerned, uh okay, you want to put down the name of the person that you’re with, the relationships that that person has to your Business and the reason why you had that meeting….. sales promotion you know, Consulting whatever, and we’ll go through this and we’ll explain. In fact we’ll even give you a three-month supply of record-keeping materials absolutely free when we see you, and show you how to do all this. Note cost. If you don’t want to come in don’t…. don’t come in…. you keep the records anyway.
Okay as far as the entry is now over here concerned, you want to put down the date that the money was spent, the amount of money that was spent, who the money was paid to, the category that it was paid in and the receipt. You always want to get a receipt no matter what. The receipt is the….. is the thing that proves that you had the expense. Okay so you may even…. oh I found that if you go out of the shopping centers at night, there’s usually some lane out there.
Audience Laughs.
Okay and you can….. and what this does is that it improves the ecology. It actually helps the place if you pick these up.
Audience Laughs.
Okay and uh if you have a difficulty with this we even have a client in Burbank who has a multi-level receipt Business. So uh yeah, not…. not to…. not to worry [Laughs]. Okay so I mean this isn’t like really serious stuff [Laughs].
Oh goodness it’s hard to do a serious Tax Seminar. But I mean hey, you know the point is if you spend all your money, just keep the receipt. Okay if you…. you could…. you…. you nothing could be disallowed. You’ve got the receipt for it don’t you? Okay that’s the time and the money. Okay the next question would be and see how much time we got here. Uh let me just go through quickly. Then I think probably some…. some aspects of Law which…. which you might enjoy. Uh what we want to show is that you remember we said that there was the Law. Okay so we have what’s called uh, we’ll call this uh Common Law because Common Law is the Law. It’s made by Common People whereas Law made by an Emperor is Imperial Law. That’s the definition of it.
Okay so under Common Law, we have a very interesting thing takes place in this country. Under Common Law, okay you have a series of things that take place. I should plan…. you’ve got the Law that’s actually made by the Legislative branch of our Government and signed by the President don’t you. The Executive branch of our Government, okay and I guess I really don’t need that…. top line to go clear across there…. we’ll make it like this [referring to whiteboard]. Okay now you have….. after a Law is made it’s…. it’s made into what we call a code. There’s military codes, Insurance codes, tax codes…. all this…. that’s done by Legislative analysts within the Legislature. Okay and then if you don’t like this you can go to court and you can maybe have a judge heard in a judicial case or you may even want to request a jury. So you can get a jury trial. Okay so this is the way our Law works. This is set up by the Constitution uh, because that’s…. you know it’s what we learnt in 8th grade civics class. That’s what we learned right. Common Law. The problem is only 5% of the people, when it comes to taxes, are…. are…. ever participate in this. The reason is that it costs you somewhere around $250,000 to complete this process. Okay and so not that many people want to spend that kind of money on their taxes. If you’re talking about actually going to a civil case, getting a jury trial so forth and so on, you’re talking mega bucks. Okay so what people do is that they opt for what we call Imperial Law. Okay an Imperial Law over here has an interesting thing. They have what’s called a interpretation. Remember that? Remember we had two things, the Law and the Interpretation of the Law. Remember we had two things, money and a note. The old America had money, the new America has notes. The old America had Law, the new America has Interpretations.
See, think you know two Americas. Okay now what do we have here. We have a uh, a Regulation. The new law is a Regulation. The interpretation, I’m sorry is the Regulation. And if you don’t like the Regulation, you can have a hearing that’s called an audit or an appeal. It certainly sounds fair doesn’t it?
Okay until we look at it a little more closely. And we find if we look at it closely that for example, the Interpretation was made by IRS. And then we take a look at the Regulation and we see that the Regulation was written by IRS. And then we go to the hearing and we find oh the hearing is conducted by IRS!
Audience Laughs.
And this is a surprise…. now the next part you won’t expect at all…… the IRS usually decides that its interpretation was correct!
Audience Laughs.
And what do they say in the cartoons….. that that that’s all folks!
Audience Laughs.
The only way you can change that is to go here. You got an extra $250,000 just kicking around? No problem [Laughs]. Or you can go to a little court that they design here called Tax Court which is really supposedly Legislative Court, which is not a Judicial Court either. There’s no jury. Remember King Charles got his head cut off, no jury, Star Chamber Court. That’s what tax court is. Okay not too proud. See these problems have all been solved and when you take history, you realize they’ve been solved that’s why you can’t have the history [Laughs] oh boy.
Alright so what happens here. Well you go down here to your tax preparer or whatever it is, and he doesn’t tell you all this does he. Isn’t that interesting. And uh because what…. he has four problems. He’s got four big problems down here….this tax preparer doesn’t he? Number one he has to be trained, and he’s trained by the IRS toady H.R Block. And then…. then he has to be…. okay he has to be able to do these taxes. So he has to, in the state of California he has to be, yes…. they’d be you know, what they call licensed. Or has to have a number okay, and that can be revoked so that he can’t do them anymore. And then…. and then his review is….. he’s…. he’s uh,….. he’s audited by these guys maybe, you see or whatever. And not only that but he gets all the information from these guys and so forth. I mean there’s just a lot of things here. Okay and he can be put out of business. Anytime the IRS wants to put him out of business they just lost all of his clients. That’s simple. You don’t go back to that guy next year do you?
Audience Laughs.
Solves that problem and they can put these guys down whenever they want. This guy’s has this is…. this is George Orwell with the guy’s face with the hobnail boot right on top of it. Okay and uh this guy now he does the… the thing he’s supposed to do. He collects money for his master because his master is the one that decides whether he can do this next year. You don’t decide that. IRS does If he doesn’t collect enough, he’s got some problems. So he wants to make sure he collects a lot. He says he doesn’t have much time to help you. Anyway he’s too busy right. Okay see in the old days in Jesus’ time they… they had people who were tax collectors and they called them Publicans and uh, they were considered hated. They were considered uh the traitors by their by their fellow neighbors. You remember and because they would take money from their neighbors and give it to the enemy they hated, the occupying Roman army. And of course today these people are called Republicans.
Audience Laughs.
Anyway so as we go along we find….. we find that okay, if we’re waiting for someone else to solve this problem, we’ll wait a long time won’t we? Because nobody’s going to solve this problem for you. But you can solve it for yourself. Got it? The control is inside. I hope…. I just hope if there’s anything you remember tonight that you’re in control, because the with the information, you’re in control. The IRS is second fiddle compared to your power. This is important to remember. Okay now so what you’re doing now is that you have to maybe take this guy to court. Now there was a case like this up in Morgan Hill, California. Oh it’s a few years ago there was a dentist. He did it for years and years and you’d had a Business that lost money. So the IRS came to visit him…”Could you tell us about this business?” He said “Yes I’d be glad to.” He says “Come in I’ll even show it to you.” So he went out behind the house into a barn. He said, “See this horse?” And they said yeah. He said “That’s my Business.” They said “That’s your Business?” He said yeah. He says “Actually it was a terrible thing that happened,” he said “14 years ago I bought two horses and I was going to raise and breed horses.” But he said a terrible thing happened. He said “The first year my stud died.” And he said “I had all this money I wrapped up in this this big breeding horse and he died.” And he said “Well I’ve got this mare on my hands. I’m trying to save enough money to buy another breeder and I just, you know, I haven’t got it yet. So meanwhile I’m writing off all the food, shelter, land and everything for this horse.” And they said “Well we have this little regulation that says if you don’t make a profit in three out of five years then that’s a hobby.” And he said gentleman, he says “I don’t understand this couldn’t possibly be a hobby.” And they said why not? He said “Because I hate horses.”
Audience Laughs.
And uh, and so they said “Well no we’re not going to buy that one.” And so they disallowed his horses as a hobby. Well he ends up taking it to the Supreme Court in 1981. Okay he took the Supreme Court. It appears in the front page of The Wall Street Journal finally, because he’d already gone to the IRS audits… three of them…. he’d already gone through Tax Court, he’d already gone through other District Courts, he had already gone through Courts of Appeal, see. This guy kept losing, losing, losing, losing, losing, losing, losing, losing, see. And finally he gets up to the Supreme Court then the Supreme Court said, “Well it would not be reasonable to assume that a man for 14 years would get up every morning and shovel manure for a hobby.”
Audience Laughs.
And so since there was some work involved, therefore it wasn’t a hobby it was a Business. And whether he made any money or not isn’t [inaudible] because they went by the Law. Notice they didn’t go by the Interpretation. See the Supreme Court doesn’t sit there and cogitate over the Interpretation as far as they’re concerned. That doesn’t exist because it really doesn’t. It’s only exists in your mind. It’s a mind trip. It’s psychological warfare. That interpretation really isn’t there. See isn’t this fun? Okay now, because you’re gonna go here [pointing to Law]. Now and so they asked the Wall Street Journal. They interviewed this guy, [asked] “God how come you spent $250,000 on the case?” He said well…. he said “I wouldn’t have done it except I’d written off $650,000 on expenses [Laughs].”
Audience Laughs.
Well alright, you see. So it was profitable with him. But you see that was an article you could put in the paper because that was a safe article. Because Joe Lunchbucket isn’t going to go down and do this. So they could print it. You see, if Joe was going to do it then that doesn’t show up. So it was kind of everybody in Wall Street had a good chuckle. The guys in the bank had chuckled, guys in IRS probably had a good chuckle because he’s the only guy doing it [Laughs]. But see you can do it too. Okay now 95% of the people down here, okay…. are following this…. this system and it isn’t even a Law. It’s just that they’re conned into it. This is America Two. This is America One. Get the picture. There’s different people. There’s different Businesses. There’s different Laws. There’s different Forms. It’s a different world. It’s a different country! Which one do you want to work in? See now so what…. what we have now is a situation that would take you just like a corporation, all the way through this. We got our ideas because we do the same thing for you that a Tax Department does for a Corporation.
Okay let me show you how this works. We work with different companies, different places, different times. We don’t just work with one uh thing. I’m just a Tax Consultant. I just consult with you and I can read for you here, and I can refer you there. You know if you really want to… to do these things. Okay but what you’re getting with me is just simply the Consulting….. the information that will Empower you to to do this. But you still have to do it. I can’t do anything if you don’t….. if you don’t have the records. We can’t win the audit. Or you know, come out with a….. what we call a check back audit. We don’t just like to do obviously….we like you get a check back. In other words whatever tax you paid in prior years, we get that back [Laughs]. We like to be very expensive when we go to IRS. Okay alright so what we have here….. let’s say this is you, and you’ve got an income of about uh what do we say $50,000 a year. Well here’s your income at $50,000 a year. Okay and uh, which translates to $4000 a month. Okay that’s a year. Okay now your tax on that….. your tax loss, I’m going to call loss….. it is about a $1000 a month. That’s…. that’s the average person’s tax loss on a $50,000/year income as we discussed. Okay now what we do is we put that into some other categories for you here. Okay the cost, and we put cost in parentheses….. because they’re quotes, because it’s only going to be a portion of what we save you, is 5%. So 5% of your $4000 here is going to be $200 a month. In this particular case it would cost you $200 a month to solve this problem. We in turn have some various things here that we will be glad to show you. There is the consulting fee, and there is the support. The support runs $50 a month, and this is the guy….. was saying is an organization called United Sovereigns. The consulting fee we’re working with here would be $150 because that’s the remainder here, and that’s the fee of us telling you what to do and how to do it. And helping you….. showing you how to do it. Okay now so there’s your fees, $200….what have you gained? Well you’ve gained $800 dollars. See you’ve gained $800 a month and the cost is only a fraction of what you saved. Hey what a deal! See this is not bad is it? Now the consulting firms we work with….. we work with one organization. It’s called Temple Trust, and the reason it was called Temple Trust is because when we started it when they…. when they start….. was started….. we went into the Bible and we thought…. now what would really be a safe name? So we read in Revelation 15:8 is that the Temple…… of smoke…. was filled with the smoke of the Glory of God and no man was able to enter. And we thought aha we’ll have that one. We thought maybe Smoking Temple was a bit much.
Audience Laughs.
Okay now so we….we can just call it Temple Trust. But you see, it’s…. it’s almost like we we wanted to sound kind of religious, because people regard Income Tax as a religion. They regard it as some kind of a sin tax. Okay and they think that if they don’t pay it, then they’re sinful [Laughs]. But I mean people really have this thing. It’s like a lock on you [Laughs]. Know that all you go down, you pay this tax, and then you’re absolved with all your guilt. See because you go down the street now, and you tell the average guy, ‘Well I’m not going to pay any more Income Tax. Then he’s going to say, ‘Um shame on you.’ See, and so he’s not going to quite know what you’re guilty of, but he’s been triggered to think that you are guilty somehow. Well okay so that’s our story. So that’s basically how we would pay for it. Okay uh, if you want me to I can go into some of the multi-levels in United Sovereigns or we can break. You want to do another three minutes?
Audience: Yes.
Okay we’ll do another [three minutes]…… let me. We’ve even set it up so that if you’re doing the United Sovereigns program, it’s a Business [Laughs]. So if you don’t have a Business, now you’ve got one! Okay or you can get one, you know. Or if you’ve got another one, this is just something that doesn’t take any time. You can add to it and it’s easier to take the deductions if you have a couple businesses. Okay let me just show you quickly how this works. This is now you see, not everybody understands business and for that reason I’m just going to conclude with this little story that really shows you how. The ladies really kind of understand businesses more than men because they got, it’s like what 82% of all the money out there is owned by ladies. But anyway uh, what shows you men are really smarter. Okay now, and so we have a this young lady is walking on the forest one day and she uh, was walking along the path. And she encountered a frog. And so instead of jumping the away, the Frog spoke to her and… and said, “Kiss me! I’m a prince.” And this gal says “You’re kidding.” Now she’d already heard these talking prince stories, or talking frog stories. But she’d never seen one. So she picked up the frog, put it in her purse and went on through the forest. Well about an hour later this frog is croaking away, and he said “Why don’t you kiss me?” He says “If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a handsome prince.” and this gal looks down on her purse and she says “Are you kidding?’ She says “Handsome princess are a dime a dozen.” She said “I could make a million off of talking frog.”
Audience Laughs.
Well okay so what we have you say, is some people can see a business and some people can’t [Laughs]. So I guess if you have questions uh, we’ll go ahead and take them and then maybe on the tape, or not. But I do want to thank you for coming by tonight……today. It was really nice. And God bless you, keep the money in the country.
[Applause] [Music]Thank You.
While going through Donn’s lecture, I was hit by a déjà vu. There are strong parallels between his concepts and those of Richard Maybury (alias Uncle Eric), a well known Libertarian whose writings get published by the Mises Institute. He was an early influence on me, and he has been quoted extensively in this 2011 article.
The question is who came first. I am still undecided. This lecture is dated 1991. One of Maybury’s most notable books, Whatever Happened to Justice came out in 1992. Another of his influential books, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy came out in 1989 but was significantly revised and overhauled in 1993. Both books while minimal in content, are extremely well written, with the focus on inquisitive young minds. They are highly recommended for the same.
As for the similarities and differences (based on the two aforementioned books of Maybury),
- Maybury is well known and respected. Donn is relatively unknown and the first thing that pops up in a Google® search is the conviction against him.
- Both are from California.
- It seems Donn just had a brief stint in the military. Maybury had much more. To quote Wikipedia, “Maybury was a sergeant in the United States Air Force from 1967 to 1971. He served with the 605th Air Commando Squadron in Central America, and with the 75th Military Airlift Squadron in Vietnam. He was also a General Military Training instructor at Travis Air Force Base; and participated in covert operations in South and Central America.”
- Donn talks about Natural Law. Maybury greatly expanded upon it in his book, Whatever Happened to Justice.
- Donn sees inflation as an unnecessary scam. So does Maybury.
- Donn equates money being printed by private banks as counterfeiting. Maybury has a slightly more sophisticated theory. He sees money printed without precious metal backing is counterfeiting. This of course, is more in line with the Austrian school of economics.
- Donn namedrops the Rothschilds and other families behind the Federal Reserve, and even makes reference to the Illuminati. Maybury avoids discussing who is behind the Federal Reserve.
- Donn advocates against paying on income taxes using convincing arguments. He laughs in the face of legal implications. Maybury makes no such attempt.
- Maybury is against big government, and is sometimes pushed in Neo-liberal circles (“Leave everything, including regulations to private enterprise.”) Donn has more faith in (the right) government.
- Donn leaves us with a good reading list. In Whatever Happened to Justice, Maybury also gives us a great reading list.
In other words, Maybury’s ideas now appear to be (in my opinion) a street-legal version of the more radical ideas that Donn discussed.Such ideas had gained a cult following in the 80s and 90s, and were at times associated with the Sovereign Citizens Movement of USA. But again, back then people still had faith in the legal system, which these ideas use.
Donn had predicted that private property would be abolished in USA around 2005. Thankfully, he was wrong about that. But we do see this being achieved by the Federal Reserve through inflation, which is pushing the middle class into the street (and towards a welfare state). Some Americans are hopeful that imposters like Trump will fix everything. But let’s watch him abolish, or even audit the Federal Reserve or abolish the IRS, or abolish Freemasonry (He won’t bark to the master’s voice).
Remember that USA only derived its strength empowering its citizens, at least economically. Take that away, and you are left with NOT-USA, or as Donn calls it, America Two. America One is almost extinct as of now.
A country will disappear, a great country. The country will be erased from the maps forever, with it history, wealth and people all dragged through the mire.
A strange Prophecy of Italian Friar Padre Pio (1887-1968). Trans. From German by Patrick O’Carroll.
↑1 | Bell was a crypto who actually stole the invention from an American named Elisha Grey. |
↑2 | Miles Mathis has raised some valid doubts about the election/selection process of the Continental Congress. |
↑3 | In the case of the Russian revolution, the citizenry was turned into literal slaves, who when not starving, had to line up to collect their vegetables from a conveyor belt! There are videos of this on the Internet. |
↑4 | Canada shamelessly followed USA in giving natives Canadian citizenship, but three decades later in 1960! |
↑5 | Take the case of the Turkic and Circassian slaves captured from the frontlines, who later emerged as the Mamluk rulers of the Middle East. Or take the case of Imam Abu Hanifa, one of the most influential Muslim jurists. His grandfather was a captured slave from Afghanistan, who ended up being sold in Kufa (Iraq). |
↑6 | According to Miles Mathis, he was related to his assassin! |
↑7 | He is referring to the fact that a Pentagon is the center of a Pentagram. |
↑8 | Richard J. Maybury, Whatever Happened Penny Candy (Placerville: Bluestocking Press, 1993), 56. |
↑9 | Aesop’s Fables are a collection of witty Phoenician puns, indicating their deep understanding of human nature. |
↑10 | While George Orwell was a revealing author, his works are designed to instill despair rather than hope. Miles Mathis believes he faked his death. |
↑11 | Looks like the sinking of the Titanic was not what we are told. |
Wow, thank you so much for transcribing this video. So much to unpack and being able to read it helps a lot. I’d also like to mention, that I’ve heard that the American colonists were using their own notes (not backed by anything) called, Colonial Script. They were willing to pay the tax in Colonial Script, but the bank/crown wanted payment in gold only. I’ve heard that was really what was the cause of the tea party. Cheers.
Don Fletcher died in prison in 2004. He was not alive to support Trump’s political career and he was certainly not writing books about Trump in 2018.
I will leave this open to debate. I did read a few sections of the book, and it sounded a bit like him.