Elon Musk: Made in Apartheid South Africa

A twitter user has an interesting synopsis of Elon Musk:

News Flash: Elon Musk’s entire bloodline reads like a Satanic fever dream.

His grandfather? Arrested in Canada for being part of a cult hell-bent on installing a technocracy—literally the same dystopian system Elon is now building before our eyes.

His father? Had two children with his own fucking stepdaughter after raising her for a few years.

His mother? A demonic vessel of a woman who looks like she bathes in adrenochrome and whispers incantations over synthetic embryos.

And Elon himself? At least 12 kids, all conceived through IVF or surrogacy—except for one, allegedly.
Even his reproduction is manufactured. His latest? With Ashley St. Claire, because apparently, bloodlines and breeding programs are still a thing in whatever elite eugenics experiment these people are running.

The more you look into it, the more it stops feeling like a real-life story and more like some Luciferian sci-fi horror script.

Rosemary’s Baby meets the Hollywood Casting Couch.
And yet, half the world still thinks Captain Brain-Chip is some kind of genius savior.

And there’s more. The connection to Emerald mines in Apartheid South Africa. When Apartheid was instituted in South Africa, it was not as if all whites suddenly decided to go ahead with it. It was imposed by their Phoenician elite, because they were the ones who needed massive armies of laborers, permanently locked up in a strata of poverty and backwardification. That’s how they could be used for the plantations and mines of the elite. Common whites had little use for Apartheid, but were duped into supporting it. For example, even their Church officials even convinced them blacks and whites would have separate Heavens in afterlife! The system was unsustainable. But by the time it came to an end, the likes of Musk had already cashed out, and common whites ended up becoming the scapegoats (Play stupid games, win stupid prizes).

Now there is a theory that the Phoenicians want to re-institute Apartheid, or maybe some form of technocracy, at least in some limited parts of South Africa. To their advantage, they also have control over the present-day South African government, which is basically them cosplaying as black leaders. The idea is to reduce and backwardify present-day South Africa, to the point where the locals will be forced to accept their failure, and wish for the “good old times.” And Western forces will be called in to “protect” white locals. Supporting this theory is the additional fact that South Africa faced an alarmingly disproportionate death rate from Covid19/Covid19 vaccines. There is anecdotal evidence that they were being sprayed with aerosolized versions of toxins using aircraft (which made strange patterns on flight radars), and even their drinking water was contaminated. This is further proof that South Africa “black leaders” are fully on board with the said agenda.

How does Elon Musk really do all the things he does? How many committees manage his activities? Is he really in charge or a mascot? Legit smart and and innovative people faced a quick downfall after entering the American automotive business. Yet for some mysterious reason which baffled many Wall Street speculators (and which enriched the pockets of many), people discovered that Tesla stock always remains buoyant (atleast in last few years).

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