The real reason why Telegram Executive Pavel Durov has been arrested

On 24th August 2024, Pavel Durov was arrested in France on alleged criminal charges relating to an alleged lack of content moderation on Telegram and refusal to work with police. There was a subsequent media blitz to portray him as some some kind of criminal.

The real reason he is under arrest is that unlike other instant messaging platforms, Telegram is not completely backdoored by Western Intelligence Agencies. They have a feature called Secret Chats, which never leave the two devices they are on.

Is Patrushev running Russia?

Add to that, one popular Telegram group with more than 11,000 followers called General SVR is leaking some highly embarrassing information from the Kremlin. Whoever is running the group seems connected to the highest levels in the Kremlin, and have access to top level classified information. Durov is Russian, but because he has multiple other nationalities, the Russians cannot exactly put their hands on him. In addition, he has structured Telegram such that such channels could continue operating even if he is arrested or killed. In fact, Russian authorities did their best to censor Telegram just because of this group, but failed to completely censor it, because it can be downloaded even without an App Store.

The General SVR group claims that Putin died a long time ago, and the current Putin is an actor. And that an FSB executive named Nikolai Patrushev is the one pulling the strings! This confirms my earlier conclusions about Russia being operated as a suicide-state for the Phoenicians, and NATO is all in on the hoax.

Going back to Durov, France has been selected to detain him, because Russia doing so (while Western countries watched on) would hint at collusion with the Russians. Another interesting detail is that Durov resides in the UAE (A Gulf Monarchy), and even they didn’t bother censoring him. Yet France has regressed to the point of no return, doing the dirty work of the Russians.

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