What Canada can do to Improve Human Rights (But won’t do)
Last Updated on June 29, 2019 by Hamad Subani
In my previous post, I explained how Canada’s newest superstar, imprisoned Saudi “intellectual” Raif Badawi may not be a legit. You may think that critical pieces such as that one would be discussed extensively, given the fact that most Canadians are literate. Usually, the alternative news crowd of a country hangs out on sites like Reddit. But go over to r/canada and you will notice that they have built themselves another echo chamber where all forms of contrarianism are permanently frozen. Some Canadian writers like Arthur R. M. Lower would go on and proclaim that “Canadians are dumb driven cattle, obediently following their leaders while casting a wistful glance at what they might have been.” But for Canadians who are tired of being driven around, here is a to-do list for human rights issues that require far more serious consideration from Canada.
End Canadian connections to the Rohingya Genocide
To quote the RollingStone Magazine on the Rohingya Genocide,
Since last august, Rajuma and some 700,000 Rohingya have flooded across the border into Bangladesh with harrowingly consistent stories of murder and rape [………] It was the most rapid human exodus since the Rwandan genocide of 1994.
Doctors Without Borders has estimated that 6,700 Rohingya were killed in the first month of the military’s crackdown in Rakhine last fall, including at least 730 children under the age of five. Jarring as this number is, it was a conservative figure extrapolated from a limited sample of refugees in just one area of Bangladesh. It does not include Rohingya in other settlements, or those still mired in Myanmar. (There are reportedly at least 120,000 Rohingya confined to internment camps in Rakhine State.) Humanitarian groups say the best indications that the actual death toll is far higher are the nearly 40,000 unaccompanied children Bangladesh has counted in its refugee camps.
Meanwhile, after years of conflict, as much as 90 percent of the Rohingya population – more than 850,000 people – has been hunted out of Rakhine. Familiar warning signs went ignored, a slow-motion genocide turned fast and furious, and Western powers still can’t agree on a name, much less a penalty. “The U.N. and policymakers around the globe are fully aware that the persecution of the Rohingya will eventually be classified legally as a genocide,” says Azeem Ibrahim, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Policy in Washington and author of The Rohingyas: Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide. “Just like Rwanda, the international community will hem and haw until the removal of the Rohingya from Myanmar has been completed and action is no longer necessary. We are then likely to see some low-level military commanders carted off to The Hague as scapegoats to be tried for the crimes against humanity of an entire society.”

Given how Mainstream media sold Aung San Suu Kyi as a voice of democracy and progress, we can only suspect she is nothing but a Cabal operative….with a Canadian connection.
In short, this is the Buddhist version of Nazism, no wait, the Nazis claimed to be inspired by Buddhists. And what kind of diplomatic relations does Canada have with these ghouls? In June 2017, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, officially visited Canada. Was this to discuss the upcoming Genocide?
The following tweet is from a media source closely linked to the Burmese government.
#Canadian engagement – Interview with Canadian Ambassador to #Myanmar #Karen #MacArthur | https://t.co/lpoe2XAfQj pic.twitter.com/7jpuLLOS8N
— Mizzima News (@MizzimaNews) July 22, 2017
To quote a Burmese source named Mizzima which interviewed the Canadian Ambassador to Myanmar Karen MacArthur in July 2017,
Canada has a growing relationship with Myanmar and recently hosted a visit of Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi to Ottawa.
From the latest statistics, Canada currently has US$202 million invested in Myanmar. Bilateral trade as of 2016 stood at US$92 million, according to Canadian government statistics.
In the following interview carried out this week by Mizzima Senior Business Correspondent Aung Thura, Ambassador Karen MacArthur discusses Canada’s engagement with Myanmar and a recent seminar on the development of Yangon.
Here is what MacArthur had to say in July 2017. Mind you, the genocide was in full swing by then.
Canada is very supportive of the reform process that the government of Myanmar is putting in place. Like other countries in the world, the Canadian government, Canadian organizations and Canadian businesses are getting to know about Myanmar as it is transitioning to democracy and as it engages more with the global economy. You are finding here in Myanmar that others are coming to see what is happening here, what the opportunities are. As you engage with the rest of the world and with the global economy, you will find that Canadian companies and NGOs have come to be part of that change.
Well, rumor has it that certain Canadian interests in Calgary are actually the brains behind the genocide of the Rohingya. Lets listen to what else she had to say.
Myanmar and Canada have excellent ties. Canada has been a partner of Myanmar during its democratic transition and in terms of economic development. Canada’s bilateral development assistance supports the prosperity and well-being of targeted populations in Myanmar, particularly women, the rural poor and young people. Canada is an active donor in the country. Myanmar also benefits from Canadian development assistance through multilateral, regional and partnership channels.
In recent years, Canada has considerably increased its engagement in Myanmar, focusing on development cooperation to promote sustainable economic growth and democracy. We also offer support for peacebuilding, training on governance, and federalism.
Canada has a Trade Commissioner Service that is part of the Department of Global Affairs – the equivalent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Myanmar. The Trade Commissioner Service provides its Canadian clients practical advice on foreign markets and on-the-ground intelligence to help them achieve their goals abroad. We have our Senior Trade Commissioner here at the Embassy to develop business contacts and to promote Canada’s economic interests in Myanmar.
Canadian companies are already active in the Information and Communication Technology sector in Myanmar.
I think what you saw with the Seminar is one way in which Canada can assist and that is by bringing Canadian companies such as B+H, which have extensive experience on the topic. We were honoured to have the participations of the Union ministries of Construction and Tourism, the Yangon City government, as well as the Yangon Heritage Trust. Bringing all those players together to have a conversation about what is needed is one way we can assist.
In other words, the Criminal Elite, with Canadian players in the forefront, have just won control over Burma and are relaunching it as a regional power. But if course, they do not want to share the fruits of development with Muslims who may oppose them, so they are genociding them in advance. Later on, Burma will have a teary Canadian style Truth and Reconciliation Session, which helped whitewash the atrocities against Canadian natives.
And what did Canada do in its official capacity? It just kept repeating statements of concern. The Burmese didn’t seem to mind these harmless statements. Then on 25th June 2018, Canada claimed to have imposed sanctions. These sanctions targeted 7 Burmese officials (as if they would ever visit Canada…but who knows, maybe they did), an arms embargo, and an asset freeze of people connected with the Burmese state in Canada (not all Burmese nationals). But of course, there was a clause which allowed Canadian companies already operating there to continue business as usual (nice way to keep out the competition). The Burmese didn’t seem to mind at all. But there’s more.
Remember Ambassador Karen MacArthur? Her husband Peter MacArthur is Canada’s Ambassador to Indonesia (In Canada, connections are everything). Peter visited his wife and two children in Burma in January 2018. He and his children travelled to the south of Rakhine State to enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. This is exactly the place where the Rohingya genocide is taking place. On January 1st 2018, he tweeted this:
First day of 2018 unfolded on a Myanmar beach where the great surf is pleasingly turquoise coloured, warm, clean and clear — perfect for snorkelling to visit with nature and the fish,
The original tweet has since been deleted. And we have been assured that his wife, Canada’s ambassador to Burma did not accompany him (because evidence of her accompaniment makes her concerns for the Rohingya look like bullshit). To quote,
Global Affairs has been tight-lipped about the whereabouts of both ambassadors since ordering Mr. MacArthur to delete the tweet last week.
Global Affairs had previously told CTV News that Canada’s ambassador to Myanmar was on a “private holiday” in the southeast Asian nation with her diplomat husband, after questions emerged over the New Year’s tweet. At the time, Global Affairs spokesperson Brianne Maxwell said that their vacation “did not take place in Rakhine State.”
In an updated statement to CTV News on Monday, Maxwell said that while the “majority” of the family’s time was spent near Myanmar’s capital as a family, Ms. MacArthur’s family “stayed less than an hour away from the capital, in Southern Rakhine State, for three days in an area frequented by tourists,” without her.
Maxwell apologized for “any inadvertent error” previously.
Mr. MacArthur, who has a long and distinguished career in the diplomatic service has been accused of being tone-deaf and has not yet publicly responded to media enquiries; neither has Bob Rae, who is due to present his final report to the Prime Minister in February.
Asked what message Canada would be sending to government and military officials in Myanmar when one Canadian official was trying to access one part of Rakhine state while another was raving about the beauty of its beaches in a separate part of the province, Rae refused to comment.
Now, the question is, the Burmese authorities were very keen on not allowing foreigners anywhere into Rakhine, especially foreign diplomats. But it seems they made an exception. Or maybe like the loyal dogs they are, they do not bark to the master’s voice.
Stop This
![Many aboriginal women have disappeared along British Columbia's 'Highway of Tears.' And no, there are no UFOs involved.[CC/Flickr/User: Izithombe]](https://i0.wp.com/www.cabaltimes.com/wp-content/Highwayoftears.jpg?resize=300%2C199&ssl=1)
Many aboriginal women have disappeared along British Columbia’s ‘Highway of Tears.’ And no, there are no UFOs involved (The highway connects important centers of the Canadian Criminal Elite) [CC/Flickr/User: Izithombe]
Stop Human Slavery and Human Trafficking in Bronfmanland

The Bronfman Sisters, or what modern-day slave drivers look like. Interestingly,Clare Bronfman (right) was an equestrian before becoming involved with NXIVM. It looks like it didn’t take much effort to transition from horses to humans.
The Bronfmans are not just from Canada, they have come to represent Canada. The dope empire of this Jewish family rose to prominence after illegally exporting the dope to USA during the prohibition era. In Canada, mainstream media avoids any criticism of the Bronfmans, or even their dope.
Imagine the surprise of Canadians when Clare Bronfman was arrested on July 24, 2018 in New York City and charged with money laundering and identity theft in connection with NXIVM activities. She was released on $100 million bond and placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring. Also charged were Bronfman’s long-time mentor and NXIVM president Nancy Salzman, her daughter, NXIVM executive board member Lauren Salzman, and former NXIVM bookkeeper Kathy Russell.
Now what is NXIVM? It is the most creepy form of organized female slavery, complete with “branding” on their pubic regions. Many of the “slaves” were Canadian women, and the Bronfmans seemed to be the biggest financial contributors to this organization. You would have heard none of this but for two reasons
- A self-styled American crusader named Frank Parlato decided to take on NXIVM. You can check his website here. Interestingly, Frank Parlato was earlier involved in single-handedly breaking the monopoly of a Canadian company on crusie ship tours of the Niagara Falls, so he is no stranger to corruption in Canada.
- A porn star tried to scandalize President Trump. Some say she was connected to NXIVM. It was around this time when everything came tumbling down for NXIVM.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the role of Sara Bronfman in this cult:
Sara and Clare became committed followers of NXIVM and of its leader, Keith Raniere, relocating to upstate New York to work as NXIVM trainers. Sara began working with Raniere’s company Executive Success Programs, Inc. (ESP) and its “proprietary technology” Rational Inquiry™, which had been created by Raniere. According to one source, “She founded the company’s VIP Programs, which provide distinguished individuals with special training and coaching. These programs[,] facilitated by the company’s President Nancy Salzman, were responsible for launching ESP into the British and Irish markets in 2005.” Soon Sara Bronfman was on the Executive Board of ESP and had become “Director of Humanities, Regional Vice President, Professional Coach and Head Trainer.”
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the role of Clare Bronfman in this cult:
Through NXIVM founder Keith Raniere and her sister, Sara, Bronfman became involved in NXIVM’s personal advancement program and “Executive Success Program” (“ESP”) workshops. The sisters became committed followers and financial backers of NXIVM and Raniere, relocating to upstate New York to work as NXIVM trainers. Clare Bronfman also served as event coordinator for “Vanguard Week,” an annual festival celebrating Raniere’s birthday, stating that “the purpose of ‘V Week’ is to get the chance to experience a civilized world… [and] craft for ourselves a more fulfilling, purposeful life.”
In 1993, a Forbes magazine article reported that Edgar Bronfman, Sr. “once took a course” from NXIVM “and endorsed the program,” but had not then “talked to his daughters in months and has grown troubled over the long hours and emotional and financial investment they have been devoting to Raniere’s group. One daughter, Clare, 24, has lent the program $2 million, at 2.5% interest, the senior Bronfman says (she denies this),” and quotes her father as stating, “I think it’s a cult.”
In 2018, Raniere and associate Allison Mack were arrested and indicted on several federal charges involving a cult alleged to operate within NXIVM, namely, “DOS”; charges included sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit forced labor. In a post on the ESP website, Bronfman insisted that “neither NXIVM nor Keith have abused or coerced anyone,” but confirmed the existence of DOS, stating: “[W]hile I am not and never have been a member of the sorority… [it] has not coerced nor abused anyone. In fact, the sorority has truly benefited the lives of its members, and does so freely. I find no fault in a group of women… freely taking a vow of loyalty and friendship with one another to feel safe while pushing back against the fears that have stifled their personal and professional growth. It’s not for any of us to judge how they, or anyone else, choose to advance their lives and values.”
The Rabbit Hole is too deep for this site, so please continue on Frank Parlato’s site. And just a side note, Canada human trafficking figures (which normally translates into sex trafficking figures) are rather high compared to its population.