Why They Need the Neanderthals…
The Phoenicians want you to believe that as opposed to man’s perfect creation in the heavens, and his descent from the heavens to earth, man “evolved” from apes that were already roaming on earth.
The Phoenicians want you to believe that as opposed to man’s perfect creation in the heavens, and his descent from the heavens to earth, man “evolved” from apes that were already roaming on earth.
The recent ousting of populist Prime Minister Imran Khan, by the combined efforts of the Pakistani Military, the Pakistani Intelligence and the Pakistani Judiciary has many people pointing fingers in different directions. Here is our analysis.
With Covid vaccines estimated to have killed 13 million people worldwide, its time to take a second look at some of the public faces associated with this nightmare.
A Redditor points out a major hole in the theory of Darwinian evolution, which has conveniently been swept under the carpet.
The Phoenicians made considerable efforts to conquer India through the British. Would they give it all up to some local leaders after two centuries, or did they have their very own set of leaders/movements for a post-British Subcontinent? For the first time ever in history, we analyze the failed “Rebellion” of 1857 as a Spook Op. And we discover that it is being used as a Playbook for Spook Ops to the present day!
I normally do not link up to other people’s content, but please put aside one hour of your time and just press play….
In a series of essays on the Pacific Theatre of World War II, a contributor to the Miles Mathis website has done a driveby history of Imperial Japan, that in my opinion, is more revealing than anything you will find in your University library.
With such a shortage of balls for justified rage, where do “mass shooters” get theirs?
At a time when terms like “conspiracy,” “New World Order,” “World Government,” “Illuminati” and “Deep State” raised eyebrows, one American Congressman was actively drawing attention to them. His prescient warnings are as true as they were in 1983.
A theory circulating on the Internet claims that what is being touted as an outbreak of Monkeypox is actually Shingles, a well-documented side effect of using mRNA vaccines. We discover additional monkey business.
On 12th March 2022, we came across an interesting prediction by WallStreetBets, that China was more broke than ever. Now, there is even further confirmation flying in from all directions.
This analysis demonstrates that while the timing of the Russian-Ukraine War was indeed whimsical and suspicious, the war itself had been in the works for decades, and will ominously unfold into an even bigger conflict, as planned. As we shall explore, the “war” actually fits into several concurrent agendas of the The Powers That Be. But as with all human-made plans, things aren’t exactly going as planned
“Wall Street, China, and Russia are all broke and shit is going to get real over the next few months. Or, to put it another way, some dude named Noah moved next door and started building a boat in his backyard, and you’re just beginning to feel some raindrops.”
Present-day China is like a black-box. You can sometimes catch the echoes of what goes on inside, if you are watching/reading/listening carefully. It is only sometimes that a genuine insider account emerges.
Just as the Phoenicians are obscured from history, so are their historical enemies. Of course, Circassians and Kurds are not the only ones. But this analysis reveals that they occupy top positions on the hit list.
Most readers of this website see the UN as a shady organization that operates out of an office building in New York, which relies on the financial support of the Globalists and the “aid” of developed nations (without which it would fold over in a couple of weeks). Given the number of nations pushing UN “Goals” at Expo2020, looks like that is about to change.
Some advice is timeless.
Recently, a new treaty emerged between Australia, the US and the UK, in which the latter two pledged extensive military cooperation to protect Australia from China’s imminent aggression. However, is Australia even relevant to the equation anymore? Why didn’t they choose Japan or even India?
Something odd is happening in Kabul right now.
Dr. Dan Stock, a specialist in Immunology and Inflammation, gave a six minute presentation to a US School Board on 6th August 2021, in which he made an articulate case that the CDC’s Covid-19 protocols were not just futile, but unscientific. He drew attention to the fact that since Covid-19 had animal reservoirs, it will always be with us (unless they start vaccinating all the animals, which could be amusing). NoNewNormal, a popular Subreddit which played a key role in making his presentation viral, has now been “quarantined” by Reddit.