Category: Cabal@Dalhousie

Cabal Times

The Gazette Sticks to Disinfo and PR

I emailed the Dalhousie Gazette (Samantha  Elmsley), the same campus newspaper which once mocked me, to publish an abridged version of my narrative on this page. She pretended I was dead and did not reply. I sent an email to several Dalhousie contacts about this disturbing silence. Here is the text: I am a Dalhousie alumni, and I intend to publish my experiences at Dal (as well as some advice) in the next PRINT edition of the Dalhousie Gazette (see attached doc). I understand that some of...

Cabal Times

How they play the Lawyers….

I had a particular lawyer in mind to represent me against Dalhousie. I had found him after a lot of effort. But after I contacted him, he informed me he could be of no help. Apparently, Dalhousie University had already sent big business to his legal firm, and this would create a conflict of interest. If you happen to be a lawyer in Halifax, why don’t you offer to represent me? Maybe your firm too will get big business from...

Cabal Times

Creepy Masonic Exhibit at SMU

A creepy exhibit with blatantly Masonic undertones pops up at the Art Gallery at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. This Masonic exhibit was titled Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia by Scott Saunders. There were original artifacts from an actual Masonic Lodge.