Category: Cabal@Dalhousie

Cabal Times

A Vaccine-Peddling Lobby affiliated with Dal?

Come lookey over here. “Canadian researchers” (many affiliated to DAL) are suddenly concerned about vaccine adverse reactions and have come together to create a group to study these adverse reactions. And the Government is going to shower them with $800,000 of taxpayer funds (while at the same time showering millions at Moderna to set up a plant in Canada). Except that nothing is what it seems to be. And these groups might be vaccine pushers disguised as research organizations.  ...

Cabal Times


Students who believe in “My Body my Right” must put their enrollment at Dal on hold until Dal clarifies their vaccine policy. If they demand you take experimental, untested vaccines or gene therapy to attend their campus, it is unlikely they will compensate you for injury or death. It is also unlikely that you will be allowed to continue as a student if you develop a debilitating syndrome such as Bells Palsy (In that case, even Walmart®may not hire you)....

Cabal Times

How mRNA Vaccines cause Blood Clots

Here is the full Transcript of the interview of Dr. Charles Hoffe on how mRNA Vaccines cause Blood Clots, and how up to 60% of mRNA Vaccine Recipients could succumb to Heart Failure! Dr. Charles Hoffe believes that the mRNA vaccines create microscopic blood clots in the capillaries of the vaccinated and at least 60 percent of mRNA based vaccine recipients could eventually succumb to heart failure! Dr. Hoffe believes that the majority of the blood clots are microscopic and...

Cabal Times

On the Cult of the Shallow

Naturopath Amanda Vollmer, on the Cult of the Shallow. Some great insight into the psychology of hopelessly compliant people. Any contradictory information- they will immediately dismiss it, they will never entertain the other side..they will always come first with the illusion and this is why the psyop now has worked so well on them. This is why they are boasting, so proud of their behaviors, that they are good little citizen-slaves, good little robots, they don’t question anything that comes...

Cabal Times

Saline vaccines for “Special people.”

A common argument used by pro-vaxxers is that they won’t accept the risk of vaccines unless they see everybody around them dropping dead immediately. Some anti-vaxxers have long argued that not all batches of the vaccine actually contain its active ingredients. Many batches just contain harmless saline solution. Of course, if that is the case, we may never know the correct proportion, and we may never know what mechanisms they have in place to decide who gets what. But recently,...

Cabal Times

A meme-worthy moment in the history of Atlantic Canada

On 14th May, 2021 Nova Scotia sought an injunction preventing Freedom Nova Scotia and others from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia’s public health orders. On 18th June 2021 Nova Scotia petitioned its Supreme Court to have the injunction lifted. It was thankfully lifted on the 22nd.  But on 31st May 2021, Dr. Strang was quoted as follows regarding the injunction in question. This is going down as a meme-worthy moment in the history of Atlantic Canada. I...

Cabal Times

Living in Nova Scotia Unaffordable!

Woah. It looks like someone in Vancouver did the math. And they find living in Nova Scotia unaffordable! To quote, Question from someone in BC, how do you afford to live here? I’m from BC and enjoy browsing real estate prices across Canada sometimes. I keep getting blasted with advertisements from NS asking me to move there. I looked at a house in Dartmouth and checked again today that same house sold for over 800K. It’s pretty close to it’s...

Cabal Times

A shocking Vaccine-Injury Testimonial from Nova Scotia

This testimonial is from Fred Pye of Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, Canada. This is his twitter, which contains heart-rending videos of him shaking uncontrollably and having convulsions. In case the videos go down, you will find a backup here and here. His family has organized a GoFundme. Strange enough, there is no mention of this in the Nova Scotia media. I found this testimonial on a US activist website which showcases the efforts of Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) for vaccine...

Cabal Times

Drug Abundance

Ever wonder why it is that you can legally get addictive drugs, opioids and even rare mushrooms? But an inexpensive drug used to prevent and treat Covid-19 is nowhere to be found.

Cabal Times

Euthanasia and Vaccination

This the latest issue of a journal issued by the Canadian Medical Protective Association. It’s main audience is doctors and medico-legal professionals. The cover story is how doctors should address “vaccine hesitancy and refusal” and document it in their records (because sometimes those who survive vaccine injuries sue). In the same issue, there is advice for prescribing euthanasia. If you don’t find that dystopian, there is something wrong with you. Unrelated to the magazine, these two issues highlight the problem...

Cabal Times

Road Travel Restrictions; NS vs NB

Here is an interesting flowchart created by a Redditor to help you with your “Coming to NS from NB” decisions. New Brunswick got a major relaxation because there were protests. The Cabal carefully adjusts policy according to what public pressure they face. Their lockdown policy across Canadian and American states is a litmus test which shows what kind of people live where. As for Halifax, a few weeks back, we weren’t allowed to cross the bridge into Dartmouth (because of...

Cabal Times

New Brunswick reopens ahead of schedule

It seems New Brunswick went ahead and opened up to the rest of Canada ahead of schedule. Credit goes to woke non-stupid elements in their population, particularly French Canadians some French Canadians. However, this move suddenly makes Nova Scotia look stupid, because Strang and the Gang wanted to perpetually maintain their “Atlantic Bubble.” But now opening the border to New Brunswick means that the bubble is technically burst. And Nova Scotians are feeling very very stupid. So the Nova Scotia...

Cabal Times

Pilots Dropping

In news you never heard about, four British Airways pilots are dead, one Delta pilot is dead. A Canadian pilot became unconscious on the runway. It seems all of them got the vaccine. In another strange development, authorities in Russia and Spain warned vaccinated individuals to avoid flying. Does high altitude exacerbate blood clots? Update: Its Official.

Cabal Times

Dr. Chris Milburn Fired

The Department Head of Emergency Medicine for Nova Scotia’s Eastern Zone, Dr. Chris Milburn, made some comments on a 10th June 2021 radio show. To quote, “Most civilized places in the world left young kids in school all through this. My problem with it is number one: it’s completely unscientific, political and crass, to make it look like we’re doing good things. And number two, it’s harmful for the poorest kids.” He also said this about Strang and the Gang:...

Cabal Times

Dr. Byram Bridle

One Canadian MP (not from the Maritimes, of course), has had the courage to raise concern about the censorship of doctors and scientists in Canada. One of his guest speakers, Vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle confirms a link between mRNA based vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and myocarditis. Note that in Canada, they quickly started promoting Moderna once the link between the Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis became established (In Europe, Moderna has been renamed after the same issues were found with it)....

Cabal Times

Nova Scotia makes it to the list

Nova Scotia has made it to the Top Ten Dumbest Covid-19 Policies, produced by the Canadian Constitution Foundation. Here is their winning entry: LIMITS ON SOCIAL MEDIA POSTSThe Nova Scotia government went to court to stop a group of protestors opposed to COVID. The government was granted a court order stopping the protest, and the order even prevented the protestors from posting about their event on social media. This unconstitutional violation of free speech was totally unnecessary. Also, did you...

Cabal Times


As per official figures, 25,566 Canadians have died of Covid-19 so far. Now that we know for fact that Ivermectin has played a key role in saving thousands of lives in other parts of the world, will those who deliberately falsified its effectiveness and blockaded its import so that they could promote dangerous and experimental vaccines be standing trial? The fact that nobody in the “educated and research-oriented community” of Halifax is saying this only proves that they are mostly...