Category: Cabal@Dalhousie

Cabal Times

How to Lie with Statistics

Statistics Canada stopped reporting death counts and now only reports ‘estimates’, adding thousands of deaths in July because of previous patterns In other news, Statistics Canada is hiring 32,000 people for the “2021 Census.” Maybe because they need more precise demographic information, once the Mandatory Vaccination Program becomes operational.

Cabal Times

Nova Scotians are technically prisoners right now

Newcomers to Nova Scotia, did you know that you are expected to play prisoner? Of course, the numerous air travel restrictions in place do not affect the Criminal Elite and their familes. There are entire classes of people who are exempt from Quarantine requirements. To quote a Federal website, National interest – A person or any person in a class of persons whose presence in Canada is determined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration...

Cabal Times

The Covid Police

There is a saying that a fool and his money don’t stay together for very long. By extension, fools and their rights also don’t stay together for very long. A mere 19 years ago, some of these upstanding citizens of the “free world” were fighting to “liberate” the Afghan people. Too bad there is nobody to liberate them from the brutality of their own police. More details here.

Cabal Times


You cannot enter the ER on Robie without the mask. Only an N95 mask can actually protect you (and others), but conformity rocks.

Cabal Times

“Quarantine Sites” in the Maritimes

In news you never heard of, a “Federal Quarantine/Isolation Site” has already been established near the Halifax International Airport, another in St. John’s and four more in Irvingia New Brunswick! Another is being planned for in Charlottetown. In a normal government, these things would be debated and discussed in legislatures and the parliament. But the the only politician who raised this issue is Randy Hillier (in the Ontario Legislature). “Elected Officials” from the Maritimes know when to keep quiet. And...

Cabal Times


Halifax media is deliberately misleading on the Mi’kmaw moderate livelihood fishery issue by keeping Clearwater out of the picture, and portraying the issue as strictly between the indigenous community and the Government. To quote, Clearwater uses one huge fishing boat to fish LFA 41. This boat has 6,500 traps, where an owner-operator commercial boat would have up to 400 and a Mi’kmaq moderate livelihood boat would have 50. It is practically impossible for Clearwater to drop and collect its traps...

Cabal Times

Covid-19 Restrictions Specifically targeting International Students

With the imposition of arbitrary terms and conditions for self-isolation, as well as the imposition of Stasi-level spying and surveillance, complete with police kicking doors and issuing $1000 fines, Dalhousie and other Maritime Universities are no longer a realistic option for any student who has to travel abroad. These Universities have effectively thrown such students under the bus. But formally, they avoid stating as such, because doing that would entitle such students to refunds and compensations. They still want your...

Cabal Times

Bogus Religious Orgs in Halifax

With claims of decades of abuse coming out of Shambhala International, is it safe to say that almost every major religion on this planet, as well as every major Christian denomination, has a parody-scam version of it based in Halifax? For example, I noticed that one Muslim community leader is actually a shrewd businessman disguised as a preacher, whose speciality is scamming the Kuwaiti Ministry of Religious Endowments into financing religious projects in Halifax (which then morph into real estate...

Cabal Times

Something in the Water

Nearly 84% of Nova Scotia public schools had elevated levels of lead in water, and the Education Minister is downplaying it, because you are supposed to fear the Coronavirus!

Cabal Times

Talking Points for the Sockpuppets

Dalhousie is treading cautiously on the Mi’kmaw moderate livelihood fishery issue. They don’t want to be seen as against the Indigenous people (which they are, considering the donations they recieve from entities like TransCanada Pipelines). To the point that they even issued talking points to their faculty. The only “scientific experts” who need “talking points” are muppets clinging on to their dear tenures and pensions (which applies to most of Dalhousie faculty). Which is why any scientific opinion coming from...

Cabal Times

Replacement 2020

As you may have learnt, one of the side-objectives of the Lockdown was to eviscerate small shops and local businesses by giving their employees incentive to not show up for work. But an unexpected fallout of this strategy was that many lazy (as well as timid and overly dramatic) Maritimers decided to stop showing up for work at Big Box Retailers, Schools and Government Agencies, despite having full salaries, pensions and benefits. The Big Box Retailers are already making a...

Cabal Times

On “Defund the Police”

The “Defund the Police” Campaign is not as innocent as you think it is. Granted, the present-day police consists of police officers, not peace officers, even though they may identify as the latter for marketing purposes. The answer is to reform the police. For example, make them accountable. Ban membership in Secret Societies and Fraternities. But if you live here, you know thats not going to happen. Instead, local police is being limited because the Military Police (under the Federal...

Cabal Times

Chinese style organ stealing coming to Nova Scotia

Did you know that over the years, China has executed upto 1.5 million political prisoners just to harvest their organs? The majority appear to be healthy meditation practioners (The Falun Gong) and the Uyghurs, who in this leaked drone footage, are seen being marched into trains, Auschwitz style. The hair of their captured and murdered women was later exported to USA as wigs. The Communist Party of China was originally implanted by Western Criminal interests, and continues to be remotely...

Cabal Times

Apply for Self-Isolation Waiver

Did you know that if you are a megarich executive, Dr. Strang may waive self-isolation requirements? Maybe their inbred DNA is more resilient to the virus. Update: The exception has been cancelled after members of the surrogate class raised eyebrows.To quote, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health says he never should have approved a plan to allow three executives from Irving Shipbuilding to travel to America to meet with contractors and then return to work without having to self-isolate...

Cabal Times

Is NSCAD turning into a Dalousy?

The firing of hugely popular President Aoife Mac Namara by the Board indicates some serious conflicts of interest lurking among members of the Board. The most baffling aspect of the saga is, considering the culture of corruption in Nova Scotia Academia, how did such a brilliant person become President in the first place? Take the example of Dalhousie. Members of faculty who exceed expectations do not get to be President. This post is reserved exclusively for Cabal families, and sometimes,...

Cabal Times


On 16th April 2020, the following graffiti was sighted near the intersection of Dunbrack Street and Main Street.     Its quite amusing to find that there is still some evidence of the existence of woke people in this city. I thought they all went extinct a long time ago. To find out why Hydroxychloroquine and other alternatives to vaccines are relevant, click here. The graffiti has been removed, which is understandable. But it seems that cameras have been installed...

Cabal Times

Nova Scotia #1 Again

According to Statistics Canada, Nova Scotia had the lowest median after-tax income of all Canadian provinces, since the last two years. #NovaScotiaCorrupt.

Cabal Times

Classes Stop. Yet tuition goes up.

All Halifax Universities are raising tuition, even though classes going online means significantly less overhead. To quote a concerned student: SMU students were just told that our fall semester is going to be online along with all post-secondary institutions here. Why then is the tuition being raised and not lowered for most, if not all of the universities in Halifax??? They’re not going to be able to offer half of the in person services which are part of our tuition...

Cabal Times

Ventilators Gone Wild

Was the high death toll achieved at Northwood Nursing Home a case of Ventilators Gone Wild? We do have confirmation that ventilators were indeed used (and available). Do join the class action suit if you were affected.

Cabal Times

On Old and New Slavery

While there has not been a whimper of protest regarding the loss of personal rights and freedoms following the plandemic pandemic, it has to be asked, does Dalhousie University really care about Black Lives? To start with, the founder of Dalhousie University, George Ramsay, the 9th Earl of Dalhousie, claimed he wanted to create a college open to all in 1818. But like the hypocrite he was, women were not admitted until 1881, and it was in 1896 that the...