Category: Cabal@Dalhousie

Cabal Times

HIGH WEIRDNESS: Dalhousie had already jumped into the COVID-19 vaccine bandwagon even before the virus became publicly known!

To quote a Dalhousie article dated 1st April 2020: Because the novel coronavirus is new to the human population, the only people with specific antibodies to it are those who’ve been exposed to the virus. Until there is a vaccine, effective public health measures are the primary line of defence. To give some perspective, Canada confirmed its first case of Covid-19 on 25th January 2020. So here is Dalhousie University pushing for vaccines a mere two months later! It seems...

Cabal Times

How Canadian Intelligence recruits people for gang-stalking their victims

Apparently, such pieces of human garbage don’t need to know why they are stalking someone or how the information will be used. As long as the cheque’s in the mail they are fine with it. Now lets suppose some highly placed pedocrat in an Ottawa government building sees an attractive female skating down the Rideau Canal, these are exactly the stalkers that will be deployed to figure out her background (If her family is existent and supportive, they might raise...

Cabal Times

Nova Scotia Going Nuclear with its Covid-19 Response

If you think something is off about the response to COVID-19, you are not alone. To quote NS Privacy Lawyer David Fraser, “I’m concerned in it as far as the rule of law is concerned,” said Fraser. “So if the police are being given the power to enforce these orders, that should only happen when the public has access to those orders and understands what exactly is contained in them, otherwise police are just enforcing a press release.” While Fraser...

Cabal Times

NS RCMP officer being investigated for Child Porn.

NS RCMP officer being investigated for Child Porn. So now you know where all the seized Child Porn goes. They are so desperate that they are using controversial Clearview AI facial recognition technology to locate victims (who then disappear into the system once separated from their families, and end up being trafficked to the Criminal Elite, where they get re-abused).

Cabal Times

Nova Scotia Healthcare Crisis

This website (and their Twitter account) presents the most pertinent issues facing Nova Scotia Healthcare. And no, its not the work of the “inspired Minds” at Dal. Update: The site now seems to be offline. But another website (which seems unrelated to this one) is making news. Check out This is stuff you wont find in the local news.

Cabal Times

Dalhousie University’s Shady Financial Supporters

Check out some of Dalhousie University’s financial supporters…such as…. Update: It seems that Dalhousie has quite a cozy relationship with Transcanada Pipelines. They are not just receiving money from them but are actually investing funds with them. To quote, In Issue 12 of the Dalhousie Gazette, News editor Karla Renic reported that Dalhousie’s 2019 Treasury Investments Report showed over $27 million publicly traded (PT) equity holdings in mining, oil, and gas. Of that, $2,388,700 was invested into TransCanada Corporation — the owners of the Coastal...

Cabal Times

Dalousy’s Lousy University Ranking

According to the 2020 QS World University Rankings, Dalhousie ranks a measly #280. There are Universities in some very poor emerging economies that have ranked better. Things are apparently going downhill because in 2012, they ranked #243. Among the five categories, Dalhousie ranks nowhere in the top 20 ones. If we go strictly by Canadian Universities (approximately 20 in total which are ranked), Dalhousie ranks #16 in Engineering and Technology, #11 in Life Sciences and Medicine, at the very bottom...

Cabal Times

Omar Khadr is coming to town!

On 10th February 2020, Canadian-Egyptian former “child soldier” and ex-Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr will be a keynote speaker at an exclusive event hosted on Dalhousie campus by the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, in partnership with Dalhousie University’s Open Dialogue series. Since anything (and any person) promoted by this University usually boils down to Cabal projects, it’s time to point out some glaring contradictions and factual inconsistencies in the mainstream narrative of the Khadr family saga. Please click here...

Cabal Times

On 20th November 2019, the shady Dalhousie Student Union quietly passed a motion to disallow livestreaming of its meetings.

To quote, Soon after this motion was brought forward, council voted to discuss it in-camera. This means everyone in the gallery had to leave council chambers for the duration of the discussion, so we have no way of knowing what was said during that hour. However, before going in-camera, DSU President Aisha Abawajy said livestreaming makes councillors uncomfortable.  “Folks don’t feel comfortable speaking when it’s plastered everywhere,” she said. Her point is moot. If DSU executives and representatives can’t stand...

Cabal Times

Warning about Chinese Intelligence Activities in Halifax Universities

Not understanding this reality may have lethal consequences for you if you are involved in any form of activism the Communist Party of China dislikes, or if you belong to a persecuted group in China. To understand the historic relationship between the Halifax Criminal Elite and the Communist Party of China, some unlearning is required. Lets start with what is publicly known about the relationship between the two. So far Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil has taken eight trips to China,...

Cabal Times

Did the RCMP try to frame an innocent man for murder?

In 1995, a woman was brutally murdered in Dartmouth. Glen Assoun was found guilty of the murder and served 17 years in prison, but always denied the crime. In 2019, he was fully exonerated. What happened? Apparently, he was framed. To quote Tim Bousquet (Halifax Examiner), Moore [an RCMP Constable] went to RCMP inspector Andy Lathem, the head of the major crimes section of the RCMP. Moore told Lathem of his suspicion that McGray, not Assoun, killed Way. Lathem asked...

Cabal Times

A Rumble in Irvingia (aka New Brunswick)

This article appeared in a French newspaper in April 2019 but was ignored in all Canadian media because it was about the Irvings. To quote, The family control all English-language newspapers in New Brunswick. Only the French-language daily L’Acadie Nouvelle is not a part of their empire, although they print it. They have acquired many local radio and television stations, and the University of New Brunswick presses. The conflicts of interest are grotesque: group-owned media reflect the positions of the...

Cabal Times

According to Dalhousie study, you need not bother about the existence of microwave weapons.

In autumn 2016, some US diplomats posted in Havana reported sensory and auditory stimuli followed by dizziness, tinnitus and accompanied by cognitive symptoms. Shortly thereafter, Canadian government personnel and their families began presenting with similar neurological symptoms. This was attributed to Microwave weapons, and very soon, victims of government gangstalking in USA and Canada started claiming that their symptoms matched those of the diplomats. There was suddenly a case in favour of the existence of such secret undocumented weapons, and...

Cabal Times

The Connection between Universities and Organized Pedophilia

Did you know that Pedo-Blackmail organizing billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was on the boards of several major league Universities? To quote the horse’s mouth, Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member. Mr. Epstein is also an active member of the Edge Organization. It doesn’t end there. To quote on his Harvard connections,...

Cabal Times

Is CSIS trying to recruit Muslim students at Dalhousie for cheesy “terror” street theatre?

According to a former Dalhousie student Ramz Aziz (who was President of the Dalhousie Student Association in 2012), CSIS came looking for him, offering their “services,” which they elaborated as follows: Let’s say your parents are kidnapped in Pakistan, and someone forces you to do something you don’t want to do,” the officer explained. “If you’re ever in that situation, you can call us. Go ahead and read in between the lines. Does CSIS really care about the non-Canadian parents...

Cabal Times

Somebody is Scared

In April 2018, a nineteen year old Nova Scotian teenager had his home raided by 15 police officers and ended up being arrested. His crime? Writing a one-line program that downloaded Freedom of Information Requests onto his hard-drive. These were improperly stored in the public directory of a government website. The Powers That Be went berserk because they could not let him see Freedom of Information Requests granted to other parties. What were they hiding?

Cabal Times

Where are the Experts when you need them?

Did you know that Nova Scotia has the highest new cancer cases for men and women in all of Canada? Some blame it on naturally occuring arsenic seeping into the groundwater. The Dalousy Medical School is yet to figure out (maybe in another 200 years?).

Cabal Times

The State of Public Debate and Free Speech in Nova Scotia

Former Halifax chiropractor Dena Churchill (her Facebook) ordered to pay $100K related to anti-vaccine Facebook posts. Interestingly, the guidelines from the National Chiropractic Association, which is observed by the Nova Scotia College, is for chiropractors not to discuss vaccines in any capacity. Even though Chiropracters do not administer vaccines. Never knew that a Professional License could be used to curtail free speech.

Cabal Times

Pleb Candidate Dropped. To be replaced by Cabal operative

Dartmouth-Cole Harbour NDP Nominee Rana Zaman has been dropped from the NDP after it was found that she had criticized some sacred cows in tweets last year. Take note that the only political party which was genuine in the entire history of Canada was the short-lived Alberta Social Credit Party. Its leaders would not be dropped but would mysteriously die off. Devoting energy and resources to ANY other political party is a waste of time, because at the end of...

Cabal Times

A fake Student Union repressing real Unions!

The Dalhousie Student Union fired three employees which inadvertently resulted in a temporary closure of the Grawood Lounge. The employees were rumoured to be in the process of joining the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. This is a rather Quixotic case of a fake Student Union suppressing a legitimate Union. Note that the Cabal has gone into disinformation overdrive suggesting that this was all the fault of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), which the DSU was contemplating to...