Whats Going on here?
Halifax Cop rapes same victim twice (RCMP Cover-up in progress). Only a Cabal family background would give him such degree of protection. Since the name is not being released, feel free to guess which family/clan/cabal.
Halifax Cop rapes same victim twice (RCMP Cover-up in progress). Only a Cabal family background would give him such degree of protection. Since the name is not being released, feel free to guess which family/clan/cabal.
We had earlier covered Dalhousie Med Student Chris Hillier, who has currently fled to South America after Dal went “Black Ops” on him in retaliation for whistle-blowing. You can read about that here. On 22nd March 2019, Chris Hillier contacted me through his new Facebook account and sent me an updated version of the original document that details his ongoing ordeal. In it, we find this perplexing piece of information: I saw one woman (a Dalhousie student) admitted to the...
On 1st February 2019, news broke that Gerald Cotten, the Canadian CEO of cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX (who had moved to Nova Scotia), had died in suspicious circumstances in India — and taken the passwords to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of digital money with him to the grave. Business as usual, except for the fact that some believe the death to have been faked. Some Bitcoin experts believe that there is no way US $190 million worth of Bitcoins...
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia has been conspiring with a few Fishermen from Glace Bay over a long period of time. DFO is enabling and abetting this behavior which forms a definite “conscious wrongdoing”. The end result is that senior management at DFO uploaded their responsibility, and converted this “Joint Project Agreement” or contracts to fish Snow Crab off Louisbourg into a political ideology. The decision to issue Snow Crab Licenses to these Fishermen...
Just noticed some interesting research that came out of Dalhousie University in 2010: Dalhousie scientists Henrietta Mann, Bhavleen Kaur and researchers from the University of Seville, in Spain, investigated samples from rusticles taken from the Titanic. Using DNA technology, they identified a new bacterial species, Halomonas titanicae. This bacterium is of particular interest as part of the cycle of the rusting of submerged metal structures and the release, ‘recycling’, of iron back into the environment. First Published Online: 01 December...
Sometime back, the Irvings started gloating over how their generational shipbuilding mafia business was contributing to the economy through a “Ships Start Here” Campaign. They stopped doing that. Here is the reason why: Representatives from the federal government have recently made comments suggesting they plan to move some of the Halifax-class ship repair work away from the Irving Shipyard. The loss of this work would be a loss for the Nova Scotian economy and families across the province. Logistically...
In a development that could have serious repercussions for the future of the Dalhousie Medical School, Saudi Arabia has announced that they intend to recall Saudi students studying on scholarships in Canada, and enroll them in Universities in other parts of the world. To quote, Riyadh has decided to suspend its scholarship and fellowship programs in Canada amid the ongoing row with Ottawa provoked by Canada’s criticism of human rights activists’ arrests in the ultra-conservative kingdom. Saudi Arabia announced on...
Dalhousie is in the news again! Give me a break Dalhousie, its summer. To quote, Dalhousie University is investigating complaints of bullying and harassment against the dean of its faculty of management. Sylvain Charlebois came to Dalhousie as the result of an executive search by a professional headhunting firm. Previously, he was a professor in the College of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph in Ontario from 2010 to 2016. A story about the complaints and subsequent investigation...
Just received an email from Dalhousie Alumni Engagement announcing that Dalhousie University President Dr. Richard Florizone will be stepping down as President in the new year. Looks like Dalhousie is due for a major diaper change following the failure of whitewashing the Dentistry scandal, the Masuma Khan affair and the Chris Hillier issue. We expect the next President to further streamline Cabal activity at Dalhousie.
Dr. Gabrielle Horne, a Halifax cardiologist who successfully sued the former Capital District Health Authority after her hospital privileges were reduced, has had her damages reduced to to $800,000 from $1.4 million by a Nova Scotia Court. Dr. Gabrielle Horne had a high-profile research grant in 2002, but her superior(s) tried induct their “researcher(s)” into her project. After being uncooperative, Dr. Horne was subjected to a campaign of character assassination, blackballing, and academic mobbing. Guess who the Capital District Health...
According to an official email, Arig al Shaibah, Dalhousie’s first vice-provost, student affairs “will be leaving Dalhousie for another position at the end of March.” Arig al Shaibah will be remembered as the public face of the inquisition attempted inquisition Masuma Khan, the Vice-President of the Dalhousie Student Union. To quote her in a public release dated 23/10/2017, In this particular case, there was enough evidence for me to determine that this should be examined under section C1.f. of the...
Did you know that according to 2016 census data, Nova Scotia remains the province with the highest poverty rate in Atlantic Canada (15%) and of all Canadian provinces, only Manitoba and British Columbia have a higher poverty rate than Nova Scotia. We also find a poverty rate of well over 30% in the towns of Yarmouth, Digby, and Parrsboro. To further quote on child poverty which ie even higher, At 40%, the rate of poverty among Black children in Nova...
On 28th June 2017, Masuma Khan, the Vice-President of the Dalhousie Student Union, put forward a motion that the DSU not participate in the Canada 150 celebrations. The motion passed with the overwhelming support of the union’s voting members, including four of its vice-presidents and president. This was done in respect of the indigenous people of Canada, for whom Canada continues to be a nightmare. Needless to say, the DSU and Masuma Khan exchanged brickbats on social media for their...
Katie George-Jim, an Indigenous member of Dalhousie University’s board of governors says she was subjected to institutionalized racism at a recent meeting, prompting a later apology from the board’s chairman (Lawrence Stordy). The meeting took place on 27th June 2017. Following the President’s report, there was time allotted for suggestions, comments and questions. Katie George-Jim drew attention to the proposed revision of the Ceremonial Mace. The Ceremonial Mace is a decorated staff that is used during the Convocation Ceremony. It...
Nova Scotia celebrity resident and so-called inventor of the Telephone, the late Alexander Graham Bell was a Cabal operative. The name Bell is derived from Baal, a pagan calf-god Jews Phoenicians once worshiped. The thing actually neighed mooed when wind would pass around, and the cult members would swoon in euphoria. The name Bell occurs in elite circles, and during my persecution at Dal, even I encountered a Bell. But that’s not all. Did you know that Bell may have...
29/08/2017: Just like the founder of Dalhousie University, the “founder” of Halifax Edward Cornwallis was neither an entrepreneur, nor a scientist, nor a thinker or an intellectual. He was British military officer with ties to the East India Company, a notorious corporation that while producing nothing of value, sold commodities cheaply obtained from the East for several times their value, and usually under monopolistic conditions. The East India Company oversaw the destruction of entire nations, and even continents. The brother...
To quote Dalhousie University, Our impact on economic development of communities is enabled by the many university activities that foster creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. But what is exactly the state of innovation in this “smart” little University city of Halifax? To give one of many examples, Uber, a highly innovative taxi service has been deemed illegal in Halifax because the city won’t give it a “Taxi License.” To quote, Earlier this week, Ottawa city council announced plans to loosen taxi...
The founder of Dalhousie University, George Ramsay, the 9th Earl of Dalhousie, claimed he wanted to create a college open to all in 1818. But like the hypocrite he was, women were not admitted until 1881, and it was in 1896 that the first black student graduated. Now there is documentation that he was a racist. To quote, There are documented statements from George Ramsay expressing views on race, slavery, and settlers and freed slaves of African descent that are...
An overly curious Californian map enthusiast named Dan Shaw noticed something interesting in a map of Nova Scotia. He joined several places which had the word “Cross” in them and noticed that they form a hexagram (An occult symbol). He then used GPS to find the central point of the hexagram, which he drove to. The central point of the hexagram turned up in a property which was once the private estate of a Solicitor General of Nova Scotia. On...
This critter had a rather unnoticed life, feeding off detritus on the ocean floor. Occasionally, prison inmates and very poor people were forced to eat it. But when Maritimers rendered their fishing sites barren due to trawler-based over-fishing, they started rounding up the lobsters and marketing them as a delicacy. Even though their rubbery meat has one of the highest levels of cholesterol. The Maritimes is the world’s leading suppliers of these saltwater critters. Nevertheless they are prevented from raising...