The Islamic Prohibition on Indirect Taxes
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
The alternative to present-day Global Economic malaise is the little known Economic Model of 7th Century Medina. This Review-Analysis carefully dissects an important book on the same.
A little-known 1991 lecture by Donn Fletcher contains amazing insights into American history. Combine this with some cutting edge Conspiracy Research and Analysis, and we have just uncovered the Secret History of USA!
On 12th March 2022, we came across an interesting prediction by WallStreetBets, that China was more broke than ever. Now, there is even further confirmation flying in from all directions.
“Wall Street, China, and Russia are all broke and shit is going to get real over the next few months. Or, to put it another way, some dude named Noah moved next door and started building a boat in his backyard, and you’re just beginning to feel some raindrops.”
Youtube superstar mechanic Scotty Kilmer published a video on 6th March 2021, discussing some little-known limitations of the much hyped Plug-in Electric Vehicles. The Powers That Be want to move past gasoline engines, just because they have some issues with Saudi Arabia, and it also helps with their broader de-industrialization agenda. But that doesn’t mean you should tag along.
The GME buying frenzy instigated by the Wallstreetbets Subreddit provoked a completely disproportionate response from The Powers That Be. Major Finance pundits started warning against buying GME on their talk shows. For the first time ever, a coordinated (but illegal) effort was made by retail brokerage apps to restrict the buying of the shares. It is clear that some hedge funds had a lot to lose. But Reddit user johnnydaggers proposes a theory of something even more sinister.
During the British rule, a rather diabolical plan to de-industrialize India was carried out by the Illuminati. Regular readers will note how I also discovered that some areas of British India which were not under direct British control, such as Hyderabad State, managed to escape this grotesque plan. The plan for the de-industrialization India was supposedly terminated when the British lost control of India in 1947. I am sad to report that after 73 years, this plan has been kick-started in “independent India,” under the guise of fighting COVID-19.
A review of a convincing theory (backed by scientific and medical evidence) that the so-called “tests” rushed in by the WHO and the CDC/FDA can produce up to 50% false positives, setting in motion a “Plandemic.”
In 2018, Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS), a private Indian company, began defaulting to lenders. This company is known for having completed some of the biggest public infrastructure projects of India. The Government of India responded by having two major Government owned shareholders of the company, the State Bank of India and the Life Insurance Corporation of India, inject Rs. 7500 crore (US$ 1056.34 million) claiming that this would ensure “Government control” of the debt ridden company, which...
Thanks to the efforts of Great Game India, the Rothschild Cabal is now being tagged in almost all of India’s recent notable economic woes. A mere 71 years after independence, India is being recolonized……by the same old families, using the same old tactics. As before, the Illuminati is sneaking in, disguised as companies of businessmen and traders. And once again, Indians are looking up to these foreigners (and their trained brown acolytes) as brainy financial wizards, with the same wonder-struck...
The sudden demonetization of large denomination currency notes by the Government of India on 9th November 2016 created a mix of shock, horror, confusion, speculation and conspiracy theories across the Subcontinent. At Cabal Times, we documented the then top conspiracy theories, one of which was that this was a crude attempt at forcing a cashless, surveillance society on India. This was supported by the fact that the Prime Minister had asked his citizenry to go cashless, implying that a cashless...
When the British put a brutal end to the Mughals following 1857, they were presented with a unique historical opportunity. They could have redeemed themselves by ruling India better than their Mughal predecessors, thereby establishing themselves in the Indian Subcontinent for all time to come. Instead, what unfolded was a calculated program to sacrifice the economy of the Indian Subcontinent, which was then 27 percent (p. 4) of the global economy (more than Europe), for global conflict to advance Illuminati...
The sudden demonetisation of large denomination currency notes by the Government of India on 9th November 2016 has created a mix of shock, horror, confusion, speculation and conspiracy theories across the Subcontinent. The Government of India, led by BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi, claimed that this was a necessary measure because, These large denomination notes were being used to hoard “black money” in India. Since demonetisation would require such notes to be deposited in a bank account or exchanged at...
In a speech given at the Oxford Union on 14th July 2015, Indian MP (Congress) Shashi Tharoor makes a compelling case that the British owe “reparations” to India for the organized derailment of the Indian economy, that took place during the British Empire’s reign over India. In less than fifteen minutes, Mr. Tharoor presents a factual, data driven analysis of the havoc wreaked by the British on India. He argues that there was little that was benevolent or constructive about the British...
Establishment historians portray the British Empire in India as a testament to British industry, British values, British discipline and general British superiority over the native people. They also credit the British with the creation of modern India, implying that the civilization and economy of pre-British India was superseded by the “natural” rules of evolution and survival. The following is a view from the other side. From 17th Century Mughal India, where the British East India Company had just set shop, and had...
In one of the better articles on this website, I had investigated in detail, how the Federal Reserve took the American dollar off the gold standard and became a paper mill, diverting value towards private Wall Street bankers in the form of usury, while robbing the American middle class of the value of their earnings through inflation. Yet, I failed to completely explain what kept the American dollar going. My impression was that the American dollar was retroactively deriving from the residual value...
In a recent article, William Engdahl claims that the recent fall in global oil prices means that the North American Shale Oil Dream may soon come to an end. We examine the ramifications.
The writing is on the wall. The Powers That Be Hate the Bitcoin. But if in case that is not clear, here are some instances which indicate their dislike of the Bitcoin.