Category: Islam


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Our Hidden Rulers are Phoenician

In a gamechanging analysis spanning more than 187 pages, “Gerry” and Miles Mathis trace the origins of modern-day Spookians, our hidden rulers, to Ancient Phoenicia. This is clearly the biggest development in conspiracy literature to date. And Cabal Times has an exhaustive review….. with some side-theories.


Munshi Premchand on Islam

Munshi Premchand (1880-1936), a novelist who is credited with introducing realism to Hindi literature, talks about Islam and Muslims. A voice of sanity that still echoes through troubled times.


Is Raif Badawi for real or just another “Project”?

On 2nd August 2018, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland made a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of Samar Badawi in Saudi Arabia. Samar is the sister of Raif Badawi, a supposed “human rights activist” in Saudi Arabia. On 3rd August 2018, the Foreign Policy Canada Twitter account followed up with a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of supposed “human rights activists” in Saudi Arabia. What followed was an unexpected deterioration of foreign relations, as Saudi Arabia took these...


On the Islamic Precept of “Surrender”……..

James Altucher is a blogger best known for his pieces on improving online productivity. A recent post of his had the rather politically incorrect title of “Six Ideas From Islam I Use To Find Success.” While vehemently denying any full fledged commitment to Islam or any association whatsoever, it seems Altucher has coopted some truisms from it, sharing his own unique interpretations with the rest of us. What I found most interesting was his take on the very word Islam,...


The Secret History of Hyderabad State of the Nizam (South India; 1724 – 1948)

Once upon a time, kingdom as big as modern Germany straddled the Deccan plateau South India. This investigative essay attempts to chronicle it’s secret, untold history, from its auspicious beginnings to its abrupt and mysterious end in 1948. We examine the kingdom’s founder, the Nizam, an extraordinary man who emerged as the guardian of the Mughals, battling Illuminati conspiracies all his life, and saving the Mughal rulers of the Indian Subcontinent from imminent destruction three times. We look at the...


The Strange Case of the Jihadi with a Satanic Tattoo

On 15th December 2012, a team of nine “terrorists” attacked Peshawar International Airport. Armed to the teeth, the attackers hit the airport with rockets, killing four civilians and injuring many more. There would have been huge casualties if they had managed to enter the Airport, and maybe even damage to civilian aircraft. But thanks to the alertness of security personnel, they failed to do so. Five of the attackers were killed in the ensuing gun battle. But two of them appeared to...