The Islamic Prohibition on Indirect Taxes
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
All you need to know about Israel, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Iran and their future conflicts in the Middle East. The Middle East is connected to everything, including American domestic politics!
The alternative to present-day Global Economic malaise is the little known Economic Model of 7th Century Medina. This Review-Analysis carefully dissects an important book on the same.
Pakistan became “free” in 1979, not 1947. And ironically, freedom for Pakistan came in the form of a military coup against a “civilian” leader. Musharraf saved Pakistan. Imran Khan was set up to be Pakistan’s last Prime Minister, with the expiry date of Pakistan set to 2019. Read on for more incredible truths.
The Israel-Palestine war is being used to throw Ukraine under the bus.
The recent ousting of populist Prime Minister Imran Khan, by the combined efforts of the Pakistani Military, the Pakistani Intelligence and the Pakistani Judiciary has many people pointing fingers in different directions. Here is our analysis.
At a time when terms like “conspiracy,” “New World Order,” “World Government,” “Illuminati” and “Deep State” raised eyebrows, one American Congressman was actively drawing attention to them. His prescient warnings are as true as they were in 1983.
This analysis demonstrates that while the timing of the Russian-Ukraine War was indeed whimsical and suspicious, the war itself had been in the works for decades, and will ominously unfold into an even bigger conflict, as planned. As we shall explore, the “war” actually fits into several concurrent agendas of the The Powers That Be. But as with all human-made plans, things aren’t exactly going as planned
Present-day China is like a black-box. You can sometimes catch the echoes of what goes on inside, if you are watching/reading/listening carefully. It is only sometimes that a genuine insider account emerges.
Recently, a new treaty emerged between Australia, the US and the UK, in which the latter two pledged extensive military cooperation to protect Australia from China’s imminent aggression. However, is Australia even relevant to the equation anymore? Why didn’t they choose Japan or even India?
Today we feature a Canadian Member of Parliament, who managed to get away with hosting a Press Conference on Parliament Hill itself on 17th June 2021. This interaction will best be remembered for the explosive testimony of Canadian Vaccinologist Dr. Byron Bridal. What he had to say will linger for a long time to come.
Here is what Iqbal had to say in his Persian language poetic book Payam-i-Mashriq (1923). It is clear that he never saw any good coming out of it, and would actively oppose any Muslim country seeking membership, if he was still alive.
A few days ago, Prof. Henry Makow linked up a now rare but once popular book published in 1951, which sheds some little-known information on the origins of Communist China (or the China as we know it). Here is some additional analysis and extrapolation.
If the Phony War on Terror, which commenced on 11th September 2001, and the current Pandemic, are products of the same minds, we would see numerous parallels common to both of these phenomena. Lets do a quick check.
Youtube superstar mechanic Scotty Kilmer published a video on 6th March 2021, discussing some little-known limitations of the much hyped Plug-in Electric Vehicles. The Powers That Be want to move past gasoline engines, just because they have some issues with Saudi Arabia, and it also helps with their broader de-industrialization agenda. But that doesn’t mean you should tag along.
A reader sends in lofty ideas on how to make voting more transparent. It is interesting how The Powers That Be have retained Anonymity exclusively for voting, but have abolished it everywhere else, such as banking, online activity, transport etc. Even more interesting is the fact that electronic voting has been developed exclusively for making voting more opaque. With present-day electronic voting, the paper trail is now even more obscure than regular voting, even though what is being proposed by this reader can be easily cobbled up with limited resources.
In this video, we see Randy Hillier, a rural activist and politician in Ontario, Canada. He is asking questions in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Toronto) about the rather secretive establishment of quarantine camps across Canada. He doesn’t get a straight answer. But what is even more disturbing is the silence of all the other “elected” officials.
Regular readers to this website (as well as other conspiracy websites, and readers of conspiracy literature), have you noticed that TV no longer holds any appeal for you? Here are some snippets of a Reddit discussion on the same.
In news that you never heard of, we learn that the Libyan husband of Canadian Jewish liquor heiress Sara Rosner Bronfman (and NXVIM Sex Cult Financier) tried to overthrow the Government of Libya in September 2017! What is even more strange is that the group they chose in Libya to be their welcome party were either Islamists or fake Islamists.
Or what the Globalists think of the American military.