The Islamic Prohibition on Indirect Taxes
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
The alternative to present-day Global Economic malaise is the little known Economic Model of 7th Century Medina. This Review-Analysis carefully dissects an important book on the same.
This is not some venomous tale. This is the most cutting edge research into Covid19/Covid19 vaccines to date (And a testimony to the sad state of today’s world).
A little-known 1991 lecture by Donn Fletcher contains amazing insights into American history. Combine this with some cutting edge Conspiracy Research and Analysis, and we have just uncovered the Secret History of USA!
In a series of essays on the Pacific Theatre of World War II, a contributor to the Miles Mathis website has done a driveby history of Imperial Japan, that in my opinion, is more revealing than anything you will find in your University library.
I normally do not reproduce papers on the Miles Mathis website in the interests of sticking to original content. But a paper was added to the website on 2nd June 2021 by an Indian guest writer which deserves a good read. It brilliantly culminates the trajectory which I had earlier set on in earlier posts. Here it is with some obligatory extrapolation and commentary.
An anonymous Canadian twitter user has pulled up some interesting data in a fireballing twitter thread in which a convincing case is made that the international vaccine roll-out coincides with Covid-19 infections (and in some cases, re-infections) across 26 countries!
When COVID-19 first struck India, Cabal Times was among the first to draw a connection between the flawed RT-PCR tests throwing false positives, and the false positives being used by Globalist think tanks, media outlets and institutions to make the case for a total lock-down of Indian economic activity. But it seems Indian leaders came to their senses and prevented the insanity from progressing, by significantly easing the lock-downs. Everything was going well. In late January 2021, there was indication that Delhi might develop herd immunity. So what’s going wrong?
Youtube superstar mechanic Scotty Kilmer published a video on 6th March 2021, discussing some little-known limitations of the much hyped Plug-in Electric Vehicles. The Powers That Be want to move past gasoline engines, just because they have some issues with Saudi Arabia, and it also helps with their broader de-industrialization agenda. But that doesn’t mean you should tag along.
In a gamechanging analysis spanning more than 187 pages, “Gerry” and Miles Mathis trace the origins of modern-day Spookians, our hidden rulers, to Ancient Phoenicia. This is clearly the biggest development in conspiracy literature to date. And Cabal Times has an exhaustive review….. with some side-theories.
Back in 2013, I reviewed Jay Weidner’s documentary film Room 237, which analyzed the films of Stanley Kubrick, in particular, The Shining. It seems Kubrick had deliberately left behind all sorts of clues in the movie which hint to his role in the photo-video production and/or direction of the Apollo 11 Moon Landings. Now, the folks at Aulis have advanced in this direction a hundredfold. And it seems that Kubrick not only revealed the identity of his handlers, but also gave precise coordinates of the locations where the Apollo 11 Moon Landings were created, right here on planet earth!
A review of a convincing theory (backed by scientific and medical evidence) that the so-called “tests” rushed in by the WHO and the CDC/FDA can produce up to 50% false positives, setting in motion a “Plandemic.”
A wildly popular thread posted on a popular Turkish language forum in November 2019 posits a rather perplexing theory that Ottoman Sultan Selim I was a destroyer of the Turkic people. Since this is familiar territory, we review this newly emerging theory.
In the modern history of the Indian Subcontinent, no mystery is bigger than the 1945 disappearance of prominent Indian freedom fighter Subhas Chandra Bose aka Netaji. Numerous Inquiry Commissions have sat over the years. Several books have been written. Many movies have been made. Yet far too many questions remain unanswered. In his game changing book What Happened to Netaji? Anuj Dhar comes up with some startling new pieces of information. While he has his answers too, I have been...
Most people who are tangentially aware of the existence of Islamic political philosopher Syed Abul A’la Maududi (1903-1979) are quick to recall the fact that he was sentenced to death in Pakistan (1953), a sentence which was later lifted due to his popularity. We have managed to obtain a rare 1978 booklet written by his supporters, which specifically narrates this incident. Reading it gives tremendous insights into the shadowy forces at work in the newly created nation of Pakistan.
When the British put a brutal end to the Mughals following 1857, they were presented with a unique historical opportunity. They could have redeemed themselves by ruling India better than their Mughal predecessors, thereby establishing themselves in the Indian Subcontinent for all time to come. Instead, what unfolded was a calculated program to sacrifice the economy of the Indian Subcontinent, which was then 27 percent (p. 4) of the global economy (more than Europe), for global conflict to advance Illuminati...
A lot of what we know about anomalies in the Swissair 111 Crash and contradictions in the official story would probably never come to light were it not for the efforts conscience of RCMP Forensic Investigator Tom Juby (Thomas C. Juby). When Cabal Times investigated the Swissair 111 Crash, we noted the importance of Juby’s claims. But at the same time, we also noticed that Juby had gone off the radar. We assumed he had been muzzled for good and...
Ever since the first-person shooter Call of Duty started embedding clues about the plans and activities of the Powers That Be in its plot story-lines, I started paying attention to their newest releases, particularly those of the Black Ops franchise. Ardent readers will note that one Black Ops II chapter was called “Fallen Angel.” And it revealed to us that Pakistan would be infested with drones. Two years later, Pakistan would showcase a drone which was meant to be used...
In a speech given at the Oxford Union on 14th July 2015, Indian MP (Congress) Shashi Tharoor makes a compelling case that the British owe “reparations” to India for the organized derailment of the Indian economy, that took place during the British Empire’s reign over India. In less than fifteen minutes, Mr. Tharoor presents a factual, data driven analysis of the havoc wreaked by the British on India. He argues that there was little that was benevolent or constructive about the British...