Category: Unreported News


Was Ghislaine Maxwell a Highly Influential Reddit Moderator!

Some Internet sleuths have discovered that a Reddit account which was #8 in terms of “link karma” (among the 330 million active Reddit accounts), which had moderator privileges on top Subreddits such as r/worldnews (one of the most widely viewed news sites in the world), was operated by none other than horse-faced child-rapist and child trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. In other words, those running Reddit considered Ghislaine Maxwell important nine years before Jeffrey Epstein entered the public consciousness in 2019! The account has been inactive for a week since she was supposedly arrested by the FBI in New Hampshire. But there are indications it picked up activity later on, indicating that she has access to her devices.


Are Hospitals in New York State Boosting their COVID-19 “deaths” by targeting Vulnerable Minorities?

So far, I have come across two accounts of health professionals, both working in New York State, both claiming that patients belonging to Minority groups are being “murdered” in hospitals. Eerily, both accounts specifically mention the deployment of the autoPEEP setting of ventilators on such targeted patients, to blow their lungs out! This could explain why there was such a big emphasis on acquiring and using ventilators in the early stages of the supposed onset of COVID-19. But what would you expect from the state which gave us 9/11?


What Canada can do to Improve Human Rights (But won’t do)

In my previous post, I explained how Canada’s newest superstar, imprisoned Saudi “intellectual” Raif Badawi may not be a legit. You may think that critical pieces such as that one would be discussed extensively, given the fact that most Canadians are literate. Usually, the alternative news crowd of a country hangs out on sites like Reddit. But go over to r/canada and you will notice that they have built themselves another echo chamber where all forms of contrarianism are permanently...


Is Raif Badawi for real or just another “Project”?

On 2nd August 2018, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland made a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of Samar Badawi in Saudi Arabia. Samar is the sister of Raif Badawi, a supposed “human rights activist” in Saudi Arabia. On 3rd August 2018, the Foreign Policy Canada Twitter account followed up with a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of supposed “human rights activists” in Saudi Arabia. What followed was an unexpected deterioration of foreign relations, as Saudi Arabia took these...


The Vultures are Circling India…….Again

Thanks to the efforts of Great Game India, the Rothschild Cabal is now being tagged in almost all of India’s recent notable economic woes. A mere 71 years after independence, India is being recolonized……by the same old families, using the same old tactics. As before, the Illuminati is sneaking in, disguised as companies of businessmen and traders. And once again, Indians are looking up to these foreigners (and their trained brown acolytes) as brainy financial wizards, with the same wonder-struck...


Was India’s 2016 “Cashless Society” Experiment Made in China?

The sudden demonetization of large denomination currency notes by the Government of India on 9th November 2016 created a mix of shock, horror, confusion, speculation and conspiracy theories across the Subcontinent. At Cabal Times, we documented the then top conspiracy theories, one of which was that this was a crude attempt at forcing a cashless, surveillance society on India. This was supported by the fact that the Prime Minister had asked his citizenry to go cashless, implying that a cashless...


Burnt Book Review: Tom Juby’s Full Disclosure of the Swissair 111 Crash Investigation Yields a Surprising Connection to 9/11

A lot of what we know about anomalies in the Swissair 111 Crash and contradictions in the official story would probably never come to light were it not for the efforts conscience of RCMP Forensic Investigator  Tom Juby (Thomas C. Juby). When Cabal Times investigated the Swissair 111 Crash, we noted the importance of Juby’s claims. But at the same time, we also noticed that Juby had gone off the radar. We assumed he had been muzzled for good and...


How ISIL undercuts Genuine Resistance to the Syrian Government

Ever wondered why ISIL/ISIS is being indirectly nurtured by Western countries? Ever wonder why their “foreign fighters” seem to congregate in London, the epicenter of the former British Empire, before taking the flight to Istanbul and then being transported to the Syrian front? Ever wonder why Western countries are head over heels in welcoming mainly Sunni Syrian refugees, which ensures their permanent eviction from the Levant, and their termination as a viable opposition to the Syrian Government?


Top Conspiracy Theories about India’s Demonetisation Mess

The sudden demonetisation of large denomination currency notes by the Government of India on 9th November 2016 has created a mix of shock, horror, confusion, speculation and conspiracy theories across the Subcontinent. The Government of India, led by BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi, claimed that this was a necessary measure because, These large denomination notes were being used to hoard “black money” in India. Since demonetisation would require such notes to be deposited in a bank account or exchanged at...


The Strange Case of the Jihadi with a Satanic Tattoo

On 15th December 2012, a team of nine “terrorists” attacked Peshawar International Airport. Armed to the teeth, the attackers hit the airport with rockets, killing four civilians and injuring many more. There would have been huge casualties if they had managed to enter the Airport, and maybe even damage to civilian aircraft. But thanks to the alertness of security personnel, they failed to do so. Five of the attackers were killed in the ensuing gun battle. But two of them appeared to...


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Did JFK fake his Death and take the *REAL* American Presidency Underground?

At some point, it becomes mandatory for any relevant conspiracy website to talk about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK). I avoided doing so in the interest of producing original content. Many theories interested me, but I felt I had nothing to add. I erroneously believed that his assassination may have been linked to reigning in the Federal Reserve, or attempting to dismantle the CIA (thanks Oliver Stone). I failed to see that these conspiracy theories were fairly...


Indonesia OFFICIALLY unimpressed by Cabal Times’ coverage of MH370

When we started this website, our goal was to provide rare and valuable information to a small but discerning community of truth seekers, so as to aid their personal quests. We always avoided the fear-mongering, sensationalism and apocalyptic visions found on typical conspiracy websites. We fully understand that our analyses is not for everybody. Western media, which is completely compromised by The Powers That Be, always avoids us. At times, they even create investigative “spin” documentaries which draw their outlines from...


University Town of Halifax linked to supposed Chemical Weapons Plot in Ottawa

On the night of January 20th 2015, Ottawa Police arrested a man who had driven from Halifax to Ottawa in a cube van. It was suspected that he was carrying a large stash of improvised chemical weapons in it. The hotel he had checked in at Ottawa was evacuated. And very large quantities of hazardous chemicals were found at his properties in the outskirts of Halifax. Twenty five homes in the vicinity were evacuated. Despite this happening in a nation best known for collective paranoia and...


Pakistan develops Drone for its War on……Pakistan!

The Pakistani military-political leadership has developed its own missile-firing drone, which is being deployed against its own citizens! This dirty work was originally entrusted to American drones and American drone operators, operating under the guise of the so-called “War on Terror”. But now The Powers That Be have such faith in the Pakistani leadership’s ability to wage war against its own citizens that this task is being entrusted with them. There is even more to the story. A first person shooter released...

Germanwings Flight 9525

Germanwings Flight 9525…Emerging Anomalies

The alleged crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 took place yesterday in a remote part of the French Alps, minutes away from two major military bases. This post attempts to gather information that makes this alleged crash consistent with the alleged crash of Swissair 111 in particular, as well as the alleged crash of Air Asia Flight 8501, and the redirection of Malaysian Airlines 370 to the US base at Diego Garcia.


Were Halifax Police preparing for the Halifax Mall shooting plot more than a year in advance?

A strange incident took place in Halifax on February 13th 2015. A plot to shoot  up people in a Halifax Mall was allegedly uncovered by Police. Two suspects were arrested while another was found dead in his home in unclear circumstances. To top the list of anomalies, Halifax Police were caught on camera on 3rd December 2013 at the very same Halifax Mall! In the photo, they are shown with their weapons drawn, surrounding what appears to be a man...