The Cabal Times Gangstalking FAQ

Last Updated on February 8, 2025 by Hamad Subani

This FAQ is about a phenomenon that gets discussed in conspiracy-theory circles, but which usually ends up getting cynically dismissed, because people refuse to believe things could be so bad.

What is Gangstalking?

Gangstalking (GS) is a phenomenon in which State Intelligence Agencies (Perpetrators or Perps) openly target an individual (TI), with him/her being fully cognizant of the fact. But this is done in a manner such that there is no corroborating evidence for the TI to prove that this is actually taking place. Think of it as private intimidation.

Gangstalking may also take place in a more covert manner, but in that case, it should be termed as a regular Spying/Intelligence Operation.

Who does Gangstalking?

Gangstalking is strictly a feature of societies/nations that have become dominated by Phoenicians. This would include all Western nations and some more (we will get to that). Its intensity in any nation/society is directly proportional to Phoenician power over that nation/society.

When did modern Gangstalking Emerge?

Gangstalking requires a society which is controlled by Phoenicians, but at the same time, most people live under the illusion that they still have nominal control of things.

 The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.

Frank Zappa

In 13th Century Poland-Lithuania-Russia, there were engineered social systems under which entire villages (and their peasant populations) would be traded among overlords without the peasants knowing what was going on. For such social systems to work, most peasants had to be content with their fate, and the few outliers who questioned things had to be bullied/Gangstalked. But this was still a primitive system. And non-compliants always had the option to run away.

Welcome to Communist East Germany. The Spiritual Homeland of Gangstalking.

Modern Gangstalking originated in the 70s and the 80s in East Germany. The Soviet-Phoenicians had been gifted half of Germany following World War II. But the historical role given to them was that of “Liberators.” Which meant they couldn’t openly do bad things to the East German citizenry, such as deport them to the Siberian wasteland, which is where countless Tatars, Volga-Germans, Chechens, Turks and Ukrainians ended up. In addition, they needed the technical expertise of the Germans for Soviet weapon industries. And so began a secret campaign of passive-aggressive intimidation of East German citizenry. There was even a term for it. It was called Zersetzung, German for decomposition and disruption (of a TI). This required a massive Secret Police bureaucracy (the Stasi), which soon had everyone spying on each other, even spouses on their partners! Zersetzung also required newly emerging technologies, such as recording devices. The Stasi so enthusiastically embraced early cassette recorders that pretty soon, they were cramming the cumbersome devices, with massive reels, into public housing flats. Normally, a microphone would be bored into the wall of the neighboring flat, if a TI was occupying it. It is estimated that there were up to 10,000 victims of Zersetzung in East Germany alone (the technique was used in all Soviet countries).

To quote British journalist Luke Harding,

As applied by the Stasi, Zersetzung is a technique to subvert and undermine an opponent. The aim was to disrupt the target’s private or family life so they are unable to continue their “hostile-negative” activities towards the state. Typically, the Stasi would use collaborators to garner details from a victim’s private life. They would then devise a strategy to “disintegrate” the target’s personal circumstances—their career, their relationship with their spouse, their reputation in the community. They would even seek to alienate them from their children. […] The security service’s goal was to use Zersetzung to “switch off” regime opponents. After months and even years of Zersetzung a victim’s domestic problems grew so large, so debilitating, and so psychologically burdensome that they would lose the will to struggle against the East German state. Best of all, the Stasi’s role in the victim’s personal misfortunes remained tantalisingly hidden. The Stasi operations were carried out in complete operational secrecy. The service acted like an unseen and malevolent god, manipulating the destinies of its victims.[1]Harding, Luke (2011). Mafia State: How One Reporter Became an Enemy of the Brutal New Russia. New York: Random House. pp. 286–287. ISBN 978-0-85265-247-3

To quote Wikipedia,

Beginning with intelligence obtained by espionage, the Stasi established “sociograms” and “psychograms” which it applied for the psychological forms of Zersetzung. They exploited personal traits, such as homosexuality, as well as supposed character weaknesses of the targeted individual—for example a professional failure, negligence of parental duties, pornographic interests, divorce, alcoholism, dependence on medications, criminal tendencies, passion for a collection or a game, or contacts with circles of the extreme right—or even the veil of shame from the rumors poured out upon one’s circle of acquaintances. From the point of view of the Stasi, the measures were the most fruitful when they were applied in connection with a personality; all “schematism” had to be avoided.

Which countries are most notorious for Gangstalking?

To better understand this, we have to redraw the political map of the world, into nations where Phoenicians exercise overt political control, nations where Phoenicians exercise covert political control, and nations where Phoenicians exercise indirect political control (these may also be relatively new Phoenician conquests, and as such their political control has not yet solidified).

This is uncharted territory, even for me. You will have to trust my finely honed intuition. For all this to be true, everything you were taught has to be false.

Regressive Phoenician Nations that do not Require Gangstalking Programs

Before we start listing nations with active Phoenician Gangstalking Programs, it is important to list some Phoenician nations that do not require Gangstalking Programs. Apparently these nations have regressed so much that the Phoenicians can openly intimidate (and even at times assassinate) the citizenry in broad daylight. This makes Gangstalking redundant. Such nations usually have authoritarian, Communist systems which ensure that the citizenry is constantly struggling to survive broke.

Regressive Phoenician Nations that do not Require Gangstalking Programs

Russia (and Belarus): The motherland of the original Zersetzung. Originally designated by the Phoenicians for Communism because of its regressive social structure, and as false opposition to the West. Now pretending to be Christian but still as regressive as before. Russians are currently being marched to their deaths in Ukraine, in an eerie, robot-like manner. And the Phoenicians may succeed in even marching the last Russian into Ukraine, without facing significant internal opposition. Pure societal failure.

  • Russian Intelligence is known to contact Western victims of Gangstalking and goad them into migrating to Russia, where they disappear for good. I was once in contact with a Canadian victim of Gangstalking who has since then disappeared in a similar manner. The last item they put on her feed was a GIF of Putin winking.

China: Make no mistake. Communist China is a Western construct imposed on the Chinese people, with some extreme nationalism thrown into the mix to obfuscate. Mao came out of Yale. Communism has no precedent in Chinese culture.

North Korea: Another Western construct imposed on the Korean people. The citizenry live in an alternate reality where they worship a buffoon from a Swiss boarding school.

Cuba: Cuba may be Communist but Washington has always been “OK” with that.

  • During my years at Dalhousie University, a rising star at the Student Union got bumped while on vacation in Cuba.
  • Cuba has been caught using American-made Microwave weapons on American diplomats! These weapons were originally built for Gangstalking activities in USA. Dalhousie University was involved in the coverup.

Cambodia: The royalty of Cambodia has always been Phoenician since ancient times, and as such, this nation has always been a hotbed of Phoenician intrigue and drug trafficking. In the 70s, an urban Intelligentsia was finally emerging. To deal with this threat and to backwardify Cambodia once again, the royals handed over the country to the Khmer Rouge, led by a mysterious man with connections to the royals, and a University education from France. The Khmer Rouge were green-lighted to genocide the emerging Cambodian Intelligentsia, as well as the Muslim minority (because having the royals directly do so would discredit them). Present-day Cambodia is a haven for organized pedophilia, and many mysterious deaths and disappearances of Westerners are linked to the same.

Israel: Another artificial construct imposed by Phoenicians on the Middle East. Israelis who refuse to tow the line (or who are not up to the tastes of the rulers) end up getting bumped in broad daylight. Take the case of a former Chief of Staff of the Israeli military. Or the Yemenite children, who were deemed to be too Orthodox. Israelis are in no way free people. For example, some young Israelis who feel suffocated by the complete control of their society, escape to remote villages of North India. The Mossad follows them, takes over their ashrams and goads them into returning back to Israel!

  • Palestine is pretty much dependent on Israel and is little more than an open-air prison for Israel. Its political leaders (including Hamas) are run out of Israel. Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas during the recent paragliders-morphing-into-pickup-trucks event was once saved from a brain tumor by an Israeli surgeon. Was his death faked? You bet. Why didn’t other Palestinian “leaders” call out the event as fake?

Turkey: Modern Turkey is run neither by Muslims nor by Turks. Its run by Phoenicians and European Muslim groups of Bosnian origin. In a complete inversion of reality, the Phoenicians managed to chase the real Ottoman Turks to the periphery of Turkey, where they became homogenized with Kurds. Modern Turkey was created to keep this combine of Kurds and genuine Turks from gaining power in the Middle East. Turkey is now pretending to be Islamist, but since seven decades prior, they were busy destroying all vestiges of Islam in Turkey. They didn’t even spare the Turkish alphabet!

Iran: The present Iranian regime was manufactured in the 60s to prevent Saudi Arabia from monopolizing the jihad anti-Israel sentiment in the Middle East. What is most ironic about Iran is that the regime controls what was actually a Westernized, Muslim population (who had given up on Shiite Islam), in the name of Shiite Islam!

Parts of Syria under the control of Bashar Al-Assad. The regime started a war with its own Sunni subjects, so that they would be considerably weakened for the upcoming Zionist invasion of Syria.

The Eyes of London: Or Nations which are Hotbeds of Phoenician Gangstalking

Regressive Phoenician Nations that do not Require Gangstalking Programs (Discussed Earlier)

The Actual “Five Eyes”

Other Nations connected to London

Other Western Countries

Also known as the Anglosphere Intelligence Alliance, the Five Eyes comprises of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It may appear that the United States leads the Alliance, but as always, this is a project conceived and operated out of London while the United States tags along, supplying much needed technological resources and taxpayer monies.

Of the Five Eyes, US citizenry is a big priority for Gangstalking, because controlling the American people has always been mission critical for the Phoenicians. The Five Eyes program however, allows Phoenicians based in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to also participate in the Gangstalking of American citizens, from the comfort of their homes.

As for the UK and its former colonies such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand, the citizenry is far more passive and conditioned to control. For example, when the British Empire was spreading tyranny throughout the world, its citizenry looked the other way and instead sought to secure their wages, businesses and pensions from the spoils.[2]There is a saying that even if 400 British people inhabit an island, a Freemason Lodge will automatically pop up, and they will go about their business like nothing’s unusual. Those who accept the cultural norms of these four nations learn to content themselves with their little bubbles of existence and give the Phoenicians a blank cheque, falsely believing that they have a deal with them. But this only makes the Phoenicians more aggressive. And as such, when the Gangstalking happens in these countries, it can be more severe and over the top than that of USA. Everybody has been conditioned to look the other way.

France and Germany are not officially part of the Five Eyes. But after the conclusion of World War II, these two nations were turned into parodies, and started being operated out of London. The citizenry desperately cling onto their languages and the glories of bygone eras, as they are being steamrolled into a future European Union which will operate as a single country. The economy of Germany is currently comparable to that of the US state of California.

The Netherlands and Belgium are also historically connected to London and they are included in this category. So is Denmark, which is a vile country.

  • A reader of Henry Makow’s website who became inspired to blog about how Danish society really operated ended up getting killed three years later!

Australia remotely operates several Pacific island nations and interferes in the politics of neighboring countries such as Indonesia. Australia (along with Canada) had also taken informal control of Burma (and that’s when the Rohingya genocide took place) but they lost control in a military coup.

South Africa, Ethiopia and Kenya are also connected to London.

  • Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif was killed in Kenya after he fled Pakistan.

Following World War II, the CIA began operating the nations of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea in a covert manner. The worse off is currently South Korea, where the Phoenicians have managed to create all sorts of novel social dysfunctions.

 The Remainder of Western Nations are also dominated by Phoenicians

 However, Gangstalkers may not have the same level of organization, technology and requisite culture. But they can compensate for it by directly employing criminal elements, as in the case of South America.

Dishonorable Mentions:

  • Switzerland used to have a robust emphasis on individual rights. The present generation are mostly employees of bankers hoarding the stolen wealth of poor nations and UN Agencies. The WEF is based out of there. You know what to expect.
  • Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Sardinia, Corsica, Crete and Portugal are the ancient turf of the Phoenicians.
  • The Baltics are characterized by a culture of quiet, secretive and isolated individuals, dependent on Big Government. Gangstalking thrives in such environments.

Non-Western countries under Phoenician Control

Regressive Phoenician Nations that do not Require Gangstalking Programs (Discussed Earlier)

The Actual “Five Eyes”

Other Nations connected to London

Other Western Countries

Non-Western countries under Phoenician Control

Note that there may be many more than those listed below.

  • Morocco: The current flag has a Satanic Pentagram. The previous flag was actually the Star of David! Citizenry stooped in ignorance, witchcraft, poverty and superstition.
  • Tunisia: A special nation created for Phoenicians, based on their Ancient port of Carthage.
  • Lebanon: A special nation created for Phoenicians, based on their Ancient ports of Tyre and Sidon.
  • Jordan: Used to be a sovereign nation as late as 1999. However King Hussein got tricked into marrying a lantern-jawed British-Phoenician, and the son was put on the throne after him. Both Syria and Jordan are expected to fall to the Zionists.
  • Kuwait: Played a pivotal role in instigating the first Gulf War.
  • Qatar: A new Phoenician conquest.
  • Yemen: An ancient center of Phoenician intrigue. Homeland of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida.
  • Thailand.
  • Kazakhistan: New Capital bears creepy Masonic symbolism. The name of the capital literally means place of ritual sacrifice!
  • Singapore: Originally a Malaysian port, stolen by the British, then passed over to the Li family, which rules it with an iron fist.

Non-Western countries under Indirect Phoenician Control

Regressive Phoenician Nations that do not Require Gangstalking Programs (Discussed Earlier)

The Actual “Five Eyes”

Other Nations connected to London

Other Western Countries

Non-Western countries under Phoenician Control

Non-Western countries under Indirect Phoenician Control

As the Phoenicians actively contest for control with native rulers, there are several such countries, with varying degrees of indirect Phoenician control:

  • Pakistan has fallen dangerously under indirect Phoenician control after the so-called War on Terror. We are seeing a dramatic rise in political assassinations. However parts of the frontier provinces are still some of the most free places in the world.
  • Afghanistan “may” have broken free……if the current Taliban are indeed legit.
  • Iraq is being contested between Sunnis, Kurds and Iran.
  • Due to historical British rule over the Indian Subcontinent, there are many Phoenician Spookopolis’ scattered across the Subcontinent, which direct liaise with the London mothership. Be careful in these places.
  • Nepal fell under indirect Phoenician control after the assassination of the royal family.
  • Malaysia recently succumbed to indirect Phoenician control.
  • Many African nations are being violently contested.
  • Many Turkic nations are being contested.

Why is Gangstalking so Entrenched in Western Societies?

Western Societies have been politically static for several centuries. In a normal society, different people and groups keep transiting through phases of political power. Here, the only people/group in power are the Phoenicians. The rest of the citizenry have tacitly accepted this status quo. As a result, Phoenician power gets magnified with each passing generation of citizenry. And each new generation of citizenry is noticeably weaker and less affluent than the previous one. At the same time, Phoenicians get to refine their methods of tacit coercion and control, to the point where the citizenry are not even aware of their presence.

The cages in question are still on display on the same church, in the city of Munster.

Take for example, the case of Germany. The last time the citizens attempted a genuine revolt was in 1535 AD. This ended with the Phoenicians torturing and executing the rebel leaders, and exhibiting their bodies in cages, which were hung up from a church. The citizenry effectively gave up after that. And the Phoenicians have been regressing that nation ever since, with little opposition.

Add to that, Western citizenry have no concept of jihad. Rather than point the gun at their Phoenician overlords, they are more likely to point it towards themselves and commit suicide. Even if you consider jihad too extreme, they also lack the spiritual discernment that the Phoenicians have spiritually regressed to the point that they are no longer human and should not be treated/regarded as such. Instead, they try to build their bubble-like existence around Phoenician social structures and corporations. You may have come across the Western person (and now, even immigrants too) who lives in a New York Minute. That is, each and every minute of his/her existence is supposed to be generating dollars. And when they encounter anything else that doesn’t contribute to the same, they just look the other way.

Also, the political structure of all Western nations has devolved to the point that the executive is just an actor/clown and real power is hidden somewhere else.

Muhammad Bin Salman

For example, this is Muhammad Bin Salman (right), the present King of Saudi Arabia. You may not like him personally. You may disagree with his choices and policies. You may disagree with the machinations which made him head of the Saudi State. You may find him completely unapproachable. But there is not a shred of doubt that for all Saudi affairs and issues, the buck (or rather the riyal) stops at his office.

In contrast, this is what the real rulers of a typical Western nation look like:

A Nameless, Faceless, organization hidden from public scrutiny, hidden from history. Take the case of the US President, considered to be the most powerful man in the world. Richard Nixon, who once held this post, was having has office bugged, and his conversations taped by entities which are still hidden from history.

Now, are you more likely to be Gangstalked in


B. Saudi Arabia

Now, of course, you have way more freedoms and rights in USA rather than Saudi Arabia. But these rights and freedoms mainly concern your interactions with fellow citizens. Not the Phoenicians. They are pretty much above the law.

Why do Phoenicians engage in Gangstalking?

In any nation/society, there is a ruling class and its subjects. The ruling class is not necessarily always adversarial towards the subjects. In fact, some ruling classes advanced their nations (and their subjects) by all possible means. But when Phoenicians become a ruling class, their focus is on thieving, duping and manipulating their subjects on a war footing. They are therefore very fearful and paranoid of people. If you were a thief in a marketplace, you would be worried about the specific people who could notice you, wouldn’t you? Because if the right people emerge as leaders among the subjects, the Phoenicians would end up getting overthrown and maybe even lynched. Gangstalking is all about preventing the emergence of the right people as community leaders.

Once the Phoenicians gain control of any nation/society, they turn all their energies towards actively spying on all the non-Phoenician citizenry. They create huge Intelligence Agencies out of public budgets in the name of National Security but if you look closely, the efforts of these Agencies are pointed at the local citizenry, rather than the purported foreign threats. A good case study in this regard would be the American COINTELPRO domestic spying program, which pretended to be aimed at foreign-inspired Communists, but was actually aimed at the American Hippies.

Who are the Targeted Individuals? (TIs)

In theory, the Phoenicians are always worried about some very different kinds of individuals.

  • Individuals with a higher than normal Intelligence and/or Intellectual Development, who can understand what is going on in a nation or a society (and by extension, who the Phoenicians are).
  • Individuals who have the ability to influence other people.
  • Spiritually advanced individuals.

The Phoenicians are well aware that in any nation/population, the masses can be easily duped using mass-media (which is tailored specifically for them). Its just the 5% they have to worry about. The problem is that these 5% are not born in any specific group or class. They can even be found among the poor and the downtrodden. And therefore the Phoenicians have to spy on anyone they deem a threat.

For example, people who are highly intelligent may not necessarily shine at academia due to personal circumstances and limited resources. Spiritually advanced individuals such as Prophets have occurred among the poor and the illiterate. And since ancient times, the Phoenicians have acquired a notoriety in seeking out and murdering (or attempting to murder) Prophets, who if left unchecked, always ended up liberating people from the cultural and belief systems created by Phoenicians.[3]Numerous Prophets were killed by Phoenicians throughout history. The Pharaohs of Egypt were aware of a Prophecy which stated that a Prophet from the then Jewish community would bring their downfall. And so, they had a program in place to kill Jewish boys at young age. It was only by divine happenstance that Moses escaped. Mary moved away with the infant Jesus (a Prophet) because it was clear they wanted to kill the infant. Prophet Muhammadﷺ faced numerous assassination attempts from the Jewish community in Medina, who were taking directions from the Phoenicians based in places like Tyre and Sidon.

If they believe they have found such an individual, the spying gets upgraded to Gangstalking if they discover that the individual is sufficiently isolated and lacks a support network in the community. In the case of Western societies, people are already fairly atomized and isolated, to the point that they sometimes die alone without family and neighbors being cognizant, and the only hint of their death is the mail accumulating at their doorstep. In addition, Western societies are fairly selfish and individualistic. People don’t want to associate with those who claim to be targeted by the Government. It is easier to dismiss them as mentally ill.

So to recap, the following people end up becoming TIs:

  • Individuals with a higher than normal Intelligence and/or Intellectual Development.
  • Individuals who have the ability to influence other people.
  • Spiritually advanced individuals.

That is, in theory. What really happens in reality is not exactly that.

The Phoenicians you see on TV as political leaders, businessmen and celebrities are the most talented and presentable of the entire lot. They are less than 5% of the Phoenicians running your nation. The remainder 95% are grotesque, obese, pimple-faced, STD infested human garbage who live in the shadows. For them to earn their share of the pie and have a Government-issued cheque show up in the mail, they too have to do work…..or do classified work which cannot be entrusted to the regular citizenry. Because the regular citizenry, even when working for Intelligence, and even after being made to sign a dozen NDAs, can blow the whistle if they get the full picture.[4]Nowadays in Western countries, foreigners such as those connected with Chinese Intelligence are being used for Gangstalking roles deemed too sensitive for regular citizenry. If they are identified and reported to police, they can be immediately be withdrawn from the country, thus decreasing the likelihood of a paper trail pointing to local Phoenicians.

And so, the garbage-cadre of Phoenicians are entrusted with carrying out Gangstalking activity. Of course, there are lower level regular citizens who gather and assemble the required Intelligence and Information on a daily basis, all courtesy public funds. But only Phoenicians are entrusted with the actual Gangstalking.

With the advent of the Internet and personal computing, they can even do this from the comfort of their home, and even without being formally enrolled as a member of an Intelligence Agency. All they need is the right login credentials for an Intelligence Agency portal, where all the information on the TI is being assembled and updated on a hourly basis. They choose what to do with this information, and none of their Gangstalking actions get entered into the portal (and therefore lower level regulars have no documentation of the Gangstalking that’s taking place; They just have evidence of “Intelligence Gathering.”)

One of the perks of being Phoenician is being allowed to fully victimize and terrorize any member of the regular citizenry, provided there are no repercussions for the remainder of the Phoenicians. And so, the garbage cadre of Phoenicians involved in Gangstalking end up devolving from monitoring TIs from the three aforementioned categories, to personal quests, such as:

  • Perving on females they fancy in a sexual or romantic, but one-sided way. Since the Phoenicians are usually too hideous and unpresentable to actually propose a relationship with such a TI, they comfort themselves in making the TIs aware of how powerful they are. The idea is that the TI, driven to madness, hopelessness and failure, will eventually surrender to them. It is only then that they will openly force themselves on the TI for a relationship.
    • I once came across a teenage American girl who claimed to be a victim of Gangstalking. The only thing this simple-minded teenager ever did was do some make-up tutorial videos on Youtube®. It seems she caught the fancy of some Phoenician in the hierarchy.
    • A British girl was subjected to Gangstalking all her life, presumably because she was good-looking. It so happened that a Pakistani student visiting the UK took a liking for her. She realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime ticket to escape her Gangstalking hell of UK. She not only converted to Islam but insisted on settling down with the boy’s poor family in Pakistan. This angered her Perp so much that they had the boy killed in a bomb blast in Pakistan. They thought she would be forced to return to the UK. Instead, she married the boy’s brother and continued living in Pakistan! The Perp got so angry that both of them were killed in another bomb blast. The so-called War on Terror was in full swing back then, so nobody found this unusual.
  • Terrorizing Prostitutes: Unable to cope with their spiritual void, and driven by loneliness, many Phoenicians blow their paychecks on prostitutes, both male and female. While most reasonable people see these people as broken, Phoenicians actually find company and fulfillment in them. Maybe like does attract like. But sometimes Phoenicians become territorial about their favorite ones and start Gangstalking them into submission, forcing them to produce material which could be used to blackmail and control them.
    • See this case from Canada, where a male escort went berserk, and decided to kill a Chinese man, whom he accused of Gangstalking. He mailed the body parts to members of the ruling Conservative Party of Canada[5]Many “Conservative” leaders tend to not just crypto-Phoenician, but also closeted gays. They love the “Conservative” label only because it helps with warmongering. (Were they his earlier customers? Was a Prime Minister of Canada his onetime customer?). After he was caught in Germany, he was flown back to Canada on a military plane.
  • Personal Vendettas Fueled by Personal Jealousies/Insecurities: Being a garbage-cadre Phoenician sucks in hundreds of ways. Peeping into the lives of healthy, intelligent, spiritual and thriving people only inadvertently draws attention to the fact that their entire lives will always be meaningless, devoid of authenticity and genuine interaction. This recurring realization can drive a garbage-cadre Phoenician insane with jealousy. And therefore they can sometimes become obsessed with “gaming” a TI’s life for personal/financial failure, with the ultimate prize being driving the TI to madness or suicide.
  • Developing Unhealthy Attachments with the TI: Perps sometimes fool themselves into thinking that they are actually a part in the TI’s life. Imagine how empty and lonely their real lives must be. And imagine how convoluted this situation is.

“Superman’s” secret identity is Clark Joseph Kent, just another reporter for a local newspaper. Superman’s real personality is murderous and aggressive. But as Clark Kent, he adopts a mainly passive and introverted personality with conservative mannerisms, a higher-pitched voice, and a slight slouch. His crush Lois Lane sees him as a wimp. He cannot disclose the fact that he is Superman to her. He thus comforts himself with secretly intervening in her life, behind her back, with his “Superman abilities” every now and then. He believes he is “saving” her with his stalkerish behavior. Yet he cannot openly disclose his real identity to her and must comfort himself living in the shadows of her world. Phoenicians often see themselves as supermen and saviors of the world (God complex), but as part of the contract, they cannot openly disclose their real power to the regular citizenry, even people close to them, or the whole lie of modern society would fall apart.

What are some Exclusively Phoenician Features of Gangstalking?


The Phoenicians are a distinct, Semitic people, with a distinct history, and a distinct modus operandi. They keep retreating the same old bag of tricks, which is now ages old.

  • Never Tiring with Peeping on Others: This is what they do ALL DAY. If you look at them closely, you will notice that each and every thing they do is an attempt to copy/parody what someone else was initially doing. Their entire lives are devoted to substituting the genuine with fake. And to do that, their eyes and ears are literally glued to watching genuine people, like a juvenile binge-watching Netflix.® Remember that there is nothing but emptiness to their own meaningless lives. And such people, as a rule, are obsessed with real, genuine people.
    • Even their much vaunted billion dollar businesses keep stealing ideas, business plans, patents and markets from other people who were initially doing better than them.
    • When a Phoenician political leader emerges on stage, chances are that he or she is merely mimicking the rhetoric of a lesser-known, but genuine leader.
    • When the Phoenicians create a successful entertainment group such as a band, chances are that it is merely mimicking a lesser-known, but genuine band.
  • Complete and Utter lack of Introspection: Voyeuristic behavior, and peeping into other peoples lives is normally discouraged in a healthy society because it can foster dangerous psychopathic traits and is a gateway to mental illness. And if an individual is caught doing this, criminal charges are pushed, and clinical help is recommended. But imagine a closely-knit group of people doing this on a daily basis over several decades. Imagine one of them, waking up every morning to coffee, and the inboxes of 85 different people. I am not exaggerating. We are talking about mentally ill people, living and dying in their own, secret echo chambers. And you may imagine how deeply they have regressed into psychopathic traits such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline-Personality Disorder, which is found in people who become good at keeping outwardly normal appearances and concealing their psychopathic traits. You will actually find clinical literature on these disorders to be enlightening in better understanding them.
  • Rushing to Claim the Moral High Ground (Ironically): The Phoenicians are animalistic people with no morality whatsoever. They literally get high on human blood and engage in cannibalism to nurture their animalist side. But again, they can’t resist the theatrical aspect of human morality. If they see an opportunity to attack a TI from a Moral High Ground, they will rush to do that. For example, if their peeping uncovers anything that could be used to paint a TI in a negative light (as far as society and even meaningless societal norms are concerned), they will rush to make this known to all people connected to the TI. On the other hand, you will never get to peep into their lives (and if you did, even for 24 hours, you would probably end up uncovering bodies in their backyard gardens!).
    • The Confession Box in Christian culture, as well as the concept of confessing sins to Church authorities, is a Phoenician innovation, designed to keep an ear on what’s going on in town and who can be blackmailed with what. Even if your Church does not encourage this, remember that public religion in the West is nothing but numerous Phoenician fronts. If you are involved with your Church, expect Church higher ups to become close to you (for the purpose of surveillance).
    • Sadly, all notable mosques in the West end up being taken over by Intelligence. Most Muslim migrants to the West are usually from a cluster of failed societies, such as those of the Arab-Mediterranean region, and when they are approached by white people in positions of authority, their inferiority complexes get triggered, and they start doing as told.(Can we set up a vaccination clinic in the mosque? Yes Sir.) In some parts of Afghanistan, such Muslims usually end up getting shot because they are seen as enemy collaborators. But in the West, they need not fear. Add to that, most Muslim migrants to the West never mentally develop beyond the wage-slave tier, I am talking more than 50%.[6]So all those tall tales of Muslims doing jihad and bringing in sharia law are just theatre for War. For example, the biggest Muslim immigrant group in France in Moroccans, who also happen to be the most regressive of Muslims, from a religious perspective. This includes people hired to run mosques (who are usually fly-by-night poors, because actual community leaders don’t exist). I have had instances of imams barking at me for my “sins” during the Friday sermons! In one case, an imam was warning people not to believe me in the Arabic part of the sermon,[7]Because I had discovered that a community figure who had embezzled more than a million dollars was being protected by Canadian Intelligence. but was careful not to repeat the same in the English translation of the sermon! (I can pick up Arabic, ha).
    • Western Authorities tend to be obsessed with child porn because the Phoenicians see it as “blackmail capital,” which can be used to round up all those involved in its production, and force them to work for the Phoenicians. They do not destroy it when they confiscate it, and instead add it to a “Library.”

I live in a Western Country and I am not a TI. What steps can I take to avoid becoming a TI?

  • If you have a public life, or are a public speaker, it is unlikely that you will be subjected to Gangstalking. You still however, may be subjected to covert ops.
  • Never broadcast your personal life (or pictures) on social media, especially Facebook.® (Or even your Professional Life on LinkedIn®) Why do you think they would invest billions of dollars so that people could catalogue their personal life and their social connections, while they sometimes operate these services even at loss? (Hint: They want you to sift through all that for them and reduce their burden).
  • Avoid sharing personal pictures, even on private messenger apps. FYI Whatsapp® was acquired by Facebook® and uploads all your phone contacts to them. The only somewhat private messenger apps remaining are Telegram® (The Secret Chat feature) and Session.
  • Always store email on your device. Not the cloud. Phoenicians can access email inboxes and read messages through a backdoor interface, which doesn’t mark the messages as read. All major “free” email services have this feature, which is why they are so aggressively pushed.
  • Never take IQ Tests. Some notable Testing Centers/Processes are associated with the CIA. The CIA is known to extend employment invitations to high IQ candidates, and Gangstalk them when they refuse.
  • Never take genealogy tests. Certain genetic types seem to trigger Phoenicians. In addition, many people in the West are unknowingly related to the Phoenicians. If you are one of them genetically, they might want you back.
  • Avoid generating documentation of your MBTI type. Some rare personality types, like INFJs[8]Note that there are 10 fake INFJs for every real one. Anyone publicly claiming to be one and engaging in attention whoring should be suspect. trigger them, because they can see through deception (Guess where I supposedly fall).
  • If you go to Western University, make your career strictly technical. Avoid the Arts and Humanities because Phoenicians run most of these Departments.
  • Avoid any profession that borderlines on prostitution, such as Modeling. Such professions are a great way to invite solicitations from Phoenicians. They are very promiscuous people and some of them go through dozens of prostitutes in a month.
  • Avoid the Film Industry. Most popular actors are actually untalented people, whose looks and abilities get hyped because they are secret scions of Phoenician families. They are usually very insecure and don’t want competition. The very profession of theater/acting is Phoenician, and this is the reason why Western Universities have entire Departments for Theater. This is where young Phoenicians rehearse for their future roles as lying public figures.[9]Did you know that JFK Jr. was also an accomplished actor?

The strange 2001 movie Mulholland Drive may be based on the life of an unknown, but highly talented aspiring Canadian actress who had moved to Hollywood in the hope of Stardom. Only to be Gangstalked to the point where she is forced to fake her death in a staged car crash. But they still don’t leave her alone, and continue to obsessively play with her life and relationships, until she commits suicide.

I live in a Western Country and have become a TI. What should I do?

At the end of the day, the biggest weakness of Gangstalkers is their reliance on Government infrastructure and Government Support.

  • If you are introverted and don’t have a public life, you have to go public, even if nobody seems to be listening. Document everything and share it with authorities whenever you can, even if you know the investigations won’t go anywhere.
    • But at the same time, avoid the influx of fake friends they may send your way (If you are a big enough a priority for them). Never enter into a relationship with the ringers.
  • Avoid devices that engage in “Cloud Computing” in any way, shape or form. Anything connected to the Internet could be remotely configured to spy on you (if it’s not already doing so). Even that Roomba®.
  • Your cellphone is giving them your real-time location. Turn if off when not necessary. If you are big enough a priority, they can also watch you from satellites.
  • Phoenicians, and especially those assigned to Gangstalking need to feel in control. Note the emphasis on feel. You could become creative and make them feel in control by being selective in disclosing information about your plans in phone conversations and email, and then do the opposite. By the time they catch up, it would become too late for them to intervene.
  • Consider a change in location. What they can do in a city Financial District, or in an urban University Campus, is not the same as what they can do in a rural countryside, especially if its your home town. At the end of the day, the biggest weakness of Gangstalkers is their reliance on Government infrastructure and Government Support. Consult the maps discussed above and consider migrating to countries in white.
    •  If you are a big enough priority, they will try to continue the Gangstalking overseas. However, it may not be same as before. For example, if you were to go to present-day Saudi Arabia, they would try to deny you a residence by secretly contacting their Government and convincing them that you are actually a Terrorist/Assassin/Hacker/Pedophile/Ninja Turtle®but you can’t be openly arrested because you magically elude all attempts at gathering evidence. They would then try to have one of their people in Saudi Intelligence take up the Gangstalking, thus managing to fool the higher ups. The good part is that they are now in a precarious position. In countries like India, they directly use local crypto-Phoenicians and corrupt officials operating on a local level, while keeping the Ministry of Home Affairs (whom they would normally approach) in the dark. Again, there have been governments in the past, who tacitly allowed Phoenician ops on Indian soil (such as 26/11).
    • Governments are an extension of human society. At the end of the day, it all boils down to who are the people operating them. If the Phoenicians are the ones on a national or central level, then you have no option but to migrate. If non-Phoenicians are operating a Government, they may knowingly accommodate Phoenician requests to continue the Gangstalking only if they are morally corrupt. There are still some countries in white who would not participate, at least knowingly. Ironically, these ones are not democracies.

Governments are an extension of human society. At the end of the day, it all boils down to who are the people operating them. If the Phoenicians are the ones on a national or central level, then you have no option but to migrate.

Have any Targeted Individuals sued Gangstalkers?

There are numerous court cases in USA. Many end up being settled out of court. Only a tiny fraction of TIs have the presence of mind to document the details necessary for a court case. Finding reliable legal resources is another challenge.

Apart from Intelligence Agencies, what other Phoenician organizations supposedly participate in Gangstalking?

[US Only]: The following organizations repeatedly show up in TI testimonies:

Who are some interesting TIs you have come across?

TIs covered by Cabal Times:

  • Dr. Aafia Siddiqui: Someone at MIT got so obsessed with this bright Pakistani student that they abducted her from Pakistan and brought her back to the United States just so that they could repeatedly torture her at whim. One of her daughters is still missing.
  • Christopher Hillier: A Dalhousie University Med Student who had to flee to Ecuador after the University went Black Op on him. He has screenshots of his Facebook page being changed to Arabic (in the language settings)!
  • Another Dalhousie Med Student Stephen Tynes was severely blackwashed.
  • Another Dalhousie Med Student was accused of murder, but no body has been found to date. Both him and Tynes were in the early years of Med School. Were their coveted seats awarded to some other “priority” candidates?

Other TIs

  • A TI who once contacted me alleged that she once an employee for RBC (a major Canadian bank) and her Gangstalking started after she filed a Human Rights Complaint against her employer. She claimed that she was tricked into moving into a new building. One day, she returns home and notices a cloud of what appeared to be Hydrogen Sulphide gas on the floor! They were trying to kill her, and it seems that those in the neighboring flat were pumping it in using some kind of inlet in the wall. She showed me very convincing videos of cars, trucks and even buses honking when they passed by her door. She also showed me very convincing videos of small planes flying directly overhead. She was one of those headstrong Serbian girls who simply couldn’t fit into Canada’s compliant culture. I lost touch with her. Oddly enough, her face was later removed from all her socials. Her twitter was last active in 2020. Her last post (if it was indeed her) was a GIF of Putin winking. I hope they didn’t trick her into moving to Russia.
  • I came across an Indian-Hindu TI who had migrated to Canada from a poor village in India. He did not fit the regular demographic of people who end up becoming TIs in the West. I can only assume his Intelligence triggered someone, as he did sound fairly Intelligent.
  • I once came across a teenage American girl who claimed to be a victim of Gangstalking. The only thing this simple-minded teenager ever did was create some make-up tutorial videos on Youtube®. It seems she caught the fancy of some Phoenician in the hierarchy.

Other TI’s worth looking into:

  • Coming soon…

Can Gangstalkers really use Airplanes in Western Countries

Yes, but it serves no purpose other than intimidation. And most of the time, the pilots don’t even know what they are doing. People who work as pilots for the Air Force, the Navy or other Agencies are usually dumb jocks who do as told, no questions asked. Their salaries and pensions depend on that. Now if they were asked to do a low-fly over some coordinates, they would do so as many times as asked. Its the taxpayers who pay for the fuel anyways. They may not even be aware that you are directly below.

When I sometimes update Cabal Times in Halifax, a Navy-operated Sea King sometimes does a flyby (its rotors make a distinct noise). The first time I noticed, I was like cool….next time send in the UFO please. On 17th November 2023, I published a reconstruction of the entire history of Pakistan using declassified US documents. I recall a dozen flybys around that date. Twelve days later, it was announced that Henry Kissinger, who oversaw CIA intrigues in South Asia since the 60s, had died. But recent events in Bangladesh tell us that he is still in charge of the region.

Many moons ago, I noticed that a dangerous operative of Canadian Intelligence that I had once trailed, was trying to bomb a civilian airliner belonging to a non-Western country as part of a new “assignment.” I quietly notified the authorities of the country. When Canadian Intelligence found out it was me, someone fired a bullet into the wall of my workplace as a warning.[10]The story fed to the media was that someone got upset with his haircut at the neighboring barber shop! I thus ensured that I was not in Canada when I first published details about this operative (She is still alive, probably doing some new “assignment”). Once they figured out I was going to tell all, I started receiving desperate requests from US based relatives, whom I had lost touch with long ago, to stop what I was doing. They actually traveled to India just for that! I still went ahead and published. While doing so, an aircraft (pictured right) buzzed me from overhead, doing several, precariously low fly-bys. They wanted to remind me that they could get to me in India as well. You can read my full story here.

The F-35 is the top-of-the-line aircraft of the US Air Force, costing around US$100 million each. It has the ability to hover like a helicopter. Some believe that in September 2023, one such “hovering” F-35 was used to intimidate an armed militia meeting up in the woods of Charleston, North Carolina. In hover mode, the canopy opens, making the pilot very vulnerable. According to the rumors, the militia started firing at the aircraft and the exposed pilot with their powerful rifles, and the frightened pilot ejected, while the F-35 continued flying for 11 minutes before crashing into the woods!

Can Gangstalkers really use Directed Energy Weapons?

Yes. Jurgen Fuchs, a prominent victim of East Germany’s original Zersetsung program died in 1999 of a rare form of leukemia, believed to have been caused by an X-Ray machine. But this could only have been used on him while he was in prison.

But now, thanks to new American technologies funded by American taxpayers, we now have more precise Directed Energy Weapons. What’s more, some of these machines have been passed over to Cuba. In fact, the most convincing documentation of their usage emerged after they were used on American diplomats in Cuba! Many of these Americans were brought in to Halifax (Canada) where medical exams were conducted to cover up their permanent physiological damage. Halifax-based Dalhousie University (which was active in my own Gangstalking) later tried covering things up. It seems the purpose of these attacks was to discourage some voices in Washington who wanted normalization of ties with Cuba. If Washington insisted on that, Cuba was in no position to back down. That would eventually lead to thousands of American tourists flocking the failed state, and seeing the oppressive conditions and squalor with their own eyes. The Phoenicians run Communist Cuba just off the coast of Florida. And we are supposed to believe the Almighty USA would rather prefer raining “democracy” on Iraq and Afghanistan, rather than Cuba!

As much as I would want to ignore this, there are hundreds of testimonies of American women TIs who claim that they get “zapped” in their genitals.

Can Gangstalkers really use MK-ULTRA?

Not really. MK-ULTRA refers to a brainwashing program conducted by the CIA. It requires physical control and torture of subjects, for months and sometimes for years. This is in no way related to Gangstalking. The reason why we find this term popping up in discussions of Gangstalking is to obfuscate and confuse, as it sounds bizarre, and implies that a TI can somehow be remotely controlled, which is not true (Unless, and maybe, if the TI was earlier a victim of MK-ULTRA as well. But in that case, they would not have to Gangstalk him/her to get compliance).

Can Gangstalkers really use V2K?

No. Voice-To-Skull refers to some alleged technology that beams voices/thoughts directly to a TI’s head. If they really had the means to do something like that, then there would be no need for Gangstalking as that itself would be sufficient. The Creator has made the human mind more resilient than one can imagine. The V2K concept is aggressively promoted on discussion forums pertaining to Gangstalking (as well as some suspect information websites on Gangstalking) because it helps the casual outsider conflate Gangstalking with Schizophrenia, a spiritual/mental illness in which people also claim to hear voices. Once they can get a TI formally labelled as Schizophrenic, all his or her claims can be automatically discredited.

The Creator has made the human mind more resilient than one can imagine.

Just because patent applications and blueprints exist for something of this sort does not prove anything.

An abandoned Soviet mental hospital in Sochi, present-day Russia (Source). The Soviets built Gulags for actual opponents of the regime. But so-called Mental Asylums were built to label bright, critical thinkers who worried the Phoenicians, as psychiatric cases.

The reason why Western countries (including totalitarian Communist regimes) invest so heavily in elaborate mental health hospitals/asylums is so that they can throw TIs into such institutions, where they can be labelled for life as mental patients, and be drugged and monitored 24/7. The alternative, committing them to prison would require formal trials and raise a lot of eyebrows.


What are some Additional Resources on Gangstalking?

Check out this insightful article by Kim Whiting, a prisoner advocate. Also read the follow-up. And check out and a Subreddit on Gangstalking, but be warned that the sub is full of disinformation agents. Back in September 2023, someone claiming to be a former “Perp” posted some revealing information to that Subreddit, which is reproduced in full for posterity. It is highly recommended reading. It corroborates my earlier thesis that certain types of creative thinkers are targeted. The fact that this man is talking is another reason why most Gangstalking ops would be entrusted exclusively to Phoenicians.

*Slightly Edited and Reformatted.

I am a former military man (US Navy), now retired in my 70s. In the 80s, I worked for a (non-military) organization as a Threat Mitigation Specialist/TMS, which is effectively what you guys here know as “perps” or “gangstalkers”.

I’m not proud of what I did, and while I obviously cannot share the full details of who I worked with, why we did what we did, where I was based, etc., I will do my best to answer questions about Gangstalking and provide as much clarity (and proof, if possible) around the subject.

[Note: this comment seems to be an attempt to slide the discussion towards disinformation. Note the emphasis on “hearing voices,” which is used to label TI’s as schizophrenics.]

1 Harding, Luke (2011). Mafia State: How One Reporter Became an Enemy of the Brutal New Russia. New York: Random House. pp. 286–287. ISBN 978-0-85265-247-3
2 There is a saying that even if 400 British people inhabit an island, a Freemason Lodge will automatically pop up, and they will go about their business like nothing’s unusual.
3 Numerous Prophets were killed by Phoenicians throughout history. The Pharaohs of Egypt were aware of a Prophecy which stated that a Prophet from the then Jewish community would bring their downfall. And so, they had a program in place to kill Jewish boys at young age. It was only by divine happenstance that Moses escaped. Mary moved away with the infant Jesus (a Prophet) because it was clear they wanted to kill the infant. Prophet Muhammadﷺ faced numerous assassination attempts from the Jewish community in Medina, who were taking directions from the Phoenicians based in places like Tyre and Sidon.
4 Nowadays in Western countries, foreigners such as those connected with Chinese Intelligence are being used for Gangstalking roles deemed too sensitive for regular citizenry. If they are identified and reported to police, they can be immediately be withdrawn from the country, thus decreasing the likelihood of a paper trail pointing to local Phoenicians.
5 Many “Conservative” leaders tend to not just crypto-Phoenician, but also closeted gays. They love the “Conservative” label only because it helps with warmongering.
6 So all those tall tales of Muslims doing jihad and bringing in sharia law are just theatre for War. For example, the biggest Muslim immigrant group in France in Moroccans, who also happen to be the most regressive of Muslims, from a religious perspective.
7 Because I had discovered that a community figure who had embezzled more than a million dollars was being protected by Canadian Intelligence.
8 Note that there are 10 fake INFJs for every real one. Anyone publicly claiming to be one and engaging in attention whoring should be suspect.
9 Did you know that JFK Jr. was also an accomplished actor?
10 The story fed to the media was that someone got upset with his haircut at the neighboring barber shop!

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