“dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy
Or what the Globalists think of the American military.
Or what the Globalists think of the American military.
We are told that on April 18th-19th 2020, a shady Canadian, for reasons still unknown, committed multiple shootings and set fires at 16 locations in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, killing 22 people and injuring three others before he was shot and killed by police. We are told that this is supposed to be the deadliest shooting in Canadian history. The fact that he was driving a police car and wearing a police uniform immediately raised eyebrows. The fact that this shooting was used to implement a ban on some 1,500 models of weapons made many conspiracy theorists convinced that this was just another contrived event. In this post, we explore another angle. In the context of the Plandemic, was this event intended to indirectly enforce the COVID-19 lockdown in rural communities?
So far, I have come across two accounts of health professionals, both working in New York State, both claiming that patients belonging to Minority groups are being “murdered” in hospitals. Eerily, both accounts specifically mention the deployment of the autoPEEP setting of ventilators on such targeted patients, to blow their lungs out! This could explain why there was such a big emphasis on acquiring and using ventilators in the early stages of the supposed onset of COVID-19. But what would you expect from the state which gave us 9/11?
An online spat between two vaccine skeptics, each calling the other controlled opposition, has thrown up some revealing information on the historical role of the Kennedy Cabal in the Vaccination Program of the United States.
With the onset of COVID-19 in Wuhan in February 2020, many first-hand videos that got leaked onto YouTube showed a very curious phenomenon that seemed to affect only a small portion of the population. Here, we examine a possible connection with vaccines and 5G.
A review of a convincing theory (backed by scientific and medical evidence) that the so-called “tests” rushed in by the WHO and the CDC/FDA can produce up to 50% false positives, setting in motion a “Plandemic.”
In a report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network in May 2010, we find a coherent outline of how the current pandemic panic is playing out (and how it may continue to unfold).
Here is a list of mostly private financial supporters of Dalhousie University. Not surprisingly, we find a preponderance of all the usual suspects that are associated with Cabal Activity.
Despite numerous sources citing the effectiveness of using N95 masks to prevent contracting COVID-19 in public places, it seems some health authorities in the West are actually discouraging their use in public places.
Were the Khadr family of Canada victims caught in the crossfire of the so-called “War on Terror?” Or were they supporters of Al Qaida? After trekking through several unexplored rabbit holes, this post raises a third even more sinister possibility.
A wildly popular thread posted on a popular Turkish language forum in November 2019 posits a rather perplexing theory that Ottoman Sultan Selim I was a destroyer of the Turkic people. Since this is familiar territory, we review this newly emerging theory.
When the British left the Subcontinent in 1947, many hailed it as a new beginning for the newly “freed” countries, while conveniently ignoring the fact that the very secret networks that made British conquest and colonialism possible were still as active as they were in 1857. Following independence, these secret networks kept a low profile. But now Freemasons are out in the open, openly gloating about their power over the Indian people. A case point are these creepy motifs which were installed at a Terminal of Indira Gandhi International Airport.
Understanding the Kashmir Issue requires a thoughtful study of the relations crypto-Jewish secret groups had with Muslims throughout history. But since establishment historians deny the very existence of such secret groups, let alone their influence, a radical rethink is required.
On 1st May 2014, a post appeared on the subreddit r/india detailing an apocalyptic nuclear war that would be fought between India and Pakistan, beginning on 12th January 2019 and concluding on 26th March 2019. It was then dismissed as the product of a macabre imagination. But the current escalation of conflict since mid-February 2019 has many rereading the same post seriously.
In 2018, Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS), a private Indian company, began defaulting to lenders. This company is known for having completed some of the biggest public infrastructure projects of India. The Government of India responded by having two major Government owned shareholders of the company, the State Bank of India and the Life Insurance Corporation of India, inject Rs. 7500 crore (US$ 1056.34 million) claiming that this would ensure “Government control” of the debt ridden company, which...
Yesterday, a subreddit dedicated to urban exploration posted a recent photograph of an abandoned synagogue (see above). A video of the same shows a plaque which dates the place to the 1920s. It is in Liverpool, UK. The following happens to be the layout of the British Parliament (The House of Commons). To quote a commenter, [……….] All you need is some fancy green/red leather padding on the seats and an ostentatious mace and Her Majesty’s Government has a backup...