Documenting Cabal Activity : : Iconoclasm : : Analyses : : Unreported News


MH370, MH17, and now AirAsia Flight 8501…..Is Malaysia being targeted?

The disappearance of the Malaysian owned  AirAsia Flight 8501 on 28th December 2014, in the same year that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 mysteriously disappeared, and in the same year that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine raises the realistic possibility that Malaysia is being targeted by the Globalists. But in the absence of crazy leaders like Saddam Hussein and Mullah Omar who called for open confrontation with Western Powers, the Powers That be are being forced to use a...

New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like MH370, SWR111 may have secretly landed.

Did Swissair Flight 111 land at an Airbase?

Suggestive evidence that  Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was redirected to Diego Garcia keeps growing stronger. New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like...


Aafia and Malala; A Tale of Two Pakistani Women

2014 Nobel Peace Prize co-winner Malala Yusufzai made it to Time Magazines’s 25 Most Influential Teens for highlighting intimidation of women in Pakistan. While becoming an overnight celebrity in the West, she generates mixed reactions and even hostility in Pakistan. Another Pakistani woman, Aafia Siddiqui, continues to suffer far more physical injury and mental trauma than Malala, and maybe even rape. She even witnessed her youngest infant succumb to fatal injuries during her arrest. While Aafia was quietly flushed down the memory hole in the West, She has reemerged in Pakistan as a symbol of a nation’s blight.


Aboriginal Student Researching Missing Aboriginal Women at Halifax University Goes Missing!

Loretta Saunders, an Inuk woman who had begun researching missing aboriginal women at St. Mary’s University has been missing from Halifax since February 13th 2014. Mainstream media coverage can be found here. While some arrests have been made and some suspects have been dragged into court, there are several unusual things about the case. Universities in Halifax are becoming increasingly fatal for idealist students. This case is a strong candidate for the completely undocumented phenomenon of Criminal Cabal Activity in Western University.


Guess Who Hates the Bitcoin?

The writing is on the wall. The Powers That Be Hate the Bitcoin. But if in case that is not clear, here are some instances which indicate their dislike of the Bitcoin.


Documentary Review-Analysis; GASLAND highlights the Fracking Up of America

Gasland, a 2010 American documentary film, has made a lot of waves because of its critical view of the practice of fracking. The fracking industry has responded with not just a rebuttal, but a full documentary film of their own. Which only adds more merit to the film. While the producers may have intended to highlight the dangers of fracking, the documentary also becomes a poignant portrayal of eroding civil and property rights in North America.


Documentary Review-Analysis; The Hole Story sheds light on the Secret History of the Canadian Mining Industry

The Hole Story is a critical documentary on mining in Canada, from its early beginnings to its present state. Given the little known importance of mining in the history of Canada, it also turns out to become an informative exploration of the Secret History of Canada. While the documentary points fingers at “corporations” and “greed,” I believe there is a bigger subtext here. This is about people with no concept of living as free people being pushed into endangering free people in other parts of the world. The following are my own extrapolations based on selective facts culled from the documentary.

There's a Catcher in there, BEWARE!

Is there really a Cliff in the Rye Field? A critical interpretation of one of the most memorable literary memes

This article is a derivative of my original article on J.D. Salinger, produced for the Henry Makow website (It is recommended reading the original article before this one, for some perspective). The focus of this article is the most famous lines in The Catcher in the Rye, those of the protagonist Holden Caulfield talking to his sister. The title of the book is derived from these lines. It is important to note that this book actually is a very intense personal story,...


Escaping The Catcher in the Rye-Decrypting J.D. Salinger

While J.D. Salinger remains a popular literary icon, his official narrative is a case of “fill in the blanks.” Recently, a documentary was made which tried to fill in these blanks. While the documentary and its official book did indeed put greater than ever emphasis on Salinger’s role in World War II, it ended on a coy note that while Salinger’s disappearance from the writing scene after The Catcher in the Rye was unusual, he was still secretly working on more stories. The following is an attempt at decrypting J.D. Salinger based on a new interpretation of The Catcher in the Rye and new facts brought to light by the documentary (though not necessarily in agreement with it). Salinger’s role as a “counterintelligence officer” was shadowy, and that he probably never ceased his intelligence related activities after World War II. In fact this may account for his mysterious disappearance from the writing scene. Rereading The Catcher in the Rye reveals that its most memorable line is a very subtle but sharply accurate analogy of the sociopathic-kleptomaniac mindset of the Criminal Elite, who have an inexplicable tendency to “catch/protect/save/detain/control us……..for our own protection.


Room 237 Review-Analysis

In 2009, conspiracy theorist Jay Weidner wrote up an interesting article on how the moon landings may have been produced and directed by the enormously talented film director Stanley Kubrick. And that Stanley Kubrick’s later horror movie The Shining had been filled with clues about his role in the moon landings. As readers may be aware, Hollywood movies do contain subtle clues about what’s going on in the real world, but these are mainly to poke fun at the naiveté...


A Roadmap of the Dangers of Western University for Independent Minded Students

In my personal narrative, I outlined how some research into the role of the Soviet Union in the World Wars morphed into a full persecution campaign against me at Dalhousie University. While I may never recover from what happened, I did manage to gain a bird’s eye view of how Criminal Interests operate in a University Atmosphere. I have compiled these original insights into formal guide which will help students entering Western Universities fully understand the dangers they may have...


The World War Deception

The World War Deception is ground-breaking research into the two World Wars, which incorporates new developments in conspiracy literature. While there has been plenty of conspiracy literature into different facets of the two World Wars, this book attempts to provide a unified birds eye view of how the two World Wars were essential in shaping our world (for the worse). In addition, some original research into different facets of the World Wars are included.


Canada’s Department of Terrorism?

The following details my personal encounter with a “terrorist” operative of Canadian Intelligence (Beverly Geisbrecht alias Dulcy Israel alias Bev Kennedy alias Bruce Kennedy alias Paul Morris-Read), my role in exposing her, her attempts to find me, and the subsequent persecution I continue to face from her cohorts at Canadian Intelligence and officials at Dalhousie University (where I studied). Later, I connected the same terrorist to the Al-Qaida magazine INSPIRE, as well as the October 2010 cargo plane bombing plot. This plot was intended to take down a passenger airliner belonging to a Gulf country. In other words, the Calgary-based Criminal Elite of Canada were using Beverly Giesbrecht to secretly conduct acts of war against unsuspecting countries. Bev and her operations were most likely funded using Canadian public money. The bomb used in the attempted assassination of Saudi defence minister (and counter-terrorism chief) Prince Nayef, as well as the bomb used in the cargo plane plot may have been assembled in a government/military laboratory.


Shadow of the Devil

A reflection on my encounter with Criminal Groups at Dalhousie University, which resulted in the creation of this website (and which changed the course of my life).


Was Osama for Real? And Was He Killed in 2001?

Some sceptics believe Osama was not behind 9/11 and may have been framed. This article argues that Osama was in on the game since the beginning, and that the Bin Laden family might be members of the Global Elite. For the first time ever, this article also pieces together a theory that has been gaining traction in Pakistan since the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. That Osama was killed around December 2001 by a “rogue” MI-6 operative named Omar Saeed Shaikh, in an act of vigilantism . Sadly, Saeed did not get to claim the $25 million bounty on Osama’s head. Instead he got framed for the mysterious murder of reporter Daniel Pearl, who was preparing to tell the world about Saeed’s wondrous feat.