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Tagged: COVID-19

Cabal Times

Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died after receiving the Covid19 vaccine.

To quote, Chances are, if you’ve been keeping tabs on the COVID “coverup,: you’ve come across this story that began to unfold in 2022. There was a sudden spike in SIDS cases in Ottawa, Canada, where nine babies died shortly after their mothers received the vaccine. One detective, named Helen Grus, took it upon herself to investigate these incidents. Yet, simply for doing her job and delving into the vaccine’s possible role, she found herself suspended and vilified. It seems...

Cabal Times

France headed for Depopulation

France, a nation which aggressively pushed the Covid-19 vaccine, is now headed for depopulation. Apparently, birth rates are more difficult to hide than sudden deaths. Their crypto-Phoenician President is now offering fertility checks to his citizenry, in an effort to be pretend-concerned. Some of their brainwashed citizenry are still concerned about sharia law.

Cabal Times

South Korea heading for Rapid Depopulation (And Communist Invasion)

South Korea, a small, technologically advanced country, also has a strong culture of conformity. So the entire population lined up for their Covid19 vaccine shots. And now there are grim predictions that their birth rate has fallen so low, that they are headed for extinction. Of course,the data on deaths following the vaccine is being suppressed and attributed to other causes, but hiding birth rates is of course, more difficult. When Chinese backed Communists from North Korea once invaded, they...

Cabal Times

NS Health is Backpedaling on Vaccines!

It started with an innocuous “Statement” dated 21st February 2024, in which NSHA, IWK and the so-called Nova Scotia Health’s Emerging & Re-emerging Infections Network (ERIN) announced that those Healthcare employees who had stopped coming to work because they refused the mandatory clotshot may now return to work without proof of vaccination! (Please…..just come back). They are careful and weasel-worded. They don’t drop any references to vaccine safety, or vaccine injury, and still pretend to stand by the vaccines. Its...

Cabal Times

UberⓇ India is Hiring

Back in the days of the Pandemic, UberⓇ India distinguished itself as a notorious promoter of the Covid-19 vaccines. Customers using the UberⓇ app were even notified in advance that their driver was indeed vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. But as we now know, the vaccine may have made the driver more sick, by inducing Covid-19 and many other dangerous maladies. In other words, a vaccinated driver was more dangerous to the passengers than an unvaccinated one. And given the...


The Coming Emergence of the UN as a Superpower

Most readers of this website see the UN as a shady organization that operates out of an office building in New York, which relies on the financial support of the Globalists and the “aid” of developed nations (without which it would fold over in a couple of weeks). Given the number of nations pushing UN “Goals” at Expo2020, looks like that is about to change.


Full Transcript of Dr. Dan Stock’s address to the Mt. Vernon School Board

Dr. Dan Stock, a specialist in Immunology and Inflammation, gave a six minute presentation to a US School Board on 6th August 2021, in which he made an articulate case that the CDC’s Covid-19 protocols were not just futile, but unscientific. He drew attention to the fact that since Covid-19 had animal reservoirs, it will always be with us (unless they start vaccinating all the animals, which could be amusing). NoNewNormal, a popular Subreddit which played a key role in making his presentation viral, has now been “quarantined” by Reddit.


Transcript of Dr. Charles Hoffe Interview on how mRNA Vaccines cause Blood Clots, and how up to 60% of mRNA Vaccine Recipients could succumb to Heart Failure!

This is probably the most eloquent description (so far) of how mRNA based vaccines induce blood clots. Dr. Charles Hoffe believes that the mRNA vaccines create microscopic blood clots in the capillaries of the vaccinated and at least 60 percent of mRNA based vaccine recipients could eventually succumb to heart failure! Dr. Hoffe believes that the majority of the blood clots are microscopic and remain undetected, unless D-Dimer tests are performed within a specific timeframe. Unfortunately, Dr. Hoffe’s quest to gather patient data on this phenomenon has been disrupted because “wildfires” destroyed his practice in Lytton (British Columbia (Canada), and 90% of the town of Lytton.


Full Transcript of MP Derek Sloan’s Parliamentary Press Conference Regarding the Censorship of Doctors and Scientists in Canada, Featuring the Explosive Testimony of Vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle

Today we feature a Canadian Member of Parliament, who managed to get away with hosting a Press Conference on Parliament Hill itself on 17th June 2021. This interaction will best be remembered for the explosive testimony of Canadian Vaccinologist Dr. Byron Bridal. What he had to say will linger for a long time to come.


A Garrulous Account of the Crisis Unfolding in India

I normally do not reproduce papers on the Miles Mathis website in the interests of sticking to original content. But a paper was added to the website on 2nd June 2021 by an Indian guest writer which deserves a good read. It brilliantly culminates the trajectory which I had earlier set on in earlier posts. Here it is with some obligatory extrapolation and commentary.