Tagged: False Prophets and Decepticons


The Secret History of British India’s “Freedom Movements”

The Phoenicians made considerable efforts to conquer India through the British. Would they give it all up to some local leaders after two centuries, or did they have their very own set of leaders/movements for a post-British Subcontinent? For the first time ever in history, we analyze the failed “Rebellion” of 1857 as a Spook Op. And we discover that it is being used as a Playbook for Spook Ops to the present day!


The Russia-Ukraine “War;” How it Started versus How it’s Going

This analysis demonstrates that while the timing of the Russian-Ukraine War was indeed whimsical and suspicious, the war itself had been in the works for decades, and will ominously unfold into an even bigger conflict, as planned. As we shall explore, the “war” actually fits into several concurrent agendas of the The Powers That Be. But as with all human-made plans, things aren’t exactly going as planned


Is Raif Badawi for real or just another “Project”?

On 2nd August 2018, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland made a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of Samar Badawi in Saudi Arabia. Samar is the sister of Raif Badawi, a supposed “human rights activist” in Saudi Arabia. On 3rd August 2018, the Foreign Policy Canada Twitter account followed up with a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of supposed “human rights activists” in Saudi Arabia. What followed was an unexpected deterioration of foreign relations, as Saudi Arabia took these...


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Did JFK fake his Death and take the *REAL* American Presidency Underground?

At some point, it becomes mandatory for any relevant conspiracy website to talk about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK). I avoided doing so in the interest of producing original content. Many theories interested me, but I felt I had nothing to add. I erroneously believed that his assassination may have been linked to reigning in the Federal Reserve, or attempting to dismantle the CIA (thanks Oliver Stone). I failed to see that these conspiracy theories were fairly...

There's a Catcher in there, BEWARE!

Is there really a Cliff in the Rye Field? A critical interpretation of one of the most memorable literary memes

This article is a derivative of my original article on J.D. Salinger, produced for the Henry Makow website (It is recommended reading the original article before this one, for some perspective). The focus of this article is the most famous lines in The Catcher in the Rye, those of the protagonist Holden Caulfield talking to his sister. The title of the book is derived from these lines. It is important to note that this book actually is a very intense personal story,...


Escaping The Catcher in the Rye-Decrypting J.D. Salinger

While J.D. Salinger remains a popular literary icon, his official narrative is a case of “fill in the blanks.” Recently, a documentary was made which tried to fill in these blanks. While the documentary and its official book did indeed put greater than ever emphasis on Salinger’s role in World War II, it ended on a coy note that while Salinger’s disappearance from the writing scene after The Catcher in the Rye was unusual, he was still secretly working on more stories. The following is an attempt at decrypting J.D. Salinger based on a new interpretation of The Catcher in the Rye and new facts brought to light by the documentary (though not necessarily in agreement with it). Salinger’s role as a “counterintelligence officer” was shadowy, and that he probably never ceased his intelligence related activities after World War II. In fact this may account for his mysterious disappearance from the writing scene. Rereading The Catcher in the Rye reveals that its most memorable line is a very subtle but sharply accurate analogy of the sociopathic-kleptomaniac mindset of the Criminal Elite, who have an inexplicable tendency to “catch/protect/save/detain/control us……..for our own protection.


Was Osama for Real? And Was He Killed in 2001?

Some sceptics believe Osama was not behind 9/11 and may have been framed. This article argues that Osama was in on the game since the beginning, and that the Bin Laden family might be members of the Global Elite. For the first time ever, this article also pieces together a theory that has been gaining traction in Pakistan since the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. That Osama was killed around December 2001 by a “rogue” MI-6 operative named Omar Saeed Shaikh, in an act of vigilantism . Sadly, Saeed did not get to claim the $25 million bounty on Osama’s head. Instead he got framed for the mysterious murder of reporter Daniel Pearl, who was preparing to tell the world about Saeed’s wondrous feat.