Tagged: Gamechanger


The Secret History of British India’s “Freedom Movements”

The Phoenicians made considerable efforts to conquer India through the British. Would they give it all up to some local leaders after two centuries, or did they have their very own set of leaders/movements for a post-British Subcontinent? For the first time ever in history, we analyze the failed “Rebellion” of 1857 as a Spook Op. And we discover that it is being used as a Playbook for Spook Ops to the present day!


Transcript of Dr. Charles Hoffe Interview on how mRNA Vaccines cause Blood Clots, and how up to 60% of mRNA Vaccine Recipients could succumb to Heart Failure!

This is probably the most eloquent description (so far) of how mRNA based vaccines induce blood clots. Dr. Charles Hoffe believes that the mRNA vaccines create microscopic blood clots in the capillaries of the vaccinated and at least 60 percent of mRNA based vaccine recipients could eventually succumb to heart failure! Dr. Hoffe believes that the majority of the blood clots are microscopic and remain undetected, unless D-Dimer tests are performed within a specific timeframe. Unfortunately, Dr. Hoffe’s quest to gather patient data on this phenomenon has been disrupted because “wildfires” destroyed his practice in Lytton (British Columbia (Canada), and 90% of the town of Lytton.


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Did JFK fake his Death and take the *REAL* American Presidency Underground?

At some point, it becomes mandatory for any relevant conspiracy website to talk about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK). I avoided doing so in the interest of producing original content. Many theories interested me, but I felt I had nothing to add. I erroneously believed that his assassination may have been linked to reigning in the Federal Reserve, or attempting to dismantle the CIA (thanks Oliver Stone). I failed to see that these conspiracy theories were fairly...


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Did Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappear by shadowing Singapore Airlines Flight 68?

Nine days after Flight MH370 vanished into thin air, IT professional and aviation enthusiast Keith Ledgerwood came up with an interesting observation. As we are aware, MH370 vanished after turning off its transponder, and this disappearance was covered in detail at Cabal Times. What if MH370 started shadowing the flight path of another Boeing 777 which still had its transponder turned on to escape radar scrutiny? After meticulously digging up all other flights in the vicinity, he arrived at the...