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Tagged: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370


Burnt Book Review: Tom Juby’s Full Disclosure of the Swissair 111 Crash Investigation Yields a Surprising Connection to 9/11

A lot of what we know about anomalies in the Swissair 111 Crash and contradictions in the official story would probably never come to light were it not for the efforts conscience of RCMP Forensic Investigator  Tom Juby (Thomas C. Juby). When Cabal Times investigated the Swissair 111 Crash, we noted the importance of Juby’s claims. But at the same time, we also noticed that Juby had gone off the radar. We assumed he had been muzzled for good and...


Indonesia OFFICIALLY unimpressed by Cabal Times’ coverage of MH370

When we started this website, our goal was to provide rare and valuable information to a small but discerning community of truth seekers, so as to aid their personal quests. We always avoided the fear-mongering, sensationalism and apocalyptic visions found on typical conspiracy websites. We fully understand that our analyses is not for everybody. Western media, which is completely compromised by The Powers That Be, always avoids us. At times, they even create investigative “spin” documentaries which draw their outlines from...


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Did Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappear by shadowing Singapore Airlines Flight 68?

Nine days after Flight MH370 vanished into thin air, IT professional and aviation enthusiast Keith Ledgerwood came up with an interesting observation. As we are aware, MH370 vanished after turning off its transponder, and this disappearance was covered in detail at Cabal Times. What if MH370 started shadowing the flight path of another Boeing 777 which still had its transponder turned on to escape radar scrutiny? After meticulously digging up all other flights in the vicinity, he arrived at the...


MH370, MH17, and now AirAsia Flight 8501…..Is Malaysia being targeted?

The disappearance of the Malaysian owned  AirAsia Flight 8501 on 28th December 2014, in the same year that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 mysteriously disappeared, and in the same year that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine raises the realistic possibility that Malaysia is being targeted by the Globalists. But in the absence of crazy leaders like Saddam Hussein and Mullah Omar who called for open confrontation with Western Powers, the Powers That be are being forced to use a...

New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like MH370, SWR111 may have secretly landed.

Did Swissair Flight 111 land at an Airbase?

Suggestive evidence that  Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was redirected to Diego Garcia keeps growing stronger. New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like...