The Islamic Prohibition on Indirect Taxes
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
An inquiry into the legitimacy of modern indirect taxes, in the perspective of Islamic Scripture.
In this post, I explore a completely unknown facet of the life a man considered to be the last of the great classical poets of the Urdu language.
The alternative to present-day Global Economic malaise is the little known Economic Model of 7th Century Medina. This Review-Analysis carefully dissects an important book on the same.
Pakistan became “free” in 1979, not 1947. And ironically, freedom for Pakistan came in the form of a military coup against a “civilian” leader. Musharraf saved Pakistan. Imran Khan was set up to be Pakistan’s last Prime Minister, with the expiry date of Pakistan set to 2019. Read on for more incredible truths.
On the Pakistani who allegedly “died” in the Titan submersible hoax of 2023.
The recent ousting of populist Prime Minister Imran Khan, by the combined efforts of the Pakistani Military, the Pakistani Intelligence and the Pakistani Judiciary has many people pointing fingers in different directions. Here is our analysis.
The Phoenicians made considerable efforts to conquer India through the British. Would they give it all up to some local leaders after two centuries, or did they have their very own set of leaders/movements for a post-British Subcontinent? For the first time ever in history, we analyze the failed “Rebellion” of 1857 as a Spook Op. And we discover that it is being used as a Playbook for Spook Ops to the present day!
Something odd is happening in Kabul right now.
I normally do not reproduce papers on the Miles Mathis website in the interests of sticking to original content. But a paper was added to the website on 2nd June 2021 by an Indian guest writer which deserves a good read. It brilliantly culminates the trajectory which I had earlier set on in earlier posts. Here it is with some obligatory extrapolation and commentary.
Here is what Iqbal had to say in his Persian language poetic book Payam-i-Mashriq (1923). It is clear that he never saw any good coming out of it, and would actively oppose any Muslim country seeking membership, if he was still alive.
A few days ago, Prof. Henry Makow linked up a now rare but once popular book published in 1951, which sheds some little-known information on the origins of Communist China (or the China as we know it). Here is some additional analysis and extrapolation.
Understanding the Kashmir Issue requires a thoughtful study of the relations crypto-Jewish secret groups had with Muslims throughout history. But since establishment historians deny the very existence of such secret groups, let alone their influence, a radical rethink is required.
On 1st May 2014, a post appeared on the subreddit r/india detailing an apocalyptic nuclear war that would be fought between India and Pakistan, beginning on 12th January 2019 and concluding on 26th March 2019. It was then dismissed as the product of a macabre imagination. But the current escalation of conflict since mid-February 2019 has many rereading the same post seriously.
In this post, I intend to prove that since medieval times, the Illuminati has had a connection to the Indian heartland known as the Punjab. And that they invented entirely new belief systems with sole purpose of gathering people to wage violent wars of annihilation against the Mughals. I will further prove that these secret bloodlines are still active, and continue to haunt the destinies of modern-day India, Pakistan and even Bangladesh. In the course of doing so, we discover...
In the modern history of the Indian Subcontinent, no mystery is bigger than the 1945 disappearance of prominent Indian freedom fighter Subhas Chandra Bose aka Netaji. Numerous Inquiry Commissions have sat over the years. Several books have been written. Many movies have been made. Yet far too many questions remain unanswered. In his game changing book What Happened to Netaji? Anuj Dhar comes up with some startling new pieces of information. While he has his answers too, I have been...
Most people who are tangentially aware of the existence of Islamic political philosopher Syed Abul A’la Maududi (1903-1979) are quick to recall the fact that he was sentenced to death in Pakistan (1953), a sentence which was later lifted due to his popularity. We have managed to obtain a rare 1978 booklet written by his supporters, which specifically narrates this incident. Reading it gives tremendous insights into the shadowy forces at work in the newly created nation of Pakistan.
When the British put a brutal end to the Mughals following 1857, they were presented with a unique historical opportunity. They could have redeemed themselves by ruling India better than their Mughal predecessors, thereby establishing themselves in the Indian Subcontinent for all time to come. Instead, what unfolded was a calculated program to sacrifice the economy of the Indian Subcontinent, which was then 27 percent (p. 4) of the global economy (more than Europe), for global conflict to advance Illuminati...
Once upon a time, kingdom as big as modern Germany straddled the Deccan plateau South India. This investigative essay attempts to chronicle it’s secret, untold history, from its auspicious beginnings to its abrupt and mysterious end in 1948. We examine the kingdom’s founder, the Nizam, an extraordinary man who emerged as the guardian of the Mughals, battling Illuminati conspiracies all his life, and saving the Mughal rulers of the Indian Subcontinent from imminent destruction three times. We look at the...
On 15th December 2012, a team of nine “terrorists” attacked Peshawar International Airport. Armed to the teeth, the attackers hit the airport with rockets, killing four civilians and injuring many more. There would have been huge casualties if they had managed to enter the Airport, and maybe even damage to civilian aircraft. But thanks to the alertness of security personnel, they failed to do so. Five of the attackers were killed in the ensuing gun battle. But two of them appeared to...